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ভকেবুলারি রিট-১২

Tacit Syn: Implicit, Silent, Unspoken, Unexpressed, Wordless.
(অকথিত) Ant: Explicit, Express, Spoken.
Sen: Your silence implies tacit consent to these proposals.
Taciturn Syn: Laconic, Reticent, Uncommunicative, Unexpressive.
(স্বল্পভাষী) Ant: Communicative, Fluent, Loquacious, Talkative, Wordy.
Sen: He talked very little, and seemed all the more mysterious for his
taciturn manner.
Tangible Syn: Actual, Factual, Palpable, Perceptible, Touchable, Visible.
(ধরা-ছ াোঁয়া যায় এমন) Ant: Abstract, Imperceptible, Intangible.
Sen: The policy has not yet brought any tangible benefits.
Tardy Syn: Belated, Delayed, Delinquent, Late, Slow-footed, Sluggish.
(ধীরগথত) Ant: Early, On-time, Prompt, Punctual, Speedy.
Sen: We are still paying a high price for our tardiness in adapting to new
needs and new opportunities.
Tedious Syn: Exhausting, Fatiguing, Laborious, Tiring, Wearisome .
(ক্লাথিকর) Ant: Entertaining, Stimulating.
Sen: My professor's tedious history lectures have the entire class yawning.
Temporary Syn: Fleeting, Ephemeral, Evanescent, Fleeting, Interim, Momentary,
(অস্থায়ী) Provisional, Short-lived, Transitory, Volatile.
Ant: Durable, Enduring, Everlasting, Lasting, Lengthy, Long-lived,
Sen: A couple of months ago he came into work and told me he had a
temporary job in the warehouse.
Tentative Syn: Not Final, Unconfirmed, Undecided, Unsure.
(পরীক্ষামূ লক/চূ ড়াি নয় Ant: Certain, Conclusive, Final.
Sen: Political leaders have reached a tentative agreement to hold a
preparatory conference next month.
Terminate Syn: Abolish, Abort, Adjourn, Annul, Cancel, Cease, Complete, Conclude,
(ছেষ করা) Cut off, Discharge, Discontinue, Dismiss, Dissolve, Eliminate, Expire, Halt,
Put an end to, Recess, Restrict, Sack, Wrap up
Ant: Accept, Allow, Begin, Carry on, Commence, Continue, Employ,
Encourage, Engage, Hold, Introduce, Keep, Keep on, Permit, Ratify, Start,
Uphold, Welcome.
Sen: We have the right to terminate any contract between us without
Terse Syn: Incisive, Laconic, Precise, To The Point, Trenchant, Succinct.
Ant: Lengthy, Verbose, Wordy.

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(সংথক্ষপ্ত করা) Sen: He expressed himself in a terse and vigorous style.

Thrifty Syn: Conserving, Economical, Frugal, Parsimonious, Stingy, Unwasteful.

(থমতব্যয়ী) Ant: Extravagant, Spendthrift, Uneconomical.
Sen: They have shown themselves to be industrious, thrifty and law-
Tidy Syn: Clean, Fair, Groom, Neat.
(পথরষ্কার) Ant: Chaotic, Dirty, Disordered, Disorganized, Inconsequential,
Inconsiderable, Littered, Messy, Sloppy, Slovenly
Sen: In order to keep a tidy kitchen, do not neglect to wash your dishes.
Timorous Syn: Fainthearted, Hesitant, Timid.
(ভীরু) Ant: Bold, Fearless, Intrepid.
Sen: But beneath the surface, he’s a timorous man, deathly afraid of his
sharp-tongued wife.
Tirade Syn: Anger, Berating, Condemnation, Dispute, Fulmination, Revilement,
(থতরস্কারপূ র্ণ ব্ক্তৃতা) Tongue-lashing
Ant: Calm, Compliment, Harmony, Peace, Praise
Sen: He went into a tirade about the failures of the government.
Tolerate Syn: Allow, Bear, Condone, Endure, Permit, Put up with, Support
(সহ্য করা) Ant: Forbid, Prohibit, Proscribe.
Sen: He was so committed to the success of the enterprise that he wouldn't
tolerate anyone who couldn't do a great job.
Torpid Syn: Drowsy, Dormant, Inactive, Inert, Lethargic, Sluggish, Stagnant.
(থনছেজ) Ant: Active, Energetic, Lively, Vigorous.
Sen: During the colder months these reptiles remain in a torpid state.
Tortuous Syn: Crooked, Curved, Meandering, Sinuous, Twisting, Winding, Zigzag.
(আোঁকাব্াোঁকা/ সথপণল) Ant: Direct, Straight, Uncomplicated, Untwisted.
Sen: These channels are in places narrow and tortuous.
Tractable Syn: Amenable, Compliant, Controllable, Docile, Manageable.
(ব্ে মাছন এমন) Ant: Intractable, Obstinate, Refractory, Stubborn, Uncontrollable,
Unmanageable, Unruly.
Sen: However, the computation time to perform a complete search is not
Tranquil Syn: Amicable, Calm, Gentle, Mild, Pastoral, Placid, Restful, Sedate,
(োি) Serene, Sober, Unruffled, Unperturbed.
Ant: Agitate, Drunk, Excitable, Excited, Fierce, Harsh, Immoderate,
Inebriated, Nervous, Rough, Stormy, Troubled,. Upset, Violent, Wild
Sen: Though I look comfortably accommodated, I am not very tranquil in
my mind.
Transient Syn: Evanescent, Provisional, Transitory.
(ক্ষর্স্থায়ী) Ant: Enduring, Permanent.
Sen: The snow is transient and will melt as soon as the sun appears.
Transparent Syn: Clear, Crystal-clear, Lucid, Limpid, Translucent.

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(স্বচ্ছ) Ant: Cloudy, Dark, Intransparent, Opaque, Unclear, Vague.
Sen: We are now striving hard to establish a transparent parliamentary
Treachery Syn: Betrayal, Perfidy, Treason.
(থব্শ্বাসঘাতকতা) Ant: Faithfulness, Fidelity, Honesty, Loyalty.
Sen: Benedict Arnold is infamous for the treachery that he displayed when
he turned on the Revolutionary Army during the Revolutionary War.
Trifling Syn: Frivolous, Futile, Minuscule, Paltry, Trivial.
(তুচ্ছ) Ant: Effective, Important, Significant, Worthwhile.
Sen: Fortunately, the stormy waves caused trifling damage to the boat.
Trite Syn: Banal, Dull, Hackneyed, Ordinary, Pedestrian, Stereotyped.
(নীরস) Ant: Impressive, Novel, Uncommon.
Sen: His lyrics about love and peace are too trite for me to take them
Truce Syn: Armistice, Cease fire, Moratorium, Temporary peace .
(সামথয়ক যু দ্ধ থব্রথত) Ant: Fighting, War.
Sen: Following last month's riots, two of the city's biggest gangs have finally
declared a truce, ending years of bloodshed.
Turbid Syn: Filthy, Muddy, Murky, Sedimentary.
(কর্ণমাক্ত) Ant: Clear, Limpid.
Sen: Several different species of fish inhabit these turbid shallow waters.

Unanimous Syn: Accordant, Concordant, Harmonious, Showing Full Agreement,
(সব্ণসম্মত) Unified, Universal.
Ant: Different, Dissent, Split.
Sen: We came to a unanimous decision that salaries must be largely
increased and must be increased without delay.
Unavoidable Syn: Compulsory, Inescapable, Inevitable, Ineluctable, Obligatory.
(অব্েযম্ভাব্ী) Ant: Avoidable, Doubtful, Escapable, Unlikely.
Sen: The recession has resulted in an unavoidable increase in spending on
unemployment benefit.
Unconscious Syn: Comatose, Inanimate, Insensate, Paralyzed, Senseless.
(অজ্ঞান) Ant: Aware, Conscious, Cautious.
Sen: He was unconscious and lay like a distorted corpse.
Undisturbed Syn: Peaceful, Placid, Serene, Uninterrupted, Quiet, Unruffled,
(োি/থস্থর) Unperturbed.
Ant: Anxious, Disturbed, Interrupted, Ruffled, Troubled, Upset.
Sen: Allow the paint and glue to dry undisturbed on the wax paper
Unfriendly Syn: Antagonistic, Frigid, Inimical, Sour.
Ant: Convivial, Chummy, Hospitable, Intimate.

