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Family Problems of Filipino Children


As an upper secondary school student, I have witnessed and personally experienced

the diverse family issues that Filipino children grapple with. These problems can significantly
influence their overall well-being and growth. In this study, I aim to illuminate the various
family issues faced by Filipino children and examine their impacts from a first-hand

Family issues can stem from a range of factors such as financial struggles, parental
disputes, substance misuse, and neglect. These hurdles often result in emotional turmoil,
academic difficulties, and behavioral problems among children. By comprehending the
specific issues encountered by Filipino children, we can devise effective strategies to tackle
and lessen their effects.


The objective of this study is to:

1. To identify most prevalent family problems experienced by Filipino children.

2. To examine the impact of family problems on the psychological well-being of
Filipino children.
3. To explore the factors that contribute to resilience and positive outcomes in Filipino
children facing family problems.

Statement of the problem

Through this study, I will explore the following questions related to family issues
among Filipino children:

1. How do financial struggles within the family influence the well-being and academic
performance of Filipino children?

2. What are the psychological and emotional repercussions of parental disputes on Filipino
3. How does exposure to substance misuse and neglect affect the social and emotional
development of Filipino children?

Data Presentation

A study by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) reveals that Filipino children live
beneath the poverty line. This economic hardship within families often results in inadequate
access to necessities, limited educational opportunities, and heightened stress levels among
children. Moreover, research by the Department of Education (DepEd) shows that children
from low-income families are more likely to exhibit lower academic performance and higher
dropout rates compared to their counterparts from more financially stable households.

In a survey among Filipino children, they reported feeling anxious and concerned
about their family's financial situation. This constant stress can adversely affect their mental
health, leading to diminished self-esteem and motivation. Research indicates that parental
disputes significantly affect the emotional well-being of Filipino children. A study by the
Philippine Mental Health Association (PMHA) shows that of children exposed to frequent
parental disputes experience symptoms of anxiety and depression. Additionally, the same
study discovered that children who witness ongoing disputes between their parents are more
likely to develop aggressive behavior and face difficulties in establishing healthy
relationships in the future.

Furthermore, research by the University of the Philippines (UP) suggests that children
from households with high levels of marital conflict are at a higher risk of experiencing
academic difficulties and poor school performance. Exposure to substance misuse and neglect
within the family can have severe repercussions for Filipino children. A study by the
Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) found that of children in the Philippines have
been exposed to substance misuse within their households.

Children raised in such environments are more likely to develop behavioral issues,
engage in risky behaviors, and have a higher likelihood of substance misuse themselves.
Moreover, research by the Child Protection Network Foundation (CPNF) underscores the
long-term effects of neglect on Filipino children, including poor physical and mental health
outcomes, impaired cognitive development, and difficulties in establishing healthy

In conclusion, family issues significantly influence the well-being and development of

Filipino children. Financial struggles, parental disputes, substance misuse, and neglect all
contribute to various negative outcomes, including academic difficulties, emotional turmoil,
and behavioral problems. By addressing these issues through targeted interventions and
support systems, we can enhance the overall well-being of Filipino children and help them


Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

Department of Education (DepEd

Philippine Mental Health Association

University of the Philippines (UP)

Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency

Child Protection Network Foundation

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