An Investigation Into The Correlations Among GNSS Observations and Their Impact On Height and Zenith Wet Delay Estimation For Medium and Long

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An investigation into the correlations among

GNSS observations and their impact on height and
zenith wet delay estimation for medium and long

Johnny LO & Ahmed EL-MOWAFY

To cite this article: Johnny LO & Ahmed EL-MOWAFY (2012) An investigation into the
correlations among GNSS observations and their impact on height and zenith wet delay
estimation for medium and long baselines, Geo-spatial Information Science, 15:4, 219-228, DOI:

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Geo-spatial Information Science
Vol. 15, No. 4, December 2012, 219–228

An investigation into the correlations among GNSS observations and their impact on height
and zenith wet delay estimation for medium and long baselines
Johnny LOa* and Ahmed EL-MOWAFYb
Mathematics Discipline Group, School of Engineering, Edith Cowan University, 270 Joondalup Drive, Western Australia 6027,
Australia; bFaculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Spatial Sciences, Curtin University of Technology, Kent Street,
Western Australia 6102, Australia
(Received 31 May 2012; final version received 6 July 2012)

Most stochastic modelling techniques neglect the correlations among the raw un-differenced observations when forming
the variance–covariance matrix of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations. Some methods were
developed to model these correlations. One such method is the Minimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimator
(MINQUE). Studies have shown that MINQUE improves ambiguity resolution, and ultimately, the positioning solution
in short baselines. However, its effect in cases of processing with longer baselines and on the estimation of zenith wet
delay (ZWD) is somewhat unknown. In this paper, a comparison between the impact of neglecting the correlations
among the observations using an elevation-angle-dependent model (EADM) and modelling the correlations using
MINQUE on height determination and ZWD for medium and long baselines is carried out. The initial testing was carried
out across two Australian GNSS stations with a medium-length baseline throughout a three-week campaign. The results
showed that using MINQUE did not resolve the coordinate, height and wet delay components as accurately as the
EADM. The results were further verified with two long-baseline campaigns whereby EADM was also able to provide
better wet delay estimates. The coordinate results were, however, mixed. Overall, the study concluded that the inclusion
of the correlations among the observations, in general, do not improve the resolution of the coordinate and wet delay
Keywords: stochastic models; MINQUE; ZWD; heights

1. Introduction estimates for the unknown parameters with A being the

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data can be corresponding m  k design matrix; and ɛ is an m  1
processed via the least-squares (LS) principle, in which, noise vector, with EðeÞ ¼ 0.
GNSS measurements are characterised by functional and The simple form for the weighted linear LS
stochastic models. The functional model represents the estimateX^ is given by Johnson and Wichern (4)
mathematical relationship among the GNSS observables
and the parameters of interest, whilst the stochastic ð2Þ
model is defined by an appropriate covariance matrix
describing the spatial, auto, cross and/or temporal corre- The covariance matrix of X^ is:
lation among the measurements. The functional model,
in its general form, is usually well defined (1, 2) and is 1
CX^ ¼ ðAT WAÞ ð3Þ
not particularly controversial. On the other hand, sto-
chastic modelling remains one of the more challenging the weight matrix W is usually defined as the inverse of
aspects in precise GNSS positioning (3). the variance–covariance matrix of the observations. From
In LS theory, a set of linearised GNSS observations Equation (2), it can be seen that the choice of stochastic
can be defined using the following functional regression model is an important factor in determining the final out-
model: come of the LS parameter solution. The LS possess an
attractive property in which the residual Root-Mean-
Y ¼ AX^ þ e ð1Þ Square Error (RMSE) is minimised. However, an inade-
quately defined covariance matrix will result in LS losing
where, for m observations and k unknowns, Y is an its optimality property (4). In real-time kinematic data
m  1 observations vector; X^ is a k  1 vector of processing, where results are needed almost instanta-
neously, a wrongly chosen stochastic model may result

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 1009-5020 print/ISSN 1993-5153 online

