Assignment CrackerCompany

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The Crack-Crack Company (Fiction company) launched 2 new products: cheese crackers
(100gr) and seaweed crackers (100gr) that follow the procedure below:

Ingredients → Mixing → Doughing → Forming → Baking → Spraying → Cooling → Packing

Please complete the following requirements:

1. Propose bill of materials (BOM) used to produce those 02 craker products (in table format)
(1,0 point)
2. Describe the business processes (Sub Processes and Activities) of each Sub Process of
Crackers for Order To Cash (O2C), Purchase To Pay (P2P) and Make To Stock (M2S) (1,5
3. Demo with Odoo about Orders via Web Order, via POS and Salesperson creating Orders
(2,5 đ points)
4. Demo with Odoo Purchase process to buy materials according to BOM (according to
requirement 1) from many suppliers (2.0 points)
5. Demo with Odoo the production processes to create 2 cracker products above (2.0 points)
6. Build scenarios (Specified operations) and demo Odoo: Make-To-Order (M2O) (customer
ordering process, purchasing raw materials from suppliers, manufacturing according to the
bomb above to finished goods inventory and delivery of products according to orders) (1.0
- This is a group assignment. Assignments that are identical or copied from
other sources will get zero point for this course.
- Please carefully read the rubric evaluating this assignment in the next page to
best prepare for the group submission.

Critera Level 4 (80% - 100%) Level 3 (60% - 79%) Level 2 (30% - 59%) Level 1 (0% - 30%)

1.Bill of materials Describe in detail and clearly The description is missing a The description is Incorrect description of
the BOM of both products few small components or does missing many important most components or
and shows the difference of not show the difference ingredients or only failure to fulfill this
BOM of two products between the BOMs of the two describes 1 of the 2 requirement
products product
2.Business Describe in detail and clearly The description is missing a The description is Incorrect description of
processes the BP of the three products few small components or does missing many important most components or
and shows the difference of not show the difference ingredients or only failure to fulfill this
them between them or just describes 1 of the 3 requirement
completion 2 of 3 BPs product
3.Demo Order Successful and clear demo of The demo did not go smoothly Demo did not go through Demo does not meet
process the process steps with some steps or only most of the steps or only requirements or cannot
completed 2/3 of the completed less than 1/2 be performed
requirements of the requirements
4.Demo Successful and clear demo of The demo did not go smoothly Demo did not go through Demo does not meet
Purchase the process steps with some steps or only most of the steps or only requirements or cannot
process completed 2/3 of the completed less than 1/2 be performed
requirements of the requirements
5.Demo Successful and clear demo of The demo did not go smoothly Demo did not go through Demo does not meet
production the process steps with some steps or only most of the steps or only requirements or cannot
processes completed 2/3 of the completed less than 1/2 be performed
requirements of the requirements
6.Specified Good script and complete The script has a few The script has many
operations demo, clear and detailed unreasonable places or only unreasonable places or Bad script or
steps demos 2/3 of the steps of the only demos 1/2 of the impossible demo
process steps of the process

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