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(Printed Page : 1) Roll No. ...- P-535 B.H.M.S. (Fourth Prof.) Main & Supple. Examination, June 2022 (Held in May-2023) PRACTICE OF MEDICINE Paper : 1 Time : Three Hours | [Maximum Marks : 100 Note : Attempt alll questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Define the tuberculosis of abdomen, symptom, examination of abdomen and investigation, complication, d/D with clinical feature and homeopathic treatment. 20 What is Hodgkin's disease? Define its causes, clinical feature, D/D, prog- Rosis an¢ management. 20 (2) Give the etiology, clinical features and diagnosis of dengue fever.10 (b) Describe viral hepatitis and it’s complication. 10 Differentiate between (2) Peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer 10 (0) Bronchopneumonia and lober pneumonia 10 Short notes on: 5x4=20 (a) Ravies (b)_ Emphysema (c) Hemolytic anemia (d) GERD (Printed Pages : 2) Roll No. P-536 H.M.S. (Fourth Prof.) Main & Supple. Examination, June 2022 (Held in May-2023) PRACTICE OF MEDICINE rn Paper: I1™ Time: Three Hours, Maximum Marks + 100 Note : Attempt all questions. All question carry equal marks. 1. Discuss the Malignant Hypertention under the following heads- 20 (2) Definition (©) Classification (©) Pathogenesis (@) Causes (©) 0/0 & inestigation (f) Miasmatic Diagrams (9) Management of homoeopathic remedies with keynote indications. 2, Discuss the “Hemiplagia” under the following heads : 20 (2). Definition (b) Aetiology and pathogenesis © oF Investigation DD ae P.O. (f) Miasmatic diagnosis (9) Management (hn) 5-Homoeopathic remedy with their keynote symptom . 3. Discuss the following in brief 20 (a) Nephrotic Syndrome (b) Polyneuritis (2) Warts (@) Aids | 4. Discuss the following in brief : 20 (a) Hashimotos Thyroiditis om Be ©) Eczema (©) Marasmus (Printed Pages : 2) Roll No. } P5387 B.H.M.S. (Fourth Prof.) Main & Supple. Examination, June - 2022 (Held in May-2023) MATERIA MEDICA Paper: . Time : Three Hours } {Maximum Marks : 100 a ae ene er Seale Note : Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1, Describe basic concept and construction of Homoeopathic Materia Medi- a 20 2. Describe the drug picture of conlum Maculatum?’ 20 3. Write short notes on the following: 5x4=20 (2) Baby symptoms of cina (b) Fever symptoms of Baptisia tinctoria (©)_ Skin symptoms of calcarea sulphurica (2) Eye symptoms of euphrasia Write short notes on the following: 5x4=20 (a) Headache in Gelsemium (©) Colic in Magnesium Phosphoricum (©) GALT. in Alumina (8) Respiratory in bromium 5. Write short notes on the following: 5x4=20 (a) (b) (c) (d) Urinary in cannabis Sativa Heart in Digitalis Purpurea Female in Murex Purpurea Skin in Staphysagria RR ete ee = Roll No. (Printed Page : 1) P-538 B.H.M.S. (Fourth Prof.) Main & Supple. Examination, June - 2022 (Held in May-2023) MATERIA MEDICA Paper: It Time: Three Hours | [Maximum Marks : 100 tile ess ase ee Ea Note : Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Explain the drug picture of Causticum in details. 20 2. Give the important characteristics of Natrum Group and describe Natrum Mur in details, 20 Describe the respiratory symptoms of sambucus, sabadllla, Antim Ars and Pumax in details 20 How will you differentiate cautophyllum, Kalmia Latifolia, Rhus tox and Lithium Carb in deta. 20 Explain the action of: 5x4=20 (2) Cedron in case of fever (b) Skin complaints of psorinum (©) Sabina in female symptoms (@)_ Abies can in G.1.7. (Printed Page : 1) ROH NO. ooesee P-539 B.H.M.S. (Fourth Prof.) Main & Supple. Examination, June - 2022 (Held in May-2023) ORGANON OF MEDICINE (H.P.) Paper : 1 Time : Three Hours | [Maximum Marks: 100 Note : Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. I. What are the scope and limitation of Homoeopathy? Explain in detall.20 II. What do you mean by logic? Explain in detail logic of Homoeopathy. 