Vermicompost Is An Organic Manure

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Vermicompost is an organic manure (bio-fertilizer) produced as the
vermicast by earth worm feeding on biological waste material; plant residues.
Vermicasts are popularly called as ‘Black Gold’. This compost is an odourless,
clean, organic material containing adequate quantities of N, P, K and several
micronutrients essential for plant growth. Vermicomposting is an effective means
of composting the decomposable organic wastes using earthworms naturally
present in the soil. It improves the physical and biological condition of soil,
improves soil fertility and pulverizes it through their churning and turning action
in addition to contributing plant nutrients, improves aeration and water holding
capacity. Vermicompost is a preferred nutrient source for organic farming, which
enriches soil quality by improving its physicochemical and biological properties.
It is eco-friendly, non-toxic, consumes low energy input for composting and is a
recycled biological product. Vermicompost is becoming popular as a major
component of organic farming system. Fertilizer has a short-term effect on
productivity but a longer-term effect on the environment, where they remain for
years after leaching and running off, contaminating ground water and water
bodies. This is where organic farming comes in. Vermicompost can be made from
any crop material but it should be so soft and fine so as not to damage the digestive
systems of worms. Raw material like crop residues, hotel refuse, weed biomass,
waste from agro-industries, vegetable waste, leaf litter etc. can be used for
For vermicompost production, the surface home earthworm alone should
be used. The earthworm, which lives below the soil, is not suitable for
vermicompost production.
Organic waste pollution was increased by day-to-day activities and other
side shortage of organic manure, in this connection earthworms were used for
conversion of organic waste into vermicompost. Organic waste was used to
improve the soil physical and chemical properties with nutrient for cultivation.
Vermicomposting is a powerful tool for bulk reduction of waste as well as
pathogen free vermicompost. The vermicompost reduced the cadmium content of
the soil and enrich the soil by maintain the pH, P, K, Na, Ca and microorganism.
Vermicomposting is an important technique of converting organic waste into
nutrient rich compost by earthworms without compromising the population of
beneficial bacteria. In recent years, many researchers concentrated to study about
vermicompost for sustainable agriculture, the organic waste was converted as
vermicompost, the compost have high content of NPK, Carbon, nitrogen,
beneficial microorganism and growth hormones.
Keeping in mind the importance of vermicompost for crop production and to
reduce the organic waste pollution following objectives were taken into
1. Making of vermicompost from kitchen waste.
2. Effect of vermicompost on the growth of certain plants.
3. To reduce the use of inorganic fertilizer.
4. To make the villagers aware about the importance of earthworm and

In order to fulfil the objectives mentioned in the chapter 1 an experiment
was conducted at Department of Botany, Akhilbhagya Post Graduate College
Ranapar, Gorakhpur in the month of September, 2022.
Following steps were taken to make the vermicompost:
1. Kitchen waste was collected from houses of village.
2. Kitchen waste was fed to cow and buffalo.
3. Next day, dung from cow and buffalo was collected and stored in a bucket.
4. Dung was brought to Department of Botany.
5. Earthworms, collected from field, were spread on the surface of dung.
6. Earthworms started feeding on dung.
7. This set up was left for 10 days.
8. After 10 days when we observed the experiment, we found that all the cow
dung has turned black.
9. So, in this way we got success in making vermicompost from kitchen
10. We took six earthen pots of 9 inches and filled the three pots with
vermicompost and another three was filled by normal soil.
11. We collected the seeds of chickpea, sweet pea and sapling of rice from
local market.
12. Before sowing the seeds, the pots were moistened with water.
13. Seeds of chickpea, sweet pea and rice sapling were sown in two pots each.
14. In this way we arranged the pots in the following manner:
Vermicompost Normal soil
Chickpea Chickpea
Sweet pea Sweet pea
Rice Rice

15. Photographs were taken at stage studied by us.

16. Five plants were selected as replicates for each parameter.

17. At vegetative stage the experiment was terminated and following
parameters were observed:
a) Shoot length
b) Root length
c) Umber of leaves
d) Fresh weight
e) Dry weight
18. Root and shoot length were measured by inch tape, while fresh and dry
weight were taken by weighing machine.
19. Number of leaves was counted manually.
20. Statistical analysis was done to check the significance of the experiment at
5% with the help of one-way ANOVA by MS Office Excel’s analysis tool.

Table 1. Model of analysis of variance (ANOVA) of Experiment.

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance

Table 2. ANOVA
Source of Variation SS df MS F value F crit
Between Groups 1
Within Groups 8

Total 9

Vermicomposting is a biotechnological process, in which organic materials
converted as valuable product by earthworms. The nutrient profile of
vermicompost is higher than traditional compost. The vermicompost alters the
soil fertility in different ways, such as better aeration, porosity, bulk density,
water holding capacity, pH, electrical conductivity, nitrogen, phosphorous and
potassium content. The application of the vermicompost enriches the soil
microorganism, plant growth (size of leaf, height, width and weight) and nutrient
content of the yield.
Vermicompost proved beneficial for the all the parameters studied and
gave significant result when compared to soil (Table 3). Rice chickpea and sweet
pea performed better under vermicompost treatment (Table 3). Results showed
an increasing trend when treated with vermicompost.
Table 3: Effect of vermicompost on shoot length, root length, number of leaves,
fresh weight and dry weight on rice, chickpea and sweet pea.
Treatment Shoot Root No. of Fresh Dry
length length leaves weight weight
(cm) (cm) (gm) (gm)
Rice (Oryza sativa)
Soil 7.48 3.98 3.8 1.59 0.328
Vermicompost 11.66 7.24 6.4 3.86 1.642
CD at 5% 0.003 0.08 0.003 0.0002 0.00
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum)
Soil 23.26 7.62 11.6 4.5 1.5
Vermicompost 28.02 10.18 16.6 8.08 4.4
CD at 5% 0.16 0.034 0.0001 0.000 0.000
Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)
Soil 14.64 10.4 2 2.448 0.282
Vermicompost 18.64 16.67 6.4 6.26 2.96
CD at 5% 0.04 0.001 0.00063 0.0003 0.000

