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Thi Hay – địa chỉ tin cậy của học sinh – Thi ĐGNL – Thi ĐGTD – Thi TN THPT

– Thi HSG

ĐỀ SỐ 10 TỈNH NĂM 2023
(Đáp án gồm có 6 trang) Môn thi:TIẾNG ANH
Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
1 C Giải thích: The medical term for this condition is myopia. It is also known as near-sightedness
2 D Giải thích: half of the world's population will be short-sighted
3 B Giải thích: This is a seven-fold increase in cases from 2000 to 2050
4 D Giải thích: . They did say that looking at computer screens and mobile phones could be a
leading cause.
5 A Giải thích: You could spend a long time reading computers and screens, but also spend two
hours outdoors."

6 C Giải thích: But in fact it appears that laughter has little to do with jokes or funny stories- only
about 10 percent of laughter is caused by things like that
7 B Giải thích: And it is precisely because of this social aspect of laughter that people like public
speakers and politicians often try to get their audience to laugh- it encourages their listeners to
trust them and to connect with them.
8 C Giải thích: there is a link between laughter and power, and this is supported by several studies
that indicate that bosses use humor more than their employees
9 C Giải thích: Laughter also helps prevent the stress that so many people suffer from today, which
results from the faster pace of life and all that goes with it. It does this by reducing the levels
of hormones in the blood which are caused by stress
10 C Giải thích: a good laugh 10 minutes before going to sleep can prevent you from having bad
dreams and give a much more pleasant and restorative night’s sleep
11 A Giải thích:
A. houses [ˈhaʊzɪz]
B. horses [ˈhɔːrsɪz]
C. places [pleɪsɪz]

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Thi Hay – địa chỉ tin cậy của học sinh – Thi ĐGNL – Thi ĐGTD – Thi TN THPT – Thi HSG

D. mouses [maʊsɪz]
12 A Giải thích:
A. contribute [kənˈtrɪbjuːt]
B. syndrome [ˈsɪndroʊm]
C. home [hoʊm]
D. microphone [ˈmaɪkrəˌfoʊn]
13 D Giải thích:
A. handbag [ˈhændbæɡ]
B. landing [ˈlændɪŋ]
C. declare [dɪˈklɛr]
D. handkerchief /ˈhæŋ.kə.tʃiːf/
14 D Giải thích:
A. infamous [ˈɪn.fə.məs]
B. marigold [ˈmær.ɪ.ɡoʊld]
C. newspaper [ˈnuzˌpeɪ.pər]
D. inertia [ɪˈnɜːr.ʃə]
15 A Giải thích:
A. ornamental [ˌɔːr.nəˈmɛn.təl]
B. lemonade [ˌlɛm.əˈneɪd]
C. kangaroo [kæŋ.ɡəˈruː]
D. nevertheless [ˌnɛv.ərðəˈlɛs]
16 A Giải thích:
I don’t suppose there is anyone there,…………….?
A. is there B. isn’t there C. do I D. don’t I
17 A Giải thích:
Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện loại 2: were + s+ to V……
18 D Giải thích:
In spite of + Ving
19 D Giải thích:
Mr. Gump supposes, as do most people = Mr. Gump supposes, as most people suppose
20 C Giải thích:
Clothing made of plastic fibers has certain advantages over………….made of natural fibers
like cotton, wool, or silk.
A. what B. the one C. that D. which
21 C Giải thích:
“another 15 minutes" có nghĩa là thêm 15 phút nữa hoặc 15 phút khác.
22 D Giải thích:
"In contrast to" có nghĩa là so sánh sự khác biệt hoặc tương phản giữa hai hoặc nhiều thứ. Nó
được sử dụng để chỉ ra sự đối lập hay khác biệt rõ ràng giữa các yếu tố, ý kiến, hay tình
Dịch câu:
23 D Giải thích:
Cụm từ "how come" thường được sử dụng để thể hiện sự ngạc nhiên hoặc tò mò về một tình
huống, sự kiện, hoặc thông tin mà người nói không hiểu rõ hoặc không dự kiến. Nó tương tự
như cách sử dụng "why," nhưng thường được dùng một cách không chính thức và tự nhiên
hơn trong giao tiếp hàng ngày.
24 C Giải thích:

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Thi Hay – địa chỉ tin cậy của học sinh – Thi ĐGNL – Thi ĐGTD – Thi TN THPT – Thi HSG

confidentiality" - để diễn đạt hợp đồng liên quan đến quyền riêng tư là "confidentiality
25 A Giải thích:
26 C Giải thích:
"More heavily" là dạng trạng từ đúng + tính từ "armed" (trang bị nặng hơn).
27 C Giải thích:
"Infringed" có nghĩa vi phạm, là từ phù hợp trong ngữ cảnh về quyền con người.
28 C Giải thích:
Surge" có nghĩa tăng mạnh đột ngột, phù hợp trong ngữ cảnh tăng đột ngột trong nhu cầu
29 B Giải thích:
Mailshots" là cụm từ để chỉ các tài liệu quảng cáo gửi qua thư để thu hút khách hàng.
30 B Giải thích:
Thinning" được sử dụng để mô tả sự giảm dần về mật độ hoặc lượng, phù hợp trong ngữ
cảnh mất tóc.
31 A Giải thích:
“Billboards" là biển quảng cáo ngoài trời lớn
32 B Giải thích:
"Cast aspersions" có nghĩa đưa ra những phê phán hoặc lời nói xấu về một người nào đó
33 B Giải thích:
thành ngữ "hear it straight from the horse's mouth" có nghĩa là nghe
thông tin trực tiếp từ người có thông tin đáng tin cậy nhất hoặc nguồn
tin chính thức, thay vì nghe nói đồng thời qua nhiều người trung gian.
34 C Giải thích:
‘Abeyance" có nghĩa tạm thời không hoạt động hoặc đình chỉ
35 C Giải thích:
"Settle up" có nghĩa là trả tiền cho ai đó những gì bạn nợ, đúng trong tình huống này
36 A Giải thích:
"Out on the limb" nghĩa là thực hiện một hành động mạo hiểm hoặc rủi ro.
37 D How time flies!: thời gian trôi nhanh quá
38 B -Bạn liên lạc được với Peter chưa? – Chưa, đầu dây bên kia đang bận
39 D Breathtaking (a)= awe- inspiring (a): đẹp ngoạn mục
40 A Put sb in jeopardy = put sb at stake: khiến ai gặp nguy hiểm
41 D Cold turkey = suddenly and completely: đột ngột và hoàn toàn
>< gradually and partially: dần dần và một phần
42 B Appear (v): xuất hiện >< vanish (v): biến mất
Defendant (n): bị cáo
43 A ➔ Joe’s giving : việc Joe từ bỏ …
44 C ➔ Adjacent : ( adj): = very near/ next to: gần với
45 C ➔ Had been lying: đã nằm ở dưới
46 A Foremost (a) = leading: hàng đầu
47 B Shaped (Vpp): được định hình
48 B Grasp of sth: sự hiểu biết về
49 A It is a matter of…: đó là vấn đề của việc…..
50 C (be) presented with sth: được giao/ đưa cho cái gì
51 A Admit defeat: chấp nhận thua cuộc
52 D Carried out: được tiến hành
53 A Accessible (a): có thể tiếp cận được

