The Rules of Tajveed

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All the Green Letters on page number 2 are called Bold Letters. Bold Letters are pronounced with bold and hot sound. They are 8: KHAW, RAW, SAWD, ZAWD, TAW, ZAW, GHIAN and QAWF.


Throttle letters are another type of letters which one would pronounce from his or her throat. . They are 6: HAMZAH, HAW, AIN , HA, GHAIN, KHAW, There are three parts of the throat. (1) BOTTOM PART Of THE THROAT. (2) MIDDLE PART Of THE THROAT. (3) TOP PART Of THE THROAT. HAMZAH and HAW will be pronounced from the bottom part of the throat. This part is nearest to the chest. AIN and HA will be pronounced from the middle part of the throat. GHAIN and KHAW will be pronounced from the top part of the throat. This part is nearest to the mouth.


To read Ta, Dal, and Taw we need to touch the tip of the tongue with the roots of the upper front teeth.


Tha, Zal, and Zaw these three letters are pronounced from the same place, which is, the tip of the tongue and the edge of the upper front teeth. We need to touch the tip of the tongue with the edge of the upper front teeth. ZAWD: We need to touch the left part of the tongue with the left molars up and down. QAWF: We need to touch the back part of the tongue with a small piece of meet which is at the top of the throat. KAF: We need to touch the back part of the tongue with the soft plate at the top in the mouth.

Similar letters are those letters which have their own unique sound but have a similarity with another letter. One should read these letters clearly and differently from its similar letter so that they could be distinguished from each other. Here are some Similar Letters: TA and TAW are similar to each other. THA, SEEN and SAWD are similar to each other.

HAW and HA are similar to each other. ZAL, ZZA, ZAWD or DHAWD and Zaw are similar to each other. QAWF and KAF are similar to each other. AIN and HAMZAH. are similar to each other.


TA is the light letter Taw is the bold letter. THA is the light letter and there should not be any whistle sound when we read this. SEEN is also the light letter, but there should be a kind of whistle sound when we read this and SAWD is with S sound but this S sound should be bold. ZAL is the light letter we will read this with Z sound and this Z sound should be very light. ZA, we will say with double ZZ sound. ZAW will also be pronounced with Z sound but this Z sound should be bold here. ZAWD or DHAWD we say this letter with Z and D. This letter should be pronounced in between these 2 Z and D sounds not clearly Z nor D. QAWF is bold letter and we say this with Q sound KAF is the light letter we will read this with K sound.AIN and HAMZA are from the Throttle letters we read Ain from the middle part and Hamza from the bottom part of the throat. HAW and HA are also from the Throttle letters we read HAW from the bottom part and Ha from the middle part of the throat.


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FATHA is always at the top of the letters. KASRA is always at the bottom of the letter. And finally, DHAMMA is also at the top of the letter but it has a small circle on one side.Whenever there is any letter with Fatha, Kasra ,or Dhamma we will read that letter normally. We cannot stretch or prolong the letters with these Signs or Movements.


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Whenever there is any letter with these signs ,we have to hold there for a nasal sound which should be at least for two seconds and this is called IKHFA. STANDING FATHA, KASARA and DHAMMA:
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STANDING FATHA is like ALIF at the top of the letters. STANDING KASRA is like ALIF but at the bottom of the letters. STANDING DHAMMA is at the top but it is the bottom side. curved from

The letters with these signs we have to stretch and prolong for about 2 seconds. SUKOON CONNECTING SIGN OR JAZAM:
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Whenever any letter has a Sukoon it is called a Sakin Letter. We connect two letters with each other and read the connected or Sakin Letter once. TASHDEED, MERGING or MIXING SIGN:
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Whenever any letter has a Tashdeed or Shadda Sign it is called a MUSHADDAD letter. We need to read the mushaddad letter twice, because of the Tashdeed we mix the Mushaddad letter with the previous letter, then we read the Mushaddad letter separately because of the other sign on the letter.Dont forget to put a stress on the Mushaddad letter.

There are three Madda Letters: ALIF WAAW and YA.

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These letters are identified as Madda Letters when ALIF has FATHA before it ,WAAW SAKIN has DHAMMA before it, and when YAA SAKIN has a kasra before it. Make sure you stretch each one for two seconds.



