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(Regd.No. 596/2007) Recgd. No. by G.O.Ms. No. 647, Dt. 08-11-2010 and G.O. M.S. No. 406, Dt. 31.07.2012
Office: Block-!, Gruhakalpa Complex,TGOs' Bhavan, Nampally. Hyderabad -500001. TG. email:
Eluri Sreenivasa Rao ALAMGAL A. Satyanarayana
President General Secretary
O: 98857 02488 Cell: 90309 12431
B. Shyam M.Upender Reddy
Associate President Treasurer
Cell: 94410 66023 Cell: 98480 24233

Ref. No. Date:

Lr No.1105/2024: Hyderabad :Dt: 11-05-2024.
The Chief Election Officer,
EO. Spl Chief Secretary to Govt,
Telangana State, Hyderabad.
Respected Sir,
Sub: TGOS' Central Association, Hyderabad- Elections General
elections to the House of People (Lok Sabha)-2024- treating
the next day of polling day i.e., on 14.05.2024(Tues day) as
Special Casual Leave to the Polling Staff- extend the
provision to all the staff who are on election duty (i.e., OPO
-Other Polling Officers) - Requested -Reg.
Ref: Memo No 2153/Elecs.AA3/2004, Dt:-10.05.2024 of the CEO,
Elections, Telangana State, Hyderabad.

We are submitting few lines for your kind consideration sir,

We are very much thankful to the Telangana State Chief Election Officer
for sanctioning the Special Casual Leave to the polling staff on 14-5-2024. Who
performed election duty on poll day i.e., on 13.05.2024 for General electiohs t
the House of People (Lok sabha), 2024 vide memo reference cited.

In the above said memo the Special CL facility has been granted to onit÷
for Presiding officers{PO}/ Assistant Presiding officers{APO}. But, other polling
staff in the category of Other Polling Officer (OPO) and other polling staff whrc
are attending election duties prior to poll day and till the midnight of the day of
poll are not given special CL on 14.05.2024.

Therefore, we request the Chief Election Officer, Telangana State kindBy to

extend the Special Casual Leave facility on 14-5-2024 to all the (OPO} other
polling officers and polling staff who are on the poll duty on 13.05.2024 withot
restriction to PO/ APOs, as all are attending long tiring duty hours on the pa
dayand also previous day also requesting that, minimum facilities my also bë
provided to the all the polling staff who ar on election duties for HOP-2024, and
instruct the District Election Officer to issue the Duty Certificate.
Thankingyou sir,
(EluriSfeenivasa Rao);

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