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Read and analyze each test items carefully.

Write only the letter of the correct answer and explain why is
that the answer

1. It is a preparation before the proposal, which provides overview of the subject.A. Research paperB.
Concept PaperC. Position paperD. Critique paper 2. In explaining a concept, it is the method of
identifying a given termand making its meaning clearer.A. ClarificationB. ImplicationC. DefinitionD.
Explication3. It is a method of explanation in which sentences, verses, quotes, or passages are taken
from a literary or academic work and theninterpreted and explained in a detailed way.A. ClarificationB.
ImplicationC. DefinitionD. Explication4. It is a method of explanation in which the points are organized
froma general abstract idea to specific and concreteexamples.A. ClarificationB. ImplicationC.
DefinitionD. Explication5. “Tocopherol (Vitamin E) is naturally found in vegetable oil, fish, andnuts.” This
is an example of what way in explaining aconcept?A. DefinitionB. ExplicationC. ClarificationD.
Implication6. “The poem titled,

The Road Not Taken,

by Robert Frost is about aman reflecting on a choice he had once made. While the outcome of hischoice
is not implied to be positive or negative, the speaker notes thatthe choice in itself and the consequences
of that choice have made ahuge difference in a way his life is unfolded.” This is an example of what way
in explaining a concept?A. DefinitionB. ExplicationC. ClarificationD. Implication7. “Justice is broad
concept which encompasses a wide set of ideas,most of which also branch out into similar notions. For
instance, it canrefer to sentencing of criminal based on due process…” This is anexample of what way in
explaining a concept?A. DefinitionB. ExplicationC. ClarificationD. Implication8. It refers to explaining a
term to be defined, category, and details.A. NuclearB. ExtendedC. InformalD. Formal9. It is a detailed
way of defining a term and usually composed of atleast one paragraph.A. NuclearB. ExtendedC.
InformalD. Formal10. It is a way of defining a term done through a parenthetical or brief explanation.A.
NuclearB. ExtendedC. InformalD. Formal11. It is an essay that presents an opinion and make a claim
about anissue.A. Research paperB. Concept PaperC. Critique paperD. Position paper 12. In values
communicated in writing a position paper, it refers to the process of using a rational, systematic series
of steps based on soundmathematical procedures and given statements to arrive at a conclusion.A.
Logical ThinkingC. Balanced assignments of conflicting ideasB. Objective Expression of IdeasD. Modes of
reasoning13. It requires justifying strategies, actions, and decisions based on thefacts gathered.A.
Logical ThinkingC. Balanced assignments of conflicting ideasB. Objective Expression of IdeasD. Modes of
reasoning14. It refers to expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion,
or prejudices.A. Logical ThinkingC. Balanced assignments of conflicting ideasB. Objective Expression of
IdeasD. Modes of reasoning15. It refers to shifting from the opposing argument to supportingargument
and expressing both the arguments and counterarguments.A. Logical ThinkingC. Balanced assignments
of conflicting ideasB. Objective Expression of IdeasD. Modes of reasoning16. Which of the following the
BEST tip for writing a good position paper?A. Give each separate idea its own point.C. Make sure each
paragraph starts with asentence.B. Constantly read for mistakes.D. Use simple language.17. Below are
the qualities of a convincing position paper. Which oneis NOT?A. Contain a clear proposition or
statement that must be defended.B. Prejudices conflicting opinions or opposing viewson the issue.C.
Take a firm stand on the issue.D. Presents factual evidence or proofs to supportargument.18. It is a part
of a position paper that summarizes, then concludes theargument.A. IntroductionB. Thesis statementC.
ConclusionD. Body19. It is a part of a position paper which focuses on the generalstatement of the
position.A. IntroductionB. Thesis statementC. ConclusionD. Body20. It is a part of the position paper
which informs the reader of your point of view.A. IntroductionB. Thesis statementC. ConclusionD.
Body21. It is a specific detail that can be proven as true based on objectiveevidence.A. FactB. OpinionC.
HypothesisD. Argument22. It refers the feeling, judgment, belief, or conclusion that cannot be proven
true by objective evidence.A. FactB. OpinionC. HypothesisD. Argument23. “A spinning class is a group
exercise program of about 45 minutesriding on a stationary bike.” What does the sentence express?A.
ArgumentB. Thesis StatementC. FactD. Opinion24. “The exact date of birth of Alexander The Great was
probably July20 or 26, 356 B.C.” What does the sentence express?A. ArgumentB. Thesis StatementC.
FactD. Opinion25. “Spinach tastes awful.” What does the sentence express?A. FactB. OpinionC.
HypothesisD. Argument26. It is a particular type of writing researchers use to define theintellectual
boundaries of their disciplines and specific areas of expertise.A. Creative WritingB. Technical WritingC.
Academic WritingD. Business Writing27. It is a type of writing that seeks to elicit a business response.A.
Creative WritingB. Technical WritingC. Academic WritingD. Business Writing

