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1. To what is the lady being compared? (1)

2. Quote two words or phrases to describe summer. (2)

3. What does “eye of heaven” refer to? Explain your answer. (2)

4. Name two things that do not affect the beauty of the lady. (2)

5. Explain the last two lines in your own words. (3)

6. Paragraph question:

a. Using examples from the poem, state whether or not you agree with
Shakespeare’s argument and conclusion. (5)


1. To what is the lady being compared? (1)

a. A summer’s day (all or no mark)

2. Quote two words or phrases to describe summer. (2)

a. “rough” , “too short” , “too hot” (cannot use anything else because they
contain verbs and phrases do not have verbs)

3. What does “eye of heaven” refer to? Explain your answer. (2)

a. The sun – it is referred to as hot and gold, which is the colour of the
sun /if it is in “heaven” which could mean up in the sky which is where the
sun seems to be

4. Name two things that do not affect the beauty of the lady. (2)

a. Time and death

5. Explain the last two lines in your own words. (3)

a. As long as people are alive (breathe) and can see , and this poem
survives (lives this) – then her beauty will continue forever (gives life to

6. Paragraph question:

a. Using examples from the poem, state whether or not you agree with
Shakespeare’s argument and conclusion. (5)

i. I agree with his argument and conclusion. The weather, which includes
temperature, changes daily in summer, unlike the lady’s beauty – her face
does not change – “thou art more . . . temperate”. He says that summer
can be “too hot”, have rough winds, and changes “fair to fair sometimes
declines”. He also mentions that if his poems survive and people continue to
read them – which are descriptions of her – then nothing can affect her
beauty. In conclusion, time and death cannot affect what is written on
paper, so her beauty is eternally recorded.

ii. If you want to disagree – you will need to look at what is figurative and literal.
Of course a painting and a description of someone will keep their memory
and looks alive, but physically everyone ages, grows old and dies – a poem
cannot prevent that. Yes, weather changes, but it is a cycle and that never



1. Quote a phrase to show that this poem is a prayer. (1)

2. Based on when this poem was written, why is “tragic” an appropriate choice?

3. Give two examples of alliteration found in stanza 1. (2)

4. What four types of people are spoken of in stanza 2? You may quote to
explain your answer. (4)

5. Why do you think the above mentioned qualities are vital for a country to
grow and become strong? (3)

6. Paragraph question:

a. Discuss how the structure of the poem – words, poetic devices, imagery –
shows a sense of urgency in a troubled time. (5)


1. Quote a phrase to show that this poem is a prayer. (1)

a. “dear God” (no quotation marks no mark)

2. Based on when this poem was written, why is “tragic” an appropriate choice?

a. “Tragic” means a terribly sad event, some sort of injustice . It’s

appropriate because that time period of South African history was terrible
and there were many cases of injustice.

3. Give two examples of alliteration found in stanza 1. (2)

a. “tragic time’s” and “deed be done”

4. What four types of people are spoken of in stanza 2? You may quote to
explain your answer. (4)

a. Those who didn’t grow bitter “stayed pure” , stayed strong “grin and
endure” , did not lose hope “heart stayed warm” , remained level headed
“head grew clear”

5. Why do you think the above mentioned qualities are vital for a country to
grow and become strong? (3)

a. If people lose their minds, only work and live for themselves, become
bitter and cold towards others, there will be no sense of community , no
wish to better the country and it will collapse.

6. Paragraph question:

a. Discuss how the structure of the poem – words, poetic devices, imagery –
shows a sense of urgency in a troubled time. (5)

i. The words are fairly simple, the poet maybe doesn’t have time or energy
to look for complicated words, keeps it simple because he’s desperate. The
enjambment shows that maybe he is in a hurry or he’s pleading to God and
his thoughts are running out all at once . “Rotten”, “terror”, “beaten” are
the words that show it is a terrible time, hence the prayer.

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