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College of Engineering – Department of Industrial Engineering

Garcia, Mhykailla Angela Z.

Reflective Analysis in The Corporation by Jenifer Abbot and Marc Achbar

The documentary "The Corporation" by Jennifer Abbott and Mark Achbar

explores the contemporary corporation and its effects on the environment and society. The movie
explores the origins, composition, and conduct of businesses, offering an insightful examination
of their impact on all facets of existence. It is also a perceptive documentary that examines the
function of corporations in the modern world and their effects on society and the environment. It
looks at the beginnings, makeup, and actions of companies, providing a thorough examination of
the ways in which they impact all facets of life.

One of the main ideas of the movie is that although corporations are legal entities
with many of the same rights as people, their main objective is always to maximize profit,
frequently at the expense of other factors like community well-being, worker welfare, and
environmental sustainability. The documentary revolves around this conflict between the
objectives of larger society and profit motives. "The Corporation" explores the idea of corporate
personhood and raises regarding the legal classification of corporations as "persons" and the
consequent consequences for accountability and responsibility. The movie makes the
case—supported by instances of corporate wrongdoing and environmental degradation—that the
chase of profit can result in immoral and destructive behavior. The film's use of interviews with
activists, academics, and business insiders to present a diverse picture of the issues at hand is
among its most impactful features. These interviews provide insights into the philosophies and
motivations guiding corporate conduct in addition to the different tactics used by corporations to
hold onto their power and influence.

All things considered, the thought-provoking and captivating documentary "The

Corporation" pushes viewers to reevaluate the place of corporations in society. It brings up
significant issues regarding corporate authority, responsibility, and the requirement for increased
openness and accountability in the business sector. Also "The Corporation" is an fascinating and
perceptive documentary that pushes viewers to consider companies' place in society. It brings up
significant issues regarding the nature of corporate power, the boundaries of corporate
accountability, and the requirement for increased openness and accountability in the corporate

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