28. It is a type of writing where the author is writing about a particular subject that requires direction,
instruction, or explanation.A. Technical WritingB. Creative WritingC. Academic WritingD. Business
Writing29. The goal of this type of writing is to evoke images and emotion.A. Creative WritingB.
Technical WritingC. Academic WritingD. Business Writing30. The goal of this type of writing is to
communicate facts,explain procedures, and critically evaluate evidences.A. Creative WritingB. Technical
WritingC. Academic WritingD. Business Writing31. Which of the following is a purpose of technical
writing?A. Persuade and initiate actions.B. Analyze data gathered and their implications.C. Give
information that leads to theaccomplishment of scientific tasks and in decision-making.D. None of the
above.32. Below can be one of the subject matters of technical writing. Whichone is NOT?A. Data in
businessB. Science EngineeringC. EducationD. Survey33. Below are examples of technical materials.
Which one is NOT?A. MemorandaB. BrochuresC. Oral ReportsD. Dissertation34. Avoid shifting tenses,
person, voice, and part of speech.A. CoherenceB. ConcisenessC. ConcretenessD. Clarity35. One of the
basics of technical writing is to avoid faulty repetition.A. ConsistencyB. ConcisenessC. CoherenceD.
Clarity36. In technical writing, use concrete words and specific, precise terms.A. ConsistencyB. ClarityC.
ConcretenessD. Conciseness37. One of the basics of technical writing is to avoid the use of jargons.A.
ConsistencyB. ConcisenessC. ClarityD. Concreteness38. Complete the analogy. In the event that: In case;
Pursuant to: _______.A. Complying withB. As a resultC. Instead ofD. Following39. Complete the analogy.
To wit: Namely; In lieu of: ________.A. Instead ofB. Complying withC. In caseD. As a result40. Complete
the analogy.

Assistance: Help; Alternative: _______.A. PartB. ChoiceC. HelpD. Reason41. Thisis one paragraph that
explains the objectives or purpose of thelab.A. DataB. MaterialC. MethodD. Introduction42. This
isnumerical data obtained from your procedure usually is presented as a tableA. DataB. MaterialC.
MethodD. Introduction43. It everything needed to complete your experiment.A. DataB. MaterialC.
MethodD. Introduction44. It
describes the steps you completed during your investigation. Thisis your procedure.A. DataB. MaterialC.
MethodD. Introduction45.Most of the time it is a single paragraph that sums up whathappened in the
experiment, whether your hypothesis wasaccepted or rejected, and what this means.A. ReferencesB.
FiguresC. ConclusionD. Analysis46.It describes in words what the data means. Sometimes the section
iscombined with the Discussion (Results & Discussion).A. ReferencesB. FiguresC. ConclusionD.
Analysis47. These are works cited and used during the conduct of anexperiment.A. ReferencesB.
FiguresC. ConclusionD. Analysis48. It is a section that contains any calculations you made based onthose
numbers.A. ReferencesB. FiguresC. ConclusionD. Analysis49.It says what you did. It should be brief (aim
for ten words or less)and describe the main point of the experiment orinvestigation.A. TitleB.
ConclusionC. AnalysisD. Result50. It summarizes the main idea or ideas of your study.A. TitleB.
ConclusionC. AnalysisD. Result51. Some authorities say that the only true pyramids are the ones builtin
Egypt.A. These solid structures have a square or a rectangular base, smoothsloping sides, andB. a
pointed top. The Egyptian pyramids were designed as burial placesfor the pharaohs.C. However,
elsewhere in the world, pyramid-like structures were built.These pyramidsD. were often used as temples
or building for astronomical studies. Notable examplesE. were the Ziggurats of Mesopotamia and many
others scatteredaround the world.52. Choose the best summary based from the paragraph given.A. The
most famous true pyramids are the ones in Egypt.B. Pyramids were built in many parts of the ancient
world.C. Although some authorities say, the only true are Egyptian; pyramid-likestructures were built in
other places.D. All of the above53. How long should an introduction be?A. Every introduction should be
at least five sentences. B.The length of the introduction varies with the purpose of the essay. C. Agood
introduction only needs to be one sentences. D. All of the above54. Which of the following best defines
an executive summaryA. briefly covers all the main parts of the report.B. provides a concise statement
of the findings and recommendations based on those findingsC. appears on a separate page and is able
to stand on its ownD. all of the above55. What is the topic sentence?A. It is the first sentence in a
paragraph.B. It is the discussion of each paragraph.C. It is the sentence that expresses the main idea of
the paragraph.D. It is the transitional sentence logically connecting two paragraphstogether.56. Which
of the following statements is TRUE about introduction?A. An introduction should set the tone and flow
into the body of the paper.B. Start with an obvious, general statement that the reader can agreewith.C.
State your position by saying “In this paper, I will show…”D. All of the above57. Which language feature
of academic writing contains fewer wordsthat refer to thewriter or the reader?A. Complexity C.
PrecisionB. Formality D. Objectivity