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(প্রথতকূল/ েত্রুভাব্াপন্ন) Sen: The internet is an unfriendly place for women wanting to write about
Unkempt Syn: Bedraggled, Dilapidated, Disheveled, Messy, Tousled, Untidy.
(অপথরপাথি) Ant: Clean, Kempt, Neat, Orderly, Tidy.
Sen: Because of his unkempt appearance people would shy away from him.
Unwary Syn: Careless, Heedless, Incautious, Rash, Unprepared.
(অসাব্ধান) Ant: Cautious, Circumspect, Discreet, Mindful, Thoughtful.
Sen: The coastline is rugged, with treacherous reefs stretching far out to sea
to wreck unwary ships.
Urgent Syn: Chilly, Critical, Immediate, Important, Pressing.
(জরুথর) Ant: Paltry, Trivial, Unnecessary.
Sen: An urgent knock at the door jarred him from his thoughts.
Vacillate Syn: Be indecisive, Fluctuate, Hesitate, Oscillate, Waver.
(ইতেত/ থিধা করা) Ant: Determined, Steadfast.
Sen: Her mood vacillated between hope and despair.
Vague Syn: Ambiguous, Dubious, Equivocal, Foggy, Indefinite, Imprecise
(অস্পষ্ট) Obscure.
Ant: Apparent, Certain, Clear Cut, Specific, Sure.
Sen: The judges determined that the law was too vague to be fairly enforced.
Valiant Syn: Courageous, Dauntless, Fearless, Gallant, Heroic, Indomitable,
(সাহ্সী) Vigorous.
Ant: Afraid, Cowardly, Craven, Fearful, Meek.
Sen: Only a valiant warrior can stand a chance to save the kingdom.
Valor Syn: Boldness, Bravery, Courage, Fortitude, Gallantry, Prowess.
(সাহ্স) Ant: Cowardice, Cowardliness, Fear, Irresolution, Meekness, Timidity,
Sen: The one who responded with greatest valor would win.
Vapid Syn: Boring, Dull, Innocuous, Insipid, Stale, Tedious.
(স্বার্হ্ীন/নীরস) Ant: Exciting, Interesting, Pungent, Sharp, Strong.
Sen: She gave me a vapid look as I attempted to make small talk with her.
Venerate Syn: Cherish, Esteem, Exalt, Hallow, Honor, Reverence.
(শ্রদ্ধা করা) Ant: Abhor, Condemn, Denounce, Despise, Scorn.
Sen: As a liberal conservative, I venerate Mill as a great man.
Vengeance Syn: Avengement, Counterblow, Eye for an eye, Reprisal, Retribution,
(প্রথতথহ্ংসা করা) Revenge, Wrath.
Ant: Forgiveness, Pardon, Sympathy.
Sen: He swore vengeance on everyone involved in the murder.
Veracious Syn: Accurate, Genuine, Honest, Righteous, Truthful, Upright.
Ant: False, Mendacious, Right, Untrue.

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(সতযব্ার্ী) Sen: “Honest” Abraham Lincoln was known as a veracious president who
stood for truth.
Verbose Syn: Bombastic, Diffuse, Garrulous, Grandiloquent, Loquacious, Prolix,
(েব্দব্হুল) Stuffed, Wordy.
Ant: Concise, Laconic, Precise, Succinct.
Sen: The verbose man took thirty minutes to give me a simple answer.
Vex Syn: Afflict, Agitate, Annoy, Displease, Disquiet, Disturb, Embarrass,
(জ্বালাতন করা) Exasperate, Gall, Infuriate, Irk, Irritate, Offend, Peeve, Perplex, Rile,
Ant: Aid, Appease, Calm, Comfort, Delight, Ease, Please, Soothe.
Sen: I didn't think that such an inconsequential matter would vex you so.
Viable Syn: Applicable, Feasible, Operable, Possible, Usable, Workable
(থিছক িাকছত সমিণ) Ant: Impossible, Unfeasible, Unlikely, Unachievable, Unpractical,
Sen: They struggled initially to make it viable.
Vicious Syn: Atrocious, Barbarous, Cruel, Dangerous, Depraved, Diabolical,
(র্ু শ্চথরত্র) Ferocious, Heinous, Infamous, Monstrous, Nefarious, Perverse, Savage,
Vile, Violent, Wicked
Ant: Calm, Civilized, Gentle, Glorious, Good, Honorable, Innocent, Kind,
Mild, Moral, Nice, Pure, Respectable, Tame, Virtuous
Sen: He was one of the weakest and most vicious princes that occupied the
Byzantine throne.
Vigilant Syn: Alert, Cautious, Circumspect, Observant, Watchful.
(সতকণ প্রহ্রারত) Ant: Inattentive, Negligent, Remiss.
Sen: The president asked Moldovans to remain vigilant and said that
Moscow's attempts to import violence into the country would fail.
Vigor Syn: Dynamism, Energy, Strength, Verve, Vim, Vitality.
(জীব্নীেথক্ত) Ant: Dullness, Effeminacy, Impotence, Immobility, Inactivity, Indolence,
Inertia, Lethargy.
Sen: This is the first study that has looked at hybrid vigor in any crop on
such a large scale.
Vilify Syn: Assail, Berate, Damn, Decry, Defame, Denigrate, Denounce,
(থনন্দা করা) Disparage, Malign, Mistreat, Revile, Slander, Smear
Ant: Approve, Cherish, Commend, Compliment, Exalt, Favor, Flatter,
Glorify, Laud, Praise
Sen: The agency has been vilified by some doctors for being unnecessarily
slow to approve life-saving drugs.
Virtuous Syn: Morally good, Moral, Noble, Principled, Righteous,
(ননথতক/ সর্গুনসম্পন্ন) Spotless,Wholesome.
Ant: Bad, Dishonest, Evil, Sinful, Unethical, Vile, Wicked.
Sen: She was the most honest and virtuous woman that he had ever met.
Virulent Syn: Deleterious, Infectious, Noxious, Poisonous,
(থব্ষাক্ত/ক্ষথতকর) Ant: Gentle, Harmless, Innocuous.
Sen: It is a feature of viruses that with time they become less virulent.

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Vital Syn: Crucial, Decisive, Fundamental, Imperative, Important,
(গুরুত্বপূ র্ণ/প্রার্ব্ি) Indispensable, Integral, Key Lively, Meaningful, Necessary, Needed,
Significant, Urgent, Vibrant.
Ant: Additional, Extra, Inessential, Insignificant, Lethargic, Meaningless,
Minor, Needless, Nonessential, Optional, Secondary, Trivial, Uncritical,
Unimportant, Unnecessary, Useless, Voluntary, Worthless
Sen: If you want to show expertise, consistent practice is vital.
Volatile Syn: Changeable, Dicey, Erratic, Fluctuating, Random, Uncertain, Variable
(উিায়ী) Ant: Certain, Changeless, Constant, Durable, Equable, Permanent,
Sen: Armed soldiers guard the streets in this volatile atmosphere.
Voluntary Syn: Unsolicited, Volunteered.
(ছস্বচ্ছা প্রর্ত্ত) Ant: Compulsory, Forced, Mandatory.
Sen: All these schools are supported by voluntary subscriptions and,
donations, and instruct both boys and girls.
Vulgar Syn: Boorish, Coarse, Crude, Disgusting, Filthy, Impolite, Indecent, Nasty,
(অমাথজণত) Naughty, Obscene, Off-color, Profane, Ribald, Scatological, Tasteless,
Ant: Aristocrat, Chaste, Clean, Decent, Gentle, Moral, Nice, Pleasant,
Pleasing, Polite, Pure, Refined, Sophisticated, Tasteful
Sen: Avoid vulgar errors; cherish universal sympathy.
Vulnerable Syn: Accessible, Defenseless, Susceptible, Unprotected.
(ক্ষথত করা যায় এমন) Ant: Guarded, Invincible, Secure, Unsusceptible.
Sen: The United Kingdom was vulnerable to attack from across the
English Channel.
Waver Syn: Dillydally, Fluctuate, Hesitate, Oscillate, Vacillate.
(দর্ািানায় পড়া) Ant: Be Determined, Persist, Remain, Stay, Steady.
Sen: Be proud of who you are, and never waver from your expectations
and beliefs.
Weary Syn: Exhausted, Fatigued, Overworked, Tired.
(শ্রাি, ক্লাি) Ant: Animate, Energetic, Revive.
Sen: They were weary of the business, and wished to be done with it.
Whimsical Syn: Capricious, Changeable, Fickle, Inconstant.
(দেয়াথল) Ant: Behaving, Reasonable, Steady.
Sen: He has a wonderful whimsical sense of humor.
Zenith Syn: Apex, Acme, Peak, Pinnacle, Summit, Top.
(থেের) Ant: Bottom, Foundation, Nadir.
Sen: Rome’s power reached its zenith under the emperor Trajan.
Self Assessment Test-07-&-08

