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(BUILD 96)


DOCUMENT ID: DOC-012269 Rev:02, Change Order: ECO#17503

Copyright © 2014 Natus Neurology

The information in this publication is provided for reference only. All information contained in this
publication is believed to be correct and complete. Natus Neurology shall not be liable for errors
contained herein nor for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing,
performance, or use of this material. All product specifications, as well as the information
contained in this publication, are subject to change without notice.

This publication may contain or reference information and products protected by copyrights or
patents and does not convey any license under the patent rights of Natus Neurology, nor the
rights of others. Natus Neurology does not assume any liability arising out of any infringements
of patents or other rights of third parties.

All rights reserved. This document contains confidential or proprietary information of XLTEK No
part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without
the written permission of Natus Neurology, division of Natus.

Natus Neurology makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including but not
limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness of a particular purpose.

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Document Template ID: RELN-000000, Rev 3, DCO#5899

Introduction ......................................................................................................... 3
Software Version................................................................................................. 3
Hardware verified with this release: .................................................................. 3
Hardware not supported with this release: ...................................................... 3
Software History ................................................................................................. 4
EPWorks 5.0 implements the following features: ........................................................ 4
The original EPWorks 4.0 implemented these features: .............................................. 4
Improvements in Patch 5 of EPWorks 4.0................................................................... 5
Improvements in Patch 4 of EPWorks 4.0................................................................... 5
Improvements in Patch 3 of EPWorks 4.0................................................................... 5
Improvements in Patch 2 of EPWorks 4.0................................................................... 6
Improvements in Patch 1 of EPWorks 4.0................................................................... 6
Improvements in GMA release of EPWorks 4.0 .......................................................... 6
Known Defects .................................................................................................... 7

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This document describes the release notes for the EPWorks 6.0 software release.
We welcome your feedback and suggestions regarding any aspect of the IOM system and
software, the online help, our line of accessories, or our support services. Please contact your
Natus customer service representative at 1-800-387-7516 or if you have any
questions or suggestions.

Software Version
EPWorks 6.0 build 96

Hardware verified with this release:

 Protektor32 IOM system. (laptop and desktop)
 Protektor IOM system. (laptop and desktop)

Hardware not supported with this release:

 EP-16, EP-8

Installation Details

If a previous installation of EPWorks is installed and is older than EPWorks 5.0:

If EPWorks is installed (e.g. version 4.0 / 3.x) it must be uninstalled. (The installation will
detect the previous version and will block the install until it is removed.) -
To preserve test protocols and EEG montages: Backup the full contents of the folder
C:\Program Files\XLTEK\EPWorks\UserData\ and restore it to the same location once
new version is installed. Note that on Windows 7 64-bit system the path is slightly
different: C:\Program Files (x86)\XLTEK\EPWorks\UserData\

Launch Setup.exe and accept the installation of EPWorks 6.0. The installation is automatic
from this point on, the full EPWorks and Portal suite is installed in the default location. (Unlike
previous versions of the software, there are no codes to be entered.)

If other user accounts on the target computer will also need access to EPWorks it is strongly
suggested to permanently store the MSI installation package somewhere on the system for
easy access later.

For remote review systems, if EPWorks/Portals will be used from a user account with non-
administrative privileges the first time EPWorks is run from the main user account go to the
Tools menu and select 'Allow Non-Admin Users' option.

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Software History
EPWorks 6.0 implements the following features:
 Support for 16/32 channel licenced Protektor32 systems
 Improved Low current saturation detection.
 Improved management of test menu items.
 Allow exporting to text of non- averaged waveform data.

EPWorks 6.0 fixed the following issues:

 Change default VEP “CRT monitor warm-up” delay to 5 seconds
 Settings corruption when removing a stimulator from the test settings
 Issue resolution to Crash when creating pure EEG test from scratch
 Issue resolution to Automated Pedicle Screw Table in reports
 Fix non-functioning report field property editors.
 CSA/DSA graphs missing time labels in last row
 In remote monitoring, if the freerun is stopped by a remote system without control rights,
the system will stop updating the remote freerun waveform. (Local acquisition remains
 In remote monitoring without control rights, if the stimulator intensity slider is moved, the
remote system may crash. (Local acquisition remains unchanged)
 Using low-voltage biphasic probe on Protektor32 can cause electrical stimulator to limit
subsequent high-output stimulations.

EPWorks 5.0 implemented the following features:

 Support for Windows7
 Ability to use Remote Monitoring from a system without Windows Administrative
 Localization into French, German, Italian and Spanish languages.