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54 D Roles: vai trò

55 A Recorded (Vpp): cái mà được ghi chép lại ( rút gọn MĐQH về Vpp khi MĐQH mang nghĩa
bị động và danh từ chính đứng trước không có số thứ tự , không có so sánh nhất
56 C Thông tin : câu 2 đoạn 1 : "Children who demonstrate outstanding talents come from all
social, cultural, and economic groups." (Trẻ em thể hiện tài năng xuất sắc đến từ tất cả các
nhóm xã hội, văn hóa và kinh tế.)
57 B Dẫn chứng ở câu 2,3 đoạn 2: "They learn more rapidly … They are also able to
transform existing knowledge into new and useful forms, and to create new knowledge
recognized for its originality, complexity, and elegance."
(Họ học nhanh hơn … họ cũng có thể biến đổi kiến thức hiện có thành các hình thức mới và
hữu ích, và để tạo ra những kiến thức mới được công nhận về tính độc đáo, phức tạp và sang
trọng của nó.
58 D Existing = present (a) : hiện tại
59 C Disciplines = subjects (n): môn học
60 C Dẫn chứng: “In addition, some gifted learners may require special counseling services to
address social or emotional adjustment issues that are complicated by their exceptional
(Ngoài ra, một số học viên có năng khiếu có thể yêu cầu các dịch vụ tư vấn đặc biệt để giải
quyết các vấn đề điều chỉnh xã hội hoặc tình cảm phức tạp bởi khả năng đặc biệt của họ.) =>
Họ có thể gặp những vấn đề xã hội và tình cảm.
61 A Dẫn chứng ở đoạn 3: “Many regular elementary and secondary schools in the United States
offer special programs designed specifically to meet the needs of gifted students.”
(Nhiều trường tiểu học và trung học phổ thông ở Hoa Kỳ cung cấp các chương trình đặc biệt
được thiết kế đặc biệt để đáp ứng nhu cầu của học sinh năng khiếu.)

62 D Dẫn chứng ở câu đầu tiên đoạn 1. “The United States Department of Education describes
“giftedness” as exceptionally advanced performance or the potential for outstanding
performance in intellectual, creative leadership, artistic, or specific academic fields.” => Tài
năng được công nhận ở nhiều lĩnh vực thông thái, lãnh đạo, nghệ thuật, và học tập.
63 C Dẫn chứng ở đoạn 1: The first known light house in history and one of the Seven Wonders of
the Ancient World, the fabled Pharos of Alexandria, was built by the Egyptians using slave
labor. Constructed over a period of twenty years, between 300 and 280 B.C. and rising about
450 feet high, the marble structure: cấu trúc bằng đá cẩm thạch was as tall as a 45-story
64 B It → the first Eddystone Light → building
Dẫn chứng ở dòng 5,6,7 đoạn 2: The first Eddystone Light –there were actually five of them
– was a fanciful building, put into service in 1698 sporting balconies and ornamental
filigree. It was the first lighthouse
65 C Đáp án A: This Light, which first went into service in 1759, was the first tower to use quick
drying cement ( dòng thứ 3 từ dưới lên đoạn 2)
Đáp án B: It was the first lighthouse known to be erected on a shoal in the open sea. ( dòng 6
đoạn 2)
Đáp án D: The original 1696 Eddystone Light also played another important role: it was the
first lighthouse to have an enclosed lantern room. ( dòng 1, 2 đoạn 3)
66 D went into service = began operating: bắt đầu đi vào hoạt động
67 D Staple = normal (a): thông dụng, bình thường

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Thi Hay – địa chỉ tin cậy của học sinh – Thi ĐGNL – Thi ĐGTD – Thi TN THPT – Thi HSG

68 B Dẫn chứng: The silver metal behind the tiny bulb in a flashlight is a miniature example of how
a parabolic reflector works to increase the brightness of the light source. ( dòng 6,7 đoạn 4)
69 C Dẫn chứng: However, even the strongest light can be rendered useless by dense fog, heavy
rain, or snow. Thus, sound was employed by lighthouses to provide an alternate signal when
visibility was poor ( dòng 6,7, 8 đoạn 5)
70 D Dẫn chứng: The Fresnel lens, invented in 1828 and still used today, could combine and
magnify numerous light rays into one single powerful beam. It enabled light houses to produce
a light beam four times stronger than before, about80,000 candle power. ( 3 dòng đầu đoạn

