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1st PUC- Physics

Syllabus for Mid-Term (70 marks)

1. Units and measurements
2. Motion in a straight line
3. Motion in a plane
4. Laws of motion (friction) (most weightage – about 35-40%)
Note: Physical World is not in syllabus, it has been deleted by the board.
Important Questions/topics
1. Units and Measurements
Fundamental and Derived Units
Significant Figures
Dimensional Analysis – Applications, limitations
Ex 1. If a physical Quantity A is directly proportional to Length, Mass but inversely
proportional to the square of time, establish the relation between A and others quantities.
2. Motion in a Straight line
Definitions – Displacement, Distance, Acceleration etc.
Graph – Position vs Time, Velocity vs Time and Acceleration vs Time
Kinematic equations in One dimension for uniformly accelerated, motion, their
derivation using Graph and calculus
Freely Falling Body
1. Derive the kinematic equations of motion using Graph
2. Freely Falling Body
3. Problems
3. Motion in a plane
Vectors and scalars – Null vector, position and displacement vector, dot product of
two vectors. Resultant of two vectors – Parallelogram and law of triangle. Formula -
𝑅 = √𝐴2 + 𝐵 2 + 2𝐴𝐵 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 and expression for tan 𝜃.
Projectile Motion – Trajectory of the Projectile. Expression for the path, max. Height,
Range, time of flight.
Uniform Circular Motion, angular velocity. Centripetal acceleration
1. Show that the trajectory of projectile motion is a parabola
2. Derive the expression for max. height reached by a projectile, time of flight, range.
3. Deduce the expression for the centripetal acceleration if the particle is executing
uniform circular motion.
4. Problems
4. Laws of Motion (Till Friction)
Definitions and statements of Newton’s laws, inertia, momentum and force.
Conservation of linear momentum. Problems
Effect of pseudoforces on weight.
Friction – Static, Kinetic and rolling, problems
1. State Newton’s second law and write the mathematical expression
2. State and explain Newton;s First Law
3. State Newton’s third law, give an example of conservation of linear momentum
4. What is Inertia? What is Momentum, write its SI unit
5. Define Impulse of a force.
6. Define Co-efficient of Static, kinetic and rolling friction. Theor mathematical

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