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Ms Lan Anh Songthao lower secondary school


1. Phoneme: The smallest part of sound (vowel and consonant sounds) Âm tố - là thành phần
nhỏ nhất của âm thanh (gồm nguyên âm và phụ âm)
2. Syllable: The sound made when one or clusters of phonemes are articulated. Âm tiết – là
tiếng phát ra khi một hoặc nhiều âm tố được phát âm.
3. Stress: The degree of the loudness or prominence with which a sound ort a word is
pronounced. Độ lớn hay thống trị về âm của một âm tiết khi một chùm âm của một từ (có từ
hai âm tiết trở lên) được đọc, nói hay phát âm.
1.1. Di-syllable words: 1.1. Đối với các từ có 2 âm tiết.
a. Primary stresses on di-syllable words are a. Trọng âm chính của các từ có hai âm tiết
usually on the second syllable for verbs thường rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2 đối với các động từ
whose second syllables don’t contain the - trừ các âm tiết thứ 2 đó có chứa nguyên âm
vowel sounds of /ә/, /i/, and /әu/, and on the /ә/, /i/, hoặc /әu/, và rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất đối
first syllable of the other words except for với các từ loại còn lại, trừ trường hợp âm tiết thứ
the consonant sound of /ә/. nhất đó có chứa nguyên âm đơn /ә/.
Examples: Examples:
- Follow rules: - Follow rules:
Verbs Other words Verbs Other words
1. appeal 2 1. color (n) 1 1. appeal 2 1. color (n) 1
2. appear 2 2. palace (n) 1 2. appear 2 2. palace (n) 1
3. approach 2 3. student (n) 1 3. approach 2 3. student (n) 1
4. arrange 2 4. summer (n) 1 4. arrange 2 4. summer (n) 1
5. decide 2 5. easy (adj) 1 5. decide 2 5. easy (adj) 1
6. invite 2 6. noisy (adj) 1 6. invite 2 6. noisy (adj) 1
7. prepare 2 7. quiet (adj) 1 7. prepare 2 7. quiet (adj) 1
8. provide 2 8. ready (adj) 1 8. provide 2 8. ready (adj) 1
9. support 2 9. hardly (adj) 1 9. support 2 9. hardly (adj) 1
10. surprise 2 10. really (adv) 1 10. surprise 2 10. really (adv) 1
- Irregular: - Irregular:
Verbs Other words Verbs Other words
1. borrow 1 1. afraid 2 1. borrow 1 1. afraid 2
2. bother 1 2. across 2 2. bother 1 2. across 2
3. broaden 1 3. around 2 3. broaden 1 3. around 2
4. enter 1 4. canal 2 4. enter 1 4. canal 2
5. follow 1 5. career 2 5. follow 1 5. career 2
6. harbor 1 6. surround 2 6. harbor 1 6. surround 2
7. suffer 1 7. today 2 7. suffer 1 7. today 2
8. widen 1 8. tonight 2 8. widen 1 8. tonight 2
b. Primary stresses on di-syllable words are b. Đối với những từ có mang tiền tố, hậu tố,
usually on the root syllables with words trọng âm chính của từ đó thường rơi vào âm
having suffixes or prefixes. As; tiết gốc. Như;
Prefixes Suffixes Prefixes Suffixes
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1. become 2r 1. threaten 1r 1. become 2r 1. threaten 1r
2. react 2r 2. failure 1r 2. react 2r 2. failure 1r
3. foretell 2r 3. daily 1r 3. foretell 2r 3. daily 1r
4. begin 2r 4. treatment 1r 4. begin 2r 4. treatment 1r
5. unknown 2r 5. ruler 1r 5. unknown 2r 5. ruler 1r
6. prepaid 2r 6. quickly 1r 6. prepaid 2r 6. quickly 1r
7. redo 2r 7. builder 1r 7. redo 2r 7. builder 1r
8. overact 2r 8. lately 1r 8. overact 2r 8. lately 1r
9. upload 2r 9. actual 1r 9. upload 2r 9. actual 1r
10. dislike 2r 10. sandy 1r 10. dislike 2r 10. sandy 1r
c. Notes: For words with different word-class, c. Chú ý: Đối với những từ có nhiều chức
the main stresses are usually on the second năng từ vựng khác nhau, trọng âm chính thường
syllable for verbs, the first for other word- rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2 đối với động từ, rơi vào âm
classes. As; tiết thứ nhất đối với các từ loại còn lại. Như;
Verbs Others Verbs Others
1. rebel 2 1. rebel 1 1. rebel 2 1. rebel 1
2. progress 2 2. progress 1 2. progress 2 2. progress 1
3. suspect 2 3. suspect 1 3. suspect 2 3. suspect 1
4. record 2 4. record 1 4. record 2 4. record 1
5. export 2 5. export 1 5. export 2 5. export 1
6. conflict 2 6. conflict 1 6. conflict 2 6. conflict 1
7. permit 2 7. permit 1 7. permit 2 7. permit 1
8. conduct 2 8. conduct 1 8. conduct 2 8. conduct 1
9. perfect 2 9. perfect 1 9. perfect 2 9. perfect 1
10. import 2 10. import 1 10. import 2 10. import 1
1.2. Words with more than two syllable: 1.2. Đối với các từ có hơn 2 âm tiết.
a. Primary stresses are usually on the 3rd a. Đối với các từ có hơn hai âm tiết thông thường
syllables from the end for words with mỏe trọng âm chính thường rơi vào âm tiết thứ ba
than two syllables. As; kể từ âm tiết cuối. Như;
1. family 1 11. biology 2 1. family 1 11. biology 2
2. cinema 1 12. democracy 2 2. cinema 1 12. democracy 2
3. regular 1 13. satisfy 1 3. regular 1 13. satisfy 1
4. singular 1 14. dedicate 1 4. singular 1 14. dedicate 1
5. international 3 15. philosophy 2 5. international 3 15. philosophy 2
6. demonstrate 1 16. philosopher 2 6. demonstrate 1 16. philosopher 2
7. recognize 1 17. character 1 7. recognize 1 17. character 1
8. psychology 2 18. interest 1 8. psychology 2 18. interest 1
9. qualify 1 19. internet 1 9. qualify 1 19. internet 1
10. biologist 2 20. different 1 10. biologist 2 20. different 1
b. For words ending in “ian”, “ic”, “ience”, b. Đối với các từ có tận cùng như “ian”, “ic”,
“ient”, “al”, “ial”, “ual”, “eous”, “ious”, “ience”, “ient”, “al”, “ial”, “ual”, “eous”,
“ion”, “iar” primary stresses are usually “ious”, “iar”, “ion”, trọng âm thường rơi vào
on the preceding syllables of these, 2 nd âm tiết liền trước của các tận cùng này – thứ 2
syllables from the end with words. As; kể từ âm tiết cuối. Như;
Endings Words Endings Words
ian physician, musician 2/2 ian physician, musician 2/2
ic athletic, enrgetic 2/2 ic athletic, enrgetic 2/2

