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d iet a n d w e l l -b e in g

Vocabulary in Action
Complete the table.

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb

contain Container / content(s) - -


refreshing refreshingly
(2)---------------------------- reíreshment / reíreshments (3)---------------------------- (4)----------------------------

modify modification
(5)---------------------------- (6)---------------------------- moditied —

nature naturally
- (7)---------------------------- (un)natural (8)----------------------------

- - (9)---------------------------- artiíicially

taste taste tasty —

(10)---------------------------- (11)----------------------------

- — (12)----------------------------
original organically

(13)---------------------------- extract - —

Complete the text with vvords from exercise A.

Berryvvhite drinks
In 2011, Andrevv Jennings tounded Berrywhite, a company that produces a range of healthy sparkling íruit
drinks. Berrywhite drinks are unusual in that they are made entirely from (1) natural íruits. They
are free from pesticides and GMOs (genetically (2)organisms); in other words, there is
nothing (3) artificial in them at all. In addition, they don’t (4)
contain any sugar so
they are lovv in calories too.
There are four tlavours, each of which is a combination of two fruits and white tea (5) extract The
fact that they are made with sparkling spring water makes them particularly (6) refreshing and their
extremeiy high fruit (7)(50 per cent fruit juices and purees) means that they are reaíly
(8)as vvell.
Hovvever, what makes this product really unusual is that for every bottle of Berryvvhite you buy, the company
makes a donation to charity. Their slogan, appropriately enough, is ‘Good for you. Good for others.’

Match the vvords 1 -8 vvith the detinitions a-h.

1 calorie c a relating to the healthy qualities of food
2 ingredient d b not cooked
3 nutritional a c unit of energy contained in food
4 raw b d food or liquid used to prepare a dish
5 sour f e vvith a hot, strong tlavour
6 spicy g f not svveet, tasting like a lemon
7 vegetarian h g person who doesn’t eat meat or fish
8 vitamin h natural substance tound in food, which helps your body stay healthy

UNIT5 79
IPM Uniì 5
Complete the text vvith the correct form of the vvords from exercise c.

Sushi is a Japanese food which consists of cooked rice and other
(1) , such as vegetables, meat, fish and otten
(2) seaíood or even íruit. The word sushi actually
means (3) ‘-tasting’, vvhich reters to the tlavour of
the rice which is prepared with vinegar. Sushi can be made vvithout
meat or fish, which means that (4)can also
enjoy it.

There are many ditterent kinds of sushi and the (5)

value varies from dish to dish depending on how it has been prepared.
Sushi that contains meat or fish vvill be high in protein and healthy fats,
and the vegetables will provide (6)and minerals.
For those who like hot íoods, there is also a (7)
version of sushi.

Hovvever, sushi is often high in sodium and carbohydrates so it

is advisable to eat it in moderation. For those who are counting
(8), there is a healthier option: sashimi, which
is basically just the fish.

Match to make compound nouns.

1 immune a disorder
2 life b supplements
3 eating c anaesthetic
4 food d System
5 GM e rate
6 local f groups

1 1
7 mortality g crops
8 dietary h expectancy

Complete the sentences with compound nouns from exercise E.

1 The patient is just having a tooth removed, so he’ll only require a(n)
2 Due to better medical care, the decreased considerabiy in the tvventieth century.
3 Untortunately, anorexia is a(n)which is affecting more and more young women.
4 When your is weak, you are far more likely to catch a co d.
5 Instead of constantly taking like probiotics and íish oils, why don’t you just adopt a
more balanced diet?
6 lt’s important to maintain a balanced diet vvhich includes ingredients from all tive:
dairy, fruit, grains, proteins and vegetables.
7 According to an article in The Times oflndia,in the country has increased by five years.
8 Nineteen European countries have now banned because of health tears and the
impact they have on the environment.


Circle the correct vvords.

1 Chicken pox is a highly contagious / incurable disease, so please stay at home for the next week.
2 A number of drivers involved in the accident were hurt, but tortunately there were no lethal / íatal inj ưries.
3 Although the benehts of herbal medicine have yet to be scientitically shovvn / proven, many people believe it
has healing qualities.
4 The patient was treated / cured for indigestion vvhen actually she had a stomach ulcer! The doctor should have
been more caretul.
5 The doctor gave Carla pills to alleviate / exacerbate the pain she was experiencing.
6 Helen had been vvorking 50-hour weeks for a month, so it came as no surprise when she vvas diagnosed with
íatigue / fate.
7 Reading the ingredients list on the back of a chocolate bar vvill tell you if the product contains additives / allergies.
8 Of course my grandad hasn’t passed away yet! He’s still the image / picture of good health.
9 Asthma is a lung disease that attects the respiratory / circulatory System.
10 Untortunately, I have lactose inability / intolerance, so I alvvays steer clear of dairy Products.
11 There have been a number of cases of cardiac arrest / seizure in young athletes lately.
12 For starters, there is melon and Parma ham, just to trigger / whet your appetite.

