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Câu 1:
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank of the sentence “One of my cousins
________ shopping whenever she receives the salary.”
A. go
B. went
C. gos
D. goes
Giải thích kết quả :
Sai. Đáp án đúng là: goes.
Vì: The subject is “one”, so the verb that agrees with it is “goes.”
Tham khảo: Unit 3, 3.4.1. Subject-verb agreement.
Câu 2:
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank of the sentence “My mother and father
never _________ out in winter.”
A. eates
B. eat
C. eated
D. eats
Giải thích kết quả :
Sai. Đáp án đúng là: eat.
Vì: The subject is “my mother and father” – a plural subject, so the verb that agrees with it is “eat.”
Tham khảo: Unit 3, 3.4.1. Subject-verb agreement.
Câu 3:
Decide which of the following sentences can be used as examples for the topic sentence
“Reading is an important way to practice a new language.”
a. For instance, reading improves vocabulary.
b. For instance, it is difficult to learn a new language.
c. For instance, reading helps people learn sentence patterns.
d. For instance, reading allows you to practice a new language.
A. a, b, d
B. b, d
C. b, c, d
D. a, c
Giải thích kết quả :
Sai. Đáp án đúng là: a, c.
Vì: Sentences “a” and “c” give examples to show how reading can help learners learn English better, while
sentence “b” states a different idea and sentence “d” repeats the topic sentence.
Tham khảo: Unit 3, 3.3.1. Using examples as supporting details.
Câu 4:
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank of the sentence “A number of young
children ______ so much fast food that they can get overweight very easily.”
A. eats
B. eat
C. eating
D. eated
Giải thích kết quả :
Sai. Đáp án đúng là: eat.
Vì: The subject is “a number of” means some, so the verb that agrees with it is “eat.”
Tham khảo: Unit 3, 3.4.1. Subject-verb agreement.
Câu 5:
What do supporting sentences of an example paragraph provide?
A. They describe a sequence of steps of a process.
B. They tell specific details of a story.
C. They provide descriptive details of the topic.
D. They give examples that support the controlling idea.
Giải thích kết quả :
Sai. Đáp án đúng là: They give examples that support the controlling idea.
Vì: Supporting details of an example paragraph should provide specific examples about the topic and support
the controlling idea.
Tham khảo: Unit 3, 3.2.2. Example organization.
Câu 6:
What is a process paragraph?
A. It tells a story.
B. It explains a topic by giving examples.
C. It describes a person, a place or a thing.
D. It explains how to do something step by step.
Giải thích kết quả :
Sai. Đáp án đúng là: It explains how to do something step by step.
Vì: A process paragraph describes the steps necessary to perform a process or tasks.
Tham khảo: Unit 4, 4.2.2. Process organisation.
Câu 7:
Which sentence is the imperative sentence?
A. You should ask a professional to dispose of the used motor oil.
B. You must be in the class ten minutes early.
C. Push the number buttons for the channel you want.
D. Getting out of a traffic jam is not too difficult.
Giải thích kết quả :
Sai. Đáp án đúng là: Push the number buttons for the channel you want.
Vì: The sentence has a bare form of the verb.
Tham khảo: Unit 4, 4.4.1. Using imperatives.
Câu 8:
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank of the sentence “In a non-smoking area you
_____ smoke.”
A. mustn’t
B. don’t
C. shouldn't
D. are not smoking
Giải thích kết quả :
Sai. Đáp án đúng là: mustn’t.
Vì: The sentence expresses a prohibition (regulation).
Tham khảo: Unit 4, 4.4.2. Modals of advice, necessity, and prohibition.
Câu 9:
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank of the sentence “Passengers ______ fasten
their seat-belts.”
A. should
B. must
C. can
D. may
Giải thích kết quả :
Sai. Đáp án đúng là: must.
Vì: This is the rule for passengers.
Tham khảo: Unit 4, 4.4.2. Modals of advice, necessity, and prohibition.
Câu 10:
Read the following passage and find the second step.
Breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend can be easier said than done, but here are
five steps that may help the breaking up process. First, try to distance yourself by
suddenly becoming busier than usual. The next step is to calmly tell the other person
that how you are feeling. Then gently let him or her know that you do not want to be
together anymore. Then make sure to be sensitive to his or her feelings and answer any
questions that he or she may have. For example, if the person starts to cry, use kind
words to help comfort him or her. After everything is said and done, take some alone
time for yourself because everyone has feelings to sort out after a break --up. Finally,
go out with friends and meet new people. These five steps will make the breaking up
process smooth for both parties.