20 III. What is Miasm? Describe theory of chronic miasm in detail. 20 IV. Discuss in detail instruction given in organon of medicine about diet and regimen in the management of sickness. 20 Write short note on the following: 4x5 (2) Mesmerism (b) Posology (©) _Diathesis mple substance (Printed Page : 1) ney P-540 B.H.M.S. (Fourth Prof.) Main & Supple. Examination, June 2022 (Held in May-2023) ORGANON OF MEDICINE (H.P.) Paper : IT Time: Three Hows | [Maximum Marks : 100 a Mesium Marks 2 100 Note : Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. 4. What do you mean by chronic diseases? Describe the Hahnemannian The- ory of Chronic diseases? 20 2. What do you mean by DEFLECTED CURRENT? Describe the Deflected view of H.A. Robert? 20 3.__ What do you understand by Logic? Describe it in Detail, 20 4 Describe the scope and limitations of Homoeopathy? 20 5. Write the Short Notes for any four of the following; 5x4=20 (2) Supression & palliation (Printed Page : 1) Ue P-541 H.M.S. (Fourth Prof.) Main & Supple. Examination, June 2022 | (Held in May-2023) ; COMMUNITY MEDICINE (S.P.M.) Time : Three Hours Note : Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Enumerate the National Health Programmes in India. Write in details about National AIDS control programme. 20 2. Write in details about Prophylaxis in Homoeopathy. 20 3. What is health education? Explain about role of health education in family E Planning. 20 "Write short notes: 5x4=20 (2) Bore hole laterine (b) Epidemic dropsy (6) Concept of Positive Health (A) Cohort study 5x4=20 (Printed Pages : 2) Roll No. 542 B.H.M.S. (Fourth Prof.) Main & Supple. Examination, June 2022 } (Held in May-2023) j REPERTORY Time : Three Hours | {Maximum Marks + Note: attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Describe the different Gradations and concept of Repertorization of Kent, BTPB and Boger-Boenninghausen's Repertory. 20 2. Define concordance Repertory along with distinctions of Rubrics, Plan & Constructions and working method of Kneer’s Concordance Repertory.20 3. Explain the following 10+10=20 (2) Structure of Kishore’s card Repertory with their working method, (b) Role of computers in Homoeopathy 4. Differentiate the following Rubrics of Kent Repertory: S+5+5+5=20 {@) Censorious, Fastidious, Dictatorial Short Note’s on any four of following: 54+5+5+5=20 (a) Modern Thematic Repertories (b) Concordance of Remedies (c) Associative Anamnesis (d) Clinical Repertories (e) Methods of Cross Repertorization EEE * (Printed pages : 2) Roll No... P-306 B-HLM.S. (Fourth Prof.) Main & Suppl,” Examination, Dec. 2021 (Held in October-2022) 6 PRACTICE OF MEDICINE Paper :1 (New Course) [Maximum luestions carry equal marks. Winsls obstructive pulmonary diseases. Clinical features & investigation ‘fF Asthma & COPD with Homoeopathic Treatment, 20 What is Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease. Its clinical features, Investi- lication with Homoeopathic Treatment, 20 4s Acute liver failure and its complication. yerrhis constitutional genetic dlseases and somatic genetic seas: “| 10 ‘and its clinical features, ewe Ey a - ease 4 10 Pro. Si, Short note on: each 5 marks (a) Sodium & Water balance Disorder (BR Gp - (b) Acid-Base balance Disorder (c) Cardio Vascular Diseases & Lipids By. ar Seema Ps (d) What is intermittent fever. "~~ (Penn gee) va no, LS P-307 B.H.M.S. (Fourth Prof.) Main & Supple. | Examination, December, 2021 (Held in October-2022) Sivecsae kaon HB Paper : It (New Course) Time : Three Hours} [Maximum Marks : 100 Note : Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. AC discuss te enensy under the folowing heads » ees _() detntion : 42) Clossiteation (C) Pathogenesis (©) Causes and precitating fctors (©) 10 and nvestgations (F) Miasmatic Diagnosis (G) Management of Homoeopathic. Remedies with keynote indcatans. Discuss the acterheuratcever under te folowing heads. 