Understanding Patrick Bateman

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Understanding Patrick Bateman: Exploring Psychopathy,

Antisocial Personality Disorder, and his Classification as a

Serial Killer
By: Devin Claus
With his terrifying description of psychopathy and antisocial behavior in "American
Psycho," Patrick Bateman captivates viewers. The main character of "American Psycho," Patrick
Bateman, indicates a detailed portrayal of antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) and
psychopathy. With a basis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-
5), this essay examines the character of Patrick Bateman, his association with psychopathy,
indications of ASPD, and his classification as a serial killer in the context of the film.

Psychopathy and sociopathy both show up as aspects of ASPD in the field of mental
health, although they vary in subtle manners. The film's representation of Patrick Bateman
displays characteristics more closely linked to psychopathy. His acts highlight the characteristics
of psychopathy, such as lack of empathy, superficial charm, manipulativeness, and violent
tendencies. Bateman's interactions and mannerisms reveal that, counter to sociopathy, he fits in
with psychopathic tendencies throughout the story.

The character of Bateman has many characteristics that correspond with ASPD. His
continuing disregard for social norms, together with his dishonesty, manipulating others,
impulsiveness, and absence of empathy, support his ASPD spectrum diagnosis. His grandiosity,
shallow emotion, and tendency toward narcissism all support the DSM-5's diagnosis of ASPD.

In "American Psycho," Patrick Bateman is seen as a serial killer instead of a mass

murderer. Even though Bateman doesn't follow the typical serial killer's victim profile or way of
functioning, he exhibits a pattern of planned homicides over time. The serial killer's careful
preparation, pleasure in taking lives, and psychological manipulation of his victims are traits that
distinguish him from a mass murderer.

The portrayal of Patrick Bateman perfectly embodies the traits of psychopathy. According
to Hare (2013), antisocial tendencies, impulsivity, lack of empathy, grandiosity,
manipulativeness, and superficial charm are traits that psychopaths hold, Bateman illustrates
these traits throughout the movie. His successful and charming appearance masks a violent, dark
inner self, demonstrating the complex nature of psychopathic behavior.

There are similarities between Bateman and known serial killers like Jeffrey Dahmer and
Ted Bundy. Like Bundy, Bateman hides his violent side from public view while putting on an
appealing show. Furthermore, the ritualistic actions and thorough planning of Bateman resemble
the methodical nature of Dahmer's crimes, highlighting similarities among psychopathic people.

There is an abundance of reasons why Bateman killed people. Hurting people and
establishing control over them gives him joy and a feeling of strength. His killings are a way for
him to maintain control over a world that he believes is meaningless and disconnected. In
addition, Bateman's behaviors reflect an overwhelming feeling of alienation and emptiness in a
superficial and consumerism-driven world.

Bateman embodies the common perception of a hedonistic serial killer motivated by

narcissism, sadistic feelings, and a never-ending hunger for excitement and enjoyment (Schmid,
2018). His killings show how psychopathic behavior is cold-blooded and predatory because they
are committed without regret or empathy.
In the end, the role played by Patrick Bateman in "American Psycho" serves as an
extremely frightening investigation into psychopathy and its relationship to extreme violence.
Through his portrayal, the movie examines the darker sides of consumer culture and human
nature, providing insight into the complex relationships between the psychological factors that
lead people to act violently and in a manner that is antisocial.

Hare, R. D. (2013). Without conscience: The disturbing world of the psychopaths among us.
Guilford Press.

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