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Menggerakan chyme melalui usus


Mencampur chyme dengan cairan

pencernaan yang disekresikan ke
dalam lumen small intestine

Pencampuran melalui
Functions of segmentations segmentations memiliki dual
Memaparkan semua chyme ke
permukaan penyerapan mukosa
Segmentation contractions mix and Mencampurkan dan secara small intestine
slowly propel the chyme. perlahan mendorong chyme

Terdapat peristaltis dari middle stomatch menuju pylorus

Alimentary system
Terdiri dari alimentary system :
Falciform ligament : Ringlike contractions dari circular
Membagi liver
Absorbsi chemical compound terjadi di small intestine - ​terminal part of esophagus Consists of oscillating smooth muscle sepanjang small
kanan dan kiri dan intestine
membentang - ​stomatch
hingga umbilical
duodenum, jejunum, ileum - ​intestines
- ​spleen
Large intestine terdiri dari cecum, appendix, colon
(ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid
- ​pancreas Initiated by BER
Membawa circular smooth muscle
ke threshold
- ​liver
Gastrointestinal tract are esophagus, stomatch, small - ​gallbladder
and large intestines
Overview abdominal
- ​kidney viscera
- ​suprarenal glands Segmentation contraction

Dipengaruhi oleh distensi usus,

1. Celiac trunk Derajat respon the circular smooth
hormon gastrin, dan aktivitas saraf
muscle's dan intesitas kontraksi
2. Superior 3 major branch < abdominal aorta Arterial supply ekstrinsik

3. Inferior mesentric arteries

Superior mesentric
Duodenum & ileum memulai
Hepatic portal vein Vein supply Slight/absent between meals Menjadi kuat setelah meal
segment secara serentak saat
makanan pertama masuk ke dalam
usus halus
Splenic vein, inferior
mesenteric vein
Phase I Long period (40- 60 menit)

The migrating motility complex sweeps Intestinal segmentation contraction Digantikan oleh Migrating Motility Phase II 20 - 30 menit Period
Short fasting
the intestine clean between meals. berhenti Complex (MMC)

Phase III Shortest phase

Ileocecal valve is easily pushed open, but forcibly closed when

cecal contents attempt to move backwards

Waktu makan MMC berhenti
Disekresikan selama keadaan
tidak makan
The ileocecal juncture prevents
contamination of the small intestine by
Diatur oleh hormon motilin
colonic bacteria Aktivitas motorik yang
berhubungan dengan makan
mengambil alih
Dihambat dengan pemberian
Pelepasan motilin
4th Part 3rd Part 2nd Part 1st Part
Ascending Inferior Descending Superior
Duodenum is the first, shortest, Duodenum Small-​intestine secretions do not
short (5 cm) 6–8 cm long longer (7–10 cm) short (approximately 5 cm) widest, and most fixed part of small
contain digestive enzymes
begins at the left of the L3 descends along the right sides lies anterolateral to the body of
crosses the L3 vertebra the L1 vertebra Panjangnya sekitar 25 cm / 12 inch 2.
vertebra of the L1–L3 vertebrae

