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I. Read and understand each paragraph. Write the letter of the appropriate conclusion.

1. Paeng sat down on the grass. He placed his fingers on the keys. Then, Paeng began to play the new song he
was learning.
a. Paeng has a new piano.
b. Paeng is a clever kid.
c. Paeng was practicing his piano lesson.
2. Mark put on his seat belt. His mother turned the key. They backed out and drove away.
a. It was daytime.
b. Mark opened the door.
c. Mark was in a car.
3. Sleep rests the body. It helps one grow. The body and all its organs grow while at rest. It is the time when
body repairs are made.
a. A baby needs a lot of sleep.
b. A person grows slowly when he gets enough sleep.
c. Everybody needs sleep.

II. Kinds of Adverbs

A. Adverbs of Frequency
- tell how often an action or condition happens or takes place.
- examples:
Always Usually Often
Sometimes Rarely Never

B. Adverbs of Intensity
- tell about the degree of action or condition
- examples
Too Extremely Quite
Just Almost Very

III. Give the appropriate adverb. Choose among the words found in the box.

exactly enough very monthly

extremely too frequently everyday

1. How would you describe the North Pole?

The North Pole is cold.

2. How often should we wash our hands to prevent getting sick?

We should wash our hands .

3. How often should children take a bath?

Children should take a bath .

4. How do you best describe a cheetah?

A cheetah can run fast.

5. What can you say about a test asking you to count from 1 to 10?
Counting 1 to 10 is easy.

IV. Write an answer in response to each question. Each sentence must contain an adverb of frequency or
an adverb of intensity.

1. How often should people wear mask if they want to go out during a pandemic?
People should mask. (adverb of frequency)

2. What will you say to a friend if you can’t reach a fruit high above the ground?
Please get a ladder. It’s to reach. (adverb of intensity)

3. What will you tell your others if you can’t carry a sack of rice because of its weight?
Sorry, I can’t carry the sack of rice. It’s for me. (adverb of intensity)

4. How easy is it to do add one-digit numbers?

Counting one-digit numbers is easy for me.

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