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First of all we need to download ganglia’s packetces

We will create a username called adminganglia and assign a password of our

choosing, which will be stored in /etc/httpd/auth.basic

Modify /etc/httpd/conf.d/ganglia.conf
( Alias /ganglia /usr/share/ganglia
<Location /ganglia>
AuthType basic
AuthName "Ganglia web UI"
AuthBasicProvider file
AuthUserFile "/etc/httpd/auth.basic"
Require user adminganglia
</Location> )
We need to Edit some data’s in /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf
cluster {
name = "Labs" # The name in the data_source directive in gmetad.conf
owner = "unspecified"
latlong = "unspecified"
url = "unspecified"

udp_send_channel {
#mcast_join =
host = localhost
port = 8649
ttl = 1

udp_recv_channel {
#mcast_join = ## comment out
port = 8649
#bind = ## comment out
Open port 8649/udp and allow PHP scripts (run via Apache) to connect to the network using the
necessary SELinux boolean:

Restart Apache, gmetad, and gmond. Also, make sure they are enabled to start on boot:
At this point, you should be able to open the Ganglia web interface
at and login with the credentials from

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