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Unit 8 4 Speaking
1 Listening The man thinks the person who wrote the description
doesn’t know much about non-traditional art, and the
information given is unoriginal and uninteresting.
1 a 4 c
2 c 5 b C
3 a un-
unable; uncontroversial; uninteresting; unloving;
D unoriginal; unwilling
1 Controversial 5 proportion non-
2 concept 6 illustration non-standard
3 represent 7 Unconventional mis-
misinterpreted; misunderstood
4 symbol 8 school
2 Grammar immovable
incomprehensible; invisible
Meeting another artist influenced Louis to change
his style. 5 Grammar
The speakers aren’t sure they understand the purpose
The word order is inverted. In regular statements, the
and the meaning of non-permanent art, but they do
subject comes before the verb(s). In the underlined
think it’s interesting.
phrases, however, the subject comes after the auxiliary
verb or the modal verb. This is the case even though the Notice!
sentences are not questions.
1 I’d love to know how they do it.
B 2 It would be good to find out whether they use
Form special tools.
1 Should, choose 3 It’s hard to understand why people go to all that
2 Had, not met trouble to create non-permanent art!
3 Had, worked 4 Well, it’s interesting to think about what the non-
permanent aspect really means.
Function 5 I think it’s natural for people to wonder what the
1 formal deeper meaning of everything is, …
2 writing 6 … but it’s impossible for me to see where the deep
meaning is in something that will be a pool of water
C in a few days!
1 Had Claude Monet not been nearsighted, he might
The question words are not being used in direct questions.
not have painted objects as soft and blurry.
2 Should you paint with colors such as cadmium red or
cobalt blue, wear gloves to protect your skin.
3 Had she known how dangerous the paint fumes
were, she would have used a fan.
4 Should you melt metal or glass with a blowtorch,
always wear protective goggles.

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masterMind level 2

B 7 Writing
Form A
1 It would be Possible answers:
2 good 1 The first paragraph describes the event, says where
3 why people go to all that trouble to create it’s taking place, how much it costs, and when you
non-permanent art. can attend.
4 what the non-permanent aspect really means. 2 The next two paragraphs discuss what the reviewer
5 It’s liked and didn’t like about the event.
6 natural 3 The last paragraph summarizes the reviewer’s
7 for people opinion and gives a negative recommendation.
8 what the deeper meaning of everything is … 4 If the writer had recommended the event, they
9 to see might have changed the order of paragraphs 2
10 where the deep meaning is in something that … and 3. They might have given a longer description
of the positives and placed them later in the review
Function rather than at the beginning.
1 not known
2 don’t expect lifeSkills
3 it would be A
Possible answers:
C 1 Curious people are always looking for new ways to
1 It would be interesting to find out where they have see and do things. Other professions: architecture,
sand sculpture exhibits. medicine, scientific research, engineering, etc.
2 It would be nice to know if/whether there is any non- 2 The sentence could mean that the man is interested
permanent art in our community. in learning new things, or that he is strange
3 It’s easy to see why non-permanent art is so popular. and unusual.
4 It’s difficult to know if/whether there have always 3 Curiosity killed the cat is a proverb meaning that
been forms of non-permanent art. if you are overly inquisitive about other people’s
5 It’s hard for me to understand what abstract art affairs, you can get into trouble.
symbolizes. 4 Many adults find this annoying and become
6 It’s important for us to consider what the world was impatient; others encourage their children’s natural
like when abstract art began. enthusiasm for learning new things.

6 Reading B
B 1 The two statements are contradictory, so the
challenge they present is how to reconcile steadily
Possible answers:
declining curiosity with the employers’ need for
Some similarities: They both lived in New York; they
creative, innovative workers.
both went to art school; they both did their graffiti on
2 Curiosity can be considered a life skill because it
public property.
makes us want to learn, and learning new things
Some differences: LADY PINK was born outside of the
develops our abilities to think, adapt, and solve
U.S.A. She quickly became well-known, whereas Haring’s
problems. It strengthens our mind by making our
drawings were famous before people knew his name.
brains active, rather than passive.
She painted mostly on subway cars and the walls of
buildings, but Haring painted mostly on subway walls.
Possible answers:
Curiosity leads people to investigate and question
things, which can help them to meet new people, visit
new places, try new activities and experiences, widen
their knowledge of the world, make new discoveries,
invent new things, and generally do things that people
who are not curious may never get to do.

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masterMind level 2

Language wrap-up

1 Vocabulary
1 incomprehensible
2 misinterpreted
3 school
4 proportion
5 illustration
6 invisible
7 symbols
8 represent
9 unable
10 unoriginal

2 Grammar
1 It’s hard for many people to describe what modern
art means.
2 It’s impossible to know when this statue was carved.
3 It’s difficult for me to guess how much a painting
4 It’s hard for my parents to understand why I want to
be an artist.
5 It would be nice to figure out what this sculpture

1 Should you read
2 Had he been famous
3 Had he not studied
4 might not have moved
5 Should you visit

Speaking workshop
1 poisoning the pigeons
2 hiring people to chase them away
3 covering the carvings with metal nets

The speaker prefers the third solution.

✓ … it’s important to …
✓ … in several ways …
✓ Three solutions … have been proposed.
✓ … is a better idea …
✓ The best of these solutions is …

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