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(কোন প্রোি বই/কনাট/গাইড এি সহায়তা ছাড়াই রনকেকে যাচাই েরুন।)
36th BCS
General English (Compulsory), Subject Code: 003
Time: 4 hours, Full Marks: 200
Read the following passage and answer question Nos. 1--7:--
Everybody is talking about reconstruction. Most people, when asked what spiritual quality is aptly needed to rebuild-
civilization, will reply 'Love'. Men must love one another, they say; nations must do likewise, and then the series of
cataclysms which is threatening to destroy us will be checked.

Respectfully but firmly, I disagree. Love is a great force in private life; it is indeed the greatest of all things; but love in
public affairs does not work. It has been tried again and again: by the Christian civilization of the Middle Ages, and also
by the French Revolution, a secular movement which reasserted the Brotherhood of man. And it has always failed. The
idea that nations should love one another, or that- business concerns or marketing boards should love one another, or that
a man in Portugal it is absurd, unreal, should love a man in Peru of whom he has never heard dangerous. It leads us into
perilous and vague sentimentalism. 'Love' is what is needed, we chant and then sit back and the world goes on as before.
The fact is we can only love what we know personally. And we cannot know much. In public affairs, in the rebuilding of
civilization, something much less dramatic and emotional is needed, namely, tolerance. Tolerance is a very dull virtue. It
is boring. Unlike love, it has always had a bad press. It is negative. It merely means putting up with people, being able to
stand things. No one has ever written an ode to tolerance, or raised a statue to her. Yet this is the quality which will be most
needed after the war. This is the sound state of mind which we are earnestly looking for. This is the only force which will
enable different races and classes and interests to settle down together to the work of reconstruction.

The world is very full of people appallingly full; it has never been so full before, and they are all tumbling over each other.
Most of these people one doesn't know and some of them one doesn't like; doesn't like the colour of their skins, say, or the
shapes of their noses, or the way blow them or don't blow them or the way they talk, or their smell or their clothes, or their
fondness for Jazz or their dislike of Jazz, and so on. Well, what is one to do? There are two solutions. One of them is the
Nazi solution. If you don't like people, kill them, segregate them and then strut up and down proclaiming that you are the
salt of the earth. The other way is much less thrilling, but it is on the whole the way of democracies and I prefer it. If you
don't like people, put up with them as well as you can. Don't try to love them: you can't, you will only strain yourself. But
try to tolerate them. On the basis of that tolerance, a civilized future may be built. Certainly I can see no other foundation
for the post-war world.

1. Answer the questions below. Do not copy any sentences from the passage above. Write the answers in your
own sentences having your own wording and phrasing: 3x10=30
(a) What is the passage about?
(b) What was traditionally believed to be the most powerful virtue needed for civilization?
(c) Does the author hold the traditional view?
(d) How does 'love' work for public life?
(e) What is the most desired virtue for rebuilding civilization?
(f) How does the writer describe tolerance?
(g) What does the passage say about human relationship?
(h) What according to the author are the two solutions?
(i) Which of the ways do the author like?
(j) Give a title of the passage.
2. Guess the meanings of the following words/expressions using contextual clues: (The words are underlined
in the passage) 1x5=5
(a) Perilous

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(b) chant
(c) Appallingly
(d) Segregate
(e) Strain
3. Fill in the table by putting words in the empty cells according to their parts of speech: 1x5=5
Noun Verb Adjective
(a)Danger x

4. Join the sets of sentences into one sentence: 2x5=10

(a) Love is a great virtue in private life. Love does not work in public life
(b) Tolerance is a desired virtue. It is not a mere talked about thing.
(c) Love is good for private life. Tolerance is good in public life.
(d) There are two solutions; one is a Nazi solution.
(e) The way is less thrilling. I like it.
5. Write a sentence with each of the following words/expressions. Coping of any sentence from the passage
above must be avoided. 1×10=10
(a) Spiritual
(b) Threatening
(c) absurd
(d) Secular
(e) assert
(f) sentimental
(g) dull
(h) settle down
(i) fondness
(j) the salt of the earth
6. Summarize the passage in your own words in 100 words. 20
7. Write a feature to the editor of a renowned English Daily on "The growing importance of tolerance in our
social and national life"
8. Write an essay in about 1000 words on any one of the following topics: 50
(a) Development activities in Bangladesh.
(b) Global climate crisis.
(c) Bangladeshi culture.
9. Translate the following passage into Bangla :- 25
Should the soft spring breath of kindly appreciation warm the current chilly atmosphere, flowers of greater
luxuriance and beauty soon blossom forth, to beautify and enrich our literature. If these anticipations are not
realized, it will not be because there is anything in our country that is uncongenial to poetry. If we are deprived of
many of the advantages of the older countries, our youthful country provides ample compensation not only in the
ways in which nature unveils her most majestic forms to exalt and inspire, but also in our unshackled freedom of
thought and broad spheres of action. Despite the unpropitious circumstances that exist, some true poetry has been
written in our country, and represents an earnest of better things for the future and basis to hope that it will not
always be winter with our native poetry.

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Poetry, like truth, will unveil her beauty and dispense her honour only to those who love her with a deep and
reverential affection. There are many who are not gifted with the power of giving expressions to the deeper
sensibilities who nevertheless experience them throbbing in their hearts. To then poetry appeals.
10. Translate the following passage into English : 25
মহ্ান মুথক্তযু দ্ধই আমাছর্র অথেছত্বর থিকানা। আমাছর্র জীব্ছন মুথক্তযু দ্ধ শুধু মাত্র একথি েব্দই নয়। মুথক্তযু দ্ধ প্রথতথি ব্াঙালীর অিছরর
এক অনি ব্থি থেোর নাম। মুথক্তযু দ্ধ ব্াঙালীর দগৌরব্ আর গব্ণ, ব্াঙালীর দচতনা, ব্াঙালীর ইস্পাতকথিন র্ৃ ঢ়তা। ব্াঙালীর অনু ছপ্ররর্া,
ব্াঙালীর োথনত হ্ওয়ার অপর নাম। মুথক্তযু দ্ধই আমাছর্র অতীত, ব্তণমান এব্ং ভথব্ষযৎ।আমাছর্র এথগছয় দযছত হ্ছব্ এই মুথক্তযু ছদ্ধর
দচতনাছক আছলাকব্থতণকা থহ্ছসছব্ গ্রহ্র্ কছর।আমাছর্র জীব্ছনর যাব্তীয় প্রাথপ্ত, স্বপ্ন-সাধ, পথরকল্পনা সব্ থক ু হ্ছত হ্ছব্ মুথক্তযু ছদ্ধর
দচতনাছকথিক। দকননা মুথক্তযু দ্ধই আমাছর্র জাথতসত্ত্বার থভথত্ত, আমাছর্র দব্োঁছচ িাকার এব্ং এথগছয় চলার একমাত্র অব্লম্বন।
মুথক্তযু ছদ্ধর ইথতহ্াস আমাছর্র নতুন প্রজন্মছক ভীষর্ভাছব্ আপ্লু ত কছর এব্ং চলার পছি অনু ছপ্ররর্া দজাগায়, তাছর্র জাতীয়তাছব্াধ ও
আত্মপথরচয় র্ান কছর।তারা মুথক্তযু দ্ধ সম্পথকণত ব্ই পড়ছত প ন্দ কছর, মুথক্তযু দ্ধ সম্পছকণ জানার জনয তাছর্র মছধয লক্ষয করা যায়
গভীর আগ্রহ্। মুথক্তযু দ্ধ এই প্রজছন্মর দর্েছপ্রছমর এক অথনিঃছেষ দপ্ররর্া ও উৎছসর নাম।
তরুর্ প্রজছন্মর ধমণই হ্ছলা নতুছনর পাছন ু ছি চলা। দয জানছত চায় থনজ জাথতসত্ত্বার পথরচয়; দস দযছত চায় আপন থেকছড়র মূ ছল।
আর এ চলার পছি তাছক উিুদ্ধ কছর থনজ জাথতর ইথতহ্াস, ঐথতহ্য, দলৌথককত্ব এব্ং সাংস্কৃথতক দচতনা আর পথরচয়। দস এছস র্াোঁড়ায়
৭১ এর সামছন; দস জানছত পাছর কত তযাগ, থতথতক্ষা ও রছক্তর থব্থনমছয় এ জাথত স্বাধীনতা অজণন কছরছ । আজছকর তরুর্ প্রজন্ম
গছড় উছিছ মুথক্তযু দ্ধকালীন ইস্পাতকথিন র্ৃ ঢ়তা, দচতনা ও দর্েছপ্রম থনছয়।এর প্রমার্ পাওয়া যায় একুছের ব্ইছমলা এব্ং স্বাধীনতা ও
থব্জয় থর্ব্ছস। দর্ছের আনাছচ কানাছচ তরুর্ প্রজছন্মর প্রথতথি সর্সযছক তাছর্র কপাছল ও ব্ু ছক-থপছি জাতীয় পতাকাসহ্ ও
পতাকাছোথভত দপাোছক েহ্ীর্ থমনার ও থব্জয়েছত্ব উপথস্থত দর্ো যায়। এথি তাছর্র সু গভীর দর্েছপ্রছমরই ব্থহ্িঃপ্রকাে। ৭১ এর
অনু ছপ্ররর্া, দচতনা ও দর্েছপ্রম আমাছর্র আছ , িাকছব্ এব্ংঅনিকাল িাকছব্।