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There are two Leen letters, WAAW and YA. When WAAW SAKIN and YA SAKIN have Fathas before them then they are called Leen Letters.Whenever there is any Leen Letter we will read that letter normally. For this letter you do not need to stretch it.


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There are five Echo Letters, QAWF,TAW, BA , GEEM , DAL. Whenever these letters have sukoon we have to create an echo sound on them.


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IKHFA means to hide the sound in the nose for a while (2 seconds) on NOON SAKIN, NOON TANVIN and MEEM SAKIN when there is BA after it. In simple words this is a nasal sound on Noon Sakin and on Noon Tanvin and MEEM SAKIN when there is BA after that. Noon Sakin is Noon with Sukoon and Double Fatha. Double Kasra and Double Dhamma on any of the letter is calld Noon Tanvin.


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IZHAR means to read the sound of Noon Sakin and Noon Tanvin clearly. Whenever , there is any throttle letter after NOON SAKIN or after NOON TANVIN then read the sound of Noon Sakin or Noon Tanvin clearly.


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1: LA This is an Arabic word. This means NO. This is the sign where we cannot stop. 2: MEEM. This is the sign for compulsory stop. If you see this letter in the middle of the line then you have to stop there.

3: CIRCLE. This is the sign for a full stop ,like full stop in English where the sentence completes. 4: TAW. This is the sign for recommended stop, it is better to stop there. 5: JEEM is the sign for a permitted stop, on this we have a choice to stop or to keep continue there. Besides these signs whenever there is any other stop sign there the better is to keep continue.


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1: If the last letter of the word is TA in the shape of HAW, you have to Change that TA into HAW and you will make this Sakin also with stop. There should be a kind of HAW sound when you stop there. 2: If the last letter of the word is ALIF and the letter before ALIF has double Fatha then you will skip one Fatha from that letter and you will read one Fatha with stop. 3: If the last letter is Alif and the letter before Alif has single Fatha then you will read the same in booth the conditions with stop or with out stop 4: If the last letter is not Alif or not TA in the shape of HAW then you have to make the last letter Sakin with stop.


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GHUNNA means to keep the sound in the nose for a while on Noon and Meem when there is a TASHDEED or SHADDA Sign on them. We will do Ghunna on WAO and YA whenever there is Noon Sakin or Noon Tanvin before them. When (YAMOON) YA, MEEM, WAO and NOON have Noon Sakin or Tanvin before them we will do there Ghunna + Idghaam.


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If there is any letter from YARMALOON letters after Noon Sakin or after Noon Tanvin there will be IDGHAM. We have to connect or mix the sounds of 2 letters with each other .Whenever there is Tashdeed on any letter IDGHAM will be there.


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IQLAB means to change the sound of NOON SAKIN and NOON TANVIN into MEEM. Whenever there is BAA after Noon Sakin or after NOON TANVIN, Ikhfa will also be done there.

There are two types of MADD:

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1: Madd-e- Assliy
Madd-e- Assliy is a type of Madd done only on Madda Letters for about two seconds.

2: Madd-e- Fariy
Madd-e- Fariy is applied when there is Sakin, Mushaddad, Hamzah or Alif after any Madda Letters. There are 4 kinds of Madd-e Fariy:

1: Madd-e- Muttasil:
Whenever Hamzah comes after Madda Letters that will be Madd-eMuttasil. This is called a Big Madd that needs to be stretched for five seconds.

2: Madd-e- Munfasil:
Madd-e- Munfasil is when Hamzah is in the shape of Alif after a Madda Letter. This is called a Small Madd that is stretched for three seconds.

3: Madd-e-Lazim:
Madd-e- Lazim is when a Sakin or Mushaddad letter comes after a Madda letter, we need to stretch this for five seconds.

4: Madd-e- Aa riz: Madd-e- Aa'riz is doing the Madd on Madda letters when they come in the
last word of the verse or there is any other stop sign and we stop there. Stretch this Madd for about two seconds. WRITTEN BY: HAFIZ NAVEED AHMED MASTER IN ISLAMIC STUDIES LL.B ( HONORS) SHARIA AND LAW CHIEF INSTRUCTOR QURAN UNIVERSITY


A practical man can leads a peaceful and honorable life. Idleness gives birth to shamelessness. A practical man may enjoys all the comforts of life, but a lazy and talkative person cannot . He can just be envious of others but himself can aim nothing remarkable. Rehana Javaid The Tutor of Quran University

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