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ience experience, convenience 2/2 ience experience, convenience 2/2
ient expedient, ingredient 2/2 ient expedient, ingredient 2/2
al parental, refusal 2/2 al parental, refusal 2/2
ial essential, confidential 2/3 ial essential, confidential 2/3
ual habitual, individual 2/3 ual habitual, individual 2/3
eous courageous, spontaneous 2/2 eous courageous, spontaneous 2/2
ious delicious, industrious 2/2 ious delicious, industrious 2/2
ion decision, communication 2/4 ion decision, communication 2/4
iar familiar 2 iar familiar 2
Except for: Television (1) Ngoại trừ: Television (1)
c. For words ending in suffixes as “ee”, c. Đối với các từ có tận cùng “ese”, “ee’, “eer”,
“eer”, “ese”, “ier”, “ette”, “esque”, “oo”, “ier”, “ette”, “oo”, “esque”, trọng âm thường
primary stresses are usually on these rơi vào chính các âm tiết chứa các tận cùng
suffixes. As; này. Như;
Endings Words Endings Words
ee refugee, employee 3/3 ee refugee, employee 3/3
eer engineer, volunteer 3/3 eer engineer, volunteer 3/3
ese Vietnamese, Portuguese 3/3 ese Vietnamese, Portuguese 3/3
ette cigarette, ushrette 3/2 ette cigarette, ushrette 3/2
esque picturesque 3 esque picturesque 3
oo cukoo, bamboo 2/2 oo cukoo, bamboo 2/2
oon typhoon, saloon 2/2 oon typhoon, saloon 2/2
d. For words ending in “ate”, “fy”, “ity”, d. Đối với các từ có tận cùng là “ate”, “fy”, “ity”,
“ize”, primary stresses are usually on the “ize”, trọng âm chính thường rơi vào âm tiết
3rd syllables from the end. As; thứ ba kể từ âm tiết cuối. Như;
Endings Words Endings Words
ate communicate, dedicate 2/1 ate communicate, dedicate 2/1
fy satisfy, classify 1/1 fy satisfy, classify 1/1
ity ability, responsibility 2/4 ity ability, responsibility 2/4
ize recognize, urbanize 1/1 ize recognize, urbanize 1/1
ety anxiety, society 2/2 ety anxiety, society 2/2
Notes: chú ý:
- Trên thực tế không có một qui tắc bất biến cho việc xác định vị trí trọng âm của từ.
- Việc xác định trọng âm cần thực hiện cùng cách phát âm, dựa nhiều vào kinh nghiệm.
- Những bài tập được cung cấp là những bài tập có tần suất sử dụng lớn để soạn đề thi.
2.1. Từ ghép:
a. Đối với từ ghép gồm hai loại danh từ thì nhấn vào âm tiết đầu: typewriter; suitcase;
teacup; sunrise.
b. Đối với từ ghép có tính từ ở đầu, còn cuối là từ kết thúc bằng -ed, nhấn vào âm tiết đầu của
từ cuối: bad-tempered.
c. Đối với từ ghép có tiếng đầu là con số thì nhấn vào tiếng sau: three-wheeler.
d. Từ ghép đóng vai trò là trạng ngữ thì nhấn vần sau: down-stream (hạ lưu).
e. Từ ghép đóng vai trò là động từ nhưng tiếng đầu là trạng ngữ thì ta nhấn âm sau: down-
grade (hạ bệ); ill-treat (ngược đãi, hành hạ).
f. Danh từ kép: nhấn ở yếu tố thứ nhất của danh từ:

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Ms Lan Anh Songthao lower secondary school
- Noun-Noun: classroom, teapot
- Noun + Noun: apple tree, fountain pen
- Gerund (V-ing) + Noun: writing paper, swimming pool
- Others:
+ Từ cuối là dụng cụ cho từ đầu: a soup spoon, a shool bus
+ Từ đầu xác định từ cuối: a mango tree; an apple tree
+ Từ cuối là danh từ tận cùng bằng: er, or, ar: a bookseller
+ Trọng âm ở từ sau nếu từ trước chỉ vật liệu chế tạo ra từ sau: a paper bag, a brick house
2.2. Nhấn vào âm tiết liền trước của các âm liệt kê:
a. ity: ability, possibility, simplicity, complexity.
b. ety: society, anxiety
c. ic, ics: electric, phonetic, athletics [ngoại lệ: politic, catholic, Arabic]
d. ical: historical, electrical, economical, identical
e. ive: impressive, possessive [ngoại lệ: adjective, transitive, intransitive, positive]
f. ative: predicative, causative, superlative
g. able: countable, recognizable [ngoại lệ: honorable, comfortable, miserable, admirable,
valuable, inexorable]
h. ible: comprehensible, indefensible
i. tion, tional: demonstration, dictation, conditional, educational
j. sion, sional: profession, impression, occasional
k. y (2 phụ âm): happy, busy
2.3. Nhấn vào âm tiết thứ ba kể từ âm tiết cuối của các từ có tận cùng như:
a. ate: concentrate, execrate, generate
b. tude: grattitude, solitude, attitude
c. ogy: physiology, geology (địa chất học), phonology, phyciology
d. sophy: philosophy
e. aphy: biography, photography, autobiography
f. metry: geometry, photometry
g. nomy: economy, physiognomy
2.4. Nhấn vào âm tiết cuối khi nó chứa các tổ hợp:
- ade: lemonade, promenade
- ee: trainee, payee, disagree, employee, guarantee
- eer: volunteer, pioneer
- ese: Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese
- ette: usherette, cigarette, silhouette (“h” câm), statuette.
- esque: statuesque, picaresque, picturesque [“que” câm, nhấn “es”]
- oo: bamboo, shampoo
- oon: typhoon, saloon
Exercise 1: Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group.
1. A. admire B. honor C. title D. difficult
2. A. describe B. struggle C. political D. society
3. A. independence B. politician C. immortality D. different
4. A. comfort B. nation C. apply D. moment
5. A. ashamed B. position C. begin D. enemy
6. A. influential B. creative C. introduction D. university
7. A. profit B. suggest C. surrender D. report
8. A. career B. majority C. continue D. education