35th BCS
General English (Compulsory), Subject Code: 003
Time: 4 hours, Full Marks: 200
Read the following passage and answer question Nos. 1--7:--

The Tk. 32.48bn Development Project Proposal (DPP) for Bangabandhu 1, the first satellite of Bangladesh, is ready for
being placed before the highest economic policy making body, Executive Committee of the National Economic Council

The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) has already finalized the proposal from its end and
would initiate buying "orbital slot" for the satellite once ECNEC gives approval. The BTRC will purchase an orbital slot
on 119 degree East from Intersputnik, a renowned Russian company, at a cost of $28m (Tk. 217.7bn) with a single lifetime
of 15 years.

Initially, the BTRC applied for a slot on 102 degree East to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). However,
nearly 20 countries including the USA, Russia, France and Australia raised objections that their satellite communication
would be disrupted if Bangladesh was given that slot.

Out of the proposed DPP cost of Tk. 32.48bn, the government will bear Tk. 15.60bn front its own funds. Of the Tk. 15.604bn
the government allocated Tk. 6.91bn in the previous fiscal, Tk. 3.49bn for the ongoing (2013-14) fiscal, and the remaining
Tk. 5.02bn for the next (2014-15). The other half of the project cost, that is Tk. 16.883bn, will be funded by a supplier's

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credit from the Export-Import Bank of USA. Earlier, the Export-Import of USA sent a proposal to the government through
the BTRC for funding the project at less than 2% interest.

The government had decided to launch the satellite under Public-Private Partnership (PPP) scheme in order to ensure
impeccable maintenance after the launch. According to documents, the project commenced on July 1 this year and will end
on June 30, 2016.

The telecom regulator has chosen Betbunia of Chittagong and the BTCL Staff College in Gazipur for setting up two earth
stations for the satellite. There will also be a maintenance office at the BTRC building.

Sources said after purchasing the orbital slot for the Bangabandhu 1, the government would try to book two more slots in
advance on 102 degree East and 69 degree East for lunching two more satellites in the future.

The government has also reportedly shown interest in purchasing the 135 degree East slot from the ITU, although its
location was far away from Bangladesh's coverage.

"A single satellite will never be viable for business. We need to launch at least one more satellite for getting benefitted and
making profits," BTRC chairman Sunil Kanti Bose Said.

Figures show that Bangladesh spends around $11m annually on satellite rents for running television channels, telephones
and radio connectivity.

A successful launching of the satellite is likely to bring $50m annually by renting out the unused portion to neighboring
countries like Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar.

Fifty countries in the world at present have satellites of their own. India and Pakistan are the only countries in the
subcontinent with satellites. Sri Lanka is also in the middle of a process for launching one of its own.

1. Answer the questions below. Do not copy any sentences from the passage above. Write the answers in your
own sentences having your own wording and phrasing: 3x10=30
(a) Why could Bangladesh not stick to its original plan of acquiring 102 degree East to ITU slot?
(b) How has the government planned to fund the project?
(c) What are the two plans for making Bangabandhu 1 commercially feasible?
(d) Name the proposed sites of operation for the satellite.
(e) What scheme of maintenance has the government god undertaken?
(f) Which of the SAARC countries does not have satellites?
(g) Which country is providing Bangladesh with the do technological know-how?
(h) What is the name of the project that ECNEC will consider?
(i) According to documents, how much time is required for the completion of the project?
(j) Give a title to this news item.

2. Write meanings of the following five words used in the passage. The meanings are provided in the box below.
There are more than five words in the box. Choose the appropriate meanings: 1x5=5
(a) impeccable
(b) fiscal
(c) launch
(d) slot
(e) disrupt

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Monetary impartial initiate

Interrupt niche faultless

method discontinue annual

3. Fill in the table by putting words in the empty cells according to their parts of speech: 1x5=5
Noun Verb Adjective
(a) x renowned
regulator (b) (c)
(d) x viable
rent (e) x
4. Correct the following run-ons by using appropriate subordinates (such as, although, because, after, as, while,
etc.): 2x5=10
(a) Sri Lanka is in the middle of a process for launching a satellite of its own, Bangladesh must not waste time.
(b) Bangladesh was given slot, more than twenty countries opposed.
(c) The American Bank declined the suppliers-credit, the financial plan must be reviewed.
(d) BTRC forwarded the proposal, ECNEC approved the budget.
(e) Bangladesh will become the 51st country to have a satellite, the project is successful.
5. Use appropriate capitalization, punctuation and quotation marks where required: 5×2=10
(a) Yesterday, Bose said This afternoon ecnec will table the development project proposal; however, he did not
confirm it.
(b) This news was published, in the Dhaka tribune, on January 4, 2014.
6. Summarize the passage in your own words in 100 words. 20
7. Write a letter to the Editor of the newspaper in which the passage appeared as a feature, responding to the
news on Bangabandhu 1. 20

8. Write an essay in about 1000 words on any one of the following topics: 50
(a) The Rise of Religious Extremism as a Global Threat;
(b) Nature Vs Nurture;
(c) How I See Myself 10 Years From Now.
9. Translate the following passage into Bangla :- 25
It was the best of times; it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom; it was the age of foolishness; it was
the epoch of belief; it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of Light; it was the season of Darkness; it was
the spring of hope; it was the winter of despair. We had everything before us; we had nothing before us; we were
all going direct to Heaven; we were all going direct the other way-in short, the period was so far like the present
one in which the noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of
10. Translate the following passage into English : 25
ষাছিার্ধ্ণ মুথক্তছযাদ্ধা স্বর্ণলতা ফথলয়া কাজ করছ ন ব্ীরাঙ্গনাছর্র সংগথিতকরর্ ও পুনব্ণাসছনর। ৮ নম্বর দসক্টছরর এই মুথক্তছযাদ্ধা
দহ্মাছয়ত ব্াথহ্নীর অধীছন যু দ্ধ কছরছ ন। নাথরছকলব্াড়ী কযাম্প দিছক প্রথেক্ষর্ থনছয় মথহ্লা মুথক্তছযাদ্ধা সংগ্রছহ্র পাোপাথে
থনছজও_অছনক সেস্ত্র যু ছদ্ধ অংে দনন। এরপর দর্ে স্বাধীন হ্ছল ব্ীরাঙ্গনাছর্র পুনব্ণসাছনর কাযণক্রম শুরু কছরন। দসই দিছক দর্ছের
থব্থভন্ন অঞ্চছলর ৩৬ জন ব্ীরাঙ্গনাছক একত্র কছর তাছর্র থচথকৎসা, চাকথর এব্ং অথধকার আর্াছয়র কাছজ থনছজছক থনছয়াথজত দরছেছ ন
স্বর্ণলতা। স্বর্ণলতার জন্ম ১৯৫৪ সাছলর ৬ অছক্টাব্র দগাপালগঞ্জ দজলার দকািালীপাড়া উপছজলার দসানাইলব্াড়ী গ্রাছম। কৃষক ব্াব্া