A. Try to distance yourself by suddenly becoming busier than usual.
B. Let him or her know that you do not want to be together anymore.
C. Take some alone time for yourself because everyone has feelings to sort out after a break up.
D. Calmly tell the other person that how you are feeling.
Giải thích kết quả :
Sai. Đáp án đúng là: Calmly tell the other person that how you are feeling.
Câu 1:
Read the following paragraph and decide what examples the writer uses to support the
controlling idea?
I am an athletic guy. I like to watch sports on television, but I love playing sports even
more. My favorite sport is soccer because it requires teamwork. I enjoy working with
other players as a team. I am in two leagues. On both teams, I play forward because I
am aggressive and can score goals. One of the leagues is just for fun, so I can mess
around with my cousins and friends. The other league is more serious. I have to keep
myself in good mood. There are regular practices and we work on special plays.
Sometimes we travel to other cities in the state. I am also a student, so it is difficult to
work around my school schedule. Basketball is another one of my sports. I often play
in the park with my friends. Basketball is fun even though I am not so skillful. My
friends and I joke while we play and have a good time. I also like swimming, but I do
not swim in competitions. Mainly I swim to stay in shape for soccer. Playing sports is
the thing that I enjoy most.
A. The writer plays soccer and basketball.
B. The writer has very good teamwork skills.
C. The writer watches a lot of sports programs on TV.
D. The writer travels to many cities in the US.
Giải thích kết quả :
Sai. Đáp án đúng là: The writer plays soccer and basketball.
Vì: The second sentence states that he likes playing sports. The following details demonstrate his participation
in his favorite sports.
Tham khảo: Unit 3, 3.2.2. Example organization.
Câu 2:
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank of the sentence “Steve often ________ to
work because his office is very close.”
A. walks
B. walkes
C. walked
D. walk
Giải thích kết quả :
Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: walks.
Vì: The subject is “Steve” – a sigular noun, so the verb that agrees with it is “walks.”
Tham khảo: Unit 3, 3.4.1. Subject-verb agreement.
Câu 3:
What is an example paragraph?
A. It tells a story.
B. It explains how to do something step by step.
C. It explains a topic by giving examples.
D. It describes a person, a place or a thing.
Giải thích kết quả :
Sai. Đáp án đúng là: It explains a topic by giving examples.
Vì: An example paragraph gives examples so that the reader clearly understands the writer’s ideas about the
Tham khảo: Unit 3, 3.2.2. Example organization.
Câu 4:
Decide which of the following sentences can be used as examples for the topic sentence
“The birth of my son helped me to become more patient.”
a. I exercised more to stay healthy for my son.
b. I had to sit still for hours holding him in my arms until he fell asleep.
c. Sometimes I had to spend up to two hours trying to feed him.
d. When he was older, I went to movies with him.
A. b, c
B. a, b
C. a, b, c
D. b, c, d
Giải thích kết quả :
Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: b, c.
Vì: Sentences “b” and “c” show what the writer has to do to be patient, while the rest do not.
Tham khảo: Unit 3, 3.3.1. Using examples as supporting details.
Câu 6:
What are the words for sequencing?
A. because, yet, for
B. but, and, so
C. as a result of, therefore
D. first, next, then, finally
Giải thích kết quả :
Sai. Đáp án đúng là: first, next, then, finally.
Vì: first, next, then, finally are used to show the sequence of steps, while others show cause-effect or contrast
Tham khảo: Unit 4, 4.3. Developing your ideas.
Câu 7:
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank of the sentence “Children ________ eat too
much chocolate.”
A. cannot
B. must not
C. could not
D. should not
Giải thích kết quả :
Sai. Đáp án đúng là: should not.
Vì: The sentence should be an obligation/advice, so “should not” is the best choice.
Tham khảo: Unit 4, 4.4.2. Modals of advice, necessity, and prohibition.
Câu 8:
Decide which of the following sentences can be used as supporting details for the topic
sentence “It is easy to stay healthy if you follow some simple steps.”
a. First, you think about the food you eat.
b. Next, consider some exercise.
c. Doctors say that one hour of exercise each day can keep you in good shape.
d. You can follow these steps to help yourself stay healthy.
A. a, c, d
B. a, b, c
C. b, c, d
D. a, b, d
Giải thích kết quả :
Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: a, b, c.
Vì: Sentences “a”, “b” and “c” provide steps to help you stay healthy, while sentence “d” restates the topic
Tham khảo: Unit 4, 4.2.2. Process organisation.
Câu 9:
What do supporting sentences of a process paragraph NOT provide?
A. They mention the tools needed for the task.
B. They describe a sequence of steps of a process.
C. They give background details to explain why this process is useful.
D. They restate the topic sentence using different words.
Giải thích kết quả :
Sai. Đáp án đúng là: They restate the topic sentence using different words.

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