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9. A. vocational B. employer C. minority D. reasonable
10. A. general B. opinion C. abroad D. surprise
Exercise 2: Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group.
1. A. realize B. improve C. possible D. comfortable
2. A. important B. especially C. prefer D. influence
3. A. mineral B. example C. diamond D. popular
4. A. republic B. collector C. situation D. inscription
5. A. protection B. separate C. develop D. encourage
6. A. recognize B. stimulate C. activity D. adult
7. A. intelligent B. direct C. desire D. satisfactory
8. A. relationship B. command C. vocabulary D. island
9. A. define B. idea C. express D. figure
10. A. suppose B. expect C. unusual D. literary
Exercise 3: Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group.
1. A. individual B. reputation C. experience D. scientific
2. A. carpenter B. revise C. ignore D. traditional
3. A. necessary B. achieve C. poetic D. communicate
4. A. influence B. modern C. consider D. different
5. A. contain B. poisonous C. chemical D. scientist
6. A. discover B. unhealthy C. amount D. realize
7. A. avoid B. gesture C. permit D. exact
8. A. forefinger B. precise C. specific D. computer
9. A. involved B. equal C. machine D. eventual
10. A. operation B. official C. community D. efficiency
Exercise 4: Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group.
1. A. redundant B. harmony C. grammatical D. essential
2. A. absolute B. accuracy C. obvious D. original
3. A. machine B. enthusiast C. replace D. fortune
4. A. unemployed B. necessity C. generosity D. represent
5. A. furious B. wonderful C. reaction D. honesty
6. A. return B. lottery C. reward D. immediate
7. A. address B. millionaire C. believe D. mislead
8. A. estimate B. medical C. advice D. vegetables
9. A. addition B. exemplify C. incredible D. candle
10. A. aesthetic B. particular C. disease D. acceptability
Exercise 5: Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group.
1. A. physical B. activity C. increase D. expectancy
2. A. conform B. perhaps C. remove D. various
3. A. percentage B. advantage C. examine D. influence
4. A. decay B. purpose C. however D. invention
5. A. prefer B. electricity C. invent D. collaborate
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6. A. amazing B. ability C. performance D. television
7. A. appear B. audience C. government D. talented
8. A. painter B. energy C. express D. boundary
9. A. inspire B. resign C. dangerous D. exchange
10. A. commodity B. material C. deposit D. quality
Exercise 6: Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group.
1. A. petroleum B. resource C. occur D. anger
2. A. producer B. consume C. companion D. situation
3. A. attract B. descend C. noticeable D. control
4. A. widespread B. anxiety C. explode D. alternative
5. A. direction B. community C. garbage D. utility
6. A. product B. convert C. efficient D. dispose
7. A. biological B. expedition C. synthetic D. scientific
8. A. experiment B. giant C. windmill D. software
9. A. geometric B. supply C. potential D. pollution
10. A. destroy B. disappear C. development D. independent
Exercise 7: Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group.
1. A. extent B. synonymous C. admit D. manuscript
2. A. inadequate B. available C. authority D. purpose
3. A. demonstrate B. responsible C. simplify D. celebrate
4. A. secondary B. expectation C. supervision D. sociologist
5. A. instead B. furious C. campaign D. apartment
6. A. balcony B. accident C. mechanic D. survey
7. A. flexible B. together C. domestic D. relaxed
8. A. control B. giant C. windmill D. software
9. A. geothermal B. experimental C. elementary D. geographical
10. A. attendance B. compulsory C. geography D. similar
Exercise 8: Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group.
1. A. politics B. imaginary C. result D. annoyed
2. A. Japan B. astronaut C. unfortunate D. approximate
3. A. consequently B. profile C. initiate D. project
4. A. conference B. announcement C. arrival D. reception
5. A. argument B. definite C. museum D. permanent
6. A. treatment B. prevent C. intelligent D. acquire
7. A. affirm B. rely C. infection D. remedy
8. A. effort B. distinguished C. available D. luxurious
9. A. physiology B. economics C. nominate D. competition
10. A. contribution B. appropriate C. opportunity D. anniversary
Exercise 9: Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group.
1. A. afloat B. superior C. passenger D. contribute
2. A. chemistry B. original C. tribute D. emphasis
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3. A. sentimental B. commonplace C. mathematics D. information
4. A. pronounce B. American C. soldier D. prefer
5. A. muscular B. instrument C. dramatic D. argument
6. A. magnetic B. radiation C. unpleasant D. equipment
7. A. distraction B. considerable C. recommend D. description
8. A. probability B. attitude C. technological D. entertainment
9. A. emergency B. encourage C. shortage D. distraction
10. A. natural B. surplus C. dynamite D. decision
Exercise 10: Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group.
1. A. legacy B. illuminate C. humanity D. commemorate
2. A. numerous B. recent C. telescope D. forever
3. A. behaviour B. predict C. occurrence D. environmental
4. A. mishap B. evacuate C. vigorous D. moderate
5. A. unspeakable B. accomplish C. emotional D. tendency
6. A. expression B. response C. psychologist D. vehicle
7. A. development B. prevent C. common D. avoid
8. A. supply B. reliever C. effective D. remedy
9. A. familiar B. repellent C. antiseptic D. survive
10. A. ingenious B. device C. enormous D. dangerous
Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group.
1. A. paper B. tonight C. lecture D. story

