MGT648 Research Proposal - Vaping

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................... 2

List of Figure.......................................................................................................................... 4

List of Table ........................................................................................................................... 4

Acknowledgment ....................................................................................................................... 5

Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 6

Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................................................................................. 7

1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 7

1.2 Background of the Study ................................................................................................. 7

1.3 Problem Statement ........................................................................................................... 9

1.4 Research Objective ........................................................................................................ 10

1.5 Research Question ......................................................................................................... 10

1.6 Significance of the study ................................................................................................ 11

1.7 Limitations of the study ................................................................................................. 12

1.8 Definition of Key Terms ................................................................................................ 13

Chapter 2: Literature Review ................................................................................................... 14

2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 14

2.2 Dependent Variable (DV): Health’s Effect.................................................................... 15

2.3 Discussion on Independent Variables (IV) .................................................................... 16

2.3.1 Cigarettes Smoking Habit ....................................................................................... 16

2.3.2 Vaping Habit ........................................................................................................... 17

2.3.3 Type of Vaping Products ........................................................................................ 17

2.4 Theory Related Study .................................................................................................... 20

2.5 Research Framework ..................................................................................................... 21

Chapter 3: Research Methodology........................................................................................... 22

3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 22

3.2 Purpose of the study ....................................................................................................... 22

3.3 Types of Investigation.................................................................................................... 22

3.4 Extent of Research Interference ..................................................................................... 23

3.5 Study Setting .................................................................................................................. 23

3.6 Unit of Analysis ............................................................................................................. 24

3.7 Time Horizon ................................................................................................................. 24

3.8 Population ...................................................................................................................... 24

3.9 Sample Size.................................................................................................................... 25

3.10 Sampling Technique .................................................................................................... 26

3.11 Survey Instrument ........................................................................................................ 26

3.12 Plan for Data Analysis ................................................................................................. 27

References ................................................................................................................................ 30

List of Figure

Figure 1 Tank Device parts name ~ 18

Figure 2 Research Framework ~ 21
Figure 3 Schematic Diagram of the Research Design ~ 29

List of Table

Table 1 Definition of Key Terms ~ 13

Table 2 Determining Sample Krejcie & Morgan (1970) ~ 25
Table 3 Sources of Questionnaire ~ 27
Table 4 Planned Data Analysis of the Study ~ 28


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

~All praise to Him.

Let Allah’s Peace and Blessings be upon His Final Messenger, his pure family, his noble
Companions, and all those who follow them with righteousness until the Day of Judgment. Our
humblest gratitude to the holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬whose way of life has been a continuous
guidance for us.

First and foremost, we would like to sincerely thank our MGT648’s lecturer, Dr. Mohd Zulkifli
Bin Abdullah for his guidance, understanding, patience and most importantly, he has provided
positive encouragement and a warm spirit to finish this work. It had been a great pleasure and
honour to have him taught Research Methods this semester.

Pandemic recovery period was quite straining for everyone. Stress, anxiety, time and economic
strains impact many of us. Hence, highest appreciation for our members that have given
incomparable efforts on making this project to the best version possible. Deep gratitude goes
to all our family members, and friends who are always there for us. They are certainly a gift,
of which often taken for granted.

There are no words to fully appreciate all the kind support we have received. May Allah grant
the above cited personalities with success and honour in their life, as well as safety and health
from this moment on. Āmīn.



December 2022


Vaping has been a new norm this past decade. The activity was not popular in the decade prior,
where smoking was more prevalent as an addiction dependence product. Vape is the product
to answer the addiction to cigarettes where it is supposed to be safer and less harmful to the
health. But with the growth of the vaping industry, more research in the context of its effects
on health needs to be done to educate the public. There are less known on university students
in Malaysia.

Hence, this study focuses on identifying the demographic characteristics, smoking and vaping
habits, type of vaping products, and lastly, perceived health effects that may due to vaping.
This research method uses a quantitative research design with a survey model. The sample used
in this study is the students of UITM Shah Alam, who have dabbled in vaping.