58. Why is using full sentence outline beneficial for most standardessays?A. Full sentence outlines allow
for writing that is more creative.B. With a full sentence outline, you can guarantee an essay’s success.C.
The numbers and decimal involved in the other outline types areconfusing.D. While the sentence outline
may be more time-consuming up front, itmakes writing the first draft much easier.59. What language
features of academic writing show citations of ideasand acknowledging sources of information?A.
Accuracy B. ExplicitnessC. Hedging D. Responsibility60. What is the greatest benefit of using an outline
to draft an essay?A. Outlines allow the writer to compile information and set a directionfor an essay
before jumping to a first draft.B. An outline is the same thing as the first draft, so once the outline
iswritten, the draft is done.C. With an outline, writers do not have to worry so much about theirfinal
product.D. Writers who use outline always produce successful and engagingessays.

Read and analyze each test items carefully.Write only the letter of the correct answer

1. It is a preparation before the proposal, which provides overview of the subject.A. Research paperB.
Concept PaperC. Position paperD. Critique paper 2. In explaining a concept, it is the method of
identifying a given termand making its meaning clearer.A. ClarificationB. ImplicationC. DefinitionD.
Explication3. It is a method of explanation in which sentences, verses, quotes, or passages are taken
from a literary or academic work and theninterpreted and explained in a detailed way.A. ClarificationB.
ImplicationC. DefinitionD. Explication4. It is a method of explanation in which the points are organized
froma general abstract idea to specific and concreteexamples.A. ClarificationB. ImplicationC.
DefinitionD. Explication5. “Tocopherol (Vitamin E) is naturally found in vegetable oil, fish, andnuts.” This
is an example of what way in explaining aconcept?A. DefinitionB. ExplicationC. ClarificationD.
Implication6. “The poem titled,