20 (A) Definition (B) Aetiology and pathogenesis (C) C/F (Clinical features) (D) Investigations (F) Miasmatic Diagnosis (6) Management (H) Five Homoeopathic remedy with their key note Indications. 3. Discuss the following in brief. 20 : 5 ) Protein energy malnutrition in children 5 Risk factors for type 2. Diabetes mellitus. eC) Causes of aiarthoea in children. 4. Discuss the following in brief. 1A) Bulimia Nervosa, _A8) Sommon o age probiem Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. ‘Argyll robertson pupil Pseudogout, (A) Definition (8) Aetiology (C) CF () Investigations (6) D/D and miasmatic Diagnosis (Printed Pages : 2) P-308 B.H.M.S. (Fourth Prof.) Main & Supple. Examination, Dec, - 2021 (Held in October-2022) MATERIA MEDICA Paper : 1 (New Course) Time = Three Hours (©) _Tedum in case of glandular affection (4) Phosphoric acid in case of headache Describe the role of Thuja, Arsenicum album, Natrum sulph and mezerum EEE Pkt sup in case of skin disorders. (Printed Pages : 2) Roll No. . ee r P-309 B.H.M.S. (Fourth Prof.) Main & Supple. Examination, Dec. 2021 (Held in October-2022) ‘MATERIA MEDICA Paper : It (New Course) Note: Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Describe the drug picture of Psorinum._ 20 \_-2 Describe characteristic features of Calcarea group of drugs in detail. 20 Bete the incications of 5x4=20 (2) Heart Symptom of Kalmia Lalifolia, (8) Respiratory symptom of Blatta Orientalis AS. GAL7. System of Causticum., (4) Female system of Millefolieum ‘Compare the following: 5x4=20 (@) Cords Marignus and Cholestrinum in Liver disorder. aie ‘and Abrotanum in Marasmus, llum and Sanicula-aqua in female reproductive system. (4) Cuprum met. and Zincum met. in meningitis. 4=20 5. Write short notes on following: z (a) Coffea cruda in mental. (b) Medorrhinum in Renal disorder (c) Sanguinaria Can. in Headache. - (4) Rumex Crispus in skin disorder. (Printed Pages : 2) Roll No. ... P-310 (Fourth Prof.) Main & Supple. Examination, Dec, 2021 B.H.M.s. (Held in October-2022) ORGANON OF MEDICINE (H.P,) Paper :1 (New Course) Time : Three Hours} {Maximum Marks : 100 Note: Attempt all question: All questions carry equal marks, itin treatment with Kent's view? Describe Individualization in detail? 20 4. What éo you mean by Diagnosis? What is the Importance of Diagnosis in thic treatment? 20 ‘hort notes for any four. 5x5. f (b) Chinese System of Medicine (c) Simple substances UG Doctrine of Signature (e) Homoeopathic proplylaxis. (Printed Pages : 2) Roll NO. csssssces P-311 B.H.M.S. (Fourth Prof.) Main & Supple. Examination, Dec - 2021 (Held in October-2022) . ORGANON OF MEDICINE (H.P.) Paper: II (New Course) Time : Three Hours} {Maximum Marks + 100 Note : Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. BA Vat do you unermard by Suscepa lity? Describe its role in disease, health, & cure according to S. Close. 20 ie 's Evaluation of symptoms? Describe Kent method of Evaluation of a symptoms, 20 What do you mean by *Mental Diseases"? How will you classify it? De- Scribe the case taking of a mental case? 20 Wh Miasm? Describe sycoti nlasm in detail explain? 20 Short notes on any four of the following: Mongrel sect with aphorism. 