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction

Vaping can cause unwanted health effects depending on the frequency and duration in years of
one has been vaping. Other factors that may cause unwanted health effects that are associated
with vaping are cigarette smoking habits and types of vaping products being used by
respondents of this research. However, the health effects may vary for everyone since it will
also depend on someone’s existing health condition. According to Wan Puteh S.E. (2018)
shown in research that most people believe that they have no health effects associated with
vaping. But when the research proceeded further that cough 14.1% and dizziness 14.4% are
some of the adverse effects of vaping. Thus, this paper is to profile vaping among university
students, and explore factors that may resulted to health effects on the students.

1.2 Background of the Study

Vaping is an act of inhaling or smoking the e-cigarette, which also known as vapes. It is a
device that use a battery to heat a liquid, usually containing nicotine, flavorings, and other
chemicals, into an aerosol that can be inhaled (CDC, 2022). Nowadays, vaping has become
prevalent amongst young people, as a way to use nicotine and other substances. Some time
ago, vaping was a means for people to stop smoking, but there are studies it may have become
a gateway to smoking for young people who have never smoke before (Khouja & Suddell,
2019). Although quite number of studies on the subject of vaping, the long-term health effects
of vaping are not yet fully understood especially when the industry is still in growing flux, a
lot on innovations recently introduced in the market.

Vaping can be harmful in a number of ways, some of which are caused by the device itself and
others by the different e-liquid solutions that are vaped. The vaping liquid solutions and
aerosols have been found to contain a number of substances that are known to be toxic,
carcinogenic, or cause disease. These include delivery solvents, flavourings, carbonyl

compounds, minor tobacco alkaloids, tobacco-specific nitrosamines, reactive oxygen species,
metals, and other toxicants (Mills, 2017). However, the toxicity of the liquid solutions and
aerosols depends on how they are made and how they are used. Whereas, the vaping devices
use of high temperatures to make the aerosol, the chemicals in the liquid solution may change
when exposed to heat, creating potentially toxic by-products like formaldehyde that weren't
there in the original recipe. So, the ingredients used in liquid solutions that the FDA generally
considers safe for oral consumption may change when heated in vaping devices and may be
harmful to health (Mohamad Sleiman et al., 2016). These products are not considered safe to
breathe in. Furthermore, liquid solutions exposed to the heating element of some vaping
devices had a higher concentration of heavy metals than liquid solutions in refillable
dispensers. This showed that the device itself was contaminated. These heavy metals included
chromium, nickel, and lead, which can cause neurotoxicity, cardiovascular disease, respiratory
disease, and lung cancer.

Vaping products commonly have presence of nicotine to loosen the addiction over cigarette.
But nicotine's harmful effects extend beyond just addiction. The cardiovascular system takes
the biggest hit because of nicotine's negative effects on the cardiovascular system, including
increased heart rate and blood pressure that can lead to hypertension and heart disease. Nicotine
has negative effects on several bodily functions, including the respiratory, reproductive, and
immune systems (Barrington-Trimis et al., 2016). Although data is limited, it is possible that
nicotine speeds up the progression of cancer and other illnesses. Teens' mental and emotional
development can be negatively impacted by nicotine's interference with neurotransmitter
activity. The long-term effects on the brain's function are what ultimately cause nicotine
addiction (Know the Risks of E-Cigarettes for Young People, n.d.). The negative consequences
of nicotine on a developing brain include changes in intelligence, mood, and character
(however human studies on the long-term effects are scarce).

Peer and societal forces contribute to the high prevalence of vaping addiction among
adolescents. Hence, this project paper document particulars in detail regarding the vaping and
cigarette smoking habit, type of vaping products and the health effects perceived on the
students who are vaping.

1.3 Problem Statement

The sharp increase in the prevalence of e-cigarette use among university students, highlights
the compelling need to learn more about this evolving class of products. This research
highlights the scientific literature that addresses potential adverse health effects caused by
cigarette smoking habits and vaping habits among respondents. Literature regarding harmful
consequences of close contact with vaping products are also explored.