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থনথেকাি ফথলয়া ও মা মাথরয়া ফথলয়ার সাত সিাছনর মছধয থতথন পঞ্চম। দকািালীপাড়া উপছজলার নাথরছকলব্াথড় থমেনাথর স্কুছলর নব্ম
দশ্রর্ীছত পড়ার সময় দর্ছে দব্ছজ উছি যু ছদ্ধর র্ামামা। একথর্ন আোলতা বব্র্য এছস ব্লছলন, “দর্ছে যু দ্ধ শুরু হ্ছচ্ছ, আথমছতা যু দ্ধ
করছব্া। দতারা দক দক আমার সাছি যু ছদ্ধ যাথব্। ”—এ কিা শুছন স্বর্ণলতা চুপ িাকছত পাছরথন। এক কিায়ই রাথজ হ্ছয় দগছলন ।
আোলতা বব্ছর্যর সাছি যু ছদ্ধর দেথনং দনয়ার আছগ সহ্পািী ব্ন্ধুরা থমছল এলাকায় ঘুরছতন আর মথহ্লা মুথক্তছযাদ্ধা দজাগাড় করছতন।
আর সু ছযাগ দপছলই ব্ন্ধুছর্র সাছি ঘছরর মা-দব্ানছর্র থনছয় “অস্ত্র ধছরা, স্বাধীন ব্াংলা রক্ষা কছরা” দলাগান থর্ছতন।
পরব্তণী সমছয় আছরা ৩০ জন সর্সয থনছয় থতথন দহ্মাছয়ত ব্াথহ্নীর কা দিছক অস্ত্র চালনার প্রথেক্ষর্ গ্রহ্র্ কছরন। যু ছদ্ধ দব্ে কছয়কথি
অপাছরেছন অংে থনছলও র্ু 'থি অপাছরেন থ ল উছেেছযাগয। এর একথিছত পাকব্াথহ্নীর দব্ে কছয়কথি লঞ্চ ডুথব্ছয় থর্ছয়থ ছলন। আর
একথি অপাছরেন কছরথ ছলন নর্ীছত। দসই অপাছরেছন তাোঁর পাছে িাকা র্ু ই মুথক্তছযাদ্ধা েহ্ীর্ হ্ন,ব্ীরথব্ক্রম দহ্মাছয়তউথিছনর গাছল
গুথল লাছগ। অছল্পর জনয দসথর্ন প্রাছর্ দব্োঁছচ দগছলও আহ্ত হ্ছয়থ ছলন স্বর্ণলতা।
স্বাধীনতা-পরব্তণী সমছয় আথিণক অভাব্-অনিছনর কারছর্ ঢাকা দমথডকযাছলর কা াকাথ কাছজর সন্ধান করছত িাছকন। ঘিনাচছক্র পঙ্গু
মুথক্তছযাদ্ধা ও অসু স্থ ব্ীরাঙ্গনাছর্র সহ্ছযাথগতা করার কারছর্ই দমথডকযাছলই র্ু 'দব্লা র্ু 'মুছিা োব্াছরর ব্যব্স্থা হ্ছয় যায়। ব্ঙ্গব্ন্ধু যেন
ব্ীরাঙ্গনাছর্র পুনব্ণাসছনর ব্যব্স্থা কছরন, স্বর্ণলতা তেন রাো ও অনযানয জায়গা দিছক ব্ীরাঙ্গনাছর্র থনছয় আসছতন ঢাকা ও নারায়র্গছঞ্জর
পুনব্ণাসন দকিগুছলাছত। পরব্তণী সমছয় যেন ব্ীরাঙ্গনাগর্ পুনব্ণাসন দকি তযাগ কছরন, তেছনা থতথন তাোঁছর্র সাহ্াযয করার দচষ্টা
কছরছ ন।থব্থভন্ন অথফস-আর্ালত ও মন্ত্রর্ালছয় দঘারাঘুথর কছর ব্ীরাঙ্গানাছর্র চাকথরর দচষ্টা দযমন কছরছ ন, দতমন কছরছ ন তাোঁছর্র
থচথকৎসাসহ্ অনযানয অথধকার আর্াছয়র লছক্ষয কাজ।
অছনযর কষ্টছক থযথন থনছজর কষ্ট মছন কছর তাোঁছর্র পাছে র্াোঁথড়ছয়ছ ন, অন্ন-ব্স্ত্র-ব্াসস্থাছনর ব্যব্স্থা কছরছ ন, ব্ীরাঙ্গনাছর্র দসই পরম
সতীিণ মুথক্তছযাদ্ধা স্বর্ণলতা ফথলয়া থনছজর সু ে-আহ্লার্ ও অথধকার থনছয় ভাছব্নথন। একমাত্র দমছয়ছক গ্রযাজুছয়ি কথরছয়ছ ন যাছত তাোঁর
দমছয় থনছজর ও অপছরর অব্লম্বন হ্ছত পাছরন। আজ অব্থধ দকান সরকাথর স্বীকৃথত না-পাওয়া স্বর্ণলতা ব্াস কছরন দতজগাোঁও ব্থের
থঘথঞ্জ এক ঘছর। মুথক্তছযাদ্ধা স্বর্ণলতা ফথলয়ার যু দ্ধ এেছনা িাছমথন।

Answer Hints
Self Assessment Test-05 &6 [ On 37-38 BCS Written ]
Thematic Question: (উত্তি-উপস্থাপনা রভন্ন রভন্ন হকত পাকি। Follow/Review the Instructions of EBC Sheet)

(a) Suggest a reason for the incredulity of the uneducated about scholarly opinions and assertions which they were
content to believe in the past.
➢ The reason for the incredulity of the uneducated about scholarly opinions and assertions, which they were content
to believe in the past, is the distrust created by class propaganda, leading them to question the motives and
credibility of those presenting such information.
(b) Why does an uneducated or untravelled person tend to disbelieve a well-informed man these days?
➢ An uneducated or untravelled person tends to disbelieve a well-informed man these days due to the influence of
class propaganda, which teaches them to be suspicious of individuals perceived to belong to the capitalist class and
to regard their information as deceitful or untrustworthy.
(c) What has been the familiar device of demagogues?
➢ The familiar device of demagogues has been to exploit the tendency of the proletariat to prefer the easier path,
encouraging them to laugh rather than understand complex issues and fostering suspicion of others instead of
building confidence. Demagogues manipulate public opinion to further their own interests.
(d) Why do the proletariat prefer the easier path?

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➢ The proletariat prefers the easier path because it is presented as a praiseworthy option that supposedly leads directly
to their own interests. Additionally, the allure of simplicity and avoiding the effort of critical thinking appeals to
some individuals, making it easier for demagogues to manipulate their beliefs.
(e) What are ages of acquiescence and ages of denial?
➢ Ages of acquiescence are periods when people accept the established order and live generation after generation
according to the old unquestioned pattern. On the other hand, ages of denial are periods when a ferment is
introduced, causing the whole community to question and challenge the established norms and beliefs, leading to
significant changes and upheavals.
(f) What are the characteristics of the ages of denial?
➢ The characteristics of the ages of denial are marked by a widespread refusal to accept traditional beliefs and
authorities. During these periods, those leading the revolution often teach people to deny and distrust even the best
and truest teachings from the past, encouraging skepticism and a questioning attitude towards established ideas and
(g) Why does the author think that the people of the East belong to an area of acquiescence?
➢ The author thinks that the people of the East belong to an area of acquiescence because they accept statements and
ideas as truth without much questioning or critical examination. Despite the presence of apparent falsehoods, the
people in the East seem to acquiesce and adhere to these beliefs, possibly due to cultural, social, or political factors
that discourage skepticism and dissent.
(h) Why does the author think that the people of the West belong to the area of denial?
➢ The author thinks that the people of the West belong to the area of denial because they exhibit a tendency to refuse
accepting statements and ideas, even from reputable authorities, unless such information withstands rigorous
examination and scrutiny. Their skepticism and incredulity suggest a strong willingness to challenge established
beliefs and institutions, leading to an atmosphere of denial and questioning of the status quo.
(i) What end does the author visualize for the gullible?
➢ The author visualizes mental stagnation and decay as the end for the gullible. Believing everything they are told
without critical thinking or examination will prevent them from growing intellectually, leading to a deterioration
of their mental faculties and inability to discern truth from falsehood.
(j) Suggest a suitable title for the passage.
➢ The suitable title for the passage can be "Challenges of Acquiescence and Denial: Navigating Propaganda and
Critical Thinking"

1. Ans.
Given Word Meaning
(a) praiseworthy (a) Deserving approval and admiration.

(b) crust (b) a hard outer covering of something

(c) palpably (c) in a way that is able to be touched or felt

(d) stagnation (d) The state of not flowing or moving.