Ó 2012 Wuhan University
220 J. LO and A. EL-MOWAFY

in a faulty cycle slip detection and degraded ambiguity 2.1. Elevation-angle-dependent model
resolution success. The quality of the parameter The dependence of measurement noise on satellite eleva-
estimates of interest, such as receiver coordinates, will tion can be attributed to changes that take place in the
accordingly suffer as a result (5). receiver antenna’s gain pattern, atmospheric refraction
Typically the correlations among the raw measure- and multipath with changes in the satellite elevation
ments are ignored and the covariance matrix is estimated angle (6, 14). Modelling the observational noise as a
using an elevation-angle-dependent model (EADM) (6) function of the satellite elevation angle can take on many
or the signal-to-noise ratio model (7). The EADM has forms. The variance in one of these elevation angle-
been shown to produce reliable tropospheric estimates based models for observation yi has the general form (9)
(8). Although more rigorous stochastic modelling tech-
niques are available (9, 10) the complexity of these mod-
els generally demands more processing time. r2y ¼ a2 þ b2 f ðhiz Þ: ð4Þ
Additionally, these models have predominantly been
used to derive positional and integer ambiguity estimates where, a2 and b2 are constant coefficients and f ðhiz Þ is
in short baselines and short sessions, and the effects on the function that is defined with respect to the elevation
tropospheric estimates are still relatively unknown. angle hiz for observation i. The sine function can be uti-
Though one may hypothesise that better coordinates lised to define the variances of the zero difference mea-
would lead to better tropospheric delay estimation, the surements in the form (15)
significance of this is still speculative. Howind et al. had
also highlighted importance of proper stochastic model-
r2y ¼ a2 þ b2 sin2 ðhiz Þ ð5Þ
ling and its impact on the coordinates of networks with
long baselines and long session lengths (11).
neglecting the case where the elevation angle equals 0°
The above issue leads to the objective of this investi-
(which is acceptable as measurements are usually
gation, which is to determine if the estimation of tropo-
ignored at low elevation angles). The EADM de-weights
spheric delay will benefit from a more sophisticated
the observations at low elevation angles which are more
stochastic model that considers possible spatial correla-
susceptible to high multipath and troposphere errors. For
tions among observations. A suggested model is the
the purpose of simplicity, the coefficients a and b can be
Minimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimator
chosen as 0 and 1. The raw observations in the EADM
(MINQUE) (12). The MINQUE had been successfully
are assumed to be spatially and temporally uncorrelated.
applied in GNSS data processing, where it was shown to
Thus, the undifferenced covariance matrix is taken as a
improve short-baseline solutions as well as ambiguity
diagonal matrix. The attraction of EADM is its
resolution (9). However, it has not yet been used for the
simplicity in terms of computational efficiency.
purpose of tropospheric delay recovery, which is needed
for real-time precise positioning and weather forecast
applications. In this paper, the performance of MINQUE 2.2. Minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimation
for both tropospheric delay and height estimation, where The MINQUE is a stochastic technique that estimates
the accuracy of the tropospheric estimates is related to the spatial correlations among the GNSS observations.
the estimation of the height component, are compared However, the complexity of the MINQUE procedure
against a widely used stochastic model, i.e. EADM. A comes from the need to utilise it in a batch processing.
simplified form of MINQUE (13) is also tested. Hence, MINQUE is more appropriate in post-processing.
The structure for the rest of this paper is as follows. Using the functional model given in Equation (1), the
Section 2 provides detailed description of the stochastic m  m covariance matrix of Y, denoted as Σ, can be
models under consideration. Testing of the stochastic expressed as follows:
models begins with a medium-length baseline campaign
in the state of Victoria in Australia. A description of the X X
q X
mðm þ 1Þ
test and the test results are presented in Section 3. The ¼ Ci ¼ /i Vi where q ¼ ð6Þ
i¼1 i¼1
investigation next includes two long-baseline campaigns.
Details of the campaigns are outlined in Section 4, along
f/1 ; /2 ;    ; /q g ¼ fr21 ; r22 ;    ; r2m ; r12 ; r13 ;
with their results. Concluding remarks and recommenda-
   ; rmðm1Þ g are the covariance components to be esti-
tions are given in Section 5.
mated, and V1 ; V2 ;    ; Vq are the so-called accompany-
ing matrices (3). The problem here is estimating the q
2. Stochastic models unknown elements of ϕ and V.
In this section, two stochastic models are presented. The The MINQUE of the linear function /i (for
first, EADM, neglects the correlations among the raw i ¼ 1; 2;    ; q, i.e. p1 /1 þ p2 /2 þ    þ pq /q , is the
observations and the second, MINQUE, models such quadratic function Y T BY , where B is selected such that
correlations. A simplified version of MINQUE, Trace(BΣBΣ) is minimum, (12) subject to
SMINQUE, is also discussed.
Geo-spatial Information Science 221

