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This is the basis on how the researchers are going to rate the public speaking level of the

subject in each of the following categories:

Researchers: Aguilar. Knch, Robles. Maricon, Pido. Venancio III


1.speech value-It allows you to

communicate ideas, inspire others,
persuade audiences, and convey
information effectively.
2.preparation-Preparation refers to
the process of gathering information,
organizing content, practicing
delivery, and refining
3. Delivery manner-refers to how you
use your voice, body language, facial
expressions, eye contact, confidence
4.opening-Opening refers to the
initial part of a speech or presentation
where you capture the audience's
attention, establish rapport, introduce
the topic, and set the tone for the rest
of your talk.
5.speech transition-Speech
transition refers to the smooth and
seamless way of moving from one
6.conclusion-The conclusion is the
final part of a speech or presentation
where you summarize key points,
reinforce the main message, and leave
a lasting impression on the audience.
7.notes-Notes refer to written or
digital aids that help speakers
remember key points, transitions, and
important details during their
8.posture movement-Posture
movement refers to how a speaker
uses their body positioning, gestures,
and physical movements to convey
confidence, engagement, and
emphasis during a presentation
9.participation-Participation refers
to actively engaging the audience
through interactive elements such as
questions, discussions, activities, or
involving them in the presentation
10.facial expression-Participation
refers to actively engaging the
audience through interactive elements
such as questions, discussions,
activities, or involving them in the
presentation process.
11.eye contact-Eye contact refers to
the intentional act of looking directly
at individuals in the audience while
delivering a speech or presentation.
12.voice-Vocal quality refers to the
characteristics of your voice,
including tone, pitch, volume, pace,
and articulation, which collectively
influence how your message is
received and understood by the
words refer to the choice of
vocabulary, tone, and style used by a
speaker to effectively communicate
ideas, convey emotions, and engage
the audience during a presentation or
14.grammar-Grammar refers to the
correct usage of language rules,
including sentence structure, verb
tense, subject-verb agreement, and
punctuation, to ensure clarity,
coherence, and professionalism in
delivering a speech or presentation.
15.humor-Humor refer to the
intentional use of jokes,
anecdotes, or witty remarks to
entertain the audience, lighten
the mood, and enhance
engagement during a speech or

16.timing-Timing/pauses refer to the

strategic use of breaks, silences, or
pauses to create emphasis, allow for
audience reflection, and enhance the
overall delivery and impact of a
speech or presentation.
17.visual aids-Visual aids are any
visual elements, such as slides, charts,
diagrams, videos, or props, used to
enhance the audience's understanding,
retention, and engagement during a
18.manual goal-Manual goals in
public speaking refer to specific
objectives or targets that a speaker
sets for themselves related to
improving their speech delivery,
content organization, audience
engagement, or overall effectiveness
in public speaking.

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