and rises superiorly as far as runs transversely to the left runs inferiorly ascends from the pylorus Duodenum membentuk pola
berbentuk C Exocrine gland cells in small-​intestine mucosa secrete succus
the superior border of the L2
passing over the IVC, aorta, and curving around the head of the overlapped by the liver and - dimulai dari pylorus (right side)
entericus; an aqueous salt and mucus solution. Mucus
vertebra - diakhiri di duodenojejunal
L3 vertebra pancreas gallbladder provides protection and lubrication, aqueous solution provides
junction (left side)
runs superiorly and along the water for enzymatic digestion hydrolysis.
crossed by the superior bagian awal, terletak di sebelah anterior aspect covered by
left side of the aorta to reach peritoneum covers Considered partially retroperitoneal
mesenteric artery and vein and kanan dan paralel dengan IVC
the inferior border of the body
the root of the mesentery of the posterior aspects are not
of the pancreas. saluran bile (empedu) and Ileocecal sphincter — always remains mildly constricted.
jejunum and ileum covered by peritoneum
saluran main pancreatic Pressure on cecal side causes contraction; distention of ileal
curves anteriorly to join the side causes relaxation. The sphincter is under neural and
jejunum at the duodenojejunal superior : terdapat the head of (pankreas utama) memasuki Ampulla
flexure the pancreas and its uncinate dinding posteromedial Terbagi menjadi 4 bagian Brush-​border membrane completes hormonal control. Relaxation of sphincter occurs by enhanced
release of gastrin at onset of a meal; allowing preceding meal
process descending part - bagian 2 cm pertama dari superior part
- has a mesentery digestion with small-​intestine enzymes to move forward as the new meal enters tract.
entirely retroperitoneal - mobile.
inferior : anterior surface
- free part
covered by peritoneum
anterior surface dari bagian
except where it is crossed by
proximal and distal thirds is Brush border, contains the following categories of
the superior mesenteric
covered with peritoneum Veins Arteries membrane-​spanning proteins that function as
vessels and the root of the
mesentery. Small Intestine In lumen membrane-​bound enzymes:
follow the arteries arise from the celiac trunk and the
posterior : separated from the drain into the hepatic portal vein through the superior mesenteric artery
vertebral column by the right
psoas major, IVC, aorta, and
superior mesenteric and splenic veins approx range 6 to 7 meters
Fat digestion enhanced by bile secretion; as a result fats are
completely reduced to absorbable units.
✅ Enteropeptidase — activates pancreatic proteolytic enzyme
the right testicular or ovarian
located in the abdominal cavity,
between the stomach and large
Proteins are broken down into small peptide fragments and
some amino acids
Aminopeptidases — hydrolyze peptide fragments into amino

absorption of nutrients from

digested food before the remains
Carbohydrates are reduced to disaccharides, α-​limit dextrins
and some monosaccharides
Disaccharidases (maltase, sucrase-​isomaltase, lactase) —
target maltose, α-​limit dextrins and dietary disaccharides.

reach the large intestine.

involves digestive enzymes from

the pancreas and bile which help
break down carbohydrates, All products of carbohydrate, protein, and fat digestion
absorbed indiscriminately non selective
proteins and fats into smaller what is absorbed
molecules. ingested electrolytes, vitamins, and water
except: iron, calcium

mostly in the duodenum and jejunum

Digested nutrients are absorbed most absorption has already been accomplished before the intestinal
adjusted to the body need
through the intestinal walls into where does it contents reach the ileum

Lymphatic Vessels Nerves the bloodstream for distribution occur terminal ileum - has specialized
throughout the body The small intestine is remarkably well very little in the ileum transport mechanism to absorb vit B12
follow the arteries Berasal dari vagus and greater and adapted for its primary role in and bile

lesser (abdominopelvic) splanchnic absorption. sel epitel dengan berbagai mekanisme

Permukaan dalam berbentuk
Penyesuaian mukosa usus halus membentuk lipatan melingkar
nerves melalui the celiac and superior well-​adapted transpor
(mucous lining)
mesenteric plexuses. Luas permukaan besar
vili meningkatkan luas area 10x lipat
microscopic projection
dilapisi mukosa
conveyed to the duodenum via Clinical notes
pathogenesis: environmental, microvili
The anterior lymphatic vessels periarterial plexuses extending to the genetic, and immunologic factors
meningkatkan luas area meningkatkan luas area 3x lipat
/ brush
pancreaticoduodenal arteries celiac disease/ gluten enteropathy immunological disorder 20x lipat
drain into the pancreaticoduodenal border
lymph nodes kondisi di mana usus halus abnormally sensitive to even smaller projection
gluten usus exposed to gluten
The posterior lymphatic vessels Structure
activate T-​cell
drain into the superior mesenteric
Sel epitel pembungkus permukaan vili
lymph nodes
damage the intestine
Inti jaringan ikat
Efferent lymphatic vessels
drain into the celiac lymph nodes loss of villi and microvilli mucous flattened
Jaringan kapiler