BA ¼ 0 and Trace ðBCi Þ ¼ pi ; i ¼ 1; 2;    ; q ð7Þ 2.3. Simplified MINQUE (SMINQUE)

Pq As the number of observations becomes large, the execu-
The MINQUE of i¼1 /i Vi is then estimated from
tion of MINQUE will require substantial computational
i¼1 power and memory. This is mostly due to the computa-
cT Q ¼ ci Q i ; Qi ¼ Y T RVi RY : ð8Þ tion and storage of the R matrix, given in Equation (12).
q The notion behind the simplified MINQUE (13), which
will be referred to here as SMINQUE, is to reduce the
The vector c is a solution of complexity of the R matrix, leading to the efficient com-
putation in the MINQUE process. Satirapod et al. (13)
X q
reported that there was minimal difference between the
ci Trace ðRVi RVj Þ ¼ pj ; for ¼ 1; 2;    ; q: ð9Þ performance of MINQUE and SMINQUE. However,
these results were based on a few sessions only. The
and proposed simplification of MINQUE disregards the
off-diagonal block entries of the R matrix and considers
1 a block-diagonal matrix R⁄ as its replacement in the
R ¼ W ðW 1  X ðX T WX Þ X T Þ W ; ð10Þ procedure. The R⁄ matrix is expressed as:
2 3
where R11 0 . . . 0
6 . .
.. 7
6 0 R22 . . 7
X1 X R ¼ 6 . .. .. 7 ð18Þ
W ¼ ðwhere 4 . 5
is the covariance matrix of the observationsÞ . . . 0
ð11Þ 0 . . . 0 Rnn

