SB - 1.17.37

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SB - 1.17.37
näräyaëaà namaskåtya, naraà caiva narottamam, devéà sarasvatéà vyäsaà, tato jayam udérayet
nañöa-präyeñv abhadreñu, nityaà bhägavata-sevayä, bhagavaty uttama-çloke, bhaktir bhavati naiñöhiké

tan me dharma-bhåtäà çreñöha

sthänaà nirdeñöum arhasi
yatraiva niyato vatsya
ätiñöhaàs te 'nuçäsanam
tat—therefore; me—for me; dharma-bhåtäm—of all the protectors of religion; çreñöha—O
chief; sthänam—place; nirdeñöum—fix; arhasi—may you do so; yatra—where; eva—certainly;
niyataù—always; vatsye—can reside; ätiñöhan—permanently situated; te—your; anuçäsanam
—under your rule.
Therefore, O chief amongst the protectors of religion, please fix some place for me where I can
live permanently under the protection of your government.
The personality of Kali addressed Mahäräja Parékñit as the chief amongst the protectors of
religiosity because the king refrained from killing a person who surrendered unto him. A
surrendered soul should be given all protection, even though he may be an enemy. That is the
principle of religion. And we can just imagine what sort of protection is given by the
Personality of Godhead to the person who surrenders unto Him, not as an enemy but as a
devoted servitor. The Lord protects the surrendered soul from all sins and all resultant reactions
of sinful acts (Bg. 18.66).
Everyone needs protection.
Someone sent a video of a dog (bulldog) on a master’s lap. It was barking. It was behaving like
a lion. When master went away it became like a lamb. So, natural. Psychology.

Duryodhana, with Dhåtaräñöra’s consent, plotted to kill the young sons of Päëòu, and it was
only by the careful protection of their uncle Vidura and their cousin Lord Kåñëa that the
Päëòavas escaped the many attempts against their lives. Now, Lord Kåñëa was not an ordinary
man but the Supreme Godhead Himself, who had descended to earth and was playing the role
of a prince in a contemporary dynasty. In this role He was also the nephew of Päëòu’s wife
Kunté, or Påthä, the mother of the Päëòavas. So both as a relative and as the eternal upholder of
religion, Kåñëa favored the righteous sons of Päëòu and protected them.
BG 1.10
aparyäptaà tad asmäkaà, balaà bhéñmäbhirakñitam
paryäptaà tv idam eteñäà, balaà bhémäbhirakñitam
Our strength is immeasurable, and we are perfectly protected by Grandfather Bhisma, whereas
the strength of the Pandavas, carefully protected by Bhima, is limited. =>

P -> even to enemy of the Lord. In Ramayana, Vibhishana surrendered & Lord Rama gave full
Not only that, Since King Parikshit also received the same protection from Lord Himself, he
was completely fearless also. A fearless person alone can give others protection. Rich, Bhakti.
P -> The personality of Kali addressed Mahäräja Parékñit as the chief amongst the protectors of
religiosity because the king refrained from killing a person who surrendered unto him.
Israel vs Hamas/Palestine war. Russia vs Ukraine war, etc…. People fleeing. No protection.
All the devotees of the Lord are fearless. Their fearlessness shows their advancement. Avaśya
rakṣibe kṛṣṇ a. This is śaraṇ ā gati. Gopas. Nitya-siddhas. Aghasura pastime. Soul merged!!!
=> In the olden days, the brā hmaṇ as, the cows, the women, the children and the old men were
properly given protection.
=> ananyā ś cintayanto mā ṁ , ye janā ḥ paryupā sate, teṣā ṁ nityā bhiyuktā nā ṁ , yoga-kṣemaṁ
Kṣema refers to the merciful protection of the Lord. The Lord helps the devotee to achieve
Kṛṣṇ a consciousness by yoga, and when he becomes fully Kṛṣṇ a conscious the Lord protects
him from falling down to a miserable conditioned life.
=> The jīva-tattvas are infinitesimal potential particles of the Lord, and therefore they require
the protection of the Lord at all times. And to the eternal servitors of the Lord, the Lord is
pleased to give all protection at all times. SB 1.14.32-33, Purport.
=> We have already come to know that the influence of the age of Kali is meant for godless so-
called civilized man; those who are under the protection of the Lord have nothing to fear from
this horrible age. SB 1.15.37, Purport.
=> Unless the living entity comes to the guaranteed protection of the Supreme Lord, he is full of
anxiety. CC Madhya 1.206, Translation and Purport.
=> 10 topics of SB just like 5 subjects in BG.
4) Poshanam – protection by the Lord – atra sargo visargah ca. sthanam, poshanam
causeless mercy of the Lord.”
nityo nityanam chetanash chetananam eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman
For the devotees of the Lord, poshanam refers to the Lord’s causeless mercy and protection.
Protection from hunger is the lowest form of protection, which the Lord offers to the
conditioned living entities. For the devotees, the Lord’s protection is protection from the
illusion of maya. The Lord gives the devotee the strength to always remember Him and engage
in His devotional service.
Just like a law-abiding citizen is fearless of police. What to speak of son of a President, police is
giving special protection for him. Rather police is scared of him!!!
Some so-called sanataniyas get angry when Krsna is called as makhan-chor.
SP purport to HKMM  These three words, namely Hare, Kåñëa, and Räma, are the
transcendental seeds of the mahä-mantra. The chanting is a spiritual call for the Lord and His
internal energy, Harä, to give protection to the conditioned soul. This chanting is exactly like
the genuine cry of a child for its mother.

Srila BVT – vraja jana palana……. Marobi rakho bhi jo iccha tomara… tumi sarveshwares…
Sri CM:-- kåñëa kåñëa kåñëa kåñëa kåñëa kåñëa rakña mäm
kåñëa kåñëa kåñëa kåñëa kåñëa kåñëa pähi mäm
räma räghava räma räghava räma räghava rakña mäm
kåñëa keçava kåñëa keçava kåñëa keçava pähi mäm
One of the great pure devotees – Glorified and composed a song on Holy Name…. Gajendra,
Prahlada Maharaj, Draupadi, Dhruva, Ajamila – all were saved just by HOLY NAME.
SP Pastime:
SP is Abhaya Charan – Lord whose Lotus gives complete fearlessness and protection.

Hare Krishna maha-mantra, Attend Temple programs, aratis, classes, festivals, render practical
d.s, read and preach and distribute SP books, honor and distribute prasadam and the human
form of life will be successful by going BH, BTG. !!! Haribol !!!

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