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Trương Văn Thuận – 1 - 15

Trần Lê Minh Quân - 15 - 27
Minh Thanh – 51 - 58
Phan Nguyễn Hoài Ân – 45 - 51
Huỳnh Quang Trung 28 - 44

1.what is your hobby?

 My hobby is learning.
2.how long have you had a hobby?
I don’t know. maybe i like playing games from 10 years ago
3. why do people have hobbies?
People have hobbies to relax, have fun, and learn new things.
4. why did you start your hobby?
 I started my hobby because it brings me joy and relaxation.
5. Can you make money from doing your hobby'
 I think I will because I like studying information technology and playing games.
Maybe I can make quite a lot of money for my hobby.
6. How many hours a week do you spend on your hobby?
 i like to play games i will probably spend four hours a week playing
7. Is your hobby safe or dangerous?
 yes, my hobby is safe for everyone
8.what is a hobby?
 A hobby is an activity that is done for pleasure, typically during one's leisure time.
9.why does people need hobbies?
 People need hobbies to relax, de-stress, develop themselves, and connect with others.
10. What can one do as a hobby?
 Hobbies help people relax, de-stress, develop themselves, and connect with others.
11. How much time can one spend on his/her hobby?
 The amount of time spent on a hobby depends on individual interests, commitments,
and goals. It is important to find a time commitment that works for you and that you are
comfortable with.
12. what is your hobby?
 My hobby is learning.
13. Does your hobby interfere with your work/study/personal life?
 No, because I use my hobby to learn more and improve my own knowledge.
14. Do you spend money on your hobby?
 Yes, I do spend money on my hobby because I buy a lot of technology-related items
that can help me learn more about the world.

15 My hobby I want to be done. But sometimes in a group, my likes and dislikes are
opposite to everyone's, I have an opinion, I will be ready to respond to everyone's
preferences, because we still have a lot of time to do it. his hobby.
16 : A hobby can save a child from bad friends if the hobby is a good one. Like my
hobby, running can help a child have high endurance and perseverance, feel the effort
that he himself has set for himself. Every time they complete the goal that they have
set, those children feel happy and happy. so instead of hanging out with bad friends,
they can go jogging for a better future