For n number of epochs considered in a selected pro- Subsequently, Equation (13) can be simplified to
cessing window, the symmetric matrix R can be parti-
tioned as X
Sij ¼ Trace ðRrr Vir Rrr Vjr Þ ð19Þ
2 3 r¼1
R11 R12 . . . R1n
6 .. 7 where, Vir is the block-diagonal element of Vi for epoch r.
6R R22 . R2n 7
R ¼ 6 .21 .. .. .. 7 : ð12Þ
4 . 5
. . . .
Rn1 Rn2 . . . Rnn 3. Testing different stochastic models for medium
By expressing Equation (9) as Sc ¼ p, and defining 3.1. Test description
the elements of the S matrix, Sij , as The purpose of this manuscript is to investigate whether
the inclusion of spatial correlations in the stochastic
Sij ¼ Trace ðRVi RVj Þ ð13Þ model using MINQUE can improve the coordinate and
tropospheric solutions over medium to long baselines.
this leads to c ¼ S 1 p. P Up until now, MINQUE has only been used for rela-
Since the MINQUE of qi¼1 /i Vi is tively small processing windows and over relatively
short baselines (<15 km) due to its‘ high computational
cT Q ¼ pT ðS 1 Þ Q ¼ pT S 1 Q ¼ pT u ^
ð14Þ demands (3, 9, 13). These studies were carried out over
  short isolated periods. A study of the impact on station
then /^ ¼ /^1 ; /^2 ;    ; /^q is a solution of coordinates over a prolonged time period, as a result of
using MINQUE, is also lacking. The usefulness of
^ ¼Q
Su ^ ð15Þ MINQUE over longer baselines has not yet been investi-
gated. Furthermore, its impact on the estimation of tropo-
^ can alternatively be defined as
Q spheric delays is still unknown. However, the accuracy
of the tropospheric estimates is related to the estimation
^ i ¼ Y T RVi RY ¼ eT WVi e
Q ð16Þ of the height component (16). Therefore, it is important
to first understand the impact of MINQUE on the height
^ ð0Þ , the ð j þ 1Þth approxi-
Given an initial estimate u component over a medium-length baseline before
mation can be generated using the following iterative proceeding to a long-scale baseline or a network cam-
procedure paign. For this purpose, a medium-length baseline was
set up between two Australian stations, namely Mel-
/ 1 ^ bourne Observatory (MOBS) and Ballarat (BALL) in the
ðjþ1Þ ¼ SðjÞ Qðjþ1Þ ; for j ¼ 0; 1; 2;    ð17Þ
state of Victoria (see Figure 1).
222 J. LO and A. EL-MOWAFY

receiver clock offsets and the tropospheric zenith delay

were estimated as the unknown parameters. The process-
ing included the use of a cut-off elevation angle of 15°
and the Niell troposphere mapping functions (20). The
ionosphere-free linear combination was implemented to
mitigate the ionospheric residual errors.
In the MOBS-BALL baseline campaign, the coordi-
nates of MOBS were constrained to within 0.1 mm from
the ITRF2008 estimates on the 31 March 2004. The
impact of MINQUE and SMINQUE were realised from
the estimated coordinate solutions of BALL, since the
coordinates for BALL were known beforehand. Thus,
accuracy of the Cartesian and height coordinates for
BALL and estimated independently using the EADM,
Figure 1. Locations of Ballarat and Melbourne Observatory MINQUE and SMINQUE were assessed by comparing
test stations. the estimated values with the known ITRF2008 values.

3.2. Test results of the MOBS-BALL baseline

The MOBS is an International GNSS Service (IGS)
station from the Australian Regional Global Positioning The accuracy, represented by the RMSE of each of the
System (GPS) network, and BALL is a station from the x, y, z and h coordinates obtained from each of the tested
Australian Continuously Operating Reference Station stochastic models, namely EADM, MINQUE and
(CORS) network. For this baseline campaign, three SMINQUE, are calculated using
weeks of data from 31 March to 22 April in 2004 were vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
u k
selected for post-processing. The International Terrestrial uX ðDCoordinatei Þ2
Reference Frame (ITRF) (x, y, z) Cartesian coordinates RMSE ¼ t : ð20Þ
for MOBS and BALL for the testing period were i¼1

(4,130,636.1116, 2,894,953.1117, 3,890,531.0333)

