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Part A: Solve the worksheet posted in Google Classroom.

Part B: Project work

1) Prepare a colorful booklet consisting of different puzzles with interesting examples.

puzzles, shapes related, figure related, directions, sequences, sentences, etc.)
2) Write any three puzzles which can be solved using the concept of linear equations
and solve


Prepare a project work on the Topic : “Future crops - Millets”

U N has declared the year 2023 as the international year for Millets. Let us
explore and know
more about it.
The guidelines for the project work are given below:
Page 1 - Title, Name, Class, Section etc.
Page 2 - Index
Pages 3-4 - Introduction of the topic – What are millets? How are they useful?
Page 5 - Why has the UN declared 2023 as the year of the millets ?
Page 6-7 - Leading producer states of millets in India.
Page 8-9 - Write a healthy recipe made by using millets. Try it out and paste a picture of
the same.
Page 10 - Teacher’s Remarks
• The project work should be done on A 4 size sheets.
• Write only on one side of the page.
• The project work should be supported with appropriate pictures.


Millets – “Indian super crop”

Prepare a Brochure on the types of millets grown in Telangana and Jharkhand.
(Comparative study)
A. Climate
B. Type of soil
C. Kharif or Rabi crop
D. Fertilizer and Manures used

1. Sow any type of millet seeds in the soil in a pot. Water it daily. Record your
observations in your own words. Also write a paragraph about your experience as you
see it grow into a small plant. Paste some pictures (phases of seed getting transformed
into a plant) on a scrap book.
2. Take an A3 size sheet; Make a collage on endangered animals/ birds in thE
Jharkhand and
3.Allot a notebook and write one page everyday to improve your handwriting .
Note: Marks will be allotted under Subject Enrichment Activity.


अनुच्छेद लेखन

छात्र और अनुशासन

योग का महत्व


कसी लेखक की जीवनी और रचना पर एक परियोजना तैयार कीजीए



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