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Backend Database MSSQL 2012 ( newer version will be used, but must be compatible with

Invoices will be uploaded to Parisio
Parsed data will be retrieved via webhooks

Prefix of “sp” indicated SQL stored procedure

Variables stored in conf file ( encrypted)

- Margsql server address:
- sql server name
- sql server password
- sql server database

Variables stored in sql database

- Parsio mailbox id
- Parsio API KEY
- Pariso_signing_secret
- web_hooks_url
- webhooks_api_key

New Document

Upload Document Box


Uploaded new Document

- Select a vendor from spGetVendors( ) , returns list of vendor_no, vendor_name
- use a drag and drop box or select button to pick Document for upload.
- uploaded file uploadDoc( filename, vendor_no, vendor_name) returns doc_id
- Save Document spInsertDoc( vendor_no, filename, doc_id )
List Documents with Upload and Processed Status Box

Get Document list

- get uploaded Documents spGetDocWithStatus(1)
- get processed Documents spGetDocWithStatus(2)

Document table list

Vendor: vendor_name
File Name: filename
Status: 1 = upload
2 = processed
Action: if status = 1, display refresh button
if status =2 , display import button,
Delete : check boxes
Footer Buttons
Refresh All Button
Delete Button

Button Functionality
Refresh Button: Get status of single document getDocStatus( doc_id )
Refresh All: for get all document with status = uploaded do getDocStatus(
doc_id )
Delete Button: deletes selected Documents spDeleteDoc( doc_id )
Import Button:
Get json from webhooks, and pars into 2 arrays. Header and Items
getDoc(doc_id) – doc.header[] , doc.items[]
Store Header Array into AI_DocHeader. spInsertDocHeader( doc_id,
vendor_no, InvoiceID, invoice_total, AmountDue_amount )
Store Item Array into AI_DocHeader.spInsertDocDetail ( doc_id, Description,
ProductCode, Quantity, UnitPrice_Amount, )
Update Document status spUpdateDocStatus( doc_id, 3)

Review Documents
List Documents
Get Document list
get uploaded Documents spGetDocWithStatus(3)

Document table list

Vendor: vendor_name
Doc ID: doc_id
File Name: filename
Invoice#: InvoiceID
Action: Review Button
Delete : check boxes
Footer Buttons
Delete Button

Button Functionality
Delete Button: deletes selected Documents spDeleteDoc( doc_id )
Review Button:
Get DocHeader using doc_id spGetDocHeader( doc_id )
Get DocItems using doc_id spGetMatchDocDetail( doc_id )
Open up Document Review Window

Document review
Header information comes from data returned by spGetDocHeader( doc_id )
Table information comes from data returned by spGetDocHeader( doc_id )

Document Review Header

Vendor: vendor_name
Doc ID: doc_id
File Name: filename
Invoice#: InvoiceID

Document Review table

Unmatched: Set Unmatched = 0 for all items
Doc LineNumber: Items are arranged by LineNumber Ascending
Doc Description: doc_Description view only
Doc Item Code: doc_ProductCode view only
Doc Quantity: doc_Quantity view only
POS Description: pos_Description Searchable Field if match =
0 or Unmatched = 1
POS ItemCode: pos_ItemCode Searchable Field if match =
0 or Unmatched = 1
UPC: upc Searchable Field if match =
0 or Unmatched = 1
Matched by:
None: match = 0, no match found
Description: match = 1 , matched using
doc_Description & vendor_no highlight
Item Code: match = 2 ,matched using
doc_ProductCode & vendor_no highlight green
Description Change:
yes if change_detected = 1 highlight entire
line in yellow
Vendors will recycle ItemCodes for new products
this detects Description changes
if match = 0 or Unmatched = 1, then display Save
Match button
if match = 1 or Unmatched = 1, then display Save
Match button
If match = 2 and Unmatched = 0 , then display
Unmatch button

Delete : check box

Footer Buttons
Convert to Invoice Button
Delete Button

Button Functionality
Delete Button: deletes selected Items spDeleteItem( doc_id, LineNumber )
Unmatch button: sets Unmatched = 1 for item
Save Match:
spSaveMatchProduct( doc_Description,
doc_ProductCode,pos_ItemCode, upc, vendor_no)
Set Unmatched = 0 for item
Refresh product data spGetMatchProduct(doc_Description,
Convert to Invoice:
Only allow to select if all items have a match > 0
Save header data to AI_POHeader
spInsertInvoiceHeader( doc_id, vendor_no, InvoiceID, invoice_total,
AmountDue_amount )
Save items to AI_PODetails spInsertInvoiceDetail( doc_id,
Description, ProductCode, Quantity, UnitPrice_Amount)
Update Document status spUpdateDocStatus( doc_id, 4)