Part 1.
Researchers predicted in a new report published in the journal Opthalmology that by 2050, half of the
world's population will be short-sighted. The medical term for this condition is myopia. It is also known
as near-sightedness. It is when we have difficulty focusing on objects that are far away from us. The
researchers say that around 4.8 billion people will suffer from myopia. This is a seven-fold increase in
cases from 2000 to 2050. Sixty years ago, around 15 per cent of the Chinese population was short-sighted.
Now, almost 90 per cent of Chinese teenagers and young adults have trouble seeing faraway objects. A
recent survey found that up 95 per cent of teenagers in South Korea are near-sighted.
The researchers said they could not pinpoint definite reasons for this phenomenon and say it could be a
combination of factors. They did say that looking at computer screens and mobile phones could be a
leading cause. Researchers said the sudden rise in myopia may be linked to "lifestyle changes resulting
from a combination of decreased time outdoors and increased near-work activities". Science journalist
Sarah Zhang said, "spending time outdoors, especially in early childhood, reduces the onset of myopia".
Professor Kovin Naidoo, a co-author of the report, offered some advice. He said: "You could spend a
long time reading computers and screens, but also spend two hours outdoors."

Part 2:
Good afternoon, everybody….. and in our second talk on social psychology I want to look at the role of
laughter in our lives - something that usually gets everyone smiling from the start.
So, first of all, I will start by looking at the actual nature of laughter. Well, when someone laughs you
have got movement of the muscles of the face and the chest, and you have got sound formed when the air
is forced out of the body as part of this process, so we are talking about a physical activity. But obviously
other things are involved as well- and this is where it gets more complicated. Laughing isn’t something
that you normally decide to do, so it is not voluntary behavior, like ordinary speech. Instead it is regulated
by our instincts- rather like the singing of a bird, of the roaring of a lion. And once you start to laugh, it
can be quite hard to stop- that is not always under your conscious control either.
But why do we laugh? Because we find something funny, most of us would say. But in fact it appears that
laughter has little to do with jokes or funny stories- only about 10 percent of laughter is caused by things
like that. One suggestion is that human laughter may have originally started out as a shared response to
signal relief at the passing of danger. And it is true that even these says laughter is rarely an activity carried
out by an individual on his or her own. In fact, people are 30 times more likely to laugh when they are
with other people that when they are completely alone. Laughter still seems to be a kind of social signal,
it occurs when people are in a group and they are comfortable with one another. And it seems likely that
laughter can result in the creation of bonds between the people in the group.

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Thi Hay – địa chỉ tin cậy của học sinh – Thi ĐGNL – Thi ĐGTD – Thi TN THPT – Thi HSG

And it is precisely because of this social aspect of laughter that people like public speakers and politicians
often try to get their audience to laugh- it encourages their listeners to trust them and to connect with them.
But this kind of thing- controlling the laughter of a group, that is- indicates that there is a link between
laughter and power, and this is supported by several studies that indicate that bosses use humor more than
their employees. And research has also shown that female listeners are likely to laugh much more if the
speaker is male, so it appears that there are gender issues associated with how much we laugh.
I should also point out that laughter can be used as a negative signal as well as positive one. I think we
have all probably seen evidence of a group using laughter to exclude someone….. to emphasize that they
are not accepted. So it is not always a positive type of behavior, either. So what all this goes to show is
that laughter is a very, very complex issue.
It does appear however that laughter has definite benefits. If we look first at the psychological aspects, we
know that people often tend to store negative emotions such as anger, sadness and fear, rather than
expressing them, and it seems that laughter provides a harmless way for the release of these emotions. But
there are also clear physical effects that have been monitored too. For example, laughter is good aerobic
exercise- it speeds up heart rate and respiration, and raises blood pressure; one researcher suggests that
100 laughs a day is the equivalent of 10 minutes’ jogging.
Laughter also helps prevent the stress that so many people suffer from today, which results from the faster
pace of life and all that goes with it. It does this by reducing the levels of hormones in the blood which
are caused by stress. And, in addition, it is known to increase the levels of chemicals that protect the body
from infection or pain and so it helps to boost the immune system.
One interesting study showed that people who had had surgical operations asked for fewer painkillers if
they’d been viewing comic films. In fact, research has even shown that the quality of dreams can be
positively affected by laughter- a good laugh 10 minutes before going to sleep can prevent you from
having bad dreams and give a much more pleasant and restorative night’s sleep. So, there is now little
argument that finding things funny and enjoying a good laugh is extremely beneficial to us all.
What we need to consider now are the ways in which laughter can be used as a treatment for people



I. For question 71- 75, finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the sentence printed before it.
71. She answered the policeman’s question as accurately as she could.
→ She gave the policeman as accurate an answer as she could.
72. Two men stole the old lady’s handbag.
→The old lady was robbed of her handbag by two men.
→ The old lady was the victim of a handbag theft by two men.
73. Everyone was surprised that the singer had very little money when he died.
→ The singer had very little money when he died, which surprised everyone.
74. The noise made by the children didn’t prevent the baby from sleeping soundly.
→ Whatever the noise the children made, the baby slept soundly.