2. A. money B. army C. afraid D. people

3. A. enjoy B. daughter C. provide D. decide

4. A. begin B. pastime C. finish D. summer

5. A. abroad B. noisy C. hundred D. quiet

6. A. passion B. aspect C. medium D. success

7. A. exist B. evolve C. enjoy D. enter

8. A. doctor B. modern C. corner D. Chinese

9. A. complain B. machine C. music D. instead

10. A. writer B. baker C. builder D. career

11. A. provide B. adopt C. happen D. inspire

12. A. result B. region C. river D. robot

13. A. constant B. basic C. irate D. obvious

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14. A. become B. carry C. appoint D. invent

15. A. engine B. battle C. career D. rabies

16. A. interesting B. surprising C. amusing D. successful

17. A. understand B. engineer C. benefit D. Vietnamese

18. A. applicant B. uniform C. yesterday D. employment

19. A. dangerous B. parachute C. popular D. magazine

20. A. beautifully B. intelligent C. redundancy D. discovery

21. A. comfortable B. employment C. important D. surprising

22. A. variety B. irrational C. industrial D. characterize

23. A. colorful B. equality C. dictionary D. vegetable

24. A. elegant B. regional C. musical D. important

25. A. difference B. suburban C. internet D. character

26. A. beautiful B. effective C. favorite D. popular

27. A. attraction B. government C. borrowing D. visit

28. A. difficulty B. individual C. population D. unemployment

29. A. biology B. redundancy C. interviewer D. comparative

30. A. conversation B. isolation C. traditional D. situation

31. A. continue B. disappear C. imagine D. inhabit

32. A. altogether B. capacity C. eventually D. particular

33. A. professor B. digestion C. mechanic D. engine

34. A. mathematics B. biology C. experiment D. philosophy

35. A. evolution B. development C. discovery D. philosopher

36. A. another B. energy C. centigrade D. gravity

37. A. evaporate B. temperature C. impossible D. experiment

38. A. gravity B. professor C. pyramid D. remedy

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39. A. abandon B. discover C. imagine D. satisfy

