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Answer the questions with a cross in the box you think is correct . If you change your mind about an

answer, put a line through the box and then mark your new answer with a cross .
The diagram shows a bacterium with structures A, B, C, D and E labelled.

(a) (i) Which structure contains the genetic material used by the bacterium in reproduction?

(ii) Which structure controls the substances entering and leaving the bacterium?(1)

(b) Give three differences between the structure of this bacterium and the structure of a plant cell.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................
2 ..........................................................................................................................................
3 ..........................................................................................................................................

(Total for question = 5 marks)


The diagram shows a cell found in the lining of the human small intestine.

(a) (i) Which of the labelled structures is a microvillus? (1)


(ii) Which of the labelled structures produces ATP?(1)


(b) These cells form the lining of the small intestine.

Explain how the structure of the small intestine is adapted for absorption.(4)

(c) Cells in the human placenta also have microvilli.
Describe the role of the human placenta.

(Total for question = 9 marks)


The diagram shows a single-celled organism called Chlorella that lives in fresh water.
Chlorella has a chloroplast and can photosynthesise.

(a) (i) Which of these groups of organisms contains Chlorella?

A animals
B bacteria
C plants
D protoctists

(ii) Which of these labelled structures would also be present in an animal cell?
A cell membrane and chloroplast
B cell membrane and mitochondrion
C cell wall and chloroplast
D cell wall and mitochondrion

(b) Complete the balanced chemical symbol equation for photosynthesis.

.............................................................. + ..............................................................
.............................................................. + 6O2
(c) The graph shows the effect of light intensity on gas exchange by Chlorella.

(i) Explain why Chlorella takes in oxygen at light intensities below 10 arbitrary units.(2)
(ii) Explain the changes in the volume of oxygen released as the light intensity increases from 10 arbitrary units.
(iii) The volume of oxygen released by Chlorella is the difference between the oxygen produced by
photosynthesis and the oxygen taken in. Use the graph to calculate the volume of oxygen produced in five
minutes by photosynthesis at a light intensity of 50 arbitrary units.(2)

volume of oxygen = .................................................................. mm3

(d) Describe how hydrogen-carbonate indicator could be used to investigate the effect of light intensity on carbon
dioxide exchange by Chlorella.

(Total for question = 14 marks)


The diagram shows the position of some hormone producing glands in the female body.

(a) Which of these structures is the adrenal gland?


(b) The adrenal gland is an organ that secretes adrenaline.

State what is meant by the term organ.
(c) Adrenaline is released into the blood when there is danger.
The list gives the effects of adrenaline on different parts of the body.

· dilates the pupil in the eye

· increases heart rate
· narrows small arteries in the intestine
· converts glycogen into glucose in the liver
Explain the advantages of these effects to a person in danger.

(Total for question = 7 marks)


The diagram shows the human alimentary canal.

(a) (i) Explain how food passes down the oesophagus.(2)

(ii) Which labelled structure produces bile?

(iii) Describe the role of bile in digestion.


(b) Lipase inhibitors are chemicals that bind to lipase enzymes.
To test the effect of a lipase inhibitor, equal masses of full fat milk are placed into two test tubes.
Lipase inhibitor is added to one test tube.
Lipase is added to both test tubes and the pH of each solution is measured every five minutes.
The results are shown in the table.

(i) Calculate the mean rate of pH change per minute of the solution without lipase inhibitor.

mean rate of pH change = ........................................................... per minute

(ii) Explain the difference in the changes of pH of the solutions in the two test tubes during the 20-minute period.
(iii) Doctors use this method to investigate the use of lipase inhibitor as a treatment for obesity.

· give three volunteers a tablet containing the lipase inhibitor

· give another three volunteers a tablet with no lipase inhibitor
· give all the volunteers 100 cm3 of olive oil to drink
· measure the lipid concentrations in the blood of the volunteers after three hours
Some of the volunteers reported abdominal pains three hours after drinking the olive oil.
The table shows the doctors' results.

Discuss the use of the lipase inhibitor as a treatment for obesity.

Use the data from the table to support your answer.

(Total for question = 15 marks)


P. multocida is a bacterium that causes cholera in chickens.

The diagram shows the bacterium.

(a) Give two structures in this bacterium that are also found in all eukaryotic cells.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................
2 ..........................................................................................................................................
(b) Scientists investigated the survival of chickens injected with normal P. multocida or with weakened P. multocida.
The table shows the scientists' results.

