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1.Which of the following is a characteristic of equality? A.

It is defined as one of the central principles of

democracy and is based on the belief that allpeople should have the same opportunities to be successful
and have a productive, enjoyablelife.B. It is defined as an opportunity for every individual in society to
demand his/her personalviews whether it is right or wrong.C. It is defined as a sacred context or central
belief from the teachings of the bible thateveryone should follow.D. It is defined as a central belief that
gives sovereignty and power across different types ofcommunities.2.The following are considered as
part of social justice EXCEPT? A. Public serviceB. Public healthC. Equal opportunity D. Invasion of
privacy3.What does the Latin word “Communitas” mean? A. Religion B. People C. Community D.
Fellowship4.It is a right that gives to the citizens to participate in the process of voting. A. Social B. Civil
C. Political D. Social5.Diego wanted to participate in the process of group assembly in school; but
unfortunately, hisother classmates doesn’t want him to participate because of his cultural background.
Whatkind of rights did they violate? A.Socio-culturalB.PoliticalC.CivilD.Economic6.Philippine Red Cross is
an example of what type of organization? A. Government OrganizationC. Non-government
OrganizationB. Social OrganizationD. Economic Organization7.The capacity to fulfill the pursuit of his/her
happiness is an example of what kind of rights? A. Natural rights C. Political rightsB. Civil rights D. Social
and economic rights8._____________ aims to engage the marginalized in development projects which
are designedand initiated for their own benefit. A. Cultural developmentB. Economic developmentC.
Community developmentD. Participatory development9.The following are some of the basic rights
identified in the United Nations Declaration on theRights of a Child EXCEPT? A. The right to a name and
nationalityC. The right to the exemption of due processB. The right to religious belief D. The right to
health and nutrition

10. Which type of community belongs to the developed and industrialized sector? A. Sub-urbanB. Rural
C. Urban D. Balanced11. __________ stated that “Every person is defined by the community he/she
belongs to.” A.David HumeB. Orson Scott Card C. John LockeD. Jean Jacques Roseau12. According to
___________ participatory development was considered as part of the followingcore characteristics. A.
Majid Mukthi B. Majid Al Makthum C. Majid RajahD. Majid Rahnema13. ______________ generates new
ways of understanding community issues and problems. A. Cognitive C. SocialB. Political D.
Instrumental14. He was considered to be one of the primary Human rights defenders in the Philippines.
A. Jose W. Diokno C. Miriam D. SantiagoB. Renato Puno D. Diosdado Macapagal15._____________is an
American philosopher, that firmly believed that social justice is anchoredheavily on the idea that justice
is based on basic human rights and each individual must havean opportunity to exercise these rights. A.
John LockeB. John AdamsC. John DeweyD. John Rawls16. It emphasizes the equality of men and women
as humans instilled with the same fundamentalrights. A. Gender freedomB. Gender supremacyC.
Gender equityD. Gender equality17. It recognizes the core belief that everyone doesn’t begin in the
same place in society. A. EquityB. EqualityC. UtilitarianismD. Consequentialism18. It was considered as
inherent to all human beings whatever our nationality, place of residents,sex, national or ethnic origin,
color, religion, language, or any other status. “ A. Constitutional rights C. Human rightsB. Absolute rights
D. Natural rights19. Which of the following is/are true about social justice?I. Social justice is anchored
heavily on the idea that justice is based on basic humanrights and each individual must have an
opportunity to exercise these rights.II. Social justice is a system of law that seeks to attain respect for the
rights andfreedom of individuals and as a people. A. Statement I is correct B. Statement II is correct C.
Both statements are correct D. Both statements are incorrect20. ___________ is the process to
encourage members to work together, collaborate, andformulate decisions and actions to improve the
conditions in the community. A. Self-help approach C. Group approachB. Conflict approach D. Technical