↓ absorption Pembuluh limfatik terminal

central lacteal
mucus (dari permukaan villi)

+ succus entericus (intestinal juice)

Anatomy "Gastrointestinal System" Physiology Small Intestine mensekresi air dan garam

Source: Moore 8th Edition Source: Sherwood 9th Edition inhibit cell division

sensitif terhadap
kerusakan radiasi
Lacteals mengalir secara bergantian ke dan obat anti-​kanker
pembuluh limfatik di antara lapisan
mesenterium. Di dalam mesenterium, Jejunum & Ileum high rate of turnover
getah bening akan mengalir secara konsentrasi enzim brush-​
berurutan melalui tiga kelompok kelenjar seiring bergerak
border cells meningkat
getah bening : move to surface of the ke atas
has stem cells continuously produced
intestine -> push the old cells kapasitas absorpsi
- Kelenjar getah bening juxta-​intestinal : The mucosal lining experiences rapid duration: 3 days (from crypt to tip)
terletak dekat dengan dinding usus. crypts of Lieberkühn
- Kelenjar getah bening mesenterika : - Jejunum lebih tebal dan lebar (2-4m) dibandingkan ileum (2-3m) turnover sel lama akan dicerna
tersebar di antara arcade arteriae. - Jejunum lebih tervaskularisasi yang membuat jejunum terlihat tubular glands
kembali oleh tubuh
- Kelenjar getah bening sentral superior : sedikit lebih gelap (A) formed from the mucosa of the
terletak di sepanjang bagian proksimal Pembuluh limfatik khusus dalam vili Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) menyuplai jejunum - Ileum lebih tipis, lebih sedikit pembuluh darahnya, sehingga small intestine
usus yang menyerap lemak disebut dan ileum melalui jejunal dan ileal arteries bahan pembentukan sel
SMA (Superior Mesenteric Artery) warnanya lebih terang (B) in between the bases of the villi
lacteal. baru
Superior Mesenteric Vein (SMV) juga menyuplai - Vasa recta jejunum lebih panjang dibandingkan dengan ileum
jejunum dan ileum. lysozyme (bacteria-​lysing
Jejunum : LUQ ( left upper quadrant )
Vena ini terletak di anterior dan di sebelah kanan enzyme)
Ileum ​ : RLQ ( right lower quadrant ) secretes antimicrobial
Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) has paneth cells innate immune system
defensins (proteins with
antimicrobial power)

Lymph Nodes
Passive diffusion occurs by paracellular
transport through “leaky” tight junctions

Efferent lymphatic vessels Energy-​dependent Na+ absorption Na+ may be absorbed both passively
from the mesenteric lymph
nodes drain to the superior drives passive H2O absorption and actively.
mesenteric lymph nodes. Na+ is actively pumped out of
Active transport involves different carriers at Na+ diffuses from the interstitial
Active the cell by the Na+–K+ pump
the luminal and basolateral membranes fluid into the capillaries
into the interstitial fluid

Na+ channels or secondary active transport

via three different carriers
Lymphatic vessels from the Most H2O absorption depends
terminal ileum follow the ileal Na+–Cl-​symporter on the active carrier that pumps
branch of the ileocolic artery Na+ into the lateral spaces
to the ileocolic lymph nodes.
Na+–H+ antiporter

(amino acid) symporter.

