Module - 3 - Electric Vehicles EV's & Hybrid Electric Vehicle

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Ast Pro
Ettnc VehiclesCEVs) TET,Hobballi

Electnc hicle CEVs)

An eldoe Vehicles CEVs) a vehick thaF
uses One 0n mo eadic moto y o r þropq sin

I1 can powesed by Colle ttor System r
lectnuty fom t x t a Vehiculansounce. dr

t Cam be powered k aufonomouly by 6att

C&omu hima changd by Solan panel& or
other Bo wn ca)

Componeos Electnic ehicla

I n am
an edettmc dive
Vehiclu ia
h e auxiliary
electnity to pewey
bathery provideB

Eleltie trachon motor:

the trachon batery back,
USing pouoer fo m

motor daivu he vehicl wheels. Some

Vehicla e motor genaatothat þerform8
bofh the drive amd genchafon funcdon

ii )Ele dot Lovee ther-

The 1overty Convere battery's DC i'nto Ac ohich
,S wseet Centrol 1he motor& beed. The device rupohs i
or cxecuhog accerahon Deceleration. Ko it +ake Cau Cal
pant 1n maximi2ing EVs dvabig

) DC/De Convrrter:
This devite Convnt& high nolkage
DC powe

the lo wer
from the tratio batkry pack o
tededto r u n Vehiclu aaotson
Veltag D pouwer
and vecha rge he auxiliary batkry

(v)7ransmission ( Eledc)
The toaumissio ntransfu mchanita bower
o he clednit fra tton motor to d e
he coheels.

(vi) Th 7mal aSyStem CCooliog)

This &ystern maintams a
paoper Opahng
embratww Tange othe htnt motor, power
elt nic devitu amd oth lombonents

vii Poner Ele Cronit Contoels

This unit
manags thi ftoco n eltdweal
delivered by ths tracion emhy
&ped q the letme trattton batfey. Controlliog
torqu t phodutes. o tor and fhu
yiü) 0nbomd Charger:
Taku thu
inomlrg Ac eletmoty Sapply. V/a
Port am Convtt i'nt DC po weyor ta Charger
toobatkry chargi
hangepord Yehicle's
n Order
o Connet exfernal þoer Suppy to
to Charge fhe fra ctfo htttery

om bead

Kegenrgat ve

Avarrraga anc pis -gdvanaga VS


0 Reduted erm/ssioms
EV mo toxs aru gue and Kmoth

Hiygh perfosrm ane amad lo malotaince.

(u) |Kow ele ctonu'hy onBumpion

lan be changed overight on foo s
electrity peroau ce by ay Ppaniena.
imcludng renewab leR
Simpliicd ovey trans
envii good fo rque
1/ry rponsse and Ver

gooc aceld ahoo


ETectr'dty Stovage
is h l expenie

(i Batty chaning me cont urni

i Suliuent bublie changng infoastru tkee
s SH lackiog.
Ar heavy due h 0w lo acded batheda.

The inihel inut ment 9 EVis high

) Shoot divnog Tange and Spee
Baltria aru mon ryclable
Cevipn aha4. N. M
Medule-3 Ast Protov
Insight into fature Mobiliy Tchmology
ol) Electrie and Hy6rid Vhic
"A hy6rd ve hical is a e hitele that se too
0n mor dishincd power Sowrc to run. it

Ordinanily 1 the vehicale which dary denu

the powe r tro tmy ene Sowr Ce 1-e IC enge.
ohich unu b penel on di'sd
But Zn (an hybid Vhicle
m additioo to engtn Ihoe is an eletfre
batkry which s tapasl Sagpying for to
Tun fhe hicle Hence such hicies a Called
Hy bid vehicle
The advantages el HEVS are
imfrovd fued
tonemy, effiucny and rduced trnissiens
The di'sadvaotage HEV ane is coft

Componenk HEvs
Ci) Perol or Dlsd engéni
T mest e he
hy6rid Vehidd, Ic engind
acs as he maun sowrce powe
() Ele tnic motori

It trary farm the

ektrit tnsgy Ahnd in a
batry inb methanltal ensgy. It doivuth

Cau) Eletnic batkry

THs funtron i t stoe the electic on
and Supply Chegy
henevv netus any.
iv) Invrki:
Eletni uty &tord in am eletnic batey 1S
in he Jorm f Dint twnent
CDe). lohle
ma/onit ehe movos wedin th
pruent day hybm'd hiedg guin Alkmahg
Cwsent LA) nun it oso inveatr fforris
Th fuochen lenvertieg fha de
A c for the moto fmmbatog
) Eletnte enator
The untion genes ator is 5 pno dute
lttniuty ohmarinn by am
exferna Sounce
Sens hy6nd ua This Comfonent ohue Ie
ddns the gendafor to Pro aute elttnluty. engebe
Cohich hun Chajd hu 6atiry
&i) Contnol modale:
It i the mst inhortant Cemponeotby6r
Vehicle. tt ontmol th entie operoben
the hiCh sownass
by Synthm izing al poWa
aa Type HEVS:
Sens Hybd Elttme Vehicha:



Ponwer motoY
Batt ConveTtr

Ho Aw0 0 mon ombonens CommecdA

divn he 1rans m/sSi on
The ICengtne ohich is dnnng a gen aer
omd w hich is Con nelted to bowey ctnonie
onverten and a balry. uhmatly 4he
motor 1 dnnng Tha trdxmssim
mopr tke bnty Soee hat nv the
tTasmrISi Sstm
The onveukf eltnitty rrn he gend afpv eihu
uel to Change fhe batfery or (an by pas the
6alfay prepe/ he Coheels 4 ha mofe
amd mcchanttalfrars mitSie

() The is
mechanlcal toupling bho
nyne amd d ven cohed that
I mginu ops ati
at 1/s nasa
hmcehdeny 9 tc vnge inarsd 0pimdrgim
Thor is no mulh gras
tran mi si oo s41tm
rqund betaui fala vrqu nnl
-Spe ed chaastrsh
Dis -advaotaj s

i)The endgy lonurttd twice

amd then to mcchanttad (mechanial h detrled
amd his orducy the
Onral edh dny.
i)Two ekdnic machines a r muded m
md Aneher a mepr0v isgthes afor
mbLm So thaf pa dty al wught tha syp
Cot t C2 1neasd tammission raeend4
The Sne hybnd dive tain heay is wd n
Cornmerd al Vehiclu milHay Vehidu, and bua
The egtn ramm is that arg Vehi/cla have
enough &pate fen bulky tngtne/gensapr
2 0 18 TATA Stal B s

Eudme Vehrcle
sed au hybrsd

Pasallel Hybrd

tank eng

Battery Powo Elo

Convet metor

In this auangmunt both ZC ngine amad

ane lermerd oib
batkry atang deuls
paallelLoit% each oths.
Boh the IC gine amd K motor lonmettd
ogdh &peta
YR f a Mmies/on by clatohhantroSe
d atch Called as Dual SysklDe
Systm bolh he bowe
I n baalld hy6d
he Ic engine amd electzie
auailab/le e
motoY are deliveard do fke tranamíssi on,

at A zant mi'tSio Only by

We Can op6
elecn 0r bot%
IC Engne OY


motox Can prond

IC Engene
to transm'rSitn Sy Lterm. baas
by j motor

he poweY genao
b ierativ
And alio we aan Chage batlertd dung
brakingSyshem A
tohsch 1s
xCSV available
H e ho1veY

Lohch is
he Qvaloble hor tranmits
fhat Can be Storeg
6btasned by I c mpme
n ha 6athe
USe in: Passangs Ca
cTO yota Piu
Both Bathds amd tc engine can &appy potw
trantmies/6n. amdhence no
d'rn dly o he
iovelved hemte bufer ierne
msgy lon versfer

i) Zt /s loo pact yeem iohue genuaforis nat tonlnd


) Cannot ops alt 7 1n nanoD ophma/ ange

Ca)Zn 7his fystero aual Cledch 0phation ylton
hencelomplexit i more
Sens faall ty6md Vehtclek

TC MechanieE
fa tank engine Coupler



Po&er Elec c
Baty Electoon

ICC ngtne
imgtoe thdependofey.
tan twonk
*L4 Can
hat fi'rst possible
is he
oe th
Theelond pe[sible canis
can ue

ha moov k
TC mne along to ith
Se l s hy6id,whou IC emgenL duva
Ra 2tnuator thro h mech aniCa Coupls.
a t r mofor wrldaive tranmrelt Suem.

ython bok
Thi'rd Case ke þasall hy 6rd
anivs h
1C em2the amd Batery wil1
anmiss/o y9lem Sepealely
Prblems ass ocd ddd oth t
Hen 14 eguind addihond mechan/ta
Couplev ao 2emsatr s involvd 8oAhue ane
Aaoo electne machinu a
ovolved and hunce

Sqsem be loryd. balky. Chevia)

Shm beloms Cst1is

Vey u ime s und amd 1t not genaally

|Advartag y6nd elicte 4hrels

A hy6vd Vehicle u 8 torn povend

Cngine guoLine/diad cngne andelecrut
moto7) hat ar ael Corsumption
ana Conkerves e r s

A hybrd Cal much Cleamu amd rgur

Jes ad run cohtch mLans fuos emslers
amd l dupmdince n ooilefuls
Kegena ahve braking System:
kach Hme while applyng he brake it helps
to rcharge the batlena

Hy6d vehetles a ode up hty

maknals, ohich muans emgy 1s
Lquircd to run

ty 6o1d eleumioVehrtles Cam dorve tnhr

OHR ebdrtthy This ually happer Lohlle
moving a low Shecds. Doring hgh Sheed
LC emgenus lan be Buoitch to it. Ths helps

to Inacae tha ovaal! hul uen y

the Ve hicles

|7he gaoine emgine ed I hybnd cak ane

wually&m auu ght ama higty hiedent
as thuy dont have fo pour the Caralone

is-advantags o hy6nd Ihicles

Km þoou genatnbn
y bmd ca prte ie on he hghe Stcl
3 Hrgh maintaim ce Cos t

4 Hfiyh o!l+aae battes Cam Causes


Can howu a goune polwoedd

A A hybrd
eudnil motor) md a
emgene ughty

bateme. 7his add ewught

pack o popcrhal
1o the Co
amd eas up he extraSpace
Extra wight malk in fue) medh'eieney
amd mana fatwraá Cut qown ewelg ht, whoch

has uultd 1
md s mot - m amd batfydoon 21g
So tts Suppo h e Susp endhon and bod
tpop handWng

6Batfey rela0n ent i to p

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