In case of rice, under the treatment of vermicompost rice plant showed

55.9%, 81.9%, 68.4%, 142.8% and 400% increase in shoot length, root length,
number of leaves, fresh weight and dry weight, respectively. While chickpea
performed well when treated with vermicompost and gave 20.5%, 33.6%, 43.1%,
79.6% and 193.3% increase in shoot length, root length, number of leaves, fresh
weight and dry weight, respectively. Sweet pea also showed similar trend and an
increase of 27.3%, 60.3%, 220%, 155.7% and 949.6% was observed when treated
with vermicompost.
The regular use of vermicompost improves the soil health, fertility,
structure (makes soil loose and arable and facilitates better aeration and drainage
even in heavy clay soils) and creates favourable conditions for healthy plant
growth and development along with crop yield and quality. The Vermicompost
supplies all the essential micro and macro nutrients in rational proportional
throughout the life of the plants.
Vermicomposting is a biotechnological process, in which organic materials
converted as valuable product by earthworms. The nutrient profile of
vermicompost is higher than traditional compost. The vermicompost alters the
soil fertility in different ways, such as better aeration, porosity, bulk density,
water holding capacity, pH, electrical conductivity, nitrogen, phosphorous and
potassium content. The application of the vermicompost enriches the soil
microorganism, plant growth (size of leaf, height, width and weight) and nutrient
content of the yield. The high concentrations of vermicompost may delay plant
growth due to the concentration of soluble salts. As a result, vermicomposts
should be applied at required quantity to produced higher yield. In this overview
describe about the organic waste management, vermicompost, earthworm’s
species and economical importance of the vermicompost. Vermicomposting, is a
bio-oxidative process in which earthworms interact intensively with
microorganisms in the decomposer community, accelerating the organic matter
by stabilization with modified physical and biochemical properties.
Vermicomposting differs from conventional composting because the organic
material is processed by the digestive systems of earthworms. The digested casts
can be used to improve the fertility and physical characteristics of soil. In this
process, the earthworms actively participate in the degradation of organic matter
by physical and biochemical action. Physical participation in degrading of
organic substrates results in fragmentation, for increasing the surface area to
action and aeration. Conversely, biochemical changes in the degradation of
organic matter are carried out by microorganisms through enzymatic digestion,
enrichment by nitrogen excrement and transport of inorganic and organic
materials. The earthworms contribute significantly in the recycling of organic
waste and production of organic manure with high humic contents, which are
helpful to maintenance the soil structure, aeration and fertility. The bioactive
substances present in the humic acid fertilizer can enhance physiological
metabolism, growth, yield, seed germination etc., while these features are absent
in ordinary fertilizers. It is an aerobic, bio-oxidation and stabilization non-
thermophilic process of organic waste decomposition that depends upon
fragments by earthworms, mix and promotes microbial activity. It is a peat like
material with high porosity, aeration, drainage, water holding capacity and
microbial activity. It also enhances the resistance of plants against pests and
diseases. Earthworms can serve as “nature’s ploughman” and form nature’s gift
to produce good humus, which is the most precious material to fulfill the
nutritional needs of crops.
Benefits of vermicompost:
a. Vermicompost is rich in all essential plant nutrients.
b. Provides excellent effect on overall plant growth encourages the
growth of new shoots / leaves and improves the quality and shelf life
of the produce.
c. Due to granular form, it can be used easily at the phase of crop.
d. It is free flowing, easy to apply, handle and store and does not have
bad odour.
e. It improves soil structure, texture, aeration and chemical properties
of soils.
f. It has very high water holding capacity and thus maintains water
regimes of soil
g. It enhances the decomposition of organic matter and prevents soil
h. It is rich in beneficial micro flora such as N fixers, P- solubilizers,
cellulose decomposing etc. improve soil environment.
i. It contains earthworm cocoons and increases the population and
activity of earthworm in the soil.
j. It neutralizes the soil protection.
k. It prevents nutrient losses and increases the fertilizer use efficiency.
l. It is free from pathogens, toxic elements, weed seeds etc.
m. It minimizes the incidence of pest and diseases.
n. It contains valuable vitamins, enzymes and hormones like auxins,
gibberellins etc.
o. It can be prepared very fast (45-60 days).
p. It is ½ to ¾ times cheaper than chemical fertilizers.
q. It uses per unit area is ¼ times less than fertilizers.

It is concluded that the vermicomposting is the process by which the
earthworm is used to convert organic waste into vermicompost, excellent organic
manure. Earthworms consume all kinds of organic wastes under conducive
conditions, including kitchen waste, animal waste, agricultural residues and even
paper also. The utilization of vermicomposting results in rejuvenation of
degraded soil by protecting topsoil and sustaining productive soils. It amends soil
with good quality organic additives which enhances the water holding capacity
and nutrient supplying capacity of soil and also develops resistance in plants
against pests and diseases. Moreover, this low-cost technology saves a huge
amount of the nation’s currency for importing raw material to prepare fertilizers.
The Vermicompost is best alternatives for nutrients and also being easily and
cheaply produced can be used as a source of additional income.







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