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Thi Hay – địa chỉ tin cậy của học sinh – Thi ĐGNL – Thi ĐGTD – Thi TN THPT – Thi HSG

75. They only reimbursed us because we took legal advice.

→ We wouldn’t have been reimbursed if we hadn’t taken legal advice
* reimburse (v) = repay
* take legal advice (v) = hỏi ý kiến luật sư
II. For question 76-80, finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the sentence printed before it. Do not change the form of the given word.
76. Everybody made fun of him because he’d his hair cut so short. (MICKEY)
→ Everybody took the Mickey out of him because he had his hair cut so short
* take the Mickey out of sbd = make fun of sbd = biến ai thành trò cười
77. Building societies will have to guard against their rivals. (LAURELS)
→ Building societies will not be able/unable to rest/sit on their laurels.
* guard against their rivals = chống lại kẻ thù
* rest/sit on their laurels = ngủ quên trên chiến thắng
78. He really disappointed me when breaking the promise to help me out. (TEETH)
→ He really kicked me in the teeth when breaking the promise to help me out.
* kick sbd in the teeth = disappoint sbd = làm ai thất vọng
79. Harry knows about the new regulations so let’s ask him. (BRAINS)
→ Let’s pick Harry’s brains about the new regulations
* pick one’s brains = ask someone who knows a lot about a subject for information or their opinion = hỏi ý kiến ai
về cái gì ( để xin thông tin hoặc xin ý kiến)
80. The group, considered to be one of the funniest in Canada, performed so well that its audiences laughed a lot
at last night's concert. (ROLLING)
→ As one of the funniest in Canada, the group had its audiences rolling in the aisles at last night's concert.

* have audiences rolling in the aisles = Làm cho khan giả cười nghiêng ngả
III. Writing essay
In about 250 – 300 words, write an essay to express your opinion on the issue:
The best way to teach children to cooperate is through team sports at school.
To what extent do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Essay writing
- If the contents are not relevant, the paragraph IS NOT COUNTED.
- If the contents are relevant, ASSESS the writing in accordance with this scale:

Criteria Details

Thi Hay – Đề giao lưu HSG năm 2023 http://

Thi Hay – địa chỉ tin cậy của học sinh – Thi ĐGNL – Thi ĐGTD – Thi TN THPT – Thi HSG

- The writing should include 2,3 solid units with 3 parts (topic sentence,
Appearance supporting sentences, concluding sentence)

(1point) - The number of words is about 250-300. Less than 230 words or more than
320 words, subtract 0.5 point.

- Topic sentence: The best way to teach children to cooperate is through team sports at

- The supporting ideas should mention 2 or 3 specific things.

achievement - There should be relevant examples or explanation to each supporting idea.

(2.5 points) - Concluding sentence(s): relevant to the main content of the writing
- The writing is persuasive.

- Topic sentence and supporting sentences must be relevant.

- Examples/explanations must be relevant to the supporting idea that they
& cohesion support.

(2 points) - Ss' writing should have a flexible and useful use of linking devices
(conjunctions, reference, repetition of key words).

- Ss' writing is free of grammar mistakes.

- Ss' writing has a wide range of sentence patterns (simple, compound, complex
(2 points)
sentences, emphasis, inversion, questions...).

- Ss' writing has no spelling mistake.

- Ss' writing has a wide range of vocabulary used with correct meaning.
(2.5 points)
- Ss' writing has a sensible amount of unfamiliar vocabulary.

----------- HẾT ĐÁP ÁN MÔN TIẾNG ANH LẦN 10 --------

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