Link L4 End Year Testb

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Name: __________________________________ END-OF-YEAR TEST B

Vocabulary 1 Adrianna _________ eats breakfast in the

1 Dopasuj czasowniki (1–5) do rzeczowników 2 She _________ rides her bike to school.
(a–e), tak aby utworzyły nazwy codziennych 3 She _________ walks to school.
4 She _________ watches TV in the evening.
1 watch a books 5 She _________ reads before bedtime.
2 go b shopping 5 5
3 read c computer games
5 Zakreśl właściwy zaimek wskazujący.
4 play d photos
5 take e TV 1 I don’t want to visit those / that country.
2 Can you see these / those boats on the sea?
5 5
3 Look at this / that helicopter in the sky.
2 Zakreśl bardziej prawdopodobną odpowiedź. 4 This / Those is my sister, Magda.
1 I get up early and wash my face / bus. 5 This / These are my new shoes.
2 She rides her lorry / bike to school every day. 5 5
3 My dad collects shopping centres /
superhero figures. Reading
4 We don’t have a door / TV in our house. 6 Przeczytaj e-mail Sandra do Marika. Następnie
5 I eat my breakfast in the bedtime / morning. oznacz każde z poniższych stwierdzeń literą
S (Sandra) lub M (Marika).
5 5

Grammar Hi Marika,
My new school is great. I love the after-school clubs –
3 Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą czasowników there is so much to try.
w nawiasach w czasie present continuous. On Mondays I go to a fun club where we make models
1 Are you _________ (watch) the TV? of local buildings. Last week, I made a model of the
2 They’re _________ (read) the same book. library. Next week, we’re making the museum. But
nothing I make is like your cakes!
3 Who are you _________ (talk) to?
Every Wednesday, school finishes early for sports.
4 She’s not _________ (go) to school today. I usually play football or tennis. Some of my new
5 What are you _________ (listen) to? friends play basketball, but I don’t like that.
5 5 On Fridays, there’s music club. I’m learning to play the
guitar and the piano. Are you singing lots? I miss your
4 Zapoznaj się z informacjami w tabeli i uzupełnij
singing. I want to learn to play your favourite song!
zdania właściwymi przysłówkami częstotliwości.
See you again soon.
Adrianna’s Week Sandra

1 doesn’t go to a new school


2 makes models

3 makes cakes
eats breakfast 4 sings
in the morning
5 plays football
rides bike to
5 5

walks to school

watches TV in
the evening
reads before

Link dla Klasy lV End-of-Year Test B PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Name: __________________________________ END-OF-YEAR TEST B

7 01 Wysłuchaj rozmowy w kafejce. Uzupełnij
zdania. 10 Zakreśl nazwy ubrań, które powinno się nosić
w opisanych sytuacjach. Następnie uzupełnij
1 Luc would like _________________________.
zdania w czasie present continuous.
2 Luc’s lunch is £ ________________________.
1 It’s hot. (scarf / jacket / flip-flops)
3 Jess doesn’t want any ___________________.
They ________________________________.
4 A salad is £ ___________________________.
2 It’s cold. (flip-flops / scarf / skirt)
5 Jess would like ________________________.
I ____________________________________.
5 5
3 It’s wet. (jacket / shorts / T-shirt)
Speaking He __________________________________.
4 It’s cloudy. (shorts / jumper / skirt)
8 Uzupełnij rozmowę wyrażeniami z ramki.
She _________________________________.
not sandwiches would you like 5 It’s sunny. (T-shirt / jumper / jacket)
great idea let’s have no thanks We __________________________________.
A I’m hungry! 5 5
B Let’s make some sandwiches. 11 Napisz zdania o Chrisie. Wykorzystaj podane
A Oh no, 1___________________. I want przyimki.
something hot.
B 2___________________ a burger?
A 3___________________. I don’t like them. 1
B OK. 4___________________ a pizza.
A That’s a 5___________________! Let’s between
get started.
5 5 ________________________
9 Wyobraź sobie muzeum zabawek. Napisz krótką
notatkę informującą gości, co mogą tam
zobaczyć. Użyj 25–40 wyrazów. Uwzględnij: ________________________
• przykłady znajdujących się tam przedmiotów,
• informację na temat tego, co można i czego on
nie można tam robić.
________________________________________ ________________________
________________________________________ next to
________________________________________ ________________________
________________________________________ ________________________
5 5
5 5
Total Marks 45
Total with Extra 55

Link dla Klasy lV End-of-Year Test B PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

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