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Chewing tobacco is a form of tobacco that involves placing it in the mouth and chewing or sucking it. It
may be perceived as a less harmful way of smoking, however it can lead to negative effects on the
health on individuals that are using it into the person around them. Once addicted, individuals may find
it difficult to quit, even when they are aware that there are several harmful causes of chewing tobacco
in the health.

The primary cause of the effects related with chewing tobacco is the nicotine and other harmful
chemicals that are put or injected in the tobacco. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance that stimulates
the release of dopamine in the brain leading to and explain pleasure sensations and leads to addictive
use of tobacco. This addiction makes it challenging for individuals to quit or reduce their tobacco habits
or addiction.

The effects of tobacco in health are numerous but severe. One of the effects is the possibility to have
oral cancer, which can affect the lips, tongue, gums and throat. This type of cancer may not be treatable
if not detected early and treated immediately.

Chewing tobacco can also lead to gum disease. This condition may lead to bleeding and tooth decay or
tooth loss. The acid that the individuals receive in chewing tobacco can erode wisdom teeth leading to
painful toothache and tooth cavities. This can result in sensitivity and more dental problems.
Additionally, chewing tobacco can cause heavy bad breath, even when the habit has been quit. This is
due to the tobacco residue that remains in the mouth and on the teeth.

Furthermore, chewing tobacco has health effects on the oral cavity. It increases the risk of
cardiovascular disease including heart disease and stroke. The nicotine and other chemicals that's been
gained can constrict blood vessels, and raise blood pressure. This increases the increase of having heart
attacks and other cardiovascular diseases.

Chewing tobacco also has bad effects on reproductive health. It can lead to reduced fertility in both
men and women and increase the risk of complications during pregnancy such as premature birth, low
birth weight and unhealthy baby. Additionally, chewing tobacco during pregnancy can harm the
undeveloped baby and increase the risk of birth defects.
In conclusion, chewing tobacco has negative health effects due to nicotine and other harmful
chemicals. These effects include an increased risk of oral cancer, gum disease, oral cavity, cardiovascular
diseases and negative effects on reproductive health. It is essential to raise awareness about the
dangers of chewing tobacco and encourage individuals not to try this and quit this kind of harmful habit.

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