40. A. activity B. epidemic C. philosopher D. significance

41. A. disease B. humor C. cancer D. treatment

42. A. remedy B. exercise C. pollution D. surgery

43. A. pneumonia B. activity C. psychiatrist D. ordinary

44. A. persuade B. reduce C. offer D. apply

45. A. expression B. successful C. physical D. prevention

46. A. farmer B. farewell C. factory D. fairy

47. A. cattle B. country C. canal D. cover

48. A. money B. machine C. many D. mother

49. A. borrow B. agree C. await D. prepare

50. A. government B. condition C. parliament D. fortunate

51. A. paper B. police C. people D. purpose

52. A. interesting B. important C. increasing D. implying

53. A. element B. enormous C. animal D. elephant

54. A. damage B. destroy C. demand D. deny

55. A. biology B. intelligent C. environment D. infrastructure

56. A. ancient B. attack C. alive D. across

57. A. person B. purpose C. possess D. pirate

58. A. eternal B. enormous C. enemy D. Egyptian

59. A. ruler B. river C. retire D. rapid

60. A. revolution B. responsible C. renovation D. regulation

61. A. sentence B. suggest C. species D. system

62. A. bacteria B. dangerous C. government D. interesting

63. A. attack B. defeat C. believe D. happen

64. A. pyramid B. pharaoh C. animal D. possession

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65. A. accompany B. responsibility C. environment D. parliament

66. A. provide B. improve C. contain D. borrow

67. A. cinema B. telephone C. department D. restaurant

68. A. design B. garage C. market D. village

69. A. exercise B. example C. holiday D. stadium

70. A. excellent B. exactly C. dangerous D. wonderful

71. A. beautiful B. elephant C. already D. usually

72. A. theatre B. unknown C. absence D. dinner

73. A. amuse B. imagine C. interest D. surprise

74. A. especially B. beautifully C. quickly D. lately

75. A. policeman B. performer C. engineer D. assistant

76. A. advice B. beauty C. picture D. postcard

77. A. prepare B. practice C. prevent D. provide

78. A. famous B. curious C. anxious D. delicious

79. A. vacation B. colleague C. pupil D. teacher

80. A. theatre B. career C. cinema D. gallery

81. A. picture B. business C. stranger D. return

82. A. museum B. cinema C. hospital D. concert

83. A. performance B. unknown C. visit D. confirm

84. A. yesterday B. tonight C. today D. tomorrow

85. A. memory B. article C. newspaper D. edition

86. A. sorry B. tractor C. police D. fireman

87. A. interest B. remember C. assemble D. resemble

88. A. policeman B. semester C. exercise D. attendance

89. A. vegetable B. interesting C. volleyball D. detective

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90. A. homework B. lesson C. detect D. tennis