Complete the article vvith these prepositions. The words in bold vvill help you. The prepositions can be
used more than once.
about by from in of on to with

Food allergy - a common phenomenon in the vvestern world

In a society in which the majority of youngsters are obsessed (1)________ vveight loss and image, it is
interesting to note that an estimated six to eight per cent of children suffer (2)________ a food allergy.
Allergies, or allergic diseases as they are also knovvn, include hay tever, asthma, and
food allergies. The symptoms vary greatly depending on the allergy a person is
affected {3)________ Symptoms can include a runny nose, a rash, red eyes
and severe svvelling and bloating where food allergies are concerned. If a person
is susceptible (4)________ an allergic reaction caused by íoods, they should
reírain (5)________ consuming peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, vvheat, shelltish and
cow’s milk as these toods are the cause (6) 90 per cent of all allergic
lf you are concerned [7] a reaction you have had to a particular
food, it is advisable to consult a doctor who specialises (8)________
allergies. The doctor vvill look into your medical history and conduct a
blood test and perhaps a skin test if deemed necessary. They vvill also
give you guidelines (9)________ how to cope (10)_________ these
reactions and which toods to avoid.

UNIT5 81
Unit 5
I Read the leaílet and choose the correct ansvvers.

Tips for a healthier liíestyle

• Top of the list is alvvays exercise! Whether you go íogging on a daily basis, decide to take up a nevv sport or
simply vvalk to work every day, it will help to (1)__ the stress you might be íeeling.
• Another important tip is healthy eating and a balanced diet. Reducing your fat (2)__ will lower your cholesterol
level and blood pressure, so there’ll be immediate results. Adding antioxidant-rich truits and vegetables to your
daily diet, will strengthen your ability to tight intection and diseases.
• Start trying to improve your sleep (3)___ Try and get to bed at a reasonable time, perhaps read betore you fall
asleep and think of things that relax you, as opposed to those that may cause tension.
• The next tip ís related to (4)___ How do you do it? Simply sit up straight, close your eyes and tocus on
something positive. You can actually ease anxiety and bring about changes in your (5)__ (the Chemical
processes that occur in living organisms). Emphasis should be placed on positive thinking, in other words (6)__
This apparently reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, depression and the chances of having a stroke.
• Last, but most detinitely not least, is laughter, which triggers the (7)__ of endorphins, the Chemicals that
lighten your mood and leave you teeling content.
(8) _ for thought? Mos t detinitely.

1 A relieve B reveal c relive D raise

2 A insulin B intake c insertion D retake
3 A selection B choice c option D pattern
4 A synchronization B immunisatiori c meditation D evaporation
5 A motion B metabolism c System D organs
6 A retlection B optimism c pessimism D respiration
7 A boost B release c torce D radiation
8 A Diet B Nourishment c Nutrition D Food

J Complete the sentences vvith these idioms.

cross my heart feel it in my bones have a sweet tooth have the heart
keep a straight íace see eye to eye slip of the tongue try your hand at

1 Sylvia had been dieting for a long time, so I didn’t to tell her that she didn’t appear
to have lost any vveight.
2 No, Mum! I didn’t eat the rest of the chocolate cake -I
3 I’ve cut down on tatty toods, but I just can’t give up sugar; I, end of story!
4 l’m sure you’re going to get a place at catering college - I can
5 lf you enjoy baking, why don’t you making some novelty children’s birthday cakes
- you might be able to make some money out of it!
6 Jamie and I otten argue and we certainly don’t on everything. Hovvever, we both
agree on the importance of a good education.
7 Despite promising not to laugh at Mum’s attempt to bake a cake, when l saw the result, l just couldn’t

8 Mary insisted that she hadn’t intended to insult her íriend. It was simply a


Cambridge in Action
Read the article and decide vvhich ansvver (A, B, c or D) best fits each gap.

Eat your way to health

There has been a lot of talk recently about ‘super íoods’, but did you knovv that many of the simplest (1)__
- the kinds of things that everybody has in their tridge or store cupboard - are actually packed with goodness
and can have an amazing effect on your health and (2)__ ?
Take the humble apple: apparently it is capable of reducing the risk of stroke by as much as 50 per cent!
Apples are a source of antioxidants which experts believe may extend life (3)__ , too.
Then there are almonds: they are rích in (4)__ such as vitamin E and calcium. According to the European
Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it has been scientitically (5)__ that people who eat a small quantity of dry-
roasted almonds as part of a (6)__ -controlled diet can signiticantly reduce their weight.
Broccoli is another food vvhich you should really try to incorporate into your (7)___ It (8) _ _ lots of tibre and
calcium and reduces the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes.

1 A contents B additives c packets D ingredients

2 A tatigue B well-being c System D organism
3 A metabolism B span c expectancy D rates
4 A nutrients B retreshments ■ c organics D extracts
5 A susceptible B proven c attected D caused
6 A calorie B svveet c fat D natural
7 A guidelines B tastes c kitchen D diet
8 A consists B comprises c contains D concerns

UNIT 5 83

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