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Ethics is a body of study that focuses on the moral principles that If you are choosing ice cream for yourself, the utilitarian view is that
influence human behavior. you should choose the flavor that will give you the most pleasure. If
you enjoy chocolate but hate vanilla, you should choose chocolate
Philosophy is the study of knowledge, truth, and meaning.
for the pleasure it will bring and avoid vanilla because it will bring
The two disciplines are intertwined, as philosophy often considers displeasure.
ethical questions, and ethics often use philosophical ideas to better
Deontological Ethics - This ethical theory argues that every human
explain phenomena.
being should be treated kindly and with respect on the basis of their
PHILOSOPHY humanity. This can be difficult to apply when a "good" choice that
intends to treat people with respect has negative consequences for
 the systematic study of ideas and issues, a reasoned pursuit another group.
of fundamental truths
 a quest for a comprehensive understanding of the world.
 a study of principles of conduct, and much more. DEONTOLOGY
ETHICS An example of deontology is when a businessperson decides that it's
 The word ethics comes from the Greek word "ethos" which their obligation to pay suppliers on time. If the businessperson is a
means "character." deontologist, ethical behavior dictates that they always pay
 The study of ethics in philosophy goes back to the ancient suppliers on time, failure to which they act unethically.
Greeks, where historians have discovered the first usage of Another perfect example is the ten commandments.
the word.
 Ethics exists as a branch of philosophy, called moral
Virtue Ethics - This ethical theory aligns with the beliefs of many
ETHICS AS A BRANCH OF PHILOSOPHY: early Greek philosophers. It emphasizes focus on an individual's
character and character development. However, the theory can be
Utilitarian ethics - This ethical theory focuses on the impact of critiqued for not accounting enough for the impact of living in a
decisions on people. Utilitarianism considers a situation and tries to larger society.
make a choice that would create the greatest amount of good for
the greatest amount of people. This can prove difficult when the
outcome of a choice is unknown.
VIRTUE • A woman can only marry one man, but the man

A person who has developed the virtue of generosity is often can have more than one woman.
referred to as a generous person because he or she tends to be
• levirate marriage: marriage between the widow and the
generous in all circumstances.
brother of a deceased husband as the woman remains as a property
Moreover, a person who has developed virtues will be naturally of the family.
disposed to act in ways that are consistent with moral principles.
INCULTURATION – “Inculturation [is] the incarnation of the Gospel
Culture: Defining Moral Behavior in native cultures and also the introduction of these cultures into the
life of the Church."
Culture: integrated pattern of human knowledge, beliefs, and
behaviors. Rooting the Gospel to the African Culture:

the set of means used by mankind to become more virtuous and • From a culture of oppressing women into a culture where
reasonable in order to become fully human. men and women are treated as equal.

• The human development of women, created like her male

counterpart in the image and likeness of God.
The Human Person and Culture:
ACCULTURATION – “Acculturation is the cultural modification of an
Human Person
individual group or people by adapting to or borrowing traits from
We are the moral agent. We are born into a culture; a factual reality another culture."
we have not chosen. We are not born nothing.
An NGO tried to introduce to Africa good health facilities as an
Culture approach to gradually stop the circumcision of women.

Culture may change or evolve. There are variousways b which Culture definitely affects the way we evaluate and judge things.
culture change -by enculturation, inculturation, and acculturation.
• Some societies consider it alright gathering vegetables at the
ENCULTURATION - "Enculturation is a process of learning from backyard of their neighbor considering that as getting a share, but
infancy until death, the components of life in one's culture." for some, it is stealing

Example:  In ancient times, human sacrifice was not wrong, but today,
it is a criminal act
South African girls grow up leaning that as a woman, she has less
rights and privileges.
• In Islamic culture and African culture (South of Sahara), having - Lack of patriotism and love of the Philippines and an actual
several wives is allowed but in other cultures, it's concubinage. preference for things foreign. Mentality