The SMA and its branches are

surrounded by a periarterial nerve
plexus through which the nerves are
conducted to the parts of the Carbohydrate
intestine supplied by this artery

The sympathetic fibers in the

nerves to the jejunum and ileum
The presynaptic sympathetic fibers Sympathetic stimulation Reducing or stopping
originate in the T8–T10 segments of
synapse on cell bodies of reduces peristaltic and gastrointestinal activity
the spinal cord and reach the
postsynaptic sympathetic neurons in secretory activity of the and making blood (and
superior mesenteric nerve plexus
the celiac and superior mesenteric intestine and causes energy) available for
through the sympathetic trunks and
(prevertebral) ganglia. vasoconstriction “fleeing or fighting.”
thoracic abdominopelvic (greater,
lesser, and least) splanchnic nerves. Digested carbohydrates and proteins
are both absorbed by secondary active
The parasympathetic fibers in the Parasympathetic
transport and enter the blood
Restoring gastrointestinal
nerves to the jejunum and ileum stimulation increases
derive from the posterior vagal peristalsis and secretion
activity following a → Absorption of the digestion end products
sympathetic reaction.
trunks. activity of the intestine
of both carbohydrates and proteins is
accomplished by Na+
The intestine is insensitive to most
pain stimuli, including cutting and → Both categories of end products are
The small intestine also has extrinsic
burning; however, it is sensitive to Protein
and intrinsic sensory (visceral
afferent) fibers.
distension that is perceived as colic absorbed into the blood. Absorption
(spasmodic abdominal pains or
“intestinal cramps”)

the first part of the large intestine Cecum Large Intestine

continuous with the ascending colon
In dissection, the ileal orifice enters prevent reflux from the The large intestine is where water is absorbed from
the cecum between ileocolic lips cecum into the ileum the indigestible residues of the liquid chyme
a blind intestinal pouch

approximately 7.5 cm The valve is unlikely to have any sphincteric action that controls The large intestine can be distinguished from the
passage of the intestinal contents from the ileum into the cecum small intestine by Omental appendices, Teniae coli
Sumber : Moore 8th Ed p.468-471
lies in the iliac fossa of the right and Haustra
lower quadrant The orifice is usually closed by tonic contraction, however,
Sumber : Moore 8th Ed p.468-471
Digested fat is absorbed passively and
of the abdomen, appearing as an ileal papila on the cecal side enters the lymph.
inferior to the junction of the Sumber : Moore 8th Ed p.468-471

Arterial Supplies terminal ileum and cecum of the

Sumber : Moore 8th Ed p.468-471

Sumber : Moore 8th Ed p.468-471

Sumber : Moore 8th Ed p.468-471

6 - 10 cm in length Appendix vitamin absorption in the body

is passive.

Contains masses of lymphoid

passively absorbed along with
Veins, Lymph Nodes, Nerve Vitamin Absorption is largely passive Fat Soluble Vitamins: Vitamins
that dissolve in fat
Arises from the posteromedial
aspect of the cecum inferior to the
ileocecal junction
Fat-​soluble vitamins are
transported in micelles

Meso-​appendix Has short triangular mesentry

absorbed passively with the end
products of fat digestion.

Variable position, but it is retrocecal

Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12
must be in combination with
gastric intrinsic factor

can be absorbed via receptor-​

mediated endocytosis in the
terminal ileum.

Iron Absorption Required: Storage of Unneeded Iron :

for the production of red blood Stored as ferritin in small

cells absorbed into the blood. intestinal epithelial cells.
Iron Absorption

Ferritin is not absorbed into the

Ascending Colon hepcidin hormone from the
blood and is considered a
storage iron.
Anatomical Relation

The right colic flexure is located deep to the 9th and 20th ribs Rises superiorly on the right side of the abdominal cavity from
and is overlapped by the inferior part of the liver. the cecum where it turns to the left at right colic flexure Ferritin is lost in the feces
binds ferroportin and controls
during mucosal regeneration
the export of iron into the blood.
within a few days.
Paracolic gutters are
A secondary retroperitoneal organ on the right side of the
peritoneal recesses
posterior abdominal wall. Covered by peritoneum anteriorly and
(spaces formed by
on all sides. Separated from anterolateral abdominal wall by
peritoneum draping Iron and calcium absorption is absorbed and transported by
greater omentum.
over viscera). These transferrin
gutters are clinically regulated.
important because
they allow a passage
for infectious fluids
from different Nerve Supply Lymphatic Drainage
used for hemoglobin synthesis.
compartments of the
abdomen. For
example; fluid from an
infected appendix can
track up the right
paracolic gutter to the
hepatorenal recess. Colon
Venous Drainage Arterial Supply