and (4,088,335.4061, 2,986,195.6103, 3,867,029. where, DCoordinate ¼ Dx; Dy; Dz or Dh (D denotes the
3597), respectively. The medium baseline length between difference between the obtained solution for the compo-
MOBS and BALL stations is approximately 103 km. The nent and its known value; k is the total number of
MOBS uses an Ashtech UZ-12 receiver with a coordinate solutions over the three-week testing period).
ASH701945C_M antenna, whilst BALL utilises a Trim- The RMSE results are summarised in Figure 2. The
ble 4000SSI receiver and a Dorne Margolin T (with top-left, top-right, bottom-left and bottom-right diagrams
choke ring) antenna. Both test data in this study were represent the results for when the data were analysed
dual-frequency GPS data. The data were analysed with with a 1, 2 and 3 h processing window session. The
1, 2 and 3 h processing windows. In other words, the RMSE of the coordinate and height discrepancies
data were batch-processed at every 1, 2 or 3 h block (offsets), indicated as bars in Figure 2, was determined
throughout each day for the whole three-week campaign. from all solutions over the whole three-week campaign.
To ensure that “absolute” tropospheric delays can be It is evident from Figure 2 that the EADM
estimated appropriately, a long baseline length is consistently produced the best results among the three
required (17). Tregoning et al. also indicated that a base- presented stochastic models as it gave the smallest
line length of more than 2000 km is more appropriate in RMSE of the Cartesian and height discrepancies.
providing sufficient de-correlation of the observations Although studies have shown that MINQUE and SMIN-
between the two baseline stations to enable better abso- QUE can produce better coordinate solutions for short
lute estimation of the zenith wet delay (ZWD) (18). baselines of less than 15 km, (3, 9, 13) this improvement
Therefore, due to the medium length of the MOBS- was not evident over a longer baseline, as shown by the
BALL baseline, estimation of the absolute tropospheric MOBS-BALL baseline campaign. An increase in the
delay at the stations was not appropriate. A longer baseline length generally leads to an increase in the resid-
baseline was examined, which will be discussed in ual errors due to differences in the troposphere,
Section 3.2. ionosphere and other location-dependent factors experi-
All data were processed with the Bernese GPS soft- enced at each respective station (21). The EADM is
ware package (19). The IGS products concerning the location sensitive as it weighs the raw GNSS observa-
monitoring stations, including precise satellite ephemeri- tions by considering the elevation angles from different
des and Earth Orientation Parameters (EOPs), coordi- satellites to a particular location. The smaller the eleva-
nates and velocity of ground stations, antenna phase tion angle, the more atmosphere GNSS signal pass
centre offsets and variations were used in the processing. through and hence, larger residual errors. However,
During processing, the station coordinates; satellite and MINQUE and SMINQUE do not consider these factors
Geo-spatial Information Science 223

Figure 2. Plots of the Cartesian and height coordinate discrepancies at BALL for the MOBS-BALL baseline campaign for: (a) 1 h,
(b) 2 h and (c) 3 h of processing.

in their modelling the correlations. This is a possible stations in the ALIC-HOB2 and ONSA-WTZR baseline
explanation as to why they were outperformed by campaigns are IGS stations, and hence, their coordinates
EADM. are known with a high degree of accuracy (17). The
As stated earlier, the aforementioned studies on ITRF2008 (x, y, z) Cartesian coordinates of the stations
MINQUE were never used for an extended period of for the testing period are given in Table 1. The lengths
time for a baseline campaign. Although there were of the baselines are approximately 2447 and 920 km,
instances whereby the MINQUE produced better coordi- respectively, which ensured that the absolute zenith
nates than the EADM, the three-week campaign outlined tropospheric delays can be estimated from the campaigns
in this study revealed that the results by MINQUE and along with the coordinates.
SMINQUE have poor repeatability overall. The receiver and antenna models for each station are
outlined in Table 2. The IGS Products concerning the
antenna phase offsets were also used in the process to
4. Testing of different stochastic models for long mitigate subsequent residual errors.
baselines Other IGS products, such as precise ephemerides,
4.1. Test description ocean tide loadings and EOPs, were also used in post-
As it is necessary to have a much longer baseline to processing. The processing parameters were the same as
obtain absolute tropospheric estimates, a long-baseline the MOBS-BALL campaign, i.e. the station coordinates,
campaign in Australia (Alice Springs to Hobart (ALI- satellite and receiver clock offsets and the tropospheric
C-HOB2)) and one in Europe (Onsala to Wettzell zenith delay were estimated as the unknown parameters.
(ONSA-WTZR)) were set up and the test results were The processing included the use of a cut-off elevation
analysed. Locations of the stations are presented in angle of 15° and the Niell (20) troposphere mapping
Figure 3. functions. The ionosphere-free linear combination was
A week of data from 31 March to 6 April in 2004 implemented to mitigate the ionospheric residual errors.
was selected for the Australian baseline campaign, whilst The data were analysed with 1, 2, and 3 h processing
two weeks of data from September 10th to 23rd in 2003 windows. The tropospheric parameter was estimated at
were used for the European campaign. The selected peri- every hour, regardless of the size of the processing ses-
ods correspond to the autumn season in the two respec- sion. The ALIC and ONSA stations were chosen as the
tive regions. This season has high diurnal variation and reference station in each respective campaign and their
thus, allowing the stochastic models to demonstrate their coordinates were constrained to within 0.1 mm from the
capability under varying atmospheric conditions. The test ITRF2008 coordinates. The accuracy of the Cartesian
data in this study were dual-frequency GPS data. All and height coordinates of HOB2 and WTZR, estimated
224 J. LO and A. EL-MOWAFY

