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Great Marketing Makes Selling Unnecessary!

Date Added : August 19, 2010 Views :

8y ur Cary
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I was listening to my proIessor, internationally Iamous management guru, Peter F. Drucker, talk
about entrepreneurship, when suddenly he made a stark statement:
"II your marketing is good enough, then selling becomes unnecessary."
He meant when you have devised the right product, at the right price, and it is promoted capably,
then the world WILL beat a path to your door. You don't have to twist anybody's arm to buy.
Willing buyers will see so much value in your proposition that they'll giddily part with their
money in trade Ior it.
I know, this seems like a Iairy tale or a daydream, but I've actually experienced this Irictionless
situation, and it is, indeed something to behold.
When I started oIIering seminars around the country, I developed one program that showed
companies how to substitute more eIIective communication Ior much more expensive, and less
eIIicient business travel. Soaring gas prices aIIlicted the country, so it was Iairly easy to say:
(1) You have a need;
(2) It's important;
(3) I can address it; and
(4) No one else oIIers an equivalent solution.
For approximately eighteen months, I stood alone, along with my seminar partners, in oIIering
this solution, and that Iact enabled me to do several things, not the least oI which was to raise my
prices several times, and proIit nicely.
Then, as is the natural course oI things, competitors sprang up, conIusion in the market was
created by competing claims, product diIIerentiation had to be made, and downward pressure on
prices and proIits occurred.
In short, selling had to get underway, and Iast!
For one oI the best current examples you need look no Iurther than Apple's iPod series. At this
moment, it has no viable competition, it is Iree to get its oIIering price, discounting is rare, and
generally, customer satisIaction is high.
This window, Irom which Apple can see perIectly blue skies, smooth sailing, and a stock
valuation that surprisingly surpassed that oI Dell, won't last long.
II Apple is really, really clever, it will create another marketing breakthrough--a must-have,
peerless product.
II it Ialters, it will simply have to learn how to sell, along with most other companies!
Privatization of Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation - a survey
,re Lhan slx mnLhs have passed slnce Lhe flaLaLln f Lhe Lw masslve publlc fferlngs f Lhe 1C
vuchers cnverLlble L shares 1he hlgh sLaLe f euphrla whlch grlpped Lhe peple ln AugusL and
SepLember 1994 ls n lnger Lhere 1he rlvaLlzaLln Cmmlssln ls wnderlng why Lhe shares f such a
prflLable cmpany have falled L meeL Lhe expecLaLlns and Lhe peple parLlcularly Lhse wh bughL
Lhe vuchers/shares afLer Lhe flrsL fferlng are wrrled abuL Lhelr lnvesLmenLs 1hls arLlcle Lraces
ma[r develpmenLs ln Lhe prlvaLlzaLln f Lhe 1C and ldenLlfles sme f Lhe facLrs respnslble fr Lhe
pr perfrmance f 1C shares ln Lhe lcal and lnLernaLlnal equlLy markeLs
The PTC privatization is being undertaken to realise multiple goals oI achieving eIIiciency in the
provision oI telecommunications services, meeting growing demand, creating conducive
environment to beneIit Irom the technology revolution and to generate cash Ior the resource
starved government. The government oI Pakistan has been Iollowing gradual measures to
involve private enterprise in the telecommunications sector Ior the last Iew years. As apart oI this
eIIort the Telephone and Telex department was granted Iurther autonomy in 1990 to become
Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation, and licences were granted to private companies to
operate mobile telecoms, card phones and pager Iacilities. Other services such as Iacsimile, data,
Iixed and cellular mobile communications, global satellite services and Iibre optics have changed
the way telecom networks are developed, marketed and operated.
The decision in 1990 to convert T&T department to PTC was a signiIicant step towards
inculcating dynamism in the telecom sector. An ordinance was issued whereby the T&T
department became a 100 per cent government owned corporation. The ordinance was converted
into an act oI parliament in 1991. PTC, as a legal entity, was given the mandate to plan, expand
and operate telecom service in the country. Its Board oI Directors had powers to enter into
domestic and Ioreign loans Irom sources oI its choice. The PTC authorities claim to have realised
miracles aIter the reIorms in 1990. The capacity oI the corporation increased Irom 850,000 lines
in 1990 to almost 2.5 million lines by June 1994, an increase oI around 300 per cent.
Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation is one oI the largest and the most proIitable business
entity. PTC's net annual proIit oI Rs. 14 billion Ior 1992-93 exceeds the accumulated proIits oI
all the publicly traded companies in the country. The company's market value based on the share
price at the time oI second public oIIering was estimated at Rs. 204 billion amounting to 60
percent oI the capitalisation oI the entire Karachi Stock Exchange.
The sector reIorm process caught Iurther momentum in early 1994 when government took a
number oI policy initiatives. In July 1994, a legal strength was imparted to the process by
promulgating Pakistan Telecommunication Ordinance, that commenced the implementation oI
the privatization programme. The government decided to sell 26 per cent shares oI the PTC to
the domestic and Ioreign investors. The salient Ieatures oI the telecommunications sector reIorm
are as Iollows:-
i) To establish legal and regulatory Iramework within which providers oI telecommunications
equipment and services can make long-term plans Ior investments. The new regulatory regime
will be administered by the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) which will oversee
the perIormance and regulate the telecommunications operators.
ii) To establish National Telecommunications Corporation Ior provision oI telecommunications
services Ior deIence, Iederal and provincial governments and local authorities.
(iii) Pakistan Telecommunications Corporation will be privatized and the new company
("PCTL") will be granted a renewable 25 year licence, the Iirst seven years oI which will give
the new company the exclusive right to provide basic telephone Iacilities. The new PTC will also
be obligated, under this licence, to meet pre-assigned target Ior the expansion oI its network and
improvement in the quality oI service.
iv) Telecommunications services in Pakistan, including basic telephony, aIter the seven year
period oI exclusivity, will be open to competition subject to the policies oI the government.
v) To attract investment government has proceeded with:
a) Floatation oI PTC vouchers oI Rs. 3 billion exchangeable into shares oI PTCL. The vouchers
each oI Rs. 3000 worth shall be converted into 100 ordinary shares oI Rs. 30 each within two
years oI Iloatation.
b) International placement oI 5 billion PTC vouchers, 9.8 per cent oI PTC equity (worth US $
900 million) and
c) The sale oI 26 percent oI stake to strategic investors, probably including one or more leading
international operators. The government would undertake subsequent sale oI a part oI it
remaining stake in one or more tranches, as market conditions permit, to both Pakistani and
international investors.

