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Series DPSJSK Code No: SC 086/1

Roll No. Candidate must write the

code on the title page of the

2023 – 2024
S C I E N C E (086)

Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions:

 The question paper comprises five sections A, B, C,D and E. There are 38 questions in the question
 All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice is provided in some questions. A student is
expected to attempt only one of these questions.
 Question numbers 1 to 15 of Section- A are MCQ questions of 1 mark each. Question number 16 to 18
of Section- A are Assertion and Reason type questions of 1 mark each.
 Question number 19 to 25 of Section B are short answer type question of 2 marks which is to be
answered in 30 to 50 words.
 Question number 26 to 32 of Section-C is short answer type question of 3 marks and answer to this
question should be in the range of 50 to 80 words.
 Question number 33 to 35 of Section-D are long answer type questions of 5 marks each and answer to
these questions should be in the range of 80 to120 words or as directed.
 Question number 36 to 38 of Section-E are case study based questions that carries 4 marks.
Select and write the most appropriate option out of the four options given for each of the question:

1. Which of the following statements about the reaction given below are correct?
MnO2 + 4HCl → MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2
(i) HCl is oxidised to Cl2
(ii) MnO2 is reduced to MnCl2
(iii) MnCl2 acts as an oxidising agent
(iv) HCl acts as an oxidising agent
(a) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(b) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (ii) only
(d) (iii) and (iv) only 1

2. Many salts absorb water from atmosphere. This property is

(a) deliquescence
(b) efflorescence
(c) hydration
(d) addition 1
3. During the preparation of hydrogen chloride gas on a humid day, the gas is usually passed through
the guard tube containing calcium chloride. The role of calcium chloride taken in the guard tube is to
(a) absorb the evolved gas
(b) moisten the gas
(c) absorb moisture from the gas
(d) absorb Cl– ions from the evolved gas 1

Which of the following is correct observation of the reaction shown in above set up?
(a) Brown powder of magnesium oxide is formed.
(b) Colourless gas which turns lime water milky is evolved.
(c) Magnesium ribbon burns with brilliant white light.
(d) Reddish brown gas with a smell of burning sulphur has evolved. 1
5. Which of the following represents saponification reaction?

(a) CH3COONa + NaOH CH4 + Na2CO3


(c) 2CH3COOH + 2Na → 2CH3COONa + H2
(d) CH3COOC2H5 + NaOH → CH3COONa + C2H5OH 1
6. In the figure given below A, D and C are :

(a) Loop of Henle, Collecting duct and Proximal Convoluted tubule respectively
(b) Proximal Convoluted tubule, Loop of Henle and Collecting duct respectively
(c) Collecting duct, Proximal Convoluted tubule and Loop of Henle respectively
(d) Proximal Convoluted tubule, Collecting duct and Loop of Henle respectively 1

7. Roots of plants are:

(a) positively geotropic
(b) negatively geotropic
(c) positively phototropic
(d) none of these 1
8. Match the endocrine glands shown in the figure below with their functions:

2 (i)the medulla part of it secretes emergency hormone to increase blood supply to muscles and
3 (ii) secretes estrogen and produces ovum
4 (iii) secretes a hormone to control carbohydrate , protein , fat metabolism
5 (iv) secretes a hormone to control the blood sugar level

(a) 2--(iv) , 3--(i) , 4---(iii) , 5--(ii)

(b) 2--(iii) , 3---(i) , 4--(iv) , 5--(ii)
(c) 2---(i) , 3---(iv) , 4-(ii) , 5-- (iii)
(d) 2---(ii), 3---(i) , 4---(iv) , 5--(iii) 1

9. In humans if gene B gives brown eyes and gene b gives blue eyes, what will be the colour of eyes of the
persons having combinations
(i) Bb and (ii) BB?

