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Developing a Sample Questionnaire for

Customer Data Collection

In the contemporary retail landscape, brick-and-mortar stores face unprecedented challenges
due to the rise of e-commerce. To stay competitive, many retailers, like Walmart, are turning
to omnichannel strategies that promise a seamless customer experience across online and
offline platforms. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of these omnichannel
approaches in bolstering the competitive edge of physical retail stores. By scrutinizing
customer interactions, purchase behaviors, and satisfaction levels with various omnichannel
features, this research seeks to provide actionable insights into the strengths and weaknesses
of current implementations. Through a structured questionnaire targeting Walmart customers,
the study will gather quantitative data, offering a clear picture of how omnichannel strategies
influence shopping behavior and customer loyalty within the retail sector.

Research Context: Customer Experience and Satisfaction with Omnichannel Retailing

In crafting a questionnaire to gather customer data for assessing the effectiveness of
Walmart’s omnichannel strategies, the chosen context focuses on customer experience and
satisfaction. This encompasses evaluating customer interactions with various touchpoints,
including online shopping platforms, mobile apps, in-store experiences, and additional
services like curbside pickup or in-store returns of online purchases. This context is pivotal as
customer experience directly influences satisfaction levels, which in turn affect loyalty and
revenue. Effective omnichannel strategies should ideally lead to higher convenience, better
service, and a more personalized shopping journey. The questionnaire will aim to collect data
on several fronts:
1. Utilization: How customers are using the different channels available to them (online,
in-store, mobile, etc.).

2. Convenience: The perceived convenience of navigating between channels.

3. Consistency: If customers experience consistent service and branding across

4. Personalization: The degree to which personalization affects shopping behavior and

5. Problem Resolution: How effectively issues are resolved when they arise during
omnichannel interactions.

6. Loyalty: The influence of omnichannel experiences on customer loyalty and repeat


Through careful analysis of the data collected from this questionnaire, Walmart can obtain
critical insights into how their omnichannel strategy is functioning and what areas require
improvement or further investment. This information is not only vital for strategy
optimization but also crucial for understanding the evolving needs and preferences of the
modern consumer.

Research Objectives:
1. To evaluate the customer adoption rate of Walmart's omnichannel services, including
online shopping, mobile app usage, in-store pickup of online orders, and seamless
product returns.

2. To measure the perceived convenience and satisfaction among customers using

Walmart’s omnichannel platforms, capturing insights into their shopping experience
across different channels.

3. To determine the consistency of customer experience and branding across Walmart's

physical stores, online marketplace, and mobile applications.

4. To assess the impact of personalized experiences offered through Walmart’s

omnichannel approach on customer shopping behavior and satisfaction levels.

5. To identify any issues or challenges customers face while interacting with multiple
shopping channels at Walmart and evaluate the effectiveness of the company's
problem resolution mechanisms.

6. To analyze the effect of omnichannel strategies on customer loyalty by examining

patterns in repeat purchases and the utilization of loyalty programs across Walmart’s
retail channels.
7. To understand customer preferences regarding omnichannel shopping, such as the
preferred channels for different product categories or services.

8. To gather feedback on potential areas of improvement or innovation that customers

would like to see in Walmart's omnichannel retailing approach.

Design the Questionnaire

1. What is your age group?

➢ 18 – 24 Years

➢ 25 – 34 Years

➢ 35 – 44 Years

➢ 45 – 54 Years

➢ 55 Years and above

2. What is your gender?

➢ Male

➢ Female

3. What is your current occupation?

➢ Student

➢ Employed

➢ Self-employed

➢ Unemployed

➢ Retired

➢ Prefer not to say

4. How often do you use the following Walmart services? (Multiple choice for each

➢ In-store shopping

➢ Online website

➢ Mobile app

➢ In-store pickup for online orders

➢ Choices: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Rarely, Never

5. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the convenience of navigating between our
in-store and online services?

➢ 1 (Not at all convenient)

➢ 2

➢ 3

➢ 4

➢ 5 (Extremely convenient)

6. Have you found the customer service experience to be consistent across all our

➢ Yes

➢ No

➢ Not applicable/I haven't used multiple channels

7. How personalized do you feel your shopping experience is with Walmart?

➢ Very personalized

➢ Somewhat personalized

➢ Not very personalized

➢ Not personalized at all

8. If you have experienced any problems using our omnichannel services, how satisfied
were you with the resolution?

➢ Very satisfied

➢ Satisfied

➢ Neutral

➢ Unsatisfied

➢ Very unsatisfied

➢ I haven't experienced any problems

9. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: "Omnichannel strategies
at Walmart have increased my loyalty to the store."

