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B.A.LL.B. (Hons.

Year -4th
Semester -8th
Session : 2023-24




Mr. Lavalesh Singh Shikha 55

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my respected teacher Mr. Lavalesh
Singh who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic
“UNESCO” which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and I came to know about so
many new things I am really thankful to them.

Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing
this project within the limited time frame.


S.No. Topics Page No.

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6 9
UNESCO and India

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8 11


UNESCO, which stands for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization, is an organization where countries from all over the world come together to
protect and celebrate important things like education, science, culture, and history.

UNESCO was born in 1945, right after World War II, when the world saw how important it
was to protect and celebrate the things that make us human—our knowledge, our cultures,
and our ability to create amazing things. Its main goal is to build peace and promote
sustainable development through international cooperation in education, the sciences, culture,
and communication.

UNESCO is like a superhero team, but instead of fighting bad guys, they're fighting to protect
the things that make our world rich and diverse. They have special programs and projects all
over the world, like helping countries rebuild schools after disasters, designating certain
places as World Heritage Sites to protect them, and organizing events to promote cultural
exchange and understanding.

One of the coolest things about UNESCO is that they involve people from all walks of life.
They work with governments, but also with schools, communities, and organizations to get
everyone involved in their mission. It's like a big family where everyone has a role to play in
making the world a better place.

But just like any superhero team, UNESCO faces challenges. Sometimes, countries don't
agree on how to protect certain things, or there might be conflicts that get in the way of their
work. Money can also be a problem, because all their projects cost a lot of it, and they rely on
donations from member countries to fund their work.

Despite these challenges, UNESCO continues to do amazing things to promote peace and
understanding through education, science, culture, and communication. So, the next time you
visit a museum, learn something new in school, or hear about a project to protect the
environment, remember that UNESCO is probably behind it, working hard to make the world
a better place for everyone.


UNESCO, which stands for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization, has a fascinating history that starts back in 1945, right after World War II
ended. Imagine the world at that time—it was trying to heal from the wounds of war, and
people realized that they needed to work together to prevent such devastation from happening

The idea for UNESCO came about during a meeting of representatives from different
countries who gathered in London in 1945. They wanted to create an organization that would
focus on building peace through education, science, and culture. They believed that if people
could learn from each other, share knowledge, and appreciate each other's cultures, it could
help prevent conflicts in the future.

So, on November 16, 1945, UNESCO was born! It became the specialized agency of the
newly formed United Nations, which means it focuses on specific areas of work, like
education, science, and culture, to help achieve the goals of the UN. In the early years,
UNESCO focused on rebuilding education systems that had been destroyed by the war. They
helped countries create schools, train teachers, and develop educational materials. They also
worked to promote literacy and make sure that everyone, regardless of gender or background,
had access to education.

As the years went by, UNESCO's mission expanded to include other important areas. In the
1960s and 1970s, they started focusing more on protecting cultural heritage. They launched
projects to preserve ancient monuments and historic sites, like the Pyramids of Egypt or the
Great Wall of China, so that future generations could enjoy them.

During this time, UNESCO also began to recognize the importance of science in solving
global challenges. They supported scientific research and encouraged countries to share
knowledge and resources to address issues like climate change, environmental conservation,
and public health.

In the 1980s and 1990s, UNESCO played a key role in promoting peace and democracy
through education and culture. They worked to promote human rights education, teach
tolerance and understanding, and support initiatives that promoted cultural diversity and
dialogue among different peoples.

But UNESCO's journey has not been without challenges. Throughout its history, the
organization has faced criticism and controversy. In the 1980s, the United States withdrew
from UNESCO, citing concerns about the organization's management and political agenda.
However, the US rejoined UNESCO in 2003, recognizing the importance of its work.


The composition of UNESCO, or the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization, is like the makeup of a big team working together to achieve its goals.

 Member States: The most important part of UNESCO is its member states—
countries from all over the world that have decided to join together and support its
work. Currently, there are 193 member states, each with its own government and
 General Conference: Think of the General Conference as the big meeting where all
the member states come together to make decisions about UNESCO's work. It
happens every two years and is like a giant brainstorming session where countries
discuss and vote on important issues, like the organization's budget and programs.
 Executive Board: The Executive Board is like the smaller group that helps make
decisions between General Conferences. It's made up of 58 member states that are
elected by the General Conference to serve four-year terms. They meet a few times a
year to discuss and oversee UNESCO's activities.
 Secretariat: The Secretariat is like the behind-the-scenes team that helps keep
UNESCO running smoothly. It's made up of staff members from all over the world
who work at UNESCO headquarters in Paris and in field offices around the globe.
They're responsible for implementing the decisions made by the General Conference
and Executive Board, managing UNESCO's projects and programs, and providing
support to member states.