(e) wily (e) skilled at gaining an advantage, especially deceitfully

2. Fill in the empty cells with appropriate words according to their parts of speech: 1x5=5

Noun Verb Adjective

acquiescence (a)acquiesce x
(b)assumption assume x
assertion (c)assert x
confidence x (d)confident

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(e)belief believe x

3. Give the synonym for each of the following words and make sentences with the synonyms: 1x6 =6

উত্তি-উপস্থাপনা রভন্ন রভন্ন হকত পাকি।

Given word Synonyms Sentences
(a) Delude bamboozle He was bamboozled by con man.
(b) incontestable indubitable He is the music talented person,
this is indubitable.
(c) ) denial rejection Constant rejection has sapped her
(d) deride ridicule Silly mistakes often arouse
(e) sentient conscious Although I was in pain, I was
(f) gullible guileless She gave him a guileless look

4. Break down the following sentence into four simple sentences without changing the meaning: 1x4=4
To the West, we have many millions of men and women, most of whom are intelligent and sentient, who refuse to
accept as truth statements and ideas that really can withstand the most searching examination."
(i) In the West, there are many millions of men and women.
(ii) Most of them are intelligent and sentient.
(iii) They refuse to accept statements and ideas as truth.
(iv)These statements and ideas really can withstand the most searching examination.
5. Make sentences of your own with each of the following words and phrase (copying of any sentences from the
above passage must be avoided) 1x10=10

উত্তি-উপস্থাপনা রভন্ন রভন্ন হকত পাকি।

Given Words and Sentences

(a) propaganda The report was nothing but lies and propaganda.
(b)give credence to I'm not prepared to give credence to anonymous complaints.
(c) derisive Her derisive attitude will not be tolerated long here
(d) demagogue They labeled him a demagogue.
(e) fester with Neglected wounds can fester with time if left untreated.
(f) glow with The fireflies in the garden glow with a soft and mesmerizing light.
(g) ferment The whole country has been in a state of political ferment for some months
(h) customary She gave the customary speech of thanks to the chairman
(i) apparent His faults are more apparent than real
(j) withstand These buildings have been designed to withstand an earthquake.
Summary, Letter, Essay (উত্তি-উপস্থাপনা রভন্ন রভন্ন হকত পাকি। Follow/Review the Instructions of EBC Sheet)

6. Write an essay in about 1000 words on any one of the following topics: 50
(a) The Rohingyas: Victims of Genocide
(b) Blue Economy in Bangladesh: Prospects and Challenges
(c) Impact of Social Media on Young Generation
7. Translate the following text into Bangla: 25

Page 14 of 19
The burgeoning bustle of life is identified as one of the পিন অভযাস কছম যাওয়ার অনযতম প্রধান কারর্ থহ্সাছব্ জীব্ছনর
main reasons for waning reading habit. Life has been so
ক্রমব্ধণমান ব্যেতাছক থচথিত করা হ্য়। জীব্ন এতিাই ব্যে হ্ছয় পছড়ছ
busy that people can hardly manage time for reading.
দয মানু ষ পড়ার জনয েুব্ কমই সময় দব্র করছত পাছর।

The pressure of livelihood, has mounted tremendously, জীথব্কা থনব্ণাছহ্র চাপ প্রচণ্ডভাছব্ ব্ৃ থদ্ধ দপছয়ছ , সমে হ্তাোয় মানু ষছক
thrusting people in earning bread, in all desperation. জীথব্কা উপাজণছনর থর্ছক দিছল থর্ছচ্ছ।

A money-centric corporate culture is sweeping life অিণ-ছকথিক কছপণাছরি সংস্কৃথত জীব্নছক র্ূ ছর সথরছয় থর্ছচ্ছ, মানু ষছক
away, making people crazy for pomp and prosperity in জাোঁকজমক এব্ং সমৃ থদ্ধর জনয উন্মত্ত কছর তুলছ জথম, ফ্ল্যাি, গাথড় এব্ং
the form of land, flat, car and other amenities.
অনযানয সু ছযাগ-সু থব্ধার দব্ছে ।

Reading is a secondary concern or no concern at all. পিন একথি দগৌর্ উছিগ ব্া দমাছিই উছিছগর থব্ষয় নয়। আসছল পড়ার
There is no time for reading in fact. সময় দনই।

Even they cannot find time for reading newspaper. They এমনথক তারা পথত্রকা পড়ার জনযও সময় দব্র করছত পাছর না। তারা
just skim through the headlines. শুধু থেছরানাছম দচাে ব্ু থলছয় যায়।

They can hardly read anything with profound সমছয়র সীমাব্দ্ধতার কারছর্ তারা েুব্ কমই গভীর মছনাছযাছগর সাছি
concentration due to time constraint. They are always in থক ু পড়ছত পাছর। তারা সব্সময় তাছর্র দপোগত কাজ দেষ করার
a hurry to finish their assignments in vocation.
জনয তাড়াহুছড়া কছর।

It is really a hard time, witnessing a famine of reading. পিন র্ু থভণছক্ষর সাক্ষী হ্ওয়া সথতযই কথিন সময়। তিয প্রযু থক্তর প্রসারও
Proliferation of information technology has also পিন অভযাছসর পথরব্তণছন অব্র্ান দরছেছ ।
contributed to the change in reading habit.

But we must bear in mind that reading habit is the mark থকন্তু আমাছর্র অব্েযই মছন রােছত হ্ছব্ দয পড়ার অভযাস একথি জাথতর
of civility of a nation. Reading books and other materials সভযতার থচি। ব্ই পড়া এব্ং দেোর অনযানয উপকরর্ গুথল ব্যথক্তছর্র
of learning makes individuals enlightened, elevating
আছলাথকত কছর দতাছল, তাছর্র ব্ু থদ্ধমত্তার েরছক ব্াথড়ছয় দতাছল।
their level of intelligence.

8. Translate the following text into English: 25

সংস্কৃথত হ্ছলা জীব্ছনর ও পথরছব্ছের উৎকষণসাধছনর ও Culture is the idea and attempt to improve life and the
environment, and to determine the course of history
উন্নথতথব্ধাছনর এব্ং ইচ্ছানু যায়ী ইথতহ্াছসর গথত থনধণারছর্র থচিা
according to the will. Life and environment are inseparable.
ও দচষ্টা। জীব্ন ও পথরছব্ে অথব্ছচ্ছর্য সম্পছকণ যু ক্ত।
জীব্ন পথরছব্ে দিছকই উদ্ভূত এব্ং পথরছব্ছের সছঙ্গ সংলগ্ন ও Life is derived from the environment and is adjacent to the
environment and dependent on the environment. The
পথরছব্ছের উপর থনভণরেীল। এ র্ু ইছয়র একথির উন্নথত অনযথির
improvement of one of these two depends on the
উন্নথতর উপর থনভণরেীল। improvement of the other.

উন্নথত আপথনছতই ঘছি না, সাধন করছত হ্য়। উন্নথতর প্রথক্রয়ায় Improvement doesn't happen in you, it has to be done. People
are the masters in the process of improvement. Only humans
মানু ষই কতণা। একমাত্র মানু ছষরই সংস্কৃথত আছ , অনয প্রার্ীর দনই।
have cultures, not other animals.