From branches of the Calcium enters the luminal membrane exits the basolateral membrane by two
SMA, ileocolic and of the small-​intestine epithelial cells down energy-​dependent mechanisms: a primary
right colic arteries. Calcium Absorption its electrochemical gradient through a active transport Ca2+ ATPase pump and a
specialized Ca2+ channel; is ferried within secondary active transport Na+–Ca2+
These arteries the cell by a Ca2+ binding protein, calbindin antiporter.
anastomose with
each other and other
Nerve Supply Lymphatic Drainage arteries to form the Normally, of the average 1000 mg of Ca2+
marginal artery. taken in daily, only about two thirds is Vitamin D greatly enhances all of these steps
Nerves transmit sympathetic, absorbed in the small intestine, with the in Ca2+ absorption.
parasympathetic and visceral rest passing out in the feces.
afferent nerve fibers.

Vitamin D can exert this effect only after it

secretion of parathyroid hormone increases
has been activated in the liver and kidneys, a
in response to a fall in Ca2+ concentration in
Venous Drainage process that is enhanced by parathyroid
the blood.
Arterial Supply hormone.

Attached to the transverse

colon attaching it to the The transverse colon is the longest, most mobile/movable part
posterior abdominal wall of the large intestine. It varies in position, usually at L3 but in
tall, thin people it may extend to the pelvis.
energy-​rich products are subjected to After passing through the portal circulation,
The venules that leave the small-​intestine Consequently, anything absorbed into the immediate metabolic processing. the venous blood from the digestive system
The left colic flexure is usually more superior, more acute, and
more mobile than the right. It is located anterior to the inferior
Most absorbed nutrients immediately villi, along with those from the rest of the digestive capillaries first must pass empties into the vena cava and returns to

part of the left kidney and attaches to the diaphragm through pass through the liver for processing. digestive tract, empty into the hepatic portal
vein, which carries the blood to the liver.
through the hepatic biochemical factory
before entering the general circulation.
harmful substances are detoxified by
the heart to be distributed throughout the
body, carrying glucose and amino acids for
the phrenicocolic ligament. the liver before gaining access to the
use by the tissues.
general circulation.

Crosses the abdomen from the right colic flexure to the left
colic flexure where it turns inferiorly to become the descending
Fat, which cannot penetrate the intestinal Contractions of the villi, accomplished by the The smaller lymph vessels converge and
Anatomical Relation The absorbed fat is carried by the systemic
capillaries, is picked up by the central lacteal muscularis mucosa, periodically compress eventually form the thoracic duct, a large
circulation to the liver and to other tissues of
and enters the lymphatic system instead, the central lacteal and “milk” the lymph out lymph vessel that empties into the venous
the body.
bypassing the hepatic portal system. of this vessel. system within the chest.

Transverse Colon

Lacteal: Specialized lymphatic vessels in

the intestinal villi (tiny projections of the
mucous membrane) that absorb fat
Arterial supply Anatomical position

terletak diantara left colic flexure They empty their milk-​like fuid into the
Left colic dan Sigmoid arteries
dan the left iliac fossa Descending Colon lymphatic plexuses in the walls of the
jejunum and ileum.


Simpatetik parasimpatetik

Bagian lumbar dari sympathetic memiliki karakteristik lengkung

berbentuk S
trunk via lumbar splanchnic Pelvic splanchnic nerves via Most common cause of diarrhea is
nerves, superior mesenteric inferior hypogastric plexus
plexus, periarterial plexuses
Excessive intestinal motility yang
Arterial supply Anatomical position
disebabkan dari iritasigut wall karena
Sigmoid Colon Diarrhea results in loss of fluid and infeksi dari bakteri/virus ataupun
The sigmoid colon memanjang dari
Left colic dan Sigmoid arteries cause of diarrhea karena emotional stress.
the iliac fossa to the third sacral (S3)