Review Invoices
List Invoices
Get Document list
get uploaded Documents spGetDocWithStatus(4)

Document table list

Vendor: vendor_name
Doc ID: doc_id
File Name: filename
Invoice#: InvoiceID
Action: Review Button
Delete : check boxes
Footer Buttons
Delete Button

Button Functionality
Delete Button: deletes selected Documents spDeleteDoc( doc_id )
Review Button:
Get Invoice Header using doc_id spGetInvoiceHeader( doc_id )
Get Invoice items using doc_id spGetInvoiceDetail( doc_id )
Open up Invoice Review Window

Invoice review
Header information comes from data returned by spGetInvoiceHeader( doc_id )
Table information comes from data returned by spGetInvoiceDetail( doc_id )

Invoice Review Header

Vendor: vendor_name
Doc ID: doc_id
Inv Date InvoiceDate
Invoice#: InvoiceID
Invoice Total: invoice_total
Amount Due: AmountDue_amount
Pieces: pieces
Add Item
Description: Only used with a search field , displays description of item
Case Pack readonly

Purchase Type Drop down list 1 - Received

2 - Free
3 - Returned
QTY Received Number of Cases received

Invoice Review Table

Columns read only
LineNumber: Items are arranged by LineNumber Ascending
Description: Description
Item Code: ProductCode
Columns Editable:
Case Qty: case_qty
Columns with 2 rows Notes: Top row, Can edit most items New pricing
will be applied after the invoice is completed.
Bottom row, view only, Current pricing,
margin etc for item
Case Pack: top: Pack example if pack =12 , the display
12 / Case
Bottom pos_vendor_Pack ( this is the # of items
per case last time from vendor)
Case Cost: top : case_cost
bottom: pos_vendor_case_cost
Cost: top cost (view only)
Bottom pos_cost (view only) ( this can be different
from if calculated from vendor case cost.
This is the last
price paid to any

Margin: top calculated using cost and normal price

or group price (view only)
Bottom calculate margin (view only) ( calculate
If pricing
method = 2 ( 1 - current_cost / current_normal_price / Current_group_price )

Pricing Method top pricing_method Drop Down list

- 1 normal price

- 2 split package

- 3 group price adjusted

- 4 grouprice_quantity
Bottom: pos_pricing_method

Price Top normal_price ( cannot be edited if

pricing methods = 2)
Bottom pos_normal_price

Group QTY Top normal_qty ( cannot be edited if

pricing methods = 1)
Bottom pos_group_qty

Group Price Top group_price ( cannot be edited if pricing

methods = 1)
Bottom pos_group_price

Columns back to single rows

Total: calculate case cost x cast qty ( read only)
Action any changes made to item, display save changes box

Save Save any changes made to Invoice
InvoiceID,invoice_total, AmountDue_amount, pieces)
spUpdateInvoiceDetail(doc_id,UPC,case_qty,Pack ,case_cost

Save and Import

Save any changes made to Invoice
InvoiceID,invoice_total, AmountDue_amount, pieces)
k ,case_cost,new_pricing_method,new_normal_price,new_no
rmal_qty ,new_normal_groupprice)
Import Invoice into Point of Sale
spImportInvoicePos (doc_id)
Update Document status spUpdateDocStatus( doc_id, 5)

Price and Label Batches
List Imported invoices
Get Document list
get uploaded Documents spGetDocWithStatus(5)

Document table list

Vendor: vendor_name
Doc ID: doc_id
Invoice#: InvoiceID
Labels : Print Labels button
Price Change: Apply Price Change button
Archive: check box
Archive Button archive selected files spGetDocWithStatus(6)

Apply Price Change button - small pop up window
Doc ID: doc_id
Invoice#: InvoiceID
Apply Price change: check box - Immediately
Check box - Select date
Date box Choose date - default date is next day
Save button -> spPriceChangeBatch(doc_id,when,date)

Print Labels button print labels with bartender


Archived Invoices
List Archived invoices
Get Document list
get uploaded Documents spGetDocWithStatus(6)

Document table list

Vendor: vendor_name
Doc ID: doc_id
File Name: filename
Invoice#: InvoiceID
Clicking on invoice # will open a window with the raw sql data from
doc_id )
spGetInvoiceDetail( doc_id

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