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Grade: Two

Subject: Integrated studies

Duration: 1 Hour
Focus Question: What do I need to know about my brain, heart and skeleton?

Attainment Target:

 Explore some attributes of people and objects in the environment in order to classify and
make comparisons.
 Recognize, value and make distinction between home language and SJE to improve/
acquire language and literacy competencies
 Develop phonemic awareness and use knowledge of letter sound correspondence in order
to decode unfamiliar words
 Automatically recognize words (including basic sight words) through repeated exposure
and mnemonic devices.
 Use language and text forms appropriately and with imagination to create vibrant and
engaging texts.
 Recognise that religion contributes to shaping our identity and guides our understanding
of the meaning and purpose of life.
 Listen and appraise music to develop an understanding of musical elements.
 Create musical compositions exploring varied elements of music
 Develop an understanding about how our bodies move, why we move our bodies in
particular ways, and what happens to our bodies when we move.
 Demonstrate the creation of art through the use of tools, themes and materials
 Plan and design visual arts expressions
 Express a range of feeling and emotions through the enactment of dramatic scenarios.
 Use technology to communicate ideas and information, and work collaboratively to
support individual needs and contribute to the learning of others.
 Use appropriate digital tools and resources to plan and conduct research, aid critical
thinking, manage projects, solve problems and make informed decisions.

Objectives: At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

 Identify the position of the brain, heart and skeleton in the human body.
 Identify names and location of some internal body parts.
 Describe the appearance of the heart, brain and skeleton using familiar terms.
 Describe the role of the heart, brain and skeleton


 Students will sing song from previous lesson.

 Review previous lesson in talk easy mode about what the heart does and where it is


 Students will in groups create make shift stethoscope to use and listen to each other’s
heartbeat using bottles and strings.
 Students will observe how the heart beats and describe it.
 Identify the different part of the body where there is pulse
 Create a rhythm how the heart beats


 Students will explain some terms e.g. veins, arteries, pulse.


 Students will further read up on the heart and present information to class for next lesson.

Evaluation 1

Students will complete activity from Integrated Studies text

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