91. A. uncle B. machine C. rubber D. butter

92. A. every B. evening C. potato D. factory

93. A. produce B. money C. improve D. because

94. A. vegetable B. university C. Wednesday D. television

95. A. coffee B. farmer C. paper D. deliver

96. A. eleven B. elephant C. energy D. envelope

97. A. preparation B. decoration C. television D. exhibition

98. A. leather B. paper C. iron D. ceramics

99. A. mirror B. invent C. wallet D. engine

100. A. discovery B. calculator C. aero-plane D. difficulty

101. A. descendant B. environment C. ornamental D. delivery

102. A. resounding B. recompense C. reconcile D. recognize

103. A. difference B. deficit C. reference D. deficiency

104. A. devilish B. transparent C. glorify D. luxury

105. A. arithmetic B. aristocrat C. artificial D. argument

106. A. honorable B. intimacy C. participate D. interviewer

107. A. militarism B. infected C. eventual D. community

108. A. suP.Port B. colleague C. bilingual D. evaluate

109. A. apology B. apparent C. adverbial D. advocate

110. A. oblivious B. ferocious C. scandalous D. victorious

111. A. librarian B. respectable C. terrific D. terrorist

112. A. architect B. pioneer C. military D. principal

113. A. utterance B. attendance C. performance D. reluctance

114. A. ferocious B. adventure C. Orient D. achievement

115. A. occurrence B. particular C. spectator D. preference

TRANG 11/14
Ms Lan Anh Songthao lower secondary school


Exercise 11
1. A. identify B. considerable C. inhabitant D. surface
2. A. variety B. termination C. humanity D. diplomacy
3. A. unthinkable B. arbitrary C. division D. volcano
4. A. intricate B. ridiculous C. romantic D. outdated
5. A. planetary B. psychological C. exploration D. distribution
6. A. property B. attitude C. summarize D. astronomer
7. A. discovery B. universe C. establish D. result
8. A. recession B. conclusive C. observation D. expansion
9. A. impetus B. dominant C. emerge D. element
10. A. introduce B. invasion C. incorporate D. extend
Exercise 12
1. A. missionary B. various C. technology D. calculate
2. A. controller B. average C. extensive D. magnetic
3. A. genetic B. arbitrary C. division D. volcano
4. A. atmosphere B. ancient C. powerful D. appoint
5. A. confirm B. monetary C. policy D. proverb
6. A. recession B. excess C. demand D. regular
7. A. inflation B. successful C. cartoon D. purpose
8. A. creation B. inspiration C. intervene D. opportunity
9. A. throughout B. appeal C. resourceful D. maximum
10. A. maintenance B. significant C. executive D. reluctant
Exercise 13
TRANG 12/14
Ms Lan Anh Songthao lower secondary school
1. A. accept B. interaction C. advancement D. untamed
2. A. undisturbed B. another C. pessimistic D. epidemic
3. A. release B. retirement C. appear D. implement
4. A. transform B. exhilarate C. precaution D. rigorous
5. A. environment B. attention C. adaptable D. auditory
6. A. convey B. describe C. approval D. testimony
7. A. communicate B. infect C. descendent D. regulate
8. A. infection B. disaster C. public D. surround
9. A. unsinkable B. effective C. disease D. positive
10. A. approach B. involve C. expose D. garbage
Exercise 14
1. A. nominate B. susceptible C. resistant D. recovery
2. A. eliminate B. domesticate C. unlimited D. sabotage
3. A. substantial B. technological C. exponential D. infiltration
4. A. immunity B. pursuit C. perfection D. confident
5. A. accompany B. unfinished C. contagion D. separate
6. A. athletic B. lucrative C. conservative D. distinguish
7. A. predecessor B. competition C. indestructible D. democracy
8. A. outstanding B. minority C. determined D. evidence
9. A. material B. indestructible C. phenomenon D. evidence
10. A. facility B. believe C. however D. approximate
Exercise 15
1. A. together B. exchange C. information D. descriptive
2. A. detail B. conclude C. convincing D. continent
3. A. recombine B. intervention C. eradicate D. employee
4. A. initial B. isolate C. community D. humanity
5. A. automobile B. alternative C. practical D. automated
6. A. dependable B. assortment C. suitable D. commercial
7. A. infrastructure B. convenient C. executive D. creative
8. A. schedule B. elastic C. improvement D. equipment
9. A. comfortable B. flexible C. prosperous D. endeavor
10. A. enthusiasm B. chemistry C. explosive D. synthetic
Exercise 16
1. A. substantial B. apologize C. numerous D. advancement
2. A. apparent B. arrange C. underground D. display
3. A. interrupt B. potentially C. argumentative D. simultaneous
4. A. seasonal B. extinct C. marine D. fantastic
5. A. tropical B. incredible C. uncomfortable D. behind
6. A. create B. ordinary C. attitude D. scholar
7. A. obtain B. theory C. illustrate D. diagram
8. A. gravitation B. manufacture C. behavior D. recommend
9. A. messenger B. assistant C. enable D. require
10. A. agree B. religion C. suitable D. occur
Exercise 17
TRANG 13/14
Ms Lan Anh Songthao lower secondary school
1. A. accent B. unlike C. cultural D. climate