The Road Not Taken,

by Robert Frost is about aman reflecting on a choice he had once made. While the outcome of hischoice
is not implied to be positive or negative, the speaker notes thatthe choice in itself and the consequences
of that choice have made ahuge difference in a way his life is unfolded.” This is an example of what way
in explaining a concept?A. DefinitionB. ExplicationC. ClarificationD. Implication7. “Justice is broad
concept which encompasses a wide set of ideas,most of which also branch out into similar notions. For
instance, it canrefer to sentencing of criminal based on due process…” This is anexample of what way in
explaining a concept?A. DefinitionB. ExplicationC. ClarificationD. Implication8. It refers to explaining a
term to be defined, category, and details.A. NuclearB. ExtendedC. InformalD. Formal9. It is a detailed
way of defining a term and usually composed of atleast one paragraph.A. NuclearB. ExtendedC.
InformalD. Formal10. It is a way of defining a term done through a parenthetical or brief explanation.A.
NuclearB. ExtendedC. InformalD. Formal11. It is an essay that presents an opinion and make a claim
about anissue.A. Research paperB. Concept PaperC. Critique paperD. Position paper 12. In values
communicated in writing a position paper, it refers to the process of using a rational, systematic series
of steps based on soundmathematical procedures and given statements to arrive at a conclusion.A.
Logical ThinkingC. Balanced assignments of conflicting ideasB. Objective Expression of IdeasD. Modes of
reasoning13. It requires justifying strategies, actions, and decisions based on thefacts gathered.A.
Logical ThinkingC. Balanced assignments of conflicting ideasB. Objective Expression of IdeasD. Modes of
reasoning14. It refers to expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion,
or prejudices.A. Logical ThinkingC. Balanced assignments of conflicting ideasB. Objective Expression of
IdeasD. Modes of reasoning15. It refers to shifting from the opposing argument to supportingargument
and expressing both the arguments and counterarguments.A. Logical ThinkingC. Balanced assignments
of conflicting ideasB. Objective Expression of IdeasD. Modes of reasoning16. Which of the following the
BEST tip for writing a good position paper?A. Give each separate idea its own point.C. Make sure each
paragraph starts with asentence.B. Constantly read for mistakes.D. Use simple language.17. Below are
the qualities of a convincing position paper. Which oneis NOT?A. Contain a clear proposition or
statement that must be defended.B. Prejudices conflicting opinions or opposing viewson the issue.C.
Take a firm stand on the issue.D. Presents factual evidence or proofs to supportargument.18. It is a part
of a position paper that summarizes, then concludes theargument.A. IntroductionB. Thesis statementC.
ConclusionD. Body19. It is a part of a position paper which focuses on the generalstatement of the
position.A. IntroductionB. Thesis statementC. ConclusionD. Body20. It is a part of the position paper
which informs the reader of your point of view.A. IntroductionB. Thesis statementC. ConclusionD.
Body21. It is a specific detail that can be proven as true based on objectiveevidence.A. FactB. OpinionC.
HypothesisD. Argument22. It refers the feeling, judgment, belief, or conclusion that cannot be proven
true by objective evidence.A. FactB. OpinionC. HypothesisD. Argument23. “A spinning class is a group
exercise program of about 45 minutesriding on a stationary bike.” What does the sentence express?A.
ArgumentB. Thesis StatementC. FactD. Opinion24. “The exact date of birth of Alexander The Great was
probably July20 or 26, 356 B.C.” What does the sentence express?A. ArgumentB. Thesis StatementC.
FactD. Opinion25. “Spinach tastes awful.” What does the sentence express?A. FactB. OpinionC.
HypothesisD. Argument26. It is a particular type of writing researchers use to define theintellectual
boundaries of their disciplines and specific areas of expertise.A. Creative WritingB. Technical WritingC.
Academic WritingD. Business Writing27. It is a type of writing that seeks to elicit a business response.A.
Creative WritingB. Technical WritingC. Academic WritingD. Business Writing

28. It is a type of writing where the author is writing about a particular subject that requires direction,
instruction, or explanation.A. Technical WritingB. Creative WritingC. Academic WritingD. Business
Writing29. The goal of this type of writing is to evoke images and emotion.A. Creative WritingB.
Technical WritingC. Academic WritingD. Business Writing30. The goal of this type of writing is to
communicate facts,explain procedures, and critically evaluate evidences.A. Creative WritingB. Technical
WritingC. Academic WritingD. Business Writing31. Which of the following is a purpose of technical
writing?A. Persuade and initiate actions.B. Analyze data gathered and their implications.C. Give
information that leads to theaccomplishment of scientific tasks and in decision-making.D. None of the
above.32. Below can be one of the subject matters of technical writing. Whichone is NOT?A. Data in
businessB. Science EngineeringC. EducationD. Survey33. Below are examples of technical materials.
Which one is NOT?A. MemorandaB. BrochuresC. Oral ReportsD. Dissertation34. Avoid shifting tenses,
person, voice, and part of speech.A. CoherenceB. ConcisenessC. ConcretenessD. Clarity35. One of the
basics of technical writing is to avoid faulty repetition.A. ConsistencyB. ConcisenessC. CoherenceD.
Clarity36. In technical writing, use concrete words and specific, precise terms.A. ConsistencyB. ClarityC.
ConcretenessD. Conciseness37. One of the basics of technical writing is to avoid the use of jargons.A.
ConsistencyB. ConcisenessC. ClarityD. Concreteness38. Complete the analogy. In the event that: In case;
Pursuant to: _______.A. Complying withB. As a resultC. Instead ofD. Following39. Complete the analogy.
To wit: Namely; In lieu of: ________.A. Instead ofB. Complying withC. In caseD. As a result40. Complete
the analogy.
Assistance: Help; Alternative: _______.A. PartB. ChoiceC. HelpD. Reason41. Thisis one paragraph that
explains the objectives or purpose of thelab.A. DataB. MaterialC. MethodD. Introduction42. This
isnumerical data obtained from your procedure usually is presented as a tableA. DataB. MaterialC.
MethodD. Introduction43. It everything needed to complete your experiment.A. DataB. MaterialC.
MethodD. Introduction44. It