(a) (i) Blue and (ii) Brown

(b) (i) Brown and (ii) Blue
(c) (i) Brown and (ii) Brown
(d) (i) Blue and (ii) Blue 1

10. Refer to the given figure and choose the correct answer:

(I) It is a monohybrid cross.

(II) Red flower colour trait is dominant over white flower colour trait
(III) Both the traits red flower colour and white flower colour were inherited in F1 plants but only red
flower trait was expressed .
(a) (II) and (III) are correct statements.
(b) Only (I) is correct.
(c) Only (II) is correct.
(d) (I) , (II) and (III) are correct statements 1

11. A green-stemmed tomato plant with genotype “GG “is crossed with a purple-stemmed tomato plant
with genotype “gg”. 100 plants were produced in the F1 generation and all were green-stemmed.
When these F1 plants were self-pollinated, the F2 progeny produced were both green-stemmed as well
as purple-stemmed. The genotypic ratio of the F2 progeny is as follows :

(a) GG : Gg : gg = 1: 5: 2
(b) GG : Gg : gg = 2 :1 : 2
(c) GG : Gg : gg = 1 : 2 : 1
(d) GG : Gg : gg = 9 : 3 : 1 1
12. A Wire P is half the diameter and half the length of a wire Q of similar material. The ratio of
resistance of P to that of Q is
(a) 1:1
(b) 1:2
(c) 2:1
(d) 8:1 1
13. A student carries out an experiment and plots the V-I graph of three samples of nichrome wire with
resistances R1, R2 and R3 respectively. Which of the following is true?

(a) R1 = R2 = R3
(b) R1 > R2 > R3
(c) R3 > R2 > R1
(d) R2 > R3 > R1 1

14. Which of the following magnetic field lines are represented by a straight current
carrying conductor?

15. A positive charge is moving upwards in a magnetic field directed towards north. The particle will be
deflected towards
(a) west
(b) north
(c) south
(d) east 1
Direction: In the following questions (Q.No.16 to 18) two statements are given one labeled Assertion (A)
and the other labeled Reason (R) . Mark the correct choice from the options given below.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(b)Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion
(c)Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is false.
(d)Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R) is true.
(e)Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R)are false.
16. Assertion(A): AgBr is used on photographic and X-ray film.
Reason(R): AgBr is photosensitive and changes to Ag and bromine in presence of sunlight and
undergoes decomposition reaction. 1
17. Assertion (A): The opening and closing of the pore is a function of the guard cells.
Reason (R): Stomatal pores are the site for exchange of gases by diffusion. 1

18. Assertion (A): Alternating Current is used in household supply.

Reason (R): AC electric power can be transmitted over long distances without much loss of energy. 1


19.Observe the two test tubes A and B in the diagram given below and answer the following questions:

(a) In which test tube will the reaction take place?

(b) Write a balanced equation for the reaction. 2

19.A student was given Mn, Zn, Fe and Cu metals. Identify which of them
(a) will not displace H2 from dil. HCl.
(b) will react only with steam to give H2(g).
Write the chemical reactions involved. 2

20. The graph given below depicts a neutralization reaction (acid + alkali → salt + water). The pH of a solution
changes as we add excess of acid to an alkali.

a) Which letter denotes the area of the graph where both acid and salt are present?
b) Which letter denotes most basic area of the graph? 2
21. If you had bread and butter in your breakfast , what would be the procedure of digestion of the butter in
your digestive system? 2

22. The following figure shows the fate of glucose in different organisms during the process of respiration.

(a) Identify the product A and mention the site of glycolysis in a cell.
(b) How is the process of breakdown of A in the presence of oxygen different from the breakdown of A
in the absence of oxygen with regard to the following points:
(i) Amount of energy produced
(ii) End products B and D produced. 2

23. Draw a flow chart using arrows to show the pathway through which an impulse travels from the sense
organ (receptor ) to the effector organ when a person touches a hot object.
24. Calculate the amount of energy available to the organisms at the fourth trophic level if the energy
available to the organisms at the second trophic level is 50KJ. 2

25. Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow it.