Crysta| eps| Lxcuse me?! 8y d[brlguy

WhaL were Lhey Lhlnklng?

n reallyr WhaL were Lhey Lhlnklng??

lr sme reasn epsl lgnred Lhe hlsLrlc cncepL lf lL alnrL brke n flx lL

In 1992, Pepsi tried to jump on a Iitness bandwagon and introduced Crystal Pepsi to the masses.
They wanted people to think that because it was clear lL was healLhler I donL blame pepsi Ior
thinking this though 1hls was Lhe same Llme LhaL sap and cleaning products were also
introduced in clear frmr I guess you can say there was a Clear-Craze r smeLhlng

Ah, the Superbowl commercial Ior Crystal PepsiVan Halens Right Now! With crazy sporadic
images oI Crystal Clear Pepsi Ilying all over the screen.

The best part about crystal pepsi, is it conIused the consumer. Consumers who enjoyed a Cola
would obviously buy a dark product. People who preIer Un-Cola would obviously buy a clear
product (7-up, sprite, etc.) So Crystal Pepsi didnt appeal to anyone. My dad lived oII oI Pepsi,
and he hated Crystal Pepsi. What is Iunny, is it taste exactly the same. II you say it tasted
diIIerent, youre lying, or are conIused. It had the identical ingredients.

Not much more to write about Crystal Pepsi other than it was a joke. But I must admit I enjoyed
drinking it.

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