(i) What is a correct conclusion about P. multocida from these results?

A they are decomposers
B they are pathogens
C they are microscopic
D they are non-living

(ii) The scientists took the living chickens that had been injected with weakened P. multocida and then injected
with normal P. multocida.
The chickens did not die, as they were now immune.
Explain why these chickens did not die.

(Total for question = 7 marks)


Beta thalassaemia is a genetic condition caused by a mutation in a gene for haemoglobin.

People with beta thalassaemia produce less haemoglobin and fewer red blood cells than people without the
(a) Explain why people with beta thalassaemia may experience severe tiredness.
(b) A new treatment for beta thalassaemia has been developed that edits the haemoglobin gene. These are the
steps in the treatment.
• remove blood stem cells from a patient's bone marrow
• put a strand of RNA and an enzyme into the blood stem cells to correct the haemoglobin gene
• use drugs to destroy the patient's remaining bone marrow cells
• replace the patient's bone marrow cells with the modified stem cells
The modified stem cells that are in the bone marrow now produce red blood cells containing sufficient
(i) The strand of RNA used in this treatment is complementary to one strand of the DNA in the haemoglobin
Give the base sequence of RNA that is complementary to this sequence of DNA.(2)
DNA strand
RNA strand .............................................................................................................................................
(ii) Protein synthesis of the modified gene will produce haemoglobin.
Describe the stages of this protein synthesis.(4)

(iii) The standard treatment for beta thalassaemia is a weekly blood transfusion.
The new treatment has so far been tested on two patients, with these results.
• both patients started making large numbers of red blood cells with sufficient haemoglobin
• both patients experienced serious side effects from the drugs used, needing to spend several months in
isolation in hospital before recovering
• 15 months after the treatment, neither patient required further blood transfusions
• both patients were able to exercise normally without feeling tired
Evaluate the use of the new treatment compared to weekly blood transfusions.

(Total for question = 12 marks)


Read the passage below. Use the information in the passage and your own knowledge to answer the questions that

(a) Name the type of cell that produces antibodies. (Lines 8 and 9)
(b) Human blood groups are controlled by three alleles, IA, IB and IO.
The IA and IB alleles are codominant and the IO allele is recessive.
(i) State what is meant by the term codominant.
(ii) Two parents have genotypes of IAIO and IBIO.
Which of these are all the possible blood groups of their children?
A A and B
B A, B and O
C AB and O
D A, B, AB and O

(c) Calculate the number of blood donations collected per year from the high-income countries. (Lines 14 and 15)
Give your answer in standard form.

(d) Some scientists have suggested that spherical artificial red blood cells transport oxygen less efficiently than
normal human red blood cells.
Explain why the shape of the artificial red blood cells reduces the efficiency of oxygen transport compared to
normal human red blood cells. (Lines 18 and 19)
(e) Suggest why artificial blood does not clot when stored. (Lines 26 and 27)
(f) Explain why the artificial red blood cells are suspended in sodium chloride solution instead of in water. (Line 20)
(g) (i) Explain why stem cells can be used to make large quantities of red blood cells. (Lines 22 and 23)
(ii) Suggest why the scientists made red blood cells with blood group O. (Lines 22 and 23)

(h) Give two substances found in blood plasma that are not present in the artificial blood. (Lines 28 and 29)
1 ..........................................................................................................................................
2 ..........................................................................................................................................

(Total for question = 17 marks)


Blood consists of cells and plasma.

(a) Plasma transports various substances to and from different parts of the body.
Describe the function of plasma in transporting named substances in the body.
(b) The diagram shows a white blood cell called a phagocyte.

(i) The magnification of the cell is calculated using this formula.

The actual diameter of the cell is 0.013 mm.
Calculate the magnification of the cell.

magnification = ...........................................................
(ii) Name the structure labelled A in the diagram.
(iii) Describe the function of this cell in defending the body from infection.
(c) Other white blood cells produce proteins called antibodies.
State how you could test a sample of plasma for protein.

(Total for question = 10 marks)


As an embryo develops, its cells differentiate.

(a) Explain the importance of cell differentiation in the development of the growing embryo.
(b) (i) Which of these is a feature of adult stem cells?
A they do not divide
B they divide by meiosis
C they can become all cell types
D they are found in some tissues and organs

(ii) Adult stem cells or embryonic stem cells can be used in medical treatments.
Explain why the choice between these two types of stem cells can cause issues for doctors.