This research will determine the perceived health implications of vaping among UITM Shah
Alam students. Of note, given the relatively recent emergence of e-cigarettes, data are not yet
available that address the long-term health effects of use or exposure over several years
compared with non-use or exposure to air free from second-hand tobacco smoke and aerosol
from e-cigarettes; thus, the discussion is limited in that regard.

University students that are vaping have the possibility of experiencing adverse health impacts
from acute nicotine administration as well as other side effects including nicotine addiction.
The developmental consequences of nicotine exposure on the brain, which may have an impact
on cognition, attention, and mood. The perceived health consequences of e-cigarettes on
psychosocial health, and symptoms over students’ physiological are discussed.

When a nicotine addict quits, their body and brain must adjust. Nicotine withdrawal may occur.
Nicotine withdrawal causes irritation, restlessness, anxiety, depression, insomnia,
concentration issues, and cravings (Office on Smoking and Health, National Center for Chronic
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, n.d.). To alleviate these symptoms, smokers may
continue (Truth Initiative Mental Health X Vaping Headline Survey Internal Data, 2021).
Students may vape to relieve tension or anxiety, causing nicotine dependency. Nicotine
addiction may cause stress. Social experimentation may become an addiction. Students usually
attempt e-cigarettes because "a friend used them." “I am nervous, agitated, or depressed” is the
most prevalent reason students use e-cigarettes (Gentzke, 2022). Youth e-cigarette and
cigarette usage are linked to depression.

E-cigarette health effects are currently being studied. Long-term lung damage from e-cigarette
aerosol chemicals is possible. But since many of vape, users are below than a decade of vaping
history, especially university students who mostly have less than five years of vaping history.
Hence this paper replicates many previously done studies with updated sample that are exposed

to the new products available on the market, and varied habits and smoking history. We believe
newly required data will provide fresh insight on vaping and its health implications, especially
towards the students’ age group.

1.4 Research Objective

This research seeks to describe vaping among UITM Shah Alam’s students.

In particular, the goals of the research are as follows:

1. To describe the cigarette smoking habits among students who are vaping.
2. To describe the prevalence of vaping habits among students, including the frequency
and types of vaping products used.
3. To describe the impact of vaping on students' health, including any respiratory
symptoms or other health problems they may have experienced.

1.5 Research Question

To complete this research, the following issues must be addressed.

What are the elements that are necessary to depict vaping among UITM Shah Alam students?

Therefore, the following questions will serve as the basis for the research:

1. What is cigarette smoking habits among students who are vaping?

2. What is the frequency and most commonly used vaping products and e-juice among
university students, and how do these preferences vary by demographic factors such as
age and gender?
3. What are perceived health effects commonly found among students who are vaping?

1.6 Significance of the study

As defined in the previous chapter, the use of vape products among adult, youth or even
university students are seen to be a rising phenomenon over the past few years. It also has
increasingly been recognized as a public health issue and most people, especially students are
unaware of the risks of vaping.

This study will provide new insights into the effect and implications of vaping specifically
towards the health of university students. Many of them tend to think of vaping as safer than
smoking but it is still not safe and maybe harmful to their health (Teh, 2022). From the
statistical analysis, this study will spread awareness among those students who are currently
vaping and perhaps with ‘dual use’ habit.

Besides, the vape industry has skyrocketed in recent years with more new types of products
coming into market especially after 2017. This has significantly changed the trend and attracted
more youth to start vaping. As a consequence, this rising dramatically demonstrates the dangers
of an unregulated market in vape substances or e-liquid products with no premarket review for
consumer safety. There has been more evidence that the current e-liquid have high nicotine
concentration levels, about 5% or higher which may increase the dependence or addiction.
Also, there will be a chance the latest products will induce new types of symptoms. Hence, this
study will factorise all the new product types and analyse more accurately their effect towards
the student’s health.

