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Subject Code: 100L2Z/

Subject: English- II
100H2Z/ LZ12A

DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH Class: All I Years Shift : I & II

CAT-2 Time: 3 hrs
APRIL 2024 Max. Marks: 75
Session: AN
Date: 13-04-2024 Prepared by: Ms. Akshya Ramesh No. of Copies: 1300

Evaluative Blueprint

SECTION – A (15 Marks)

Q.No Do as directed (5 x 1 = 5)
1 (a) Choose the appropriate meaning for the given words:
i) Murmur
ii) Comply
iii) Strange
iv) Forceful
v) Consume
vi) Pain
vii) Joyful
viii) Shame
ix) Butcher
x) Savage

Q.No Question
1 (b) Identify the errors in the passage and rewrite the passage
xi) Everyday, when the sun sets, John walks along the beach, feeling the warm sand beneath his feet. He
listens to the waves crashing against the shore, a soothing sound that relaxes him. Yesterday,
John noticed something shiny in the sand. Curious, he bent down and picked it up. It was a
message in a bottle! Excitedly, he opened it and read the note inside. It said, 'Help! I'm stranded
on a deserted island!' Shocked, John looked around but saw no one. He wondered who could
have written the message and how long they had been there. As he was pondering, a sudden gust
of wind blew the note out of his hand and into the sea, leaving him bewildered and uncertain of
what to do next.

SECTION B (20 marks)

Q.No Read the following passage/stanza and answer the questions below
(4 x 5 =20)
2(a) (i)The phrase "I'm still here!" suggests that despite the challenges, the speaker has endured and
persevered through life’s challenges. (2)
(ii) The speaker's attitude is one of defiance and resilience, refusing to succumb to the challenges.(2)
(iii) The speaker believes that others have tried to make him stop laughing, stop loving, and stop
living. (1)
2(b) (i)A variety of articles such as pincushions, sewing machines, cameras, or even a road engine could
be acquired with a ticket at the show. (2)
(ii) The people around the narrator reacted with surprise and amusement, muttering and giggling at
the idea of someone winning a road engine as a prize. (2)
(iii) A ticket cost eight annas for a chance to win various items.(1)
2 (c) (i)The familiar characters missing from the inn are Nicholas Vedder and Van Bummel. They are
replaced by unfamiliar individuals engaged in political discussions and activities. (2)
(ii) Rip Van Winkle observes that the village inn has been replaced by a large wooden building called
"The Union Hotel" by Jonathan Doolittle. The familiar surroundings have been altered, with broken
windows patched with hats and petticoats, and a flag bearing an unfamiliar design flying above.
Additionally, the people around the inn are different, with a bustling and political atmosphere
replacing the previous tranquility.(2)
(iii) The painting of General Washington is replaced/ depicted on the sign that used to show King
George. (1)
2 (d) [Company Logo]

Date: [Insert Date]

Circular on the Revised Resignation Policy

The objective of this communication is to inform all about the recent updates to our company's
resignation policy, effective from 01-05-2024. The aim is to ensure transparency, clarity, and
adherence to the revised policy guidelines, facilitating a smoother resignation process for both
employees and the organization. Thus, we have revised our resignation policy to streamline
procedures and provide clarity to all parties involved.

Key revisions to the resignation policy include:

● Notice Period: Employees are required to give a notice period of [insert notice period, e.g.,
two weeks] before resigning from their position. This allows us to manage the transition
effectively and plan accordingly for any necessary adjustments.
● Resignation Procedure: Employees must submit their resignation in writing to their immediate
supervisor or the HR department. The resignation letter should include the intended last
working day and any pertinent details regarding the resignation.
● Exit Interview: Upon resignation, employees may be invited to participate in an exit
interview. This provides an opportunity for employees to offer feedback on their experience
with the company and helps us identify areas for improvement.
● Return of Company Property: Employees are responsible for returning any company property,
including but not limited to laptops, access badges, and company-issued documents, before
their last working day.
● Final Settlement: The HR department will ensure that the employee's final settlement,
including any outstanding dues or benefits, is processed promptly.

Should you have any inquiries or require further elucidation regarding the updated policy, please do
not hesitate to contact the HR department. We encourage all employees to acquaint themselves with
the revised resignation policy to ensure adherence.