Figure 3. Locations of (a) Alice Spring and Hobart GNSS stations in Australia and (b) Wettzell and Onsala station in Europe.

Table 1. Cartesian coordinates for the Australian and March 2004, whereas for the ONSA-WTZR campaign
European stations. the coordinates for the stations were calculated on 10
September 2004. The corresponding hourly GNSS
ITRF2008 coordinates precipitable water vapour (PWV) estimates for the
Station x y z ALIC-HOB2 campaign were converted from the ZWD
ALIC 4,052,052.1042 4,212,836.1056 2,545,105.5242
estimates using the following equations (22)
HOB2 3,950,071.6113 2,522,415.2415 4,311,638.1117
ONSA 3,370,658.5630 711,877.1203 5,349,786.9403 PWV ¼ P  ZWD ð21Þ
WTZR 4,075,580.5771 931,853.7760 4,801,568.1232
0 k3
Table 2. Receiver and antenna model for the Australian and P ¼ 10 qw Rwv k 2 þ
European stations. Tm

Station Receiver model Antenna model and

HOB2 AOA ICS-4000Z AC AOAD/M_T k 02 ¼ k2  k1 : ð23Þ

Tm ¼ 70:2 þ 0:72Ts ð24Þ

where, Rwv and qw are the specific gas constant of water

Table 3. Values for coefficients k1, k2 and k3.
vapour and the density of liquid water, respectively; Tm
k1 k2 k3 is the weighted mean temperature; Ts is the surface tem-
(Kmbar1) (Kmbar1) (K2mbar1) perature in Kelvin; Mwv and Md are the molecular mass
of water vapour and dry air, respectively; and k1 ; k2 ; k3
Smith and 77.607 ± 0.013 71.60 ± 8.50 3.747 ± 0.031
Weintraub are the pre-determined coefficients based on theory and
(23) experimental observations. Table 3 provides the values
Thayer (24) 77.604 ± 0.014 64.79 ± 0.08 3.776 ± 0.004 for these coefficients.
Bevis et al. (25) 77.600 ± 0.050 70.40 ± 2.20 3.739 ± 0.012 Once estimated, the PWV were then validated against
co-located radiosonde (RS) data. The RS data were pro-
vided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM)
independently using EADM, MINQUE and SMINQUE, twice daily at 0:00 and 12:00 Coordinated Universal
were assessed by comparing the estimated values with Time (UTC), together with other relevant surface meteo-
the known ITRF2008 coordinates. For the ALIC-HOB2 rological data such as temperature and pressure data. The
campaign, the ITRF coordinates were calculated on 31 meteorological data allow the GNSS wet delay estimates
Geo-spatial Information Science 225

