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Read the following case carefully then answer the questions that follow.
Mr. Antoro is an English teacher at junior high school. One day he teaches the first
period. He tells the students about the aims and outcomes of that day’s lesson. Then
he starts teaching by asking the students to brainstorm what they know about the term
‘hobby’ and try to define its meaning and the breadth of different types of hobby that
it covers. He guides the brainstorming activity and distributes the chance to the
students randomly. He also gives feedback to the students’ answers
Introduce the term ‘hobby’ and try to define its meaning and the breadth of different
types of hobby that it covers. Ask students to put the hobbies on the task sheet in rank
order according to how important they are and how much they influential your life.
Main activity
To continue his lesson, the teacher introduces the learning objectives and lesson
outcomes: to prepare an individual presentation to perform in front of the class on the
topic of ‘my favorite hobbies’. He explains to the students the need to research
relevant information and material to keep their audience interested and engaged.
Get students to log on to the internet. Discuss searching and note-making strategies
such as skimming and scanning. Encourage students to note down key information
rather than copying and pasting huge chunks of text.
Ask students to organize the information they have sourced into a presentation.
Compile PowerPoint presentations with an emphasis on being selective about the text
and images they choose to have on the slides.
Generate a list of the dos and don’ts of effective presentations. Discuss the types of
verbal and nonverbal techniques students could use to make their delivery more lively
and engaging.
Homework ideas:
Ask students to create a collage for display with images associated with their favorite


Write your comment on Mr.Antoro’s teaching concerning method, classroom

management and evaluation. Write your comment in at least five paragraphs. The first
paragraph is the introduction, the second paragraph tells your comment on the
teaching method, and the third paragraph develops your comment on the classroom
management and in the fourth paragraph tells about how Mr. Antoro managed the
evaluation. Finally, you conclude your comment with the closing paragraph.

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