The objective of UNESCO or the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization are as follows:

1. Promoting Peace: One of UNESCO's main goals is to promote peace and security in
the world. They believe that by bringing people together through education, science,
and culture, they can help prevent conflicts and build understanding among different
countries and cultures.
2. Education for All: UNESCO wants to make sure that everyone, no matter where they
live or how much money they have, has access to quality education. They work to
build schools, train teachers, and develop educational materials to ensure that every
child has the chance to learn and grow.
3. Scientific Collaboration: Science is like a superpower that can help solve some of
the world's biggest problems. UNESCO supports scientific research and encourages
countries to share knowledge and resources to address issues like climate change,
public health, and environmental conservation.
4. Preserving Cultural Heritage: Every culture has its own unique traditions,
languages, and history. UNESCO works to protect and preserve these cultural
treasures, whether it's ancient monuments, traditional art forms, or indigenous
languages. They believe that cultural diversity is something to be celebrated and
5. Promoting Freedom of Expression: Everyone should have the right to express
themselves freely and access information without censorship. UNESCO supports
freedom of the press, access to information, and the preservation of languages that
might be in danger of disappearing.
6. Gender Equality: UNESCO is committed to promoting gender equality in education
and beyond. They work to ensure that girls and boys have equal access to education
and opportunities, and they support initiatives that empower women and girls to reach
their full potential.
7. Supporting Communication and Information: In today's digital world,
communication and information play a crucial role in shaping our lives. UNESCO
supports access to information, media literacy, and the use of communication
technologies for development and empowerment.


The function of UNESCO or the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization are as follows:

1. Promoting Education: One of UNESCO's main functions is to promote education

for everyone, no matter where they live or how much money they have. They work to
ensure that every child has the opportunity to go to school and learn. They help build
schools, train teachers, and develop educational materials so that children can get the
knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life.
2. Protecting Cultural Heritage: UNESCO works to protect and preserve important
cultural heritage sites and traditions around the world. This includes things like
ancient monuments, historic buildings, traditional art forms, and indigenous
languages. They want to make sure that these treasures are passed down to future
generations so that everyone can appreciate and learn from them.
3. Supporting Scientific Research: Science is like a superpower that can help solve
some of the world's biggest problems. UNESCO supports scientific research and
encourages countries to share knowledge and resources to address issues like climate
change, public health, and environmental conservation. They believe that by working
together, we can find solutions to these challenges and make the world a better place.
4. Promoting Freedom of Expression: Everyone should have the right to express
themselves freely and access information without censorship. UNESCO supports
freedom of the press, access to information, and the preservation of languages that
might be in danger of disappearing. They believe that a free and open exchange of
ideas is essential for democracy and progress.
5. Empowering Women and Girls: UNESCO is committed to promoting gender
equality in education and beyond. They work to ensure that girls and boys have equal
access to education and opportunities. They support initiatives that empower women
and girls to reach their full potential and contribute to their communities and societies.
6. Protecting Human Rights: UNESCO is committed to upholding human rights and
dignity for all people. They work to promote human rights education, teach tolerance
and understanding, and support initiatives that combat discrimination and inequality.
By promoting respect for human rights, UNESCO helps to create a more just and
peaceful world.

UNESCO and India

UNESCO and India share a special relationship, like two friends who work together to
achieve common goals.

1. Cultural Heritage: India is home to a rich and diverse cultural heritage, with
thousands of years of history and traditions. UNESCO has recognized many of India's
cultural sites as World Heritage Sites, including iconic landmarks like the Taj Mahal,
Jaipur's City Palace, and the ancient city of Hampi. These sites are not only important
for India but also for the entire world, as they represent humanity's shared heritage.
2. Education: India is home to one of the world's largest education systems, but
challenges like access, quality, and gender disparity persist. UNESCO partners with
India to address these challenges and improve access to quality education for all. They
support initiatives to build schools, train teachers, and develop educational materials,
particularly in rural and marginalized communities.
3. Promotion of Science: India has a thriving scientific community and has made
significant contributions to various fields, including space exploration, medicine, and
renewable energy. UNESCO collaborates with India to promote scientific research
and innovation, sharing knowledge and resources to address global challenges like
climate change, public health, and sustainable development.
4. World Heritage Sites: India is home to 38 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, each with
its own unique cultural and historical significance. These sites attract millions of
visitors from around the world and contribute to India's cultural and economic
prosperity. UNESCO works closely with India to preserve and protect these sites,
ensuring that they remain accessible and well-maintained for future generations to
5. Promotion of Media Literacy: In today's digital age, media literacy is crucial for
informed citizenship and democratic participation. UNESCO works with India to
promote media literacy and critical thinking skills among youth and adults,
empowering them to navigate the complex media landscape, identify misinformation,
and engage responsibly in online discourse.


UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, is like a
global guardian of humanity's most precious treasures—our knowledge, our cultures, and our
shared heritage. Throughout its history, UNESCO has tirelessly pursued its mission to build
peace through education, science, and culture. From its humble beginnings in the aftermath of
World War II to its present-day efforts to address the complex challenges of the 21st century,
UNESCO has remained steadfast in its commitment to promoting understanding,
cooperation, and mutual respect among nations and peoples.




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