Culture has a very long-lasting hold on an individual. Kanya-kanya syndrome, talangka mentality

A person may have become highly educated imbued w ith Christian - done by chismis, intriga, unconstructive criticism. Results in
Values but if he comes from a society w ith a culture of vengeance the dampering of cooperative and community spirit.
having the sense of obligation to make an act of revenge when a
member of his tribe has been killed or harmed, he becomes
ultimately vindictive and joins his tribe seeking revenge. Lack of self- analysis and self- reflection
No amount of graduate education can prevent him from joining his - The tendency to be superficial and somewhat flighty.
tribe to seek revenge. He forgets his VALUES.
Emphasis on form rather than substance
Filipino Character:
- lack of analysis and emphasis on form is reinforced by an
Extreme Family Centeredness educational system that is more form than substance.
- using one's power to promote family interests resulting in lack of BRANCHES OF ETHICS
concern for the common good.
Extreme personalism
NORMATIVE ETHICS focused on the creation of theories that
- "take things personally" cannot separate objective tasks from provide general moral rules governing our behavior, such as
emotional involvement. Utilitarianism or Kantian Ethics. The normative ethicist, rather than
being a football player, is more like a referee who sets up the rules
Lack of Discipline
governing how the game is played.
- Impatience results in short cuts, palusot, ningas cogon. It may
NORMATIVE ETHICS The normative ethicist is like a referee
also result to inefficient work systems, violation of rules.
interested in the rules governing play. What interests him is the
Passivity and lack of initiative general theories that govern our moral behavior; how do we work
out what is right and what is wrong?
waiting to be told what to do, reliance on others, complacence, lack
of sense of urgency THE COMMENTATOR –

Colonial Mentality METAETHICS is the study of how we engage in ethics. Thus, the
metaethicist has a role more similar to a football commentator
rather than to a referee or player. The metaethicist judges and basis for determining the morality of one's act. The modern
comments on how the ethical game is being played rather than philosopher IMMANUEL KANT (1724-1804) held that there are three
advancing practical arguments, or kicking the football, themselves. moral bases that will help one uphold an ethical principle: HUMAN
For example, the metaethicist might comment on the meaning and FREEDOM, IMMORTALITY OF THE SOUL, and THE EXISTENCE OF
appropriateness of ethical language, just as the football GOD.
commentator might remark on the appropriateness of particular
tactics or set piece routines.
HUMAN FREEDOM - One can say that there is freedom because
METAETHICS The metaethicist is like a football commentator. What
man is capable of deliberation as to whether to do or not a
interests her is how the very practice of ethics works. For example,
particular act... This could not be done if he is not free. However,
the metaethicist might discuss how people use moral language; or
because man's action is determined by socio-cultural factors such as
comment on the psychology of immoral people; or ask whether
religion, customs, education, and family upbringing... and his
moral properties exist.
decisions and course of actions are determined by these, he is not
THE PLAYER – anymore free.

APPLIED ETHICS the study of how we should act in specific areas of IMMORTAL SOUL - A person has a spiritual nature way different
our lives; how we should deal with issues like meat-eating, from its physical form. And being spiritual is being immortal and the
euthanasia or stealing. To use the football analogy, the applied immortal part of a human person is the soul. Materialists oppose
ethicist kicks the philosophical football around just as a footballer this thought as they claim that our physical body is a 'material' and
kicks the ball on the field. A good, applied ethicist might score goals when it dies, the soul also dies. However, because man does not
and be successful by offering specific arguments that convince us to want to be detached from physical life, he is giving himself a hope
change our moral views in a particular corner of our lives. that there can be an immortal soul so that he can continue enjoying
his life.
APPLIED ETHICS The Applied Ethicists are like the players. They “get
their hands [or feet] dirty” . They take the general rules of normative EXISTENCE OF GOD - There are those who believe that there is a
ethics and “play” under them. What interests them is how we God who created everything, who is acting as the Supreme
should act in specific areas. For example, how should we deal with Intelligence. Everything that exists is being considered as a product
issues like meateating, euthanasia or stealing. of the goodness of God. However, non-theists would claim that if
everything is created by a God, who is the HIGHEST GOOD, then why
STANDARDS OF MORALITY Ethics focuses its concern on
is that there is evil in this world? Because there is evil in the world,
determining what good is and finding ways on how to know whether
therefore, an all-good God cannot exist.
one's action is leading to his goodness or not. But in order to know
what the good is, one has to have a principle that will set as the
Virtiue Ethics What is now virtue and how does it relate to vices?