to be converted to PWV estimates using Equations (21)– For the ALIC-HOB2 campaign, the EADM consis-
(24). Unfortunately, RS data were not available for the tently produced the best results among the three
ONSA-WTZR baseline campaign; however, water presented stochastic models with respect to the accuracy
vapour radiometer (WVR) data were accessible for com- of the coordinate offsets from the referenced ITRF val-
parisons. A WVR is able to directly measure the amount ues. The MINQUE method did perform marginally better
of water vapour (i.e. wet delay) in the atmosphere along with the 2 h processing window than the EADM. The
a line-of-sight. The WVR data at ONSA were available differences between the MINQUE and SMINQUE were
at every 60 s whilst hourly WVR data were provided at generally in the sub-millimetre range. However, differ-
WTZR. However, the WVR data at Onsala were aver- ences of up to a few millimetres in the height component
aged at every hour to ensure that comparisons can be were also observed (see Figure 4(b) and (c)).
made with the hourly GNSS ZWD estimates. The positional results, shown in Figure 5, for the
ONSA-WTZR baseline with a 1 h processing window
4.2. Test results of the ALIC-HOB2 and were similar to that of the ALIC-HOB2 baseline in that
ONSA-WTZR baselines the MINQUE and SMINQUE models performed rela-
The RMSE, calculated using Equation (20) for each of tively poorly in comparison to that of EADM. However,
the tested stochastic models, namely EADM, MINQUE the MINQUE and SMINQUE models showed improve-
and SMINQUE, is summarised in Figures 4 and 5 for ments for the 2 and 3 h windows. In fact, the MINQUE
HOB2 and WTZR stations, respectively. The given and SMINQUE models produced better coordinate solu-
RMSE of the coordinate and height discrepancies tions. The more favourable results from the ONSA-
(offsets) was determined from all solutions over the WTZR campaign (as compared to ALIC-HOB2) can be
whole investigated period of the campaigns. In each of attributed to smaller location-dependent residual errors
these figures, the top-left, top-right and bottom diagrams due to shorter baseline length as well as a smaller differ-
represent the results for when the data were analysed ence in latitudes between the two stations and thus, both
with 1, 2 and 3 h processing windows. stations somewhat did not experience large differences in
The relative large magnitude of the RMSE for these satellite geometry and atmospheric effects.
small processing windows can be attributed to the large The RMSE is used to evaluate the accuracy of corre-
baseline length (21), i.e. greater residual errors. This sponding set of GNSS tropospheric solutions for these
result is not unexpected as Jin et al. (15) had also campaigns. The RMSE for the differences between
reported similar accuracy for a long-baseline campaign GNSS and RS PWV and for the differences between
within Australia. As expected, the coordinate solutions GNSS and WVR ZWD estimates is computed as
improve with increasing processing window size. follows:

Figure 4. Plots of the Cartesian and height coordinate discrepancies at HOB2 for the ALIC-HOB2 baseline campaign for: (a) 1 h,
(b) 2 h and (c) 3 h processing windows.
226 J. LO and A. EL-MOWAFY

Figure 5. Plots of the Cartesian and height coordinate discrepancies at WTZR for the ONSA-WTZR baseline campaign for: (a) 1 h,
(b) 2 h and (c) 3 h processing windows.

Pnc ðjÞ ðjÞ 2 ment in the resolution of the PWV estimates can be
RMSE ¼ ð25Þ observed nonetheless.
nc For the European campaign, the RMSE of the ZWD
differences between the GNSS and WVR estimates for
and ONSA and WTZR is summarised in Tables 6 and 7. For
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi the ONSA-WTZR baseline campaign, the EADM outper-
uP  2
u nc ZWDðjÞ  ZWDðjÞ formed the other stochastic models with the 1 h process-
t j¼1 GNSS WVR
ing window as a result of better height estimates.
RMSE ¼ ð26Þ
nc Although the MINQUE and SMINQUE models yielded
slightly better positional estimates from the 2 and 3 h
where nc refers to the number of data compared. processing windows, this improvement was not evident
The RMSE of the PWV differences for ALIC and in the subsequent ZWD estimates.
HOB2 is summarised in Tables 4 and 5, which showed In fact, the EADM was the top performer across all
that the EADM was superior to the MINQUE and processing window sizes. On average, the EADM was
SMINQUE models in resolving the PWV estimates, in
addition to providing better positional estimates (as
shown in Figure 4). Table 5. The RMSE (mm) of the PWV differences between
On average, the EADM was able to provide PWV GNSS and RS measurements at Hobart.
estimates with an improvement of approximately 38%
and 45% in accuracy when compared to the PWV values
estimated from the MINQUE and SMINQUE models. 1 2.3 3.7 2.2
Although it was not as prominent at HOB2, an improve- 2 1.6 2.0 2.0
3 2.2 2.4 2.2