মানু ষ দসই বজথব্ক সামছিণযর অথধকারী যার ব্ছল দস ব্যথক্তগত ও Man possesses the biological capacity by which he can
introduce culture through individual and collective efforts.
দযৌি প্রয়াছস সংস্কৃথতর পথরচয় থর্ছত পাছর।

Page 15 of 19
থব্ব্তণছনর দয পযণাছয় এছস মানু ষ সংস্কৃথত সৃ থষ্ট করছত সক্ষম হ্ছয়ছ Humans did not differ from other animals until the stage of
evolution at which humans were able to create culture.
তার পূ ব্ণ পযণি অনয প্রার্ীর সছঙ্গ মানু ছষর পািণকয থ ল না।
জীব্নযাত্রার মধয থর্ছয় মানু ছষর থনছজছক এব্ং থনছজর সছঙ্গ Through lifestyle, people's tendency, thoughts and efforts to
beautify, enrich and improve themselves and the
পথরছব্েছক সু ন্দর, সমৃ দ্ধ ও উন্নত করার দয প্রব্র্তা, থচিা ও দচষ্টা
environment with themselves lies in their culture.
লক্ষয করা যায়, তারই মছধয থনথহ্ত িাছক তার সংস্কৃথত।
ব্যথক্তর জীব্ছন দযমন, সমথষ্টর জীব্ছনও দতমথন সংস্কৃথতছচতনা ও There is a sense of culture in the life of the individual, as well
as in the life of the collective.
সংস্কৃথত আছ ।
র্েণন, থব্জ্ঞান ও থেল্পকলা সৃ থষ্টর মধয থর্ছয়, উন্নথতেীল রাষ্ট্রব্যব্স্থা, Through the creation of philosophy, science and art, through
the introduction of a developing polity, social system and
সমাজব্যব্স্থা ও জীব্নপদ্ধথত প্রব্তণছনর মধয থর্ছয় মানু ষ তার
way of life, people show the power of their cultural ability.
সাংস্কৃথতক সামছিণযর পরাকাষ্ঠা প্রর্েণন কছর িাছক।
সংস্কৃথতর মছমণ আছ উন্নত হ্ওয়ার ও উন্নত করার এব্ং সমৃ দ্ধ Culture means the tendency, desire, desire and effort to
improve and improve and to enrich and enrich. Culture is
হ্ওয়ার ও সমৃ দ্ধ করার প্রব্র্তা, ইচ্ছা, আকাঙ্ক্ষা ও দচষ্টা। সংস্কৃথতর
related to tastes, preferences, social sense, food, habits,
সছঙ্গ সম্পকণ আছ রুথচ, প ন্দ, সমাজছব্াধ, আহ্াযণ, ব্যব্হ্াযণ, environment, judgment, acceptance and rejection and effort.
পথরপাশ্বণ, থব্চারক্ষমতা, গ্রহ্র্-ব্জণন ও প্রয়াস-প্রছচষ্টার।

1. Answer: (উত্তি রভন্ন রভন্ন হকত পাকি।)

(a) What is the passage about?
➢ The passage is about the use of hides and skins as raw materials for leather manufacturing. It discusses the historical
use of animal skins, the various types of animal skins used for leather, the preservation methods, and the tanning
process that transforms the skins into leather.
(b) How could we come to know that animal skins were prepared: and used long before textiles?
➢ We can infer that animal skins were prepared and used long before textiles based on the archaeological evidence
of numerous flint scrappers and bone or ivory sewing needles found in museums. These visual representations and
archaeological findings suggest that early humans utilized animal hides as protective coverings and clothing before
the invention of textiles.
(c) Which animal skins can mainly, and which animal skins can to a lesser extent be used and made into leather?
➢ Mainly, animal skins from cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and horses are used to make leather. However, to a lesser
extent, skins from animals such as dogs, deer, reptiles, marine animals, fish, and birds are also utilized in the leather
manufacturing process.
(d) What is the difference between "hide" and "skin"?
➢ The terms "hide" and "skin" refer to different types of animal skins based on the size and maturity of the animals.
"Hide" is used for the skins of larger animals like full-grown cattle and horses, while "skin" is used for the skins of
smaller animals and immature larger animals, such as ponies and calves.
(e) What happens to flayed skin if left wet, and what is the commonest method of preserving flayed skins?
➢ If flayed skins are left wet, they can rot and decompose due to the presence of moisture. The commonest method
of preserving flayed skins is by salting them. This involves applying salt to the inner side of the skins or immersing
them in a strong salt solution, which helps to remove moisture and prevent bacterial growth, thus preserving the
skins for further processing.
(f) What is D.D.T.? And why is it used on the skins?
➢ D.D.T. (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) is a chemical compound that was widely used as an insecticide in the
past. It is used on the skins to protect them from damage caused by beetles and other insects that might eat the skins
during the drying and preservation process
(g) What is 'crust' leather? Why is it sent to tannery?

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➢ 'Crust' leather refers to the dried skins after they have been preserved and the hair or wool has been removed. It is
sent to the tannery for further processing, known as tanning. During tanning, the leather is treated with chemicals
to remove any remaining impurities, soften the material, and enhance its durability, making it suitable for various
commercial uses.
(h) What virtues does middle layer of the skin, known as leather, owe?
➢ The middle layer of the skin, known as leather, possesses several virtues. It exhibits flexibility, strength, and
elasticity, making it a durable and resilient material. Additionally, leather has the unique ability to allow water
vapor and air to pass through it while resisting the penetration of liquid water, making it ideal for various
applications such as clothing, footwear, and accessories.
(i) What knowledge have you had from this passage?
➢ From this passage, I have gained knowledge about the use of hides and skins as raw materials for leather
manufacturing, the various animals whose skins are utilized in the process, the preservation methods such as salting
and drying, and the importance of tanning to transform the skins into leather. Additionally, I have learned about
the virtues of leather, including its flexibility, strength, and ability to allow air and water vapor to pass through
while resisting liquid water.
(j) Give a suitable title of the passage.
➢ In my opinion a suitable title of the passage is "From Animal Skins to Leather: The Ancient Craft of Tanning".

1. Guess the meanings of the following words/expressions using contextual clues: (The words are underlined
in the passage) 1x5=5

Given Word Meaning

(a) raw (a) not processed or purified

(b) pottery (b) objects that are made out of clay by hand

(c) vague (c) not clearly expressed

(d) tannery (d) the place where leather is made

(e) penetration (e) entering or making your way through something

2. Fill in the table by putting words in the empty cells according to their parts of speech: 1x5=5

Noun Verb Adjective

(a) strength strengthen x
resistance (b)resist resistant
(c)penetration penetrate penetrating
essential essentialize (d)essential
(e)preservation preserve preservative
3. Join the sets of sentences into one sentence. 2x5=10
(a) Skins do not last as long as pottery. Our knowledge about the early use of skin is vague.
➢ Although skins do not last as long as pottery, our knowledge about the early use of skin is vague.
(b) Hides are essential raw materials. Important articles of commerce.
➢ Hides are not only essential raw materials but also important articles of commerce.
(c) This involves sprinkling the skins, Salt on their inner side.
➢ This involves sprinkling salt on the inner side of the skins.
(d) Most cattle hides come from South America. The best goat skins come from India.
➢ Most cattle hides come from South America, while the best goat skins come from India.