(a) Identify the defect of vision.

(b) How can we rectify this defect? Explain with a diagram. 2


(a) Which colour will be visible at the position 1 and position 2 in the given diagram below?

(b) Mention the role of optic nerve in the human eye. 2

26.A student, took four metals P, Q, R and S and carried out different experiments to study the properties of
metals. Some of the observations were:
• All metals could not be cut with knife except metal R.
• Metal P combined with oxygen to form an oxide M2O3 which reacted with both acids and bases.
• Reaction with water.
P – Did not react either with cold or hot water but reacted with steam.
Q – Reacted with hot water and the metal started floating.
R – Reacted violently with cold water.
S – Did not react with water at all.
Based on the above observations answer the following:
(a) Identify metal Q out of Fe, Zn, K, Mg? Give reason.
(b) Identify metal which forms amphoteric oxide.
(c) Arrange the metals in increasing order of reactivity. Give reason. 3

27.Lime is an alkaline substance. The figure shows some of the properties of a calcium compound ‘X’. The
letters are not chemical symbols of substances. Answer the following questions:

(a) Identify ‘X’ and ‘Y’.
(b) Write chemical reaction from ‘X’ to ‘Y’ and identify ‘P’.
(c) Identify ‘Z’ and write equation between ‘Z’ and ‘P’. 3

28. (a) Identify the following diagram and label 1,2 and 6.
(b) State the location of the mitral valve and its function.

State the reasons-- 3
(a) What causes movement of food inside the alimentary canal?
(b) Why is small intestine in herbivores longer than in carnivores?
(c) What will happen if mucus is not secreted by the gastric glands?

29.(a) Select the organisms from the following group to create a food chain which is the most advantageous
for human beings in terms of energy.
Vulture, Rat, Cereal plant, Sheep, Snake, Human beings.
(b) State the possible disadvantages if the cereal plant is growing in soil rich in pesticides.
(c) "Energy flow in a food chain is unidirectional ." Justify this statement. 3

30. Diagram shows the lengthwise section of a current carrying solenoid. indicates current entering into
the page, indicates current emerging out of the page. Decide which end of the solenoid A or B, will behave
as north pole. Give reason for your answer. Also draw field lines inside the solenoid.

31. For the given data showing the focal lengths of three concave mirrors A, B and C, and the
respective distances of different objects from these mirrors.

Answer the following questions:
(i) In the given position of object from the mirrors, which mirror will form a diminished image of the object.
Draw a ray diagram for image formation by this mirror.
(ii) Which mirror can be conveniently used as a make-up mirror? 3
32. A convex lens has a focal length of 10 cm. At what distance from the lens should the object be placed so
that it forms a real and inverted image 20 cm away from the lens? What would be the size of the image
formed if the object is 2 cm high? With the help of a ray diagram, show the formation of the image by the
lens in this case. 3

33. What are micelles? Why does it form when soap is added to water? Will a micelle
be formed in other solvents such as ethanol also? State briefly how the formation
of micelles help to clean the clothes having oily spots. [1+1+1+2=5]
An organic compound ‘X’ on heating with conc. H2SO4 forms a compound ‘Y’
which on addition of one molecule of hydrogen in the presence of nickel forms a
compound ‘Z’. One molecule of compound ‘Z’ on combustion forms two
molecules of CO2 and three molecules of H2O. Identify giving reasons the
compounds ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’. Write the chemical equations for all the chemical
reactions involved.

34.(a) Why is it not possible to reconstruct the whole organism from a fragment in complex multicellular
organisms as it is observed in fragmentation of Spirogyra?
(b) Observe the following diagram and label parts marked as B and C.
Why is this also known as double fertilization? 5


(a)Draw and label the structure of male reproductive system and label the three accessory reproductive
glands mentioning their functions.
(b) Explain the surgical method of contraception undertaken by the males to control the population.