17 : In life there are very good hobbies but besides that there are also bad and
unhealthy hobbies. If we maintain a good hobby, it will be a springboard for future
development as well as future life. But if it is not healthy, it will adversely affect us in
the future.
18 :
My hobby is jogging every morning. for maintaining physical fitness, enhancing heart
and lung health, enhancing blood circulation, muscle health, improving mental health
and sleep, losing weight and maintaining weight effectively.
I have had this hobby since childhood. Since I was little, I often run and exercise with
my parents in the morning. Because it is very good for my health and helps me
exercise, I maintain it until now.
In my opinion, yacht ownership is the cheapest because renting a yacht will cost you
$5,000 a day. And according to Forbes, a yacht longer than 51 meters can cost up to
$50 million. And some luxury yachts cost much more than this number.
I think cooking is the cheapest hobby because If you can afford it, learn to cook. If
you can't, check out the cooking channel. Learn all you can about cooking. This way,
when you cook at home, you'll actually look forward to doing it because you know
you'll be able to make something as good as you would get at a restaurant. For more
help, sign up for delivery programs like Plated or Blue Apron, which deliver fresh
ingredients to your door and give you recipes to follow. Bonus: You'll save money
you would spend if you ate at a restaurant, and you'll also learn what ingredients go
into certain recipes. Also, a good cook is extremely sexy
In my opinion, the hobby is not expensive at all like my hobby of running. Because it
creates itself and uses its own strength to achieve the interests it desires. I created it
with my own two feet. Everyone can do it at no cost.
I think the most popular hobby in my country is drinking coffee in the morning
because it will help people concentrate, will help increase energy immediately, and
will make people feel relaxed and comfortable. From there, it will give you a better
and happier working day
My country's favorite sports are also quite diverse from swimming, volleyball, ... to
tennis. The most prominent among them is still football with about 85% of votes from
users. Or it can be said that sport for Vietnamese people is football
Shopping together: It can be said that this is the most attractive job for women. They
love to walk in supermarkets and bring back a lot of goods, sometimes with items that
are of no use at all. Unlike men, they just need to look at the product and if they like
it, they will buy it instead of meticulously examining and examining every small
I had hobbies when I was young. My hobby as a child was listening to my mother sing
me to sleep because every time I did that I felt very excited and happy. My mother's
lullaby made me go to sleep very quickly. And now I still have the same hobby
I think the hobbies of young people and children today are playing video games and
surfing Facebook. Because most of their free time is spent holding the phone to
browse the day's information. and then make them feel comfortable.
27. Gardening, photography, traveling, writing, sketching, meeting new people,
watching theatre, knitting, dancing, playing instruments, swimming, sports
28. No. I think it can be a sport that is played in free time and can be considered a
hobby. In your free time, you will practice with your friends who share the same
30. Of course. It makes me sedentary and eyestrain.
31. Yes. It’s language learning. Learning a new language can be particularly engaging
when you immerse yourself in a country where that language is spoken. Being in a
foreign country can provide practical language practice and cultural understanding.
32. Chess: Chess is a mentally demanding board game that involves strategy, critical
thinking, and a deep understanding of the game's principles. Mastering chess can take a
33. When I was in my early teens, I preferred many friends but nowadays I only have a
few friends but they are very close to me. So I would say, I prefer having few close
friends than having too many casual friends. As long as we enjoy each other’s company
don’t think I need to make more friends in my life.
34. Having fewer friends allows for deeper, more meaningful connections, while an
extensive group may lead to shallow relationships. Benefits of few friends:
+ Having fewer friends allows for deeper, more meaningful connections, while an
extensive group may lead to shallow relationships.
+ Quality Over Quantity: Having a few close friends means you can invest more time
and effort into nurturing these relationships. This focus on quality can lead to more
fulfilling interactions.
35. In college, Trung and Lan were my dynamic duo. Trung's academic prowess and
Lan's social charm made us an unbeatable trio. We supported each other through thick
and thin, creating lasting memories. Beyond college, our friendship endures as an
unbreakable bond. Trung and Lan are not just college friends; they're lifelong
36. The first friend I ever met in elementary I am still friends with. His name is Hải. I’ve
known him since kindergarten and we’re in 9th grade now. So I technically have known
him for almost 10 years (I will turn 15 in a few months) but because In kindergarten I
turned 6 a few months into the school year, then we have known each other for 9 years.
37. Because friends prevent isolation and loneliness and give you a chance to offer
needed companionship, too. Friends can also:
+ Increase your sense of belonging and purpose
+ Boost your happiness and reduce your stress
+ Improve your self-confidence and self-worth
+ Help you cope with traumas, such as divorce, serious illness, job loss or the death of a
loved one
+ Encourage you to change or avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as excessive
drinking or lack of exercise
If the person has no friends is:
+ Isolated people tend to have higher levels of stress. Having at least one friend can
reduce your stress levels.
+ Isolated people are more likely to experience depression than those who have friends.
+ Isolation can be related to health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, and
anxiety disorders.
38. Sorry, but I have never done anything good for my friends. They have done good to
me a lot. I was actually not a true friend to them. You know, a person is not always good
at maintaining friendships. So, that's where my weakness lies. The only small good thing
I ever did for my friend is to teach him Classical Mechanics so that he could clear his
backlog in Mechanics. But when it comes to something really helpful, then I do not lie
in good anywhere.
39. No. I had two people i considered “best friends” who never saved me from a serious
matter nor thought to cos they don’t know how and were incredibly self absorbed. They
took a total blind eye to my chronic human sufferings facing devastating financial loss
even in the slightest bit and great odds for improving the situation. I guess Americans
are just raised to be super-stingy, concerned only with their nuclear families and
obsessed with holding onto and saving money for their own needs, fancies and
pleasures. They THINK they are generous. They have proved totally transactional
and/or opportunistic/exploitive/parasitic.
40. With my friend: Maybe I can help within my ability.
With the stranger: No
41. Humor: My friends are funny and when I see you I always smile
Respect: My friend and I always respect each other's opinions
42. Take Classes: Enroll in classes or workshops related to your interests, whether it's
art, sports, or a new skill. I meet people with similar goals.
Online Communities: Join online forums or social media groups centered around your
interests. This can be a way to connect with people locally or globally.
43. Reconnecting: Facebook can help reconnect with old friends or acquaintances,
rekindling past connections.
Staying Connected: Facebook allows people to stay in touch with friends and family,
especially those who live far away. It can help maintain long-distance friendships.
44. I met my best friend through another friend. On that day, my friend invited me out
for coffee, then I met that friend, and we talked the whole coffee. I've been playing for 5
years now, studying at Vietnam-Korean University of Information and Communications
Technology. If I have time, I will go down there to play.
45. Personally, I feel like I'm a pretty bad dresser. I've tried many other clothing styles
before, but I always felt they didn't suit me. Now I try a new fashion style, I find it suits
me and I also love this style and mostly second hand items.
46. fashion is a style that is popular at a particular time, especially in clothes, hair, make-
47. Karim Benzema is a fashionable person that I really like, he is a French football
player. He is always appear with many luxury clothes items.
48. Not really. But sometimes, I also read GQ magazine. The publication focuses on
fashion, style, and culture for men, though articles on food, movies, fitness, music,
travel, celebrities' sports, technology, and books are also featured.
49. I think, winter is season that is the easiest to be fashionable
50. I can become a fashionable with little money, but if I don't have money it's really
hard for me.
51. In my family, I have the most fashionable. Because I am quite young and active
52. Because I'm only 22 years old and still active, I can keep up with modern fashion
53. In Vietnam, I think the capital Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City are the places where
54. Most of my friends are the same age, so their fashion sense is also very fashionable
55. Today I went to school so I just dressed quite simply with a t-shirt and a pair of
cargo pants, plus an outer jacket for sun protection.
56. I think they don't care about their appearance, or they don't have too much money to
buy clothes
57. My English teacher is the most fashionable teacher I know.
58. I’m not exactly sure how much money my mom spends on buying things for school,
but I do know that we spend more time getting school t-shirt and khaki pants than
getting school supplies.

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