Table 4. The RMSE (mm) of the PWV differences between Table 6. The RMSE (cm) of the ZWD differences between
GNSS and RS measurements at Alice Springs. GNSS and WVR measurements at Onsala.

1 3.2 5.8 5.6 1 2.4 2.8 2.8
2 2.2 3.0 4.1 2 1.7 1.8 1.8
3 1.1 1.6 2.2 3 1.4 1.7 1.7
Geo-spatial Information Science 227

Table 7. The RMSE (cm) of the ZWD differences between spheric solutions in terms of smaller RMSE values.
GNSS and WVR measurements at Wettzell. Overall, the study shows that the modelling of the corre-
lation is not as significant in medium to long baselines.
Thus, the use of EADM is recommended for the purpose
1 3.0 3.2 3.5 of estimating positional solutions and tropospheric delays
2 2.1 2.3 2.2 in these instances due to its simplicity.
3 1.9 2.0 2.0

able to resolve the ZWD with a 12.5% improvement in
RMSE over MINQUE and SMINQUE at the Onsala This work was completed under a scholarship from Curtin
University of Technology, Perth, Australia and through
stations. The advantage of using EADM was also evi- Australian Research Council APAI grant LP0347723 in
dent at WTZR with the average improvements in RMSE collaboration with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.
of around 7% and 8% over MINQUE and SMINQUE. Special thanks to Prof. Gunanr Elgered, Mr Walter Schwarz and
The favourable results for EADM in these campaigns Land Victoria ( for providing the
can be attributed to the fact that the weights given by radiosonde and WVR data. Discussions with Dr Jinling Wang
and Dr Chalermchon Satirapod were valuable. Feedback on the
the model reflect the amount of atmosphere experienced manuscript from Dr Nigel Penna is also much appreciated.
by GNSS signals. Furthermore, the EADM is a model
that provides greater weights to the observations closer Notes on contributors
to the zenith, and de-weights observations at lower ele-
Johnny Lo is a lecturer at the Edith Cowan University in
vation angles, where higher multipath and troposphere
Western Australia. He received his PhD in spatial sciences
errors degrade the precision of the observations. In con- from Curtin University of Technology in 2011. His main
trast, MINQUE is a model that only considers the spatial research interests include stochastic modelling in GNSS,
correlations among the satellites and it does not take into applied statistics and experimental designs.
account location-dependent errors due to changes in the
troposphere. From results of the investigations in this Ahmed El-Mowafy is a senior lecturer, Department of Spatial
Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Curtin
paper, the use of EADM is, therefore, recommended for
University, Australia. His research areas include precise
the purpose of estimating tropospheric delays. positioning and navigation using Global Positioning Satellite
Although MINQUE and SMINQUE are more sophis- Systems (GNSS), integration of multi-sensors, estimation
ticated stochastic models than EADM, they were largely theory and quality control. He has published one Book, one
outperformed by the latter. The computational power Book chapter and more than 90 referred papers. He is the
recipient of 15 competitive research and teaching grants. He is
required by MINQUE is also a hindrance. Further studies
a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal
are planned to determine if the results here are reflective of Geoscience Research, member of the Editorial Advisory
of other spatial models such as Maximum Likelihood Board of the Journal of Navigation and is a member of several
Estimator, Best Invariant Quadratic Unbiased Estimator scientific and professional societies.
and Lehmann-Scheffé Estimator (26, 27).
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