21. This approach aims to ensure that power and decision-making are redistributed andconfronted by
different concerns to achieve change. A. Resolution approachC. Problem solving approachB. Cooperative
approach D. Conflict approach22. Maligaya Industrial Services company has encountered some leaks
from hazardous chemicalmaterials inside their company. In this type of scenario what appropriate and
immediate action,they should consider to control these hazardous elements and avoid possible serious
healthrisks in the community based on Approaches and Methods of Community Action? A. They should
use a technical assistance approach because this type of problem needs anexpert individual or group to
solve this specific kind of matter.C. They should use a self-help approach because it would help to
encourage members to worktogether, collaborate, and formulate decisions and solutions.B. They should
use a conflict approach because this will ensure that power and decision-making are redistributed and
confronted by different concerns to achieve change.D. All of the above23. The following are considered
to be the primary roles of community leaders EXCEPT? A. Assist different individuals for the common
good of everyone.B. Create and provide rules in the community.C. They focus on the study of
community dynamics and processes for the betterment of thefew.D. They have direct and legal
authority to control and influence the community.24. This encourages participation and open
involvement to develop the capacities and power ofthe community to address the issue and solve
problems. A. Community organizing C. Community developmentB. Community assessmentD.
Community engagement25. Which of the following statements is/are true about Community resource
management? I. It focuses on the growth of resources among a few members of the community.II. This
process involves the participation of local people and the focus is on self-sufficiencyand benefit-sharing
of resources among community members A. Statement I is correctB. Statement II is correctC. Both
statements are correctD. Both statements are incorrect26. This type of community represents
agricultural, pastoral, or fishing that is located in thecountryside __________. A. UrbanB. RuralC. Sub-
urbanD. Technological27. It is the process of working collaboratively with and through groups of people
affiliated bygeographic proximity, special interest, or similar situations to address issues affecting the
well-being of those people. A. Community EngagementB. Community DevelopmentC. Social
DevelopmentD. Community Action Plan28. Which of the following statements is/are true about
citizenship?I. It depicts the relationship between the citizen and the political community.II. This is the
individual’s involvement in state affairs and their duties and rights as members ofthe community. A.
Statement I is correctB. Statement II is correctC. Both statements are correctD. Both statements are
29. It is a condition where the capacity of people is enhanced and allows them to participate incollective
action. A.Community developmentB.Community actionC.Community initiativeD.Community
engagement30. ________________ is the mixed participation of different ages and gender of members
of thecommunity to develop their skills and capacities to improve the quality of life. A.Community action
planB.Community education and learningC.Community developmentD.Community engagement31.It is
defined as the specific needs and problems which a community intends to address andundertake in
response to its needs and problems. A.Community involvementB.Community developmentC.Community
profilingD.Community action plan32. Which of the following was considered to be the primary goal of
establishing links andpartnership-building with local groups? A. Identify different actors within a
community who share a common purpose, interests, andgoals.B. Identify some issues such as poverty,
crime, and unemployment rate.C. Identify different social statuses that currently exist in the
community.D. Identify who are the qualified leaders in the community.33. These are conditions or
qualifications of issues that are undesired by members of acommunity. A.Community
problemsB.Community relativismC.Community eventsD.Community dynamics34. It involves the use of
information that concerns the characteristics of a community, such asdemographic distribution, material
resources, territory, institutions, local economy, and adescription of a community’s history and culture.
A. Community assessmentB. Community developmentC. Community profilingD. Community action
plan35. It pertains to the to money or finances which helps the community to be informed such
asmaterial and personnel to address the needs of the community.
A.ResourcesB.FundsC.BondsD.Investments36. It provides relevant information to the community in an
understandable way. A.EmpowermentB.IntegrityC.TransparencyD.Accountability37. It pertains to the
open and inclusive engagement of groups that gather insights and ideas fromthe community members
to pursue a goal or to solve a problem. A.Exclusive participationB.Participatory action
planningC.Proximal participationD.Active participation

38. They ensures that essential tasks, goals, and objectives are being accomplished.
A.LeadersB.MembersC.ActorsD.Players39. It involves the appropriate and effective use of material,
knowledge, and personnel support. A.Resource evaluationB.Resource utilizationC.Resource
managementD.Resource mobilization40. Which of the following represents the phase where actual and
concrete implementation oftasks and activities are done? A.Plan implementationB.Plan
generationC.Plan negotiationD.Plan mobilization TEST II. True or False: Write the wordTrue if the
statement is correct andFalse if thestatement is incorrect.41. Monitoring focuses on the status and
progress of tasks and activities during the course ofimplementation of the action plan.42. Community
Engagement involves every member of the community regardless of ethnicity,religious belief and social
status.43. Assessment is conducted in the middle and at the end of the scheduled completion of
theaction plan to evaluate the effectivity and success of the project.44. The success of community action
lies in the active involvement of a person in his or her socialenvironment.45. As part of being member of
the community you don’t have any moral obligation to fulfill yourduties and responsibilities in the
community process.46. Community Action Plan is a type of work that doesn’t need any types of
collaboration andcooperation in the society.47. Conflict approach is necessary when there is a concern
or issue that needs to be address inaccordance with the process of confronting by different concerns in
order to achieve change.48. Monitoring and evaluation is not necessary in terms of determining and
analyzing if there isgrowth and development within a community.49. Community organizing helps to
identify people to join in the effort through negotiationincluding deliberation.50. Needs and resources
assessment are being done by community developer to ensure thatcommunity could possibly sustain
their needs and to adapt different plans when its necessary.

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