- character based ethics. -a person must determine what a "practically wise, virtuous man"
would choose in any circumstance calling for moral choice and then
-the quality of moral excellence, righteousness, and responsibility ...
do the right thing
a specific type of moral excellence or other exemplary quality
considered meritorious, a worthy practice or ideal. -vices refer to negative character traits or habits that are considered
to be morally wrong or socially unacceptable. These can include
-employed in Aristotle's philosophy as being "that state of a thing
behaviors such as lying, stealing, cheating, being lazy, being selfish,
which constitutes its peculiar excellence and enables it to perform
being greedy, being cruel, being disrespectful, and so on. Vices are
its function well ... in man [it is] the activity of reason and of
seen as character flaws that can lead to harmful actions and have
rationally ordered habits."
negative consequences for individuals and society as a whole.

Virtue Ethics- derives from Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics (named

"Development of Good or Virtuous of Human being"
for his son, Nicomachus).

Four Disciplines / Divisions in Philosophy

HAPPINESS- -that the end of human life is happiness, and the basic
activity of human beings is to reason-a virtuous activity; therefore, 1. Descriptive or Speculative (Metaphysics): What is the nature of
the aim of human beings, according to Aristotle, is to reason well for reality?
a whole or complete life.
2. Normative (Moral): What is good and what is bad? Or what is
"Every art and every inquiry, every action and choice, seems to aim right action and wrong action?
at some good [and] the good has rightly been defined as that at
3. Practical Philosophy (Logic): Which reflects upon truth in relation
which all things aim."
to action.

4. Critical philosophy: What is truth??(Epistemology)


-ethics is taken to mean as a philosophical science that deals with • There is morality because there is man.
the morality of human conduct or human acts.
1. Man is the only Moral Being by virtue of the following reasons.
-Ethics is a philosophical science. This means that ethics is one of the
a. Man is a being of action.
many disciplines in philosophy.
b. Man has intellect.

c. Man has will.

2. Man as an Animal
-It is objective in nature. it is within a person.
3. Man as a Rational Animal
-A particular system of trait that is permanent to each person.
4. Intellect compared with will
-It is molded depending on his environment.
5. Concrete Basis of Morality
-One's character shows on how the person acts and reacts to his or
her peers and how she or he deals with everything that happens
around him or her

 The good in a glass of water - because it satisfies our thirst -

Personality does not quality water as moral.
 The good in food - because it satisfies our hunger - does not
-It is subjective. It changes at point in time.
make food moral as well.
-A set of characteristics that each person possesses.  The contention can be justified in view of the fact that not
everything which is good is moral or ethical.
-It influences how one behaves as well as one's motivation.

-The image that one presents in front of other.

Values are the object of human desire and striving; they are also the Max Scheler’s Hierarchy of Values:
subjective assessment of a particular object insofar as it is good.
Values are our beliefs, those beliefs which we hold to be true. Thus,
values inspire us to struggle towards our proximate and ultimate
Values refer to things, person, ideas or goals which are important to - PLEASURE VALUES
life; they enable us to direct, understand, and evaluate our lives.

Properties of Values:

1. Values are subjective

2. Values are objective

3. Values are relative

4. Values are bipolar

5. Values are hierarchical

Morality - Moral integrity is the only true measure of what man

ought to be.

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