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Chapter 2


The study focuses on investigating the implementation and impact of the Sapata program in promoting

integrity and honesty within the Dacudac Community. This chapter was into sub-parts addressing the

research design, respondents of the Study, locale of the study, data gathering procedure and data

gathering tool/instrument.

Research Design:

The research design involves using qualitative research to investigate Sapata practice at Barangay

Dacudac.The data aim to explore and understand how Sapata fosters integrity and honesty at Dacudac


Respondents of the study:

The respondents of the study will be elders and barangay officials who have firsthand knowledge and

have witnessed the traditional practice of Sapata in Barangay Dacudac. The researchers have opted for

purposive sampling, which involves selecting participants who possess specific characteristics or

experiences that are directly relevant to the topic of Sapata. This approach ensures that the participants

can provide detailed responses and share their unique perspectives, which will greatly contribute to the

depth and richness of the study's findings.

Locale of the study:

The study will be conducted in Dacudac, a barangay located in Sunny Side, Tadian, Mountain Province.

This locale was chosen for several reasons including easily accessible, making it convenient for the

researchers to travel to and from the area. Additionally, the community in Dacudac has shown a great

willingness to participate in this research, which is crucial for obtaining accurate and comprehensive


Moreover, Dacudac holds a special significance in the context of the study as it is a place where the

practice of Sapata has been observed in the past. This means that there is a wealth of knowledge and

firsthand experiences related to Sapata within the community. By conducting the study in Dacudac, the

researchers will have the opportunity to engage with individuals who have a deep understanding of the

practice and can provide valuable insights.

Another factor that influenced the choice of this locale is that the researchers themselves reside in

Dacudac. This proximity allows them to establish a strong connection with the community members and

facilitates the gathering of information. Being familiar with the area and the people also helps in building

trust and rapport, which is essential for successful data collection.

These factors contribute to a more efficient and thorough gathering of information, ultimately

enhancing the quality and validity of the research findings.

Data Gathering Procedure:

Prior to the data collection process, ethical considerations were taken into account. The researchers

obtained the necessary permissions and approvals from the chosen respondents and to the school

authorities, explaining the purpose, and possible risks or benefits of the study. Once the consent is

obtained, student assent will also be acquired.

Interview questionnaire will be administered to gather in-depth insights and perspectives from

participants regarding their experiences with the Sapata initiative, its impact on fostering integrity and

honesty, and any challenges or opportunities associated with the topic. The open-ended nature of the

questions will allow participants to provide detailed responses and share their unique perspectives.

Data gathering tool:

The tools that we will use to gather data and information are the following:

• Interview Questionnaires - Researchers will use interview questionnaire in gathering data and


• Audio recorder- researchers will use this to record the data and informations that the participants will


• Ball Pen - Researchers will use this to note down the gathered data and information.

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