35. a) Calculate the electric current in the given circuit when

(i) key K1 is open and K2 is closed
(ii) both the keys are closed
(iii) K1 is closed and K2 is open
b) If a wire of resistance 2Ω gets stretched to thrice its original length:
(i) Calculate the new resistance of the wire.
(ii) What happens to the specific resistance of the wire? [3+2=5]

a) A family uses a light bulb of 100 W, a fan of 100 W, and a heater of 1000 W, each for 8 h a day. If the cost
of electricity is ₹2 per unit, what is the expenditure for the family per day on electricity?
b) You have three resistors of values 2Ω, 3Ω and 5 Ω. How will you join them so that the total resistance is
less than 1 Ω?
(i) Draw a diagram for the arrangement
(ii) Calculate the equivalent resistance. [3+2=5]
36.Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow based on passage and related studied
Elements are classified into metals, non-metals and metalloids. Metals are lustrous, malleable, ductile and
good conductors of heat and electricity, mostly solids, form positive ions and basic oxides. Non-metals
are non-lustrous, brittle, exist as soilds, liquids and gases, non-conductor of heat and electricity, form
negative ions and acidic oxides mostly. Some metals form amphoteric oxides and some non-metals form
neutral oxides. A more reactive metal can displace less reactive metal from its salt solution. Some less
reactive metals occur in free state. Most of metals occur in combined state in form of ores. Carbonates
ores are converted into oxides by calcination and sulphide ores are roasted in presence of oxygen to form
oxides. Oxides are reduced with suitable reducing agent to get free metal. Metals of middle reactivity
series are obtained from their oxides by reduction with Al, Mg. Most reactive metals are obtained by
electrolytic reduction of their molten ores. Impure metals are refined by suitable methods. Metals form
ionic compounds with non-metals. Ionic compounds are soluble in water, high melting solids, conduct
electricity in molten state and in aqueous solution.
(a) Out of elements from atomic number 1 to 20, name metalloids.
(b) X has atomic number (20) and Y has 17. What is formula of compound formed?
(c) What happens when zinc carbonate is heated in absence of air? Name the process.
(c)What happens when Zn metal reacts with FeSO4(aq)? Write chemical equation.
37. Seema crossed pure bred pea plants having round-yellow seeds with pure bred pea plants having
wrinkled-green seeds and found that only A-B type of seeds (round-yellow) were produced in the F1
generation. When F1 generation pea plants having A-B type of seeds were cross-bred by self-pollination , then
in addition to the original round-yellow and wrinkled-green seeds , two new varieties A-D and C-B type of
seeds were also obtained in the F2 generation . The number of seeds of the different varieties were as
follows :
A-B type of seeds 288
A-D type of seeds 96
C-B type of seeds 96
C-D type of seeds 32

(a) What are the phenotypes of the A-D and C-B type of seeds?

(b) If the pure-bred parental generation plants having round-yellow seeds have genotype RRYY, what will
be the genotypes of the plant having C-D type of seeds? State the phenotypic ratio of plants with A-B
seeds : A-D seeds : C-B seeds : C-D seeds.
(c) Show the cross between the pure-bred plants of the parental generation having round-yellow seeds
with pure-bred plants having wrinkled green seeds till the F1 generation.

Show the cross if another cross is carried out between plants of F1 generation and plants
having C-D type of seeds mentioning clearly the phenotypes of the plants produced.

38. A ray of monochromatic light enters a liquid from air as shown in the diagram given
below :

(a) Copy the diagram and show in the diagram the path of the ray of light after it
strikes the mirror and re-enters the medium of air.
(b) Mark in your diagram the two angles (Angle of incidence and angle of refraction) on the
surface of separation when the ray of light moves out from the liquid to air.
(c) Find refractive index of the liquid.

(c) If a light ray IM is incident on the surface AB as shown, identify the correct emergent ray. How the angle
of incidence and the angle of emergence are related to each other for the correct emergent ray.



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