27. Ay (b) Mesmerism with aphorism. \((©)_ Animal Magnotism with aphorism. (d) Logic of Homoeopathy. ae (e) Nature’s Law of cure with aphorism. Naar pat OCD. Rol No. «i (Printed Page : 1) P.312 B.H.M.S. (Fourth Prof.) Main & Supple, Examination, Dec. 2021 (Held in October-2022) COMMUNITY MEDICINE (S.P.M.) (New Course) Time : Three Hours) (Maximum Marks WNote: Attempt all questions, All questions carry equal marks. \—_ Minatis family plonning? Discuss various methods of contraception, 20 ee A ‘What's Immunization? Discuss National Program for Immunization. 20 “# 3 net are the communicable Diseases? Discuss the National Progra r . 2 cable Diseases? Discuss the National Program fo Control of vector Born Diseases, 20 4. Write short notes 5x4=20 w 4G, Vio Hepatitis = ° ou “6 sws (0) aco Sx4=20 ag (Printed Pages : 2) P-313 B.HLM.S, (Fourth Prof.) Main & Supple, Examination, Dec. 2021 (Held in October.2022) REPERTORY (New Course) Time : Three Hours} {Maximum Marks :100 o Note: Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. QU eaoiain ‘he evolution of Kent's Repertory along with it's philosophical background. a oe 20 . 2. Write notes on ; 10+10=20 (2) Puritan group of Repertories, 5 (©) How you will repertorize ‘the case of ute diarrhoea with the help of AN repertory ‘Bell's diarrhoea’ Sue SS. cotterentiate following rubrics : 54545+5=20 (@) Aversion, hatred, disgust. 4 (b) Anguish, anger and indignation {€) Qualmishness, retching and waterbrash. () Jealousy and envy, 10+10=20 10x2=20 ~()_ Does not WANE LO do any work ©) Extraordinary perception (4) Wry neck + ae : (©) Inflammation of Caecum ? , From ‘TPB/BBCR (f) Hypnotism (9). Sleep walking (h) Foolish ~ @ Ringworm G) Obesity nd Total Printed Pages :2 P-499 B.H.MLS. (Fourth Prof.) Main Examination, (Held in March-2022 J PRACTICE OF MEDICINE Paper:1 (New Course) o Note: Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks 1. Discuss the Oral Carcinama Under following heads @ Def «OF (ii) Complication Gv) Investigation (¥) Miasmatic Diagnosis (vi) Management June ~ 2021 Maximum Marks :100 10x2=20 P.T.0, P-499 4, Discuss the Heat Cramps and Protienmal Nutrition in children. 5. Short notes on : @— Goitre (i) Obesity (ii) Emphysema (iv) Nephrotic Syndrome Roll No. « 20 5x4=20 Total Printed Page 11 P-500 B.H.M.S. (Fourth Prof.) Main Examination, June ~ 2021 | Held in March-2022 | PRACTICE OF MEDICINE Paper: I (New Course) Note: Attempt all questions, All questions carry equal marks. 4. Write the hydrocephalus with its etiology, clinical features, investigation and Homoeopathic treatment. 20 2. Why correct nocturnal dyspnoea in heart failure ? 20 3. Describe the lichen planus with Homoeopathic treatment. 20 20 Describe the following and its homoeopathic treatment. (a) Tabes Dorsalis (b)Mysthenia, gravies Enumerate the causes of dehydration. Explain its assessment and management along “with aim of treatment. 20 Otis Pa: ‘tal Printed Pags :2 Roll No. P-501 B.H.M.S. (Fourth Prof.) Main Examination, June ~ 2021 [ Held in March-2022 ] MATERIA MEDICA Paper: 1 (New Course) Dae ree owes} Note: Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal mark. 4. Write common characteristics of Kali Group of Medicines. Describe Kali Carb Patient. 10+10=20 2. Write skin symptoms of following Medicines : 8x4=20 (a) Petroleum (b) Sepia (©) Arsenic Album (4) Graphites 8x 4=20 Give Indications of following medicines in (a) Naja Tripudians in Heart Troubles {() Respiratory Troubles Evpe sn PTO. P6501 4, Compare following medicines; on4e (a) Bismuth & Arsenic ACB in GIT Troubles, (b) Belladonna & Glonoine in Headache, (co) Gelnemium && Digitalis in Heart Troubles, (a) Baptisia & Arnica in Typhoid Hever, 5. Write female troubles of following, medicines ; Brhe (a) Kreosote (bo) Ignatia (c) Nat. Mur (a) Cale, Carb

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