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Ratan Honda -

PARatan Honda
TAddress1 Mahatma Gandhi Road Near Sai Ka Takye Crossing Rakabganj Lauries Hotel
Compound, Agra, Uttar Pradesh 282001

Salary Slip
Emp loyee Name: Rahd
Designation: Supervsor
Month: May Year: 2020

Earn ings Deductions

0,500.00| Provident Fund
ConvayaS etession Tax

TOta Add tion 10,500.00Total Deducton 000.00

NET Salary 10,S00.00

Rupees Ten Thousa nd Five Hundred Rupes Only

Name of Bank: Canara Bank
Dater 07/05/2020

Sgnature of th e Empoyee: .
hahu_. a vauoep ajoatti
2ARatan Honda
Address 1 Mahatma Gandhi Road Near Sai Ka Takiya Crossing Rakabganj Lauries Hotel
Compound, Agra, Uttar Pradesh 282001

Salary Slip
Employee Name: Rahud
Designation: supervsor
Month: Jul Year: 2020

tomine Deductions
BC &DA 10,500.00Provident Fud 000.00
MRA 00.00ESt 000.00
conveyance 00.00 Loan
rofession Tax
Tota Addton 10,500.00Total Deducdon 000.00

NETSalary S00.00

Rupees Ten Thousa nd Five Hundred Rupees Ony

Name of Bank: Canara Bank
Date 07/05/ 2020
hehu& yan awararpujoatti
sgnature of the Employee:. Director

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