On another note, many studies from the previous research group were not concentrated towards
the students. We found that most of the dataset was limited to the general adults and youth, and
small groups of residency communities. However, a lot of research found that vape is becoming
a trend and cheap thrill for the university students. While most of them are claiming that vape
is a safer alternative to conventional cigarettes, the bigger problem which alarmed us is that
vape products are currently luring many new users among youth who may have not smoked
cigarettes before. Thus, this study will centralise an analysis towards the university students in
UiTM Shah Alam and alarming them the risk of vaping or having dual habits between vape
and conventional cigarettes.

1.7 Limitations of the study

Like any majority of studies, the foundation of this study also has several limitations. The first
is quantifying vaping consumption is not a straightforward approach at all. Various measures
have been proposed to relate the health implications of vaping such as number of puffs, quantity
of e-liquid; yet, the reliability and validity of the information is very limited. We observed that
most of the vapers would not quantify their vaping consumption or habit and more likely to
exaggerate just an assumption.

The second limitation is the issue of variability of the vape product which adds up the
complexity level of the study. A lot of new product types including devices and e-liquid are
entering the current market. Some quantities of e-liquid might only apply to certain types of
devices or mods. This will be a challenge to measure the quantity comparison across devices.
Also, more advanced devices allow the vapers to control the voltage use which have been found
to be correlated with higher nicotine dependence symptoms.

On top of that, the dataset we have collected from the study only covers the period from 20-31
December 2022. We believe more time will provide as much data as possible which will
contribute to a better and comprehensive finding of the health effect from vaping habit. In
future work, we hope that we are able to extend more time on data collection involving student
respondents and further examine the statistical correlation between vaping and specific health
effects or symptoms.

Lastly, the students in this study might be persuaded by a lack of trusted information about the
symptoms of vaping as most of them lack knowledge regarding the typical signs associated
with vaping habits. This lack of knowledge is apparently associated with lack of the requisite
awareness on the risk of vaping. Besides, the severity of the adverse events, smoking or vaping
related diseases and withdrawal symptoms reported during the data sampling were based on
the respondents’ own experience and were not being independently evaluated by the health
officer. No physical examinations were conducted to evaluate the severity of these effects
(symptoms and diseases).

1.8 Definition of Key Terms

Key Terms Description / Explanations Source / Reference

Cart Slang term for the Cartridge. (Medina, 2017)

Cartridge The part of the e-cigarette or vape that hold the (Medina, 2017)
Dual user People who are both smoker and vaper (Borland & Murray, 2019)

E-liquid Liquid nicotine solution for use inside an e- (Department of Health,

cigarette or vaping product. Also known as e- 2022)
juice or vape juice.
Pods A latest mod or device that are similar to a cig- (Vapor, 2018)
a-like and are used with nicotine salt e-juices.
Pods can be refillable or come pre-filled.
Tanks A disposable vaping device that has about (Vaping Lingo Dictionary:
many puffs as an entire pack of cigarettes. A guide to popular terms
Usually comes in a variety of flavours and and devices, 2020)
contains 1.2mL of salt-based nicotine e-liquid
Stig The top portion of a box mod or refillable pen (Vaping Lingo Dictionary:
that holds the e-liquid A guide to popular terms
and devices, 2020)
Vape Mod A modified device used for vaping which is (Liv, 2019)
customizable. It is also considered as a modern
and advanced vaporizer compared to the past
e-cigarettes and vape pens.

Table 1: Definitions of Key Terms

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

Over the past few years, vape use has risen significantly both globally and in Malaysia
(Mohamed, Rahman, Jamshed, & Mahmood, 2018). This emerging trend or habit has
increasingly prevailed our public health concern and no matter how it is being delivered, the
typical nicotine inside of the vape products is still harmful for youth and even adults.

This chapter will provide a review on the implications and effects of vaping habits towards the
UiTM Shah Alam student’s health which will be illustrated as a dependent variable (DV) of
the study. This DV will be statistically analysed and measured along with the other independent
variables (IV) such as; the use of conventional cigarettes and vaping products, years of vaping
initiation, frequency and type of vaping products consumed by the university student

This chapter finally concludes with sections summary of the literature review which will justify
the relevance of the proposed study.