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(e) Vapour and air to pass through it. Resisting penetration by liquid water itself.
➢ Leather allows vapour and air to pass through it while resisting penetration by liquid water itself.
4. Make sentences of your own with each of the following words and phrase (copying of any sentences from the
above passage must be avoided) 1x10=10

Given Words and phrases Sentences

(a) Immature He forgave his son's immature behaviour.
(b) interval We changed seats in the interval.
(c) flexibility Her great strength lies in her flexibility.
(d) elasticity As the skin grows older it loses its elasticity.
(e) unique This plant is unique to the region
(f) wet Her face was wet with tears.
(g) stretch out He was about to stretch out his hand to grab me.
(h) salt solution To soothe his sore throat, he gargled with a salt solution.
(i) dry Dry wood makes a good blaze
(j) immersion Immersion in cold water resulted in rapid loss of heat.
Summary, Letter, Essay (উত্তি-উপস্থাপনা রভন্ন রভন্ন হকত পাকি। Follow/Review the Instructions of EBC Sheet)

5. Write an essay in about 1000 words on any one of the following topics: 50
(a) Importance of protecting our environment.
(b) Problems and prospects of handicraft sector in Bangladesh. (c) Bengali New Year Festival.
6. Translate the following passage into Bangla: 25
Standing knee deep in a cement tank of milky water, ভারতীয় রাজধানীর ব্াইছর একথি দধাপাোনায় থসছমছের দচৌব্াচ্চায় হ্াোঁিু
Dinesh Kumar drunks clothes before vigorously গভীর ধব্ধছব্ সার্া পাথনছত র্াোঁথড়ছয় র্ীছনে কুমার কাপড়গুছলাছক ব্রাে
scrubbing them with a brush at an outdoor laundry in the
থর্ছয় ভাল কছর দধালাই করার পূ ছব্ণ পাথনছত চুথব্ছয় দনন।
Indian Capital.
After quitting high school, Kumar joined his father মাধযথমক থব্র্যালয় দ ছড় দর্ওয়ার পর, কুমার তার ব্াব্ার সাছি
among the ranks of traditional washer men who have ঐথতহ্যব্াহ্ী দধাপা দপোয় দযাগ দর্ন যারা প্রজছন্মর পর প্রজন্ম ধছর
hand-cleaned the sprawling city's dirty clothes for
থব্েীর্ণ েহ্ছরর দনাংরা কাপড় হ্াত থর্ছয় পথরষ্কার করছ ন।
Over the years, the work of 'dhobiwallahs' has ব্ ছরর পর ব্ র ধছর, 'দধাথব্ওয়ালাছর্র' কাজ থক ু িা আধু থনকীকরর্
modernized to a degree, with industrial machines now হ্ছয়ছ , থেল্প দমথেনগুথল এেন থক ু লথিছত ভারী পর্ণা, থব্ ানার কভার
used at some laundries for washing heavier loads of
এব্ং দতায়াছল দধায়ার জনয ব্যব্হৃত হ্য়।
curtains, bed covers and towels.
But 32-year-old Kumar said that most of the washing তছব্ ৩২ ব্ র ব্য়সী কুমার ব্ছলছ ন দয দব্থেরভাগ দধায়া এেনও হ্াত
was still done by hand. The more delicate and expensive থর্ছয় করা হ্য়। অথধক সূ ক্ষ্ম এব্ং ব্যয়ব্হুল দপাোকগুথলও সাব্ধানতার
garments also need to be handled carefully to ensure
সাছি দধৌত করা র্রকার যাছত পুোঁথত ব্া সূ থচকছমণর উপর দসলাই
sewn on beads or embroidery were not damaged.
ক্ষথতগ্রস্থ না হ্য়।

After every wash in a milky bath of bleach and detergent, থিথচং ও থডিারছজছে থমথশ্রত ধব্ধছব্ পাথনছত প্রথতব্ার দধৌত করার
Kumar inspects the cloths closely to ensure they are পর, কুমার কাপড়গুথল থনেুোঁতভাছব্ পথরষ্কার থকনা তা থনথশ্চত করার জনয
spotlessly clean.
থনথব্ড়ভাছব্ পরীক্ষা কছরন।

"Most of the clothes come here from hotels, embassies কুমার আরও ব্ছলন,"ছব্থেরভাগ দপাোক এোছন দহ্াছিল, র্ূ তাব্াস ব্া
or beauty parlours. If we don't wash properly, they will থব্উথি পালণার দিছক আছস। আমরা যথর্ সথিকভাছব্ দধৌত না কথর, তারা
stop sending the clothes over", Kumar added.
কাপড় পািাছনা ব্ন্ধ কছর দর্ছব্"।

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Once the clothes are scrubbed, Kumar rinses them in the কাপড় দধালাই করা হ্ছয় দগছল, কুমার তার দকামছরর চারপাছে
cement tub, wearing a plastic sheet around his waist to
প্লাথিছকর চার্র পছর থসছমছের িছব্ আলছতাভাছব্ ধু ছয় দফছলন যাছত
stop his rolled-up trousers getting wet.
তার ভাজ করা পযােগুথল থভছজ না যায়।

Such so called 'dhobi ghats' are normally set up next to এই ধরছনর তিাকথিত 'দধাথব্ ঘাি' সাধারর্ত একথি নর্ীর পাছে স্থাপন
a river, but these washermen in New Delhi rely on well করা হ্য়, থকন্তু নয়াথর্থের এই দধাপারা তাছর্র সরব্রাছহ্র জনয থসছমে
water stored in cement tanks for their supply.
িযাছে সথঞ্চত কূছপর জছলর উপর থনভণর কছর।

After the clothes are hung out on lines strung up on কাপড়গুথল শুকাছনার জনয াছর্র উপছর সাথরব্দ্ধভাছব্ ঝুথলছয় রাোর
terrace roof tops to dry, they are ironed, often by the পছর, এগুথল প্রায়েই দধাপাছর্র পথরব্াছরর মথহ্লাছর্র িারা ইথস্ত্র করা
women in the washermens' family.

7. Translate the following passage into English: 25

একমাত্র হ্ান্নান াড়া আমাছর্র সব্ার কাছ ই অস্ত্র থ ল। মাত্র ১৪ All of us had weapons except Hannan. Hannan is only 14
years old. Looks small, but very strong.
ব্ র ব্য়স হ্ান্নাছনর। দর্েছতও দ ািোছিা, থকন্তু দব্ে েক্তসমিণ।
আথম তাছক একিা ময়লা দগথঞ্জ ও একিা হ্াফ পযাে পথরছয় থিক I dressed him in a dirty vest and a half-pants and looked
exactly like a shepherd boy.
রাোল দ ছলর মছতা কথর।
স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রাছম দসও দয একজন দযাদ্ধা তাছক দর্ছে থব্শ্বাস করার There was no way to believe that he was also a fighter in the
freedom struggle. A very fearless patriotic teenager.
উপায় রইছলা না। অতযি থনভণীক এ দর্েছপ্রথমক থকছোর।
আমাছর্র ৩০০/৪০০ গজ সামছন তাছক চলছত ব্ললাম, কারর্ We asked him to go 300/400 yards ahead, because he was
assigned to scout. He watched carefully around as he moved
তাছক স্কাউছির র্াথয়ত্ব দর্য়া হ্ছয়ছ । দস সামছন এথগছয় দযছত দযছত
চারথর্ছক সতকণ র্ৃ থষ্টছত নজর রােছলা।
এক থনমণম েত্রুর সংছগ আমাছর্র লড়াই, তাই সামানয অসতকণ We are fighting a ruthless enemy, so the slightest
carelessness will result in the cruelest slaughter.
হ্ছলই থনষ্ঠুরতম হ্তযার থেকার হ্ছত হ্ছব্।
সু তরাং হ্ান্নাছনর কাজ হ্ছলা দস দেয়াল রােছব্ দকািাও পাঞ্জাব্ী বসনয So Hannan's job is to make sure that there are Punjabi
soldiers or razakars somewhere. If so, he should signal us
ব্া রাজাকাররা ওোঁৎ দপছত আছ থকনা। িাকছল দস দযন সাছি সাছি
immediately and let us know.
সংছকত থর্ছয় আমাছর্র জাথনছয় দর্য়।
দস তার সামছন এব্ং র্ু 'পাছে ভাছলামছতা দর্ছে যেন ব্ু ঝছত পাছর He looked closely in front of her and on either side, and
when he realized there were no enemies, he signaled us to
দয দসোছন দকাছনা েত্রু দনই, তেন আমাছর্র এথগছয় দযছত হ্াছত
move on. And we move forward in his direction.
ইোরা দর্য়। আর আমরা তার ইোরায় অগ্রসর হ্ই।
এভাছব্ ৩ (থতন) ঘোয় আমরা মাত্র দর্ড় মাইল পি অথতক্রম কথর। Thus we travel only a mile and a half in three (3) hours.
Sometimes he asks villagers or small boys if they have seen
কেছনা কেছনা দস গ্রামব্াসী অিব্া দ াি দ াি দ ছলছক থজজ্ঞাসা
any Razakars or Punjabi soldiers there.
কছর দসোছন দকাছনা রাজাকার থকংব্া পাঞ্জাব্ী বসনয দর্ছেছ থকনা।

With Best Regards

Engineer’s BCS Care

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