(Total for question = 5 marks)


The diagram shows a plant cell in distilled water and a plant cell in a concentrated solution of sodium chloride.

(a) (i) Which structure is labelled M?

A cell membrane
B cell wall
C nucleus
D vacuole

(ii) Which structure is labelled N?

A cell membrane
B cell wall
C cytoplasm
D vacuole

(b) (i) Give the name of the liquid found in the gap labelled O in the cell in the concentrated solution of sodium
(ii) Explain the differences in the appearance of the cell in distilled water and the cell in the concentrated solution
of sodium chloride.
(c) Describe an experiment you could do to show how different concentrations of sodium chloride solution affect the
appearance of plant cells.

(Total for question = 11 marks)


The diagram shows Chlamydomonas, a single-celled protoctist that is found in water.

(a) Name the structures labelled A and B.

A ..........................................................................................................................................
B ..........................................................................................................................................
(b) (i) Chlamydomonas has some structures that are normally found in plant cells, but not found in animal cells.
Name two of these structures.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................
2 ..........................................................................................................................................
(ii) State why Chlamydomonas is not classified as a plant.
(c) Explain how Chlamydomonas obtains energy.
(d) Chlamydomonas has flagella.
Suggest a function of these flagella.
(e) The magnification of the cell in the diagram is calculated using this formula.

The actual length of the cell is 15 μm.
Calculate the magnification of the diagram.

magnification = ...........................................................

(Total for question = 10 marks)


Cholesterol is needed in the diet for making cell membranes.

(a) State the role of the cell membrane.
(b) Too much cholesterol is a health risk because fatty deposits build up in arteries.
The lumen of an artery had a diameter of 4.0 mm before the build-up of a fatty deposit.
The fatty deposit covers 45% of the original area of the lumen.
Calculate the area in mm2 of the lumen that is available for blood flow.
[area of the lumen = πr2]
[π = 3.14]

area = ........................................................... mm2

(c) A scientist tests the blood cholesterol concentration in a sample of men between 25 and 34 years old.
The scientist groups the men in ranges of blood cholesterol concentration and counts the number of men in each
The table gives the scientist's results.

(i) Plot a suitable graph on the grid to show these results.(5)

(ii) Which range of blood cholesterol levels is the mode for this sample?
A 80 to 119
B 80 to 379
C 160 to 199
D 360 to 399

(iii) A blood cholesterol level greater than 239 mg per 100 cm3 means a person has a higher risk of heart
Calculate the percentage of men in the sample at a higher risk of heart disease.

percentage = ........................................................... %

(d) Statins are drugs that reduce blood cholesterol levels.
A scientist investigates the use of one type of statin on the risk of having a heart attack.
He gives the statin to one group of people and gives a control substance to another group of people.
He calculates the percentage of people in each group that have a heart attack during the next four years.
The table gives the scientist's results.

A conclusion from this data is that statins reduce the risk of heart attacks.
Discuss this conclusion.

(Total for question = 15 marks)


The diagram shows a human sperm cell.

(a) What is the maximum number of X chromosomes found in the nucleus of a sperm cell?
A 0
B 1
C 2
D 23

(b) The middle piece of the sperm cell contains mitochondria.

Explain the function of these mitochondria.
(c) The acrosome contains digestive enzymes.
Suggest the function of the acrosome.
(d) Describe the route taken by a sperm cell from when it enters the woman's body to the site of fertilisation of the

(Total for question = 7 marks)

The diagram shows part of the digestive system of a cow.

(a) Name the parts labelled P and Q.(2)

P ..........................................................................................................................................
Q ..........................................................................................................................................
(b) The cow's stomach contains microorganisms that digest plant cell walls.
Suggest why these microorganisms are useful to a cow.(2)
(c) Farmers keep cows to produce milk.
Injecting cows with growth hormone (GH) will increase milk production. This allows farmers to obtain the same
volume of milk from fewer cows. Digestion in cows releases methane gas into the atmosphere.
A scientist claims that injecting GH into cows would reduce climate change.
Comment on this claim.(4)

(Total for question = 8 marks)


(a) The diagram shows a plant cell.

(i) Which part of this cell contains chlorophyll?


(ii) Which of these is found in chlorophyll?