2.2 Dependent Variable (DV): Health’s Effect

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention there is evidence of the impact of
vaping towards health (Siegal, 2019). The World Health Organization (WHO) definition is
Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence
of disease or infirmity (Callahan, 1973). Albeit there are several other definitions, or categories
associated with health, many researchers and theorists still maintain the definition used by
WHO and respecting as a global concept (Svalastog, 2017).

Consequently, ‘health effects’ is defined as the changes in health resulting from exposure to a
source. As for this study, the sources are due to vaping or being a dual smoker of both cigarettes
and vaping. It will be discussed thoroughly as an independent variable in the following section.

For this study, the health’s scope of categories is narrowed to only physical health, due to
limited scope and focus area.

According to Koipysheva, physical fitness is associated with a person's physical capacity, as

well as “optimal work capacity and social activity with the maximum health expectancy”.
There are four factors that influence physical health, which are genetics, health status, the state
of the environment, and a person's mode of life (Koipysheva, 2018). In respect to this study,
the factors that are measured are the health status of the vapers, as well as their mode of life.
However only miniscule number of vapers that took up vaping ever did a medical check, thus,
identifying the illness would be impossible. Thus, in this study the indicators for health status
are measured by mild symptoms relating to smoking or vaping as mentioned in several studies
on the same subject. The symptoms would be the sign that may eventually affect a person’s
life expectancy. [HSH1]

The symptoms are based on expected comorbidity diseases such as Asthma, Diabetes, High
Cholesterol related diseases, High Blood Pressure related diseases, Kidney diseases, Heart
Disease, Lungs and others (Wan Puteh, Abdul Manap, & Hassan, 2018). For example,
breathing difficulties would be symptoms for both asthma and lung.

2.3 Discussion on Independent Variables (IV)

In this section, we’ll discuss further on findings from previous research conducted on our
selected variables for independent variables such Cigarettes Smoking Habits, Vaping Habits,
and Type of Vaping Products.

2.3.1 Cigarettes Smoking Habit

As we know E-cigarette or vape are one of the solutions for smoking cessation. But new users
of vape do not necessarily have a smoking history. There are plenty of reasons for vaping aside
from it being an aid to stop smoking, for example due to enjoyment, social, perception of it
being less harmful and much more (Mcneill & Brose, 2021). In fact, from a study done among
Malaysian University students in the year of 2017, there are about 40.3% dual users (Wan
Puteh, Abdul Manap, & Hassan, 2018). Hence, this study intends to study how smoking
history, dual smoker, or exclusive vaping users may impact their health.

This variable will be measured by how many cigarettes they smoke and duration of years, or
whether they have ever smoked or stopped smoking at all.

From the same study Wan Puteh, Abdul Manap, & Hassan (2018), the importance of this
classification and measurement is to make distinction between groups towards their impact on
health. Based on the study, there is significant correlation between these groups and the
symptom presence among each group. The dual users have approximately higher chances of
getting symptoms compared to other groups. One important result is that smokers that are
exclusive to e-cigarette have the lowest number of symptoms.

Previous study had shown that there are symptoms which are exclusive to vapers, and since
2017, almost 6 years have passed. A new study is necessary to strengthen the theory that vape
has much more implications to health compared to cigarettes.

2.3.2 Vaping Habit

Vaping habits is the behavior pattern, or tendency of vapers in regard to their vaping addiction.

In prior research, there are much correlation between vaping habits, and the number of
symptoms a vaper had. Some dimensions of vaping habits, are, the period since first picking
up vaping and frequency of their vaping per certain duration (Wan Puteh, Abdul Manap, &
Hassan, 2018).

The habit of vaping is also highly influenced by the amount of nicotine involved. Since there
are products which have a low to high amount of nicotine, it would create an addiction effect
to the vaper, which may raise the number of inhaling frequencies of vape. Thus, vapers who
use nicotine-containing juice may have higher chances to get health effects from vaping. There
are studies that support the more nicotine increases higher vape consumption (Smets &
Baeyens, 2019).

