Xii English

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Date – 07/10/20 APEX PUBLIC SCHOOL

Senior Secondary
(ISO 9001:2008 Certified)
Apex Avenue, Sant Nagar, Delhi 110084
Tel: 27617750

Half Yearly Examination

Class: XII
Time Duration: 02 HOURS Max. Marks: 40
General Instructions:
• The paper is divided into TWO parts – WRITING and LITERATURE.
• Strictly adhere to the word limit, while answering the questions.
• Complete any one section altogether before moving onto the next section.
• Read the instructions very carefully.
1. You want to sell your newly built flat. Draft a suitable advertisement in not more than 50 words to
be published in the classified columns of ‘Hindustan Times’ giving all necessary details. You are
Nimesh/Nimisha of 228 Golf Course, Jodhpur. (3 Marks)

You are Ravi /Ranjita, School Head Boy/Head Girl of Salwan Public School, New Delhi. Write a
notice for the School Website informing the students of class XII about the Seminar on ‘New
Education Policy’ conducted by Class XII Humanities in not more than 50 words. (3 Marks)

2. As Secretary of the Literary Club of St. Anne’s School, Ahmedabad, draft a formal invitation in not
more than 50 words for the inauguration of the ‘Literary Club’ in your school. (3 Marks)

Your friend, Manish Tripathi has invited you to attend his wedding Anniversary. You cannot attend
it as you have a family get together on the same day. Write an informal letter expressing your
inability to attend the function and wish him all the happiness on this joyous occasion. You are
Mita/MahendraJuneja of 5, Vasundhra Colony, Patna (3Marks)

3. You are Ram/Rajini, a resident of Nagpur. You feel students should use the internet mostly for
gaining knowledge rather than wasting away time merely on entertainment. Write a letter in 120-150
words to the Editor, The Hindustan Times, 9 Bund Marg, Hyderabad, pointing out how schools can
control students’ net surfing at school and enable them to use internet fruitfully. (5 Marks)
Nobel Laureates like Rabindranath Tagore, C.V Raman, Mother Teresa and Amartya Sen have
made our country proud. However, greatness is not confined to a country or a political territory.

Such people work selflessly for humanity and inspire us to follow their path. Write a letter to the
editor of a local newspaper expressing your views on the concept of being global citizens. (120 -150

4. In the face of COVID-19, social media is a great way for individuals and communities to stay
connected even while physically separated. Write an article for your school e-Magazine in 120-150
words on the topic ‘Impact of Social Media On Our Lives During Pandemic.’ You are
Karuna/Karan Shukla. (5 Marks)
Thousands of people across the length and breadth of the country responded enthusiastically to
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Diya Jalao Campaign’. You also participated in the campaign to
express solidarity with the country’s fight against coronavirus. Write a report on what you saw and
experienced on April 5, 2020 for your school magazine in 120-150 words. (5 Marks)
Literature Section 24 Marks

5. Answer any five of the following questions in about 30 – 40 words each. (2 x 5 = 10)
a) How did Douglas’ introduction to the YMCA pool revive his childhood fear of water?
b) Why was the crofter so talkative and friendly with the peddler?
c) What were the terms of the indigo contract between the British landlords and the Indian
d) What are the different kinds of wars mentioned in the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’. What is Neruda’s
attitude towards these wars?
e) According to Keats , what spreads the pall of despondence over our dark spirits? How is it
f) How does Aunt Jennifer express her bitterness and anger against male dominance?

6. Answer any two of the following in about 34 – 50 words. (2 x 2 = 4)

a) In what condition did Dr. Sadao find the American soldier at the seashore?
a. What part of the story did Jack himself enjoy the most and why?
b. What is the bond that unites the two, Mr Lamb, the old man, and Derry, the boy? How does the
old man inspire the boy?

7. Answer any one of the following in about 120 – 150 words. (1 x 5 = 5)

a. The people we meet in life leave an impression on us. How is the rattrap peddler affected by
meeting the crofter and Edla?
b. ‘A Thing of Beauty is Joy Forever.’ This is what poet John Keats says in the poem. Do you think
in the present times of acute stress and violence, proximity to beautiful things can lead man to
everlasting happiness?
8. Answer any one of the following in about 120 – 150 words
a) What impression do you form about Dr Sadao as a man and as a surgeon on your reading the
chapter ‘The Enemy’?
b) Discuss the relevance of the title ‘On the Face of it’.


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