HR Department

[Company Name]

SECTION C (20 marks)

Q.No Read the following passage/stanza and answer the questions below
(4 x 5 =20)
3(a) (i) The speaker mentions the albatross to refer to Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem "The Rime of
the Ancient Mariner." The speaker was prompted to think about the albatross because it symbolizes
good fortune and guilt. (2)
(ii) The part of the snake that was almost hit by the log convulsed and writhed before disappearing
into a fissure in the wall. (2)
(iii) Immediately after witnessing the snake's reaction, the speaker regrets for his actions and felt
remorseful. (1)
3(b) (i) When the man made his choice, every spectators heart stopped beating, every breath was held,
and every eye was fixed immovably upon him.(2)
(ii) The man was anxious because he needed to make a crucial decision between two options. He
conveyed his question to the princess silently through a quick and anxious glance, asking her which
option he should choose. (2)
(iii) The princess responded to her lover by raising her hand and making a slight, quick movement
towards the right. .(1)

3 (c) (i) The narrator describes the bank as "kind of scary," with a big building, tall white marble pillars,
and many Brinks armored trucks and Cadillacs parked out front. Uniformed guards inside are seen
walking back and forth with guns, making it seem unwelcoming.(2)
(ii) In contrast to the bank, the Silver Dollar is described as small, dark, funky, and dirty. Trash is
seen on the floors, and tape covers the broken windows.(2)
(iii)The little old lady responds by smiling back bravely and encouraging the narrator not to turn
back now. (1)
3 (d)
Dear [Recipient's Name],

Good day!
I hope this email finds you well.

I am writing on behalf of [Your Company Name], and we are currently in the process of planning a
[type of event, e.g., annual company retreat, product launch, etc.] for our team. We are interested in
renting a space for this event and would like to inquire about the availability and pricing of your

Could you please provide us with the following information regarding your rental space:

● Availability for [date(s)] of [event duration, e.g., full day, half-day, etc.].
● Capacity of the space (seated and standing).
● Amenities and facilities included (e.g., audiovisual equipment, Wi-Fi, catering options, etc.).
● Rental rates and any additional fees.
● Any restrictions or policies we should be aware of.

Additionally, if you have any brochures, floor plans, or photos of the space available, we would
greatly appreciate it if you could share them with us for our reference.

We are aiming to make a decision on the venue as soon as possible, so prompt responses would be
greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to hearing back from you soon and
hopefully partnering with you for our upcoming event.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]

SECTION D (20 marks)

Q.No Read the following passage/stanza and answer the questions below.
(4x 5 = 20)
4 (a) (i) The Sky Maiden agrees to marry Frog after he asserts that he can accomplish tasks he sets
his mind to, and she becomes convinced of his capabilities. She decides to marry him based
on his determination and confidence.(2)
(ii) Taking a letter to Heaven, bringing a purse of money, and fetching a bride. (2)
(iii) Kimana failed to marry the Sky Maiden because he lacked the determination and initiative
demonstrated by the frog.(1)

4 (b) (i) A sudden demand for tamarind seeds erupted in the market during the Second World War.
The narrator collected these seeds and sold them to a provision shop on Mosque Street,
earning one anna for a day's collection.(2)
(ii) The narrator started earning his own money when newspapers had to be bundled and thrown
out from the moving train, and he was tasked with catching these bundles. Samsuddin
helped the narrator earn his first wages by involving him in this task.(2)
(iii) The name of the newspaper used by the narrator to trace the progress of the war was

4 (C) (i) Sivasubramania Iyer invited the narrator for a meal at his home, his wife was horrified at the
idea of a Muslim boy dining in her ritually pure kitchen. Despite his wife's objections,
Sivasubramania Iyer served the narrator with his own hands and sat down beside him to eat
his meal.(2)
(ii) Sivasubramania Iyer encouraged the narrator not to get upset and explained that such
problems had to be confronted when trying to change the system. He invited the narrator to
join him for dinner again the next weekend. (2)
(iii) The attitude of Sivasubramania Iyer's wife towards the narrator changed from initial
resistance and hesitation to eventual acceptance and inclusion. (1)

Minutes of Meeting (MoM)

[Date of Meeting: January 15, 2024]


John Smith (Chairperson)

Emily Johnson
David Lee
Sarah Adams
Michael Chen


Review of Successful Product Launch

Discussion on Business Expansion Opportunities
Any Other Business

Meeting Summary:

1. Opening:

● The meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM by John Smith.

2. Review of Successful Product Launch:

● Emily provided an overview of the successful product launch, highlighting key milestones
and achievements.
● David shared insights on customer feedback and market response to the new product.
● Action: Sarah to compile detailed reports on sales performance and customer feedback for
further analysis.

3. Discussion on Business Expansion Opportunities:

● The team brainstormed potential opportunities for business expansion, including new
markets, product lines, and partnerships.
● Michael proposed conducting market research to identify lucrative opportunities in emerging
● Sarah suggested exploring strategic partnerships with complementary businesses to enhance
market presence.
● Action: David to research potential expansion strategies and present findings at the next

Next Meeting: February 5, 2024, at 10:00 AM in Conference Room A.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM.

Minutes prepared by: Sarah Adams

Approved by: John Smith, Chairperson

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