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Active and Pasie Voce

ATranstiye Venb has tue Yeiu,_she Actine and Passine he Change o Une Vou ianto thu Othen -
e< a weab shews eheihen the kubjet o< a veb act or u atid ubon ca) 1he objed dhe aansitie Voh en she tctive Vnee tecees
OY shctheh the subjet is the acn of an actien o Th ecciven the &ubjet e thu veb in the Rausive Voice. he Verb ç changed

stctie Voie ohen

acerein Aubjed in munter ond persem.
isscid te te Cn the
the peun b) Patu o| the velb "to be" (an auxtliay)venb), ee ued uith the
o Théng deneted ty he kubiect acu or u achine or ohen the Bub Past Patiápa oj dhe tctive Veub te ferm the ten o4the Ves
in the Passive vou thich maims unehanglo
Haai kills a snake he subject oj thu ob in she sttie Voia tecones the objet
Mohimi is the sen. Jhe

Rajesh uitu a deten.

Prcsent crdafinta Tense
Passte Va- A eab ia soúcd de te in sthe Pakive Vou oten hu person tHe abuses me. am abued by hisn
thims denstd by the subfet dses nst at tut is
atedupom. lhem cees he abuye? Whe is abuzed ley hinn?
suteu Jhe actien dene by stmcthirs, or senmagne cr shene the lhy de yeu oete time 2
deer o the actin ß the objed a the wb, as urit a dy lctte
A snak å kiled by taui ctytn,is, am, anu use the Ii fom ef sthe venh lPest Patip )
he dston iü teimg daaint ty Mshini.
A Jater i iten by Rajesh. Past ndefnit Tenat verb
’ Ajtes hlas Jweu we the n erm o tthu, (Past Pathiple).
the Passive Voice. tHetotd me a
An rtransttie Veab is met used in the Pausive Vou, takey
stony A sty was tsld me y
nles t tgg. He punis hecl me þunishd by fim.
Coanáta ObËed in the Actie. Veubs o incomplta preciction (To be, Adidmgt send him a mexC
t0 seUm, ds apþeas, to eceme ete ae imtransitive hey au aluay Whue clicd yuu find yn lest deg ? hws yeur lest dog fewnd bys
ate So t &right to &uy that Mthon is a claver tb&y; but d she ath ynn clethes ? Wlee yewh dethes uwoshed buyts>
3 fute dndefinie Tense
*A cená ebied a meun astich alheady mblied in the venb Ates "shal te cr aill e" use the mform o theveb.
Ravi did a nobe death. You uil nsl te helbeo ym
Ashaldnvite him. He uil te inited ty me.
Bhe ail make a Sheach. Asþecch uil be made by he.
alheu wl sthe miny te hidden
Shald tbe tugt toy yonu?
9 Phesent Contineus Remie futwe Peect îense
tn "is,am, ane" add "beimg cund them ue fem ßf the ve Ates " will have been' add the I form o the wenb
He will hare kiled a lion A Üen ill Bio8 been killad by
Shu is met abusinng yon You ae nt bcing cbusedb
teins teun by thun) hin tefex a itu wu brqu
Whe u kne qot the Adlonr? By chem aThu deor behonkct Hu cwcsk uill have been finikhed lay
hlhot is beiny by the end oj this pexiod him by the end of thu perisel
you doing? dene by you)
6 fast Continu lent Hte wl hae kunga song ay AsUng wll hare besn bung oy hum
Ates cas/ were add ting and them wte the I form o the es spm.
She wtus
singins a ng beims sung by hon.,
a sheech9 las a speah teng made byhui
has she
Alas tus mthes makimg teadhng hen? ulas ahe being taugt ay hum -) Veb which do mot take prepoition "By
Ialhe oas brtaki the slte By cohem uoas the slate beny brbki t anmls me d un amuicd at it.
She u kngum to me.
> Futue Contiueus Tense has ne pakive veice eg Shall Nos behanyu canneyed m. d oas annsyed at your behaveer.
dnberat Sentence
&Paset Peufet Ten =>'When a dranatiye eb
saicd t9 te un the dmberative mopel. he veib Such cases ts in
Ajtun" have, has add "been' andthem we tthe n torm ofhaveh
Mywak ha tbeendena lay me. ta fist tom, mesubject "yu" a mues achually Jed ,it shonded
Have uiitten the lettes2 tHes the luttetoeen uiften by you). be omiteal in the faie tomm. Ialhile changny such sentenes fen
lhe thas stelen my þen? By whem has my pen hen stalo). the tctive Vae Jnto tu fassive Voe ute et" cuitheut tao "
Howtat yu solned thú broblen? leus tt ew has thiu problem been Hae mne ket mene be hated
let the amp be ghted, pleat
Paut Pejet îere Pake caAe youn haalth. het health te taken cae
Ajten had add "bean and then w th TH ferm tha web, et
yous faant be obeyd
He had killed hi brcthes belox He torgthen cee beOn lkiled ay hm Pet the luten Aet the lattes be hested.
be<on ?sached the. Dont do suh a thing agçn. Aet net such a
h¯ng te dra agli.
Oun deam had ayed a math d math had been ayed tay e Let me have thia hen. het thiu hen be had y m.
deam toy "p.m
He ha
abdy tis onk had alheady been done Mhen the dmfeactie aentene atEgina uith lax or kindly , we"you oe
Please lemd m Jou ae NCANusted to lend ne
yout yce.
o him leave heqeeiteod to gant him
do the megative ueyorbiddem"
Do mt abuse any e Nou a fertbidden to cbuse any an.

Take the 6enst. thee ü orcle" e

you cue adised to
You cu cdueed to wok had.
OOm at ne. Hau ce orlned to leawe my
oem at &nc.
> Whn the agent ü nt exprcssed n thu Active Vno, it muwst e
£xexcise s
me leane
Yeu ae Aeaested to giamt meleae
kove a .
Ket aube lovo.
Se mst abuse anyeme.
Jeu are terbidoen to abutt wmyenu.
4 Whe makes yu Lagh ?
By whem you ae made to lauyth ?
5. Shast hebed t succeed Nehnu.
dt weu hoped y Shaut that the wod &ucceed Nehu.
6. Many persens wen tsee the hangns, of the eing.
Manyesen went ctdee thu
4. t istime e cal tha ey.
Rns tbeng hanged.
At is ine or the s&A to te
8. A hear that she ha wen a
ta hcand that a medal has teen
4. You med nt tel thia stuy.
he stonymed nt te tod
do. He hasmst dene authing bad.
sfsthing tod thas been deng

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