➔ Strongly agree

➔ Agree

➔ Neutral

➔ Disagree

➔ Strongly disagree
10. What improvements would you suggest for our omnichannel services? (Open-

11. Would you recommend Walmart's omnichannel services to someone else?

➢ Definitely

➢ Probably

➢ Might or might not

➢ Probably not

➢ Definitely not

Pilot Test the Questionnaire:

Feedback Summary:
◆ Clarity: Most participants found the questions clear and understandable. However, some
participants suggested that the term "omnichannel" might not be widely understood by
the general public and recommended a brief explanation or examples of what this entails.

◆ Relevance: The relevance of the questions was well-received, with participants

commenting that the questions covered a broad range of their shopping experiences. A
few participants mentioned that there could be a question regarding price perception
across channels, as pricing consistency or differences could affect their shopping choices
and loyalty.

◆ Length and Engagement: The majority agreed that the length was reasonable, and the
flow of the questionnaire kept them engaged. However, a couple of participants felt that
the open-ended questions at the end could lead to respondent fatigue.

◆ Answer Options: Some participants pointed out that the answer options for the Likert-
scale questions could include a "Not Applicable" choice for respondents who may not
have used some of the services. In question 6, participants suggested an additional option
such as "Somewhat consistent" for more nuanced responses.

◆ Technical Aspects: A few respondents encountered difficulties in progressing to the

next section of the questionnaire due to a lack of clear instructions or navigational cues.

◆ Suggestions for Additional Questions: Participants recommended including questions

on the ease of finding products and the checkout process in both the physical and online
stores. Questions regarding the impact of COVID-19 on shopping behavior and
preference for omnichannel services were also suggested.

Actions for Improvement Based on Pilot Test:

■ Add a brief explanation of "omnichannel" at the beginning of the questionnaire.

■ Include a question on price perception and consistency across different shopping


■ Review the positioning and necessity of open-ended questions to avoid potential

respondent fatigue.

■ Update Likert-scale questions to include a "Not Applicable" option.

■ Improve the technical flow of the questionnaire with clear instructions and visible

navigational buttons.

■ Introduce questions on product discovery and the checkout process.

■ Consider adding a question to capture any shifts in shopping behavior due to the

COVID-19 pandemic.

After incorporating the feedback from the pilot test, the final version of the questionnaire will
be more tailored to the target audience's understanding, providing clearer and more actionable
data for Walmart's assessment of their omnichannel strategy's effectiveness.

Reflect on the Questionnaire Design:

Reflecting on the questionnaire design process for assessing Walmart’s omnichannel strategy
reveals both its intricacies and its importance. One significant challenge was ensuring the
language used was accessible to a diverse customer base. Terms like "omnichannel," while
common in a business context, may not resonate with or be understood by the average
consumer. Simplifying jargon without losing the essence of the questions required a delicate

Another challenge was in structuring the questionnaire to maintain respondent engagement

throughout. Keeping the survey concise, while also gathering the depth of data necessary for
meaningful insights, presented a test of brevity and clarity. The balance between open and
closed-ended questions became crucial; the former provides rich qualitative insights but risks
respondent fatigue, while the latter facilitates a more straightforward analysis but may not
capture nuanced feedback.

The pilot test was an invaluable phase, highlighting the need for clear instructions and
navigation, and suggesting the addition of more nuanced response options. It emphasized the
significance of viewing the questionnaire through the eyes of the participants, not just as a
research tool.

The crafting of well-structured questions is foundational in collecting valuable customer

insights. Good questions lead to clear, actionable data, which can drive strategic decisions
and improvements. When questions are precise, relevant, and easy to understand, they serve
as powerful tools for unlocking the customer's voice, providing the detailed feedback
necessary to refine and improve the retail experience.

The questionnaire design process is a testament to the principle that the quality of data
gathered is directly proportionate to the quality of the questions asked. In the pursuit of
evaluating Walmart's omnichannel strategy, each step - from conceptualizing the research
objectives to refining questions through pilot testing - served to enhance the tool's
effectiveness. This process not only gears the questionnaire to elicit valuable customer
insights but also lays the groundwork for an iterative process of continuous improvement,
both for the survey and for the omnichannel strategies it aims to examine. Such meticulous
efforts in design yield rich, informed data, ultimately guiding strategic business decisions that
align with customer needs and preferences.

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