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1. What is the difference between a work team and a work group?

2. How do work teams contribute to organizational effectiveness?

3. What are the characteristics of an effective work team?

4. What are the stages of team development according to Tuckman's model?

5. How can a team leader foster trust among team members?

6. What role does communication play in effective teamwork?

7. How does diversity within a team impact its performance?

8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cross-functional teams?

9. How can conflicts be managed within a work team?

10. What strategies can be used to enhance collaboration within a virtual team?

11. How can team members overcome challenges related to remote work?

12. What are the key factors that contribute to team cohesion?

13. How can a team leader encourage innovation within a team setting?

14. What are some examples of successful team-building activities?

15. How does team size affect team dynamics and performance?

16. What are the common barriers to effective teamwork in organizations?

17. How can a team effectively delegate tasks among its members?

18. How do teams benefit from effective leadership?

19. What are the roles of individuals within a self-managed team?

20. How can a team effectively handle a tight deadline?

21. What are the characteristics of a high-performing team?

22. How can social loafing be prevented within a team?

23. What are the ethical considerations when working in a team environment?

24. How can a team leverage individual strengths to achieve collective goals?

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