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Why Deepfakes is Unethical?

Deepfakes are falsified videos to make people believe something is real when it is not.
Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have led to rapid developments in
audio, video, and image manipulation techniques. Imagining few days before election,
a political candidate deepfake video is released showing them as someone using hate
speech and other negative things. This are malicious uses of AI-generated synthetic
media known as deepfake.

Creating a false narrative using deepfakes is dangerous and can cause harm,
intentional and unintentional, to individuals and society at large. Deepfakes created to
intimidate, humiliate, or blackmail an individual are unambiguously unethical (Jaiman,
August 27, 2020).

Another unethical point with deepfakes are they mimic a person’s likeness without
their permission. The ease to spread misinformation around will be a very disturbing
thing. Deepfakes are also inherently dishonest. Two of the most popular social media
networks, Instagram and TikTok, inherently rely upon visual media which could be
subject to alteration by self-imposed deepfakes (Kiara, December 7,


Ang, Philip Angelo E.

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