Diarrhea characterized by feses Diare juga terjadi saat

yang cair dan frequensi yang
Anatomical terdapat partikel aktif yang
sering. Tetapi selain itu, zat yang
Innervation Vascularization Rectum and Anal canal
disekresi yang normalnya di berlebih seperti defisiensi
Position reabsorbsi tetapi juga hilang
bersama cairan. Selain itu
laktase yang menyebabkan
kehilangan HCO3- akan cairan tertahan di lumen
menyebabkan metabolic asidosis
hypogastric/pelvic plexuses,
Sympathetic and periarterial plexus of ·Bagian rectum dimulai pada Toxin dari bacterium vibrio cholerae
inferior mesenteric and Superior Middle Inferior rectum merupakan bagian paling
supply superior rectal arteries.
Sacrum 3 dan secara
Makroskopis berbeda dengan
distal dari Large Instestine yang dan beberapa microorganisme yang
memiliki fungsi utama untuk membuat sekresi berlebihan dari
colon dengan tidak adanya
menyimpan feses sebelum
taenia coli, Haustra dan
akhirnya di defekasi. Bagian
jumlah cairan dari mucosa small
Middle and appendiks omentum
panjangnya sekitar 12 – 15 cm proximal terhubung dengan intestine diare diproduksi sebagai
inferior parts of sigmoid colon ( rectosigmoid respon terhadap toxin dari infeksi
from S2-​S4 spinal cord level Proximal part of Anorectal junction and yang tersusun dari longitudinal
fibers dan circular fibers. junction ) dan terminalnya patogen.
Parasympathetic through pelvic splanchnic
rectum the rectum anal canala terhubung dengan anal canal (
nerves and left/right inferior Anorectal Junction ) Sumber : Sherwood 9th Ed p.610
supply hypogastric plexuses to the
rectal (pelvic) plexus.
·Alur dari rectum terdiri dari 2
major flexures/lekukan
Most digestion and absorption have been
The large intestine is primarily a drying The colon normally receives about accomplished in the small intestine, the
500 mL of chyme from the
Visceral afferent
contents delivered to the colon consist of
follow the parasympathetic
Sacral Flexures – anteroposterior and storage organ small intestine each day indigestible food residues, unabsorbed
fibers retrogradely to S2-​S4 biliary components, and the remaining fluid
fibers spinal sensory ganglia due to
curve dengan bentuk cekung di
bagian anterior yang disebabkan
oleh adanya sacrum dan coccyx
the rectum's position below
the pelvic pain line.

The colon extracts more H2O and salt, The primary function of the large
Anorectal flexure –
drying and compacting the contents to intestine is to store feces
anteroposterior curve dengan
form a firm mass known as feces before defecation
bagian cembung di anterior yang
terbentuk karena puborecatlis
muscle Sumber : Sherwood 9th Ed p.610

Sumber : Sherwood 9th Ed p.610

ada tambahan 3 lateral flexures

yang terdapat di dalam rectum
wall ( Superior, intermediate,

ampulla rektum adalah bagian

akhir dari rektum dan terletak di
dalam pelvic cavity, di antara
abdomen and pelvic floor
muscle. Ini adalah bagian rektum
yang melebar yang bertumpu
pada diafragma panggul dan
bersentuhan dengan prostat
pada pria dan dinding vagina
posterior pada wanita. ampulla
terletak di depan ujung tulang

Internal anal spinchter ( involuntary

·Anal Canal terdapat 2 ) yang melingkupi 2/3 bagian dari
spinchter : anal canal akan terelaksasi saat
rectum full dan saraf mentrigger
bowel movement,
2,5 - 4 cm long and 2 -3 mm thick

External Spinchter ( voluntary ) hanya

akan terelaksasi pada waktu tertentu
saat akan defekasi. Jika tidak
spinchter akan tetap berkontraksi
dibantu juga oleh otot puborectalis
untuk mencegah adanya

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