2. A. information B. together C. residential D. cosmopolitan
3. A. average B. attractive C. gallery D. numerous
4. A. audience B. exceed C. convince D. assure
5. A. superior B. repetition C. entertainment D. incorrect
6. A. passenger B. explorer C. Italian D. continue
7. A. traveller B. European C. century D. spacecraft
8. A. unmanned B. valuable C. comment D. surface
9. A. leisure B. unnecessary C. result D. repeat
10. A. already B. complain C. arrangement D. temperature
Exercise 18
1. A. exist B. unfair C. decline D. menace
2. A. ecologist B. historical C. suspect D. humorous
3. A. deteriorate B. religious C. integral D. persuade
4. A. flourish B. notable C. acclaim D. dominate
5. A. pioneer B. equality C. attempt D. proportion
6. A. imitate B. balloon C. fashionable D. pastime
7. A. capable B. encourage C. designer D. intense
8. A. construct B. efficient C. remember D. influence
9. A. address B. except C. sufficient D. colony
10. A. perspective B. century C. engaged D. nomadic
Exercise 19
1. A. migrate B. inhabit C. character D. diversity
2. A. environment B. survice C. inhabitant D. customer
3. A. tolerant B. acknowledged C. prepare D. announcement
4. A. advance B. ancient C. cancer D. annual
5. A. theory B. tragedy C. intend D. government
6. A. inspire B. wealthy C. protect D. extinct
7. A. simplicity B. pollution C. electricity D. activity
8. A. mathematics B. statistics C. academy D. mechanic
9. A. serious B. mistake C. circumstance D. original
10. A. valley B. mountain C. peninsula D. scenery
Exercise 20
1. A. particular B. impressed C. knowledge D. immense
2. A. excellent B. fertile C. century D. include
3. A. recent B. family C. interesting D. immediate
4. A. forgettable B. important C. periodical D. remove
5. A. appreciate B. relationship C. business D. within
6. A. involve B. benefit C. advice D. consult
7. A. reliable B. novelist C. actual D. physical
8. A. miraculous B. occupation C. occasion D. attach
9. A. prosperous B. musical C. success D. moderate
10. A. exceptional B. composer C. encourage D. preservation
Exercise 21
TRANG 14/14
Ms Lan Anh Songthao lower secondary school
1. A. resources B. increase C. farmland D. disaster
2. A. iron B. metal C. forest D. dessert
3. A. technological B. population C. communication D. information
4. A. hostility B. microchip C. equality D. destruction
5. A. humble B. concern C. orphan D. terrible
6. A. adequate B. reveal C. construction D. together
7. A. experience B. discomfort C. support D. friendship
8. A. numerous B. admit C. occasion D. attempt
9. A. immediate B. success C. eagerness D. phonetic
10. A. conference B. horrible C. experience D. language
Exercise 22
1. A. result B. strengthen C. forget D. abolish
2. A. suggest B. relate C. empty D. effect
3. A. colleague B. available C. different D. sacrifice
4. A. discovery B. researcher C. remain D. label
5. A. identify B. continue C. popular D. consumer
6. A. product B. satisfy C. mistake D. however
7. A. approval B. novel C. compulsory D. illusion
8. A. inversion B. miserable C. pleasant D. difficulty
9. A. establish B. rely C. project D. require
10. A. organize B. embarrass C. discourage D. surrounding
Exercise 23
1. A. chemical B. accumulate C. opinion D. available
2. A. computer B. machine C. instant D. appliance
3. A. eventual B. electricity C. popularity D. volunteer
4. A. deliver B. avoid C. manage D. advise
5. A. cooperate B. enough C. discuss D. saturate
6. A. alternative B. energy C. process D. temperature
7. A. potential B. possess C. survival D. current
8. A. burglary B. employment C. courageous D. dependent
9. A. comment B. nourish C. marine D. landscape
10. A. obstacle B. government C. courage D. dismiss
Exercise 24
1. A. opportunity B. decoration C. temperament D. expectation
2. A. particular B. equipment C. identify D. miracle
3. A. complete B. command C. common D. community
4. A. journal B. mourning C. calcium D. although
5. A. memory B. compare C. connect D. upgrade
6. A. stimulate B. permanent C. fertilizer D. variety
7. A. accelerate B. digestive C. disorder D. infantry
8. A. convenient B. previous C. management D. purchase
9. A. deliberate B. dramatist C. discovery D. improvement
10. A. redundancy B. comparison C. maintenance D. capacity
Exercise 25
TRANG 15/14
Ms Lan Anh Songthao lower secondary school
1. A. interview B. essential C. industry D. comfortable
2. A. confirm B. convenient C. tranquility D. awkward
3. A. industrial B. destruction C. extreme D. energy
4. A. behaviour B. requirement C. abundant D. estimate
5. A. historical B. general C. obvious D. modernize
6. A. continent B. permission C. circumstance D. interest
7. A. recycle B. completely C. introduce D. alternative
8. A. religious B. miserable C. perform D. include
9. A. significant B. quantity C. committee D. believable
10. A. ambitious B. constant C. investment D. exhaust

TRANG 16/14

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