EPWorks 4.0 implemented these features:

 Support for the new 32 channel system (Protektor32)
o 32 channels, 128 traces
o TceMEP stimulator
o Oximeter integration
 Custom fields in Study dialog and reports
 Area-under-the-curve calculations
 Automatic latency precision
 Improved UI for stimulator interleaving setup
 Remote Portal - remote user not allowed to start or stop any stimulators (irrespective of
the Local Portal settings)
 Notes file saved with backups

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Improvements in Patch 5 of EPWorks 4.0

 Improved handling of cautery events
 Averaged readings automatically resumed after communications recovery
 Allow user to close application even if in recovery.
 Fix for newly added traces not being visible when using group splitting.
 Option to use TceMEP priming pulses as trigger point
 Fixed issue with too many authorization messages being shown when stimulators are
selected on Remote systems
 Noise Analyzer Advanced settings now disabled by default

Improvements in Patch 4 of EPWorks 4.0

 For Protektor32 users, this patch release allows the user to:
o Analyze the noise spectrum for any channel on Protektor32.
o Avoid periodic noise currently found in SSEPs by subtly optimizing the
stimulation rate.
o Specify stimulation rates to 3 decimal places.
 User experience for Protektor32 users:
o Communication recovery will occur in the background without user intervention.
o Stimulator overcurrent / overduration caused by ESU use will not require user
o TceMEP stimulator charging will occur silently.
 Timeline graph and Calc-Stim Delay now use trigger delay to avoid overlaps
 Visual stimulators now displayed on timeline graph
 Fix for missing / corrupted trending data when reviewing / resuming a study
 Improved mechanism to ensure no mismatches between waveform gain / label.
 Improved remote monitoring layout switching. Settings changes do not force layout
change on remote side.
 Fix for: EEG - live stops displaying data after headbox is forced to reset
 Fix for user specified stim Increment not being applied when stimulator is power limited
by the system.
 When adding a new trace to a group which is using group splitting, the system now
ensures that the waveform is added to a waveform window
 Remote monitoring now provides a log of all IP addresses to which it has been
connected recently.
 Portal software now checks the versions of monitoring software and warns the user if
they are not compatible.

Improvements in Patch 3 of EPWorks 4.0

 The EPWorks 4.0 Patch 3 release ensures that Protektor32 auditory stimulators now use
the common colour convention of Left = Blue and Red = Right.
o This change unifies the colour convention for both Protektor32 and Protektor.
o There is no change for users of 16 channel Protektor systems.

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Improvements in Patch 2 of EPWorks 4.0

 Improved communication tolerance on isolation box.
 Stim interleaving graph allows 0ms between end of last sweep and first stim in
next cycle
 Automatic firmware upgrade

Improvements in Patch 1 of EPWorks 4.0

 Improved behaviour of freerun EMG channels at slow timebases (below 200ms/div)
 Improved signal quality of triggered / averaged waveforms. [Out-of-Bandwidth filtering
 Fixed an issue where user could not run simultaneous AV / electrical timelines
 Fixed an issue where the stim relay could cause an artifact in the middle of a triggered
sweep (did not affect averaged)
 Fixed a defect where EEG timebase was not saved in the layout
 Fixed a case where “Invalid stream object id” message was shown when changing
certain settings.
 Fixed an issue where changing layouts would cause triggered “Live” waveform to be
shown instead of the most recent triggered waveform.

Improvements in GMA release of EPWorks 4.0

 Fixed an issue where certain chimes in mixed EMG sound garbled
 Fixed an issue with Orphaned IOMUI processes
 Fix for Grand Averaging not working on Triggered Groups
 Fixed an issue Grand Average could Disable NA/NR display in Groups window
 Fix for Baseline always displayed on top of the stack (replace mode)
 Fix for Word 2007 – new templates cannot be created.
 Fix for Chat dialog should not be closed by <Esc> key
 Fixed an issue with Remote Portal- When local deletes a note it remains on the remote

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Known Defects
 During a reconnection of a remote monitoring system, pressing “Synchronize
Display” when initially loading history window may result in a crash on the remote
 Occasional crash of IOMUI when printing History window in Windows7
 Cosmetic Report layout changes when generating reports with Microsoft Office
 After a warning stating that some TceMEP settings cannot be changed in
Remote Monitoring, the system appears to allow the change, however the
changes are not accepted.
 Warning message when Local Portal switches to a test using a TceMEP
 In remote monitoring, the gain of the Raw Sweep locked to that for the averaged.
 “Cautery Detection” bar on screen may flash after firing TceMEP stimulator
 Spectral Live window not updated after headbox disconnections - Work-around:
Close the spectral window and re-open it.
 Remote Portal - If the message about Raw Sweeps is shown, the system will not
update the screen until the message is closed.
 Portal - When connecting to long-running studies, the acquisition system may be
briefly slowed-down as the history is transferred to the remote side.
 Protektor32 - Trigger 2 does not work in trigger-out mode
 Protektor32 - Trigger out - no LED indication of "trigger out"
 Protektor32 - Auditory - few pip tones added when switch from tone to pip

Pay special attention to the versions of EPWorks software on both remote monitoring
and acquisition systems.

EPWorks software versions on both remote monitoring and acquisition systems must
match exactly.
 EPWorks 6.0 must be monitored by a system using EPWorks 6.0.
 EPWorks 6.0 can only be used to monitor a system using EPWorks 6.0
If incompatible versions of Remote Portal and Acquisition software are used together,
freezes, crashes, or lockups may occur on the remote monitoring or acquisition PC.

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