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This Parent Responsibility Contract ("Contract") is entered into on 13 th April, 2024 between:
Stephen Nderitu (hereinafter referred to as "Father"), and Grace Mwihaki (hereinafter referred to as
Collectively referred to as the "Parents."
WHEREAS, the Parents share parental responsibility for their son, Prince Steve Kimunge, who currently
resides and schools in Ting’ang’a Kiambu county with his mother and recognize the importance of
ensuring his emotional and psychological well-being through regular interaction with both Parents;
WHEREAS, the Parents wish to establish clear guidelines and responsibilities regarding the visitation
rights of each Parent during holidays and the shared financial responsibilities for the upbringing and
education of their son, Prince Steve;
THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual promises contained herein, the Parents agree
as follows:
1. Visitation Rights:
1.1 Holiday Visitation: Both the Father and the mother shall have equal right to spend time with Prince
Steve during school holidays, as outlined in the academic calendar of Prince Steve's educational
1.2 Return to Mother: Prince Steve shall return to the Mother's care by the commencement of the new
school term, in order to ensure his timely attendance at school.
1.3 Flexibility: The Parents agree to be flexible with holiday visitation schedules when unforeseen
circumstances arise, provided that any changes are communicated and agreed upon in advance.
2. Financial Responsibilities:
2.1 Shared Expenses: Both Parents shall contribute equally to the expenses related to Prince Steve's
upbringing and education, including but not limited to:
 School fees
 Uniforms
 School supplies
 Clothing
 Extracurricular activities
 Medical expenses
2.2 Payment Schedule: The Parents shall agree upon a mutually acceptable payment schedule for sharing
these expenses, taking into account their respective financial circumstances.
2.3 Records and Receipts: Both Parents shall maintain accurate records of expenses related to Prince
Steve's upbringing and education, and shall provide receipts or other documentation as necessary to verify
these expenses.
3. Emotional and Psychological Well-being:
3.1 Encouraging Interaction: Both Parents shall actively encourage and facilitate opportunities for
Prince Steve to interact with and maintain a meaningful relationship with each Parent.
3.2 Communication: The Parents shall maintain open and respectful communication with each other
regarding Prince Steve's emotional and psychological well-being, and shall promptly address any
concerns or issues that may arise.
3.3 Healthy boundaries: Both parents agree to maintain healthy boundaries between their career and this
matter. This also includes future partners. To maintain boundaries that are both conscious and respectful.
Being mindful of each other’s comfort and the emotional wellbeing of both sides.
4. Modification and Termination:
4.1 Modification: This Contract may be modified or amended at any time by written agreement of both
Parents, provided that such modifications are in the best interests of Prince Steve. This includes where
either parent is involved with a future partner.
4.2 Termination: This Contract shall remain in effect until Prince Steve reaches the age of majority,
unless terminated earlier by written agreement of both Parents or by order of a court of competent
5. Governing Law:
5.1 Jurisdiction: This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
republic of Kenya, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law provisions.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parents have executed this Parent Responsibility Contract as of the date
first above written.
Name sign date
Stephen Nderitu _________________ ___________________
Grace Mwihaki _________________ ___________________

In witness (Chief Kabaru location)

Name sign date

In witness (Chief Ting’ang’a Location)

Name sign date

In witness (Attorney)
Name sign date

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