A calcium
B iron
C magnesium
D water

(iii) Describe the role of chlorophyll.(2)

(b) Which of these is an example of positive phototropism?
A a plant root growing away from light
B a plant root growing downwards due to gravity
C a plant stem growing towards light
D a plant stem growing upwards due to gravity

(c) The table lists the roles of some substances found in living organisms.
Complete the table by naming each substance.
The first one has been done for you.

(Total for question = 8 marks)


A student investigates the effect of light intensity on photosynthesis in leaf discs.

This is the student's method.

· cut equal sized discs from a leaf

· remove the plunger from a 20 cm3 syringe and place a disc into the syringe
· replace the plunger in the syringe and fill the syringe with 2% sodium hydrogen carbonate solution, which
provides carbon dioxide
· place thumb over the end of the syringe and pull the plunger back until the disc sinks
· position the syringe vertically
· place a lamp five centimetres from the syringe
· record the time taken for the leaf disc to rise to the top of the syringe
· repeat the experiment with the lamp at increasing distances from the syringe
The leaf discs rise in the solution due to the production of gas during photosynthesis.
The diagram shows some of the apparatus used.

(a) Give the balanced chemical symbol equation for photosynthesis.

(b) (i) State how the student could improve the reliability of their results.
(ii) Give the dependent variable in the investigation.

(c) The graph shows the results of the investigation. Time taken

Explain the effect of increasing the distance of the lamp on the time taken for the leaf disc to rise to the top of the
(d) Describe how the student could test the leaf discs for the presence of starch.

(Total for question = 11 marks)

The diagram shows a root cell from a plant with structures labelled W, X, Y and Z.

(a) (i) Which structure is the nucleus?(1)


(ii) Which structure is not found in human white blood cells?(1)


(iii) Which molecule is the storage carbohydrate in the root cell?(1)

A glucose
B glycerol
C glycogen
D starch

(b) The actual width of the cell from P to Q is 125 μm.

Determine the magnification of the diagram.
[1 mm = 1000 μm] (3)

magnification = ...........................................................

(Total for question = 6 marks)


The diagram shows a yeast cell.

(a) (i) In which of the labelled structures in the yeast cell does aerobic respiration occur?
A mitochondrion
B nucleus
C ribosome
D vacuole

(ii) What substance is the yeast cell wall made of?

A cellulose
B chitin
C glycogen
D starch

(iii) Which of these structures found in the yeast cell would also be present in a prokaryotic cell?
A cell membrane
B mitochondrion
C nucleus
D vacuole

(b) Yeast cells are often used when making bread.

A student uses this method to investigate the effect of temperature on the height that bread dough rises.

· place dough containing flour, sugar, water and yeast into a measuring cylinder
· measure the height of the dough
· place the measuring cylinder in a 25 °C water bath
· measure the height of the dough after two hours
· repeat the experiment at temperatures of 35 °C and 65 °C
The diagram shows the student's apparatus.

The table shows the student's results.

(i) Calculate the percentage increase in the height of the dough after two hours at a temperature of 35 °C.(2)

percentage increase = ........................................................... %

(ii) Explain why yeast causes the bread dough to increase in height.(2)
(iii) Explain why the dough rises to a different height at 25 °C compared with the height at 35 °C.(2)
(iv) Explain why the dough rises to a different height at 35 °C compared with the height at 65 °C.(2)

(Total for question = 11 marks)


The diagram shows a magnified image of a root hair cell from a young plant.

(a) Give the names of structures labelled W, X, Y and Z.

W ..........................................................................................................................................
X ..........................................................................................................................................
Y ..........................................................................................................................................
Z ..........................................................................................................................................
(b) The actual length of the cell, along the line between A and B, is 1000 μm.
Calculate the magnification of this drawing.(2)

magnification = ...........................................................
(c) (i) Explain the role of the root hair cell in absorption of water from the soil.(3)

(ii) Sometimes gardeners give their plants too much water. The water fills up the air spaces in the soil around
the plant roots.
Explain how this can lead to plants failing to grow properly.

(Total for question = 12 marks)


The skin is an organ involved in temperature regulation.

(a) State why the skin is described as an organ.
(b) The diagram shows a section of human skin.

(i) Explain how the skin capillaries regulate body temperature when the body temperature increases.
(ii) Some people have suggested that drinking warm drinks may cool the body because it increases the rate of
sweat production.

Design an investigation to determine whether drinking warm drinks increases the rate of sweat production.
Include experimental details in your answer and write in full sentences.

(Total for question = 10 marks)


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