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Read the poem and provide the following:

As you read the poem complete the
- Key details
- And find quotes for figurative language
- summarize the poem explaining her prayer to Hades


Key details tell the key points of the poem Figurative language explain the figurative
language with quotes

The speaker wants for Hades to have Quote: “this alone is what i wish for you;
knowledge of what he has done. Nobodies a knowledge”
thief without a cost

1-Knowledge and Responsibility: The The quote "this alone is what I wish for you;
importance of understanding that every knowledge" employs figurative language by
desire has consequences and that using "knowledge" as a symbol or metaphor
individuals are responsible for the impact for enlightenment, understanding, and
they have on others' lives awareness. It suggests that the speaker
desires for the recipient to gain deep insight
and understanding about themselves and the
world around them. This wish for knowledge
implies a desire for growth, wisdom, and

2- Faith and Sacrifice: Belief and faith come

with sacrifices and costs, including the
inevitability of death.

3-Clarity and Self-Reflection: The realization

that one must see clearly the consequences
of their actions and the effects they have on
the world around them.
4- Acceptance and Empowerment: There are
no curses, only reflections of one's own
actions and choices. The speaker
encourages the recipient to believe in
themselves and take responsibility for their
fate, suggesting empowerment through
self-belief and self-awareness

Write a short summary explaining the prayer in your own words.

The prayer expresses a wish for someone, possibly Hades, to gain knowledge and
understanding. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing the consequences of one's
actions and the responsibility we hold for the lives we influence. The speaker acknowledges
the complexities of faith and belief, highlighting that growth and self-awareness come with
costs. Ultimately, they relinquish any predestined fate and encourage the recipient to believe
in themselves and explore their own path.

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