describes the steps you completed during your investigation. Thisis your procedure.A. DataB. MaterialC.
MethodD. Introduction45.Most of the time it is a single paragraph that sums up whathappened in the
experiment, whether your hypothesis wasaccepted or rejected, and what this means.A. ReferencesB.
FiguresC. ConclusionD. Analysis46.It describes in words what the data means. Sometimes the section
iscombined with the Discussion (Results & Discussion).A. ReferencesB. FiguresC. ConclusionD.
Analysis47. These are works cited and used during the conduct of anexperiment.A. ReferencesB.
FiguresC. ConclusionD. Analysis48. It is a section that contains any calculations you made based onthose
numbers.A. ReferencesB. FiguresC. ConclusionD. 49.It says what you did. It should be brief (aim for ten
words or less)and describe the main point of the experiment orinvestigation.A. TitleB. ConclusionC.
AnalysisD. Result50. It summarizes the main idea or ideas of your study.A. TitleB. ConclusionC.
AnalysisD. Result51. Some authorities say that the only true pyramids are the ones builtin Egypt.A. These
solid structures have a square or a rectangular base, smoothsloping sides, andB. a pointed top. The
Egyptian pyramids were designed as burial placesfor the pharaohs.C. However, elsewhere in the world,
pyramid-like structures were built.These pyramidsD. were often used as temples or building for
astronomical studies. Notable examplesE. were the Ziggurats of Mesopotamia and many others
scatteredaround the world.52. Choose the best summary based from the paragraph given.A. The most
famous true pyramids are the ones in Egypt.B. Pyramids were built in many parts of the ancient world.C.
Although some authorities say, the only true are Egyptian; pyramid-likestructures were built in other
places.D. All of the above53. How long should an introduction be?A. Every introduction should be at
least five sentences. B.The length of the introduction varies with the purpose of the essay. C. Agood
introduction only needs to be one sentences. D. All of the above54. Which of the following best defines
an executive summaryA. briefly covers all the main parts of the report.B. provides a concise statement
of the findings and recommendations based on those findingsC. appears on a separate page and is able
to stand on its ownD. all of the above55. What is the topic sentence?A. It is the first sentence in a
paragraph.B. It is the discussion of each paragraph.C. It is the sentence that expresses the main idea of
the paragraph.D. It is the transitional sentence logically connecting two paragraphstogether.56. Which
of the following statements is TRUE about introduction?A. An introduction should set the tone and flow
into the body of the paper.B. Start with an obvious, general statement that the reader can agreewith.C.
State your position by saying “In this paper, I will show…”D. All of the above57. Which language feature
of academic writing contains fewer wordsthat refer to thewriter or the reader?A. Complexity C.
PrecisionB. Formality D. Objectivity
Why is using full sentence outline beneficial for most standardessays?A. Full sentence outlines allow for
writing that is more creative.B. With a full sentence outline, you can guarantee an essay’s success.C. The
numbers and decimal involved in the other outline types areconfusing.D. While the sentence outline
may be more time-consuming up front, itmakes writing the first draft much easier.59. What language
features of academic writing show citations of ideasand acknowledging sources of information?A.
Accuracy B. ExplicitnessC. Hedging D. Responsibility60. What is the greatest benefit of using an outline
to draft an essay?A. Outlines allow the writer to compile information and set a directionfor an essay
before jumping to a first draft.B. An outline is the same thing as the first draft, so once the outline
iswritten, the draft is done.C. With an outline, writers do not have to worry so much about theirfinal
product.D. Writers who use outline always produce successful and engagingessays.

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