2.3.3 Type of Vaping Products

Currently, Malaysia is reported as one of the world’s largest e-liquid manufacturers. As a

whole, the industry in Malaysia currently worth about RM2.27 billion, and could be RM10
billion in just several years (Chung, 2022). There are more entrepreneurs and products out there
than ever before. But the birth of new vape technologies, while it may cater different needs
and preferences of consumers, ultimately, it could give impact to the health of consumers.

Currently, there are myriad type of vape products, ranging from cheap to expensive, disposable
and refillable, and different kinds of components for the vape. Vape juice also have different
kind of flavors and not regulated, except for juice that contain nicotine. But that also banned
from some state, such as Johor.

Hence this variable intends to identify whether there any correlation between type of products
and their health effect on consumer.

In study done by Wan Puteh, Abdul Manap, & Hassan (2018), the vape juice is made distinct
whether it is imported or local product, and also the amount of nicotine present. But the paper
discussed how vape is relevant as smoking cessation, and did not relate to the health outcome
of different kinds of products.
17 Vaping Products in Malaysia

There are two types of vape products identified which are commonly used by Malaysians. First
is refillable & rechargeable, it can be divided into two types as well which are tanks and pods.
Secondly, is disposable vape products that can be discarded once “e-liquid” has finished or
once met the maximum quantity of “puffs” as per mentioned on packaging.

i. Refillable & rechargeable

• Tanks

Vaping tank systems have a larger

storage to refill the “e-liquid” from
individual bottle of 30ml or 50ml. It may
take some time to refill the tank but the
“e-liquid” lasts longer than other types of
vape products.

Tank device may be pricey as the parts

usually made out of stainless steel, air is
adjustable and some has glass windows.
The parts of tank device usually can be
replaced if it is damaged but it has to be
Figure 1: Tank Device parts name
purchased separately. This tank device
can be expensive to the extent of RM 100.00 or more depending on the materials of the
devices’s parts.

• Pods

NCIG is a local brand that was launched in 2019 by former smoker to promote the
cessation of smoking by using NCIG. NCIG is refillable pods that can be purchased
either the device only or both devices and pre-filled called NPODS.

The device has to be charged and has a battery indicator on its body. Red light indicates
low battery, meanwhile, green light on the device indicates that it is fully charged and

ready to use. It still uses the USB type-C for easier charging. The price for the device
is ranging from RM 69.00 to RM 79.00 for the brand mentioned.

NCIG is refilled by replacing the cartridge or NPODS which is more convenient and
saves time. NPODS can be classified into two types; Regular and Light that can be
bought singular pre-filled pod or box of 4 pre-refilled pods. While, for the pre-refilled
price ranging from RM 12.00 to RM 45.00 based on the quantity purchased from the
mentioned brand.

ii. Disposable

Voltbar is one of the known brands in Malaysia where it is convenient handheld and
shaped like a battery. Disposable pods usually have unique packaging and design to
attract youth in purchasing since market for vape products are competitive.

Disposable pods have a maximum unit of measurement written on the packaging as

it is one of the factors to purchase a certain brand. Voltbar stated that all of their
products each has 6000 puffs that come in four series which are Creamy, Fruity,
Drinks and Ice cream. It can be disposed of once it has met the maximum quantity
of puffs and there is no need to refill or recharge it. Vape product users mainly prone
to use the disposable pods due to affordable price range if were to use more frequent
in their daily lives. Price ranging from RM 40.00 and above for the brand mentioned

2.4 Theory Related Study

There is plethora of studies in regards to the impacts of vape on health, especially in recent
years where the vape industry have settled in about a decade. The associations of variables in
this study are based from profiling done by Wan Puteh, Abdul Manap, & Hassan (2018). The
study made significant finding between vaping habits among students and effect of health by
the symptoms perceived. The study also highlights some different types of vape and its
relations to health. Both of the variables seems to indicate there are impacts of vaping on

Additionally, in the study by Abafalvi & Penzes (2018), highlight the relationship between
dual-users, exclusive vape users, varies along with their frequencies of consumption towards
the health in the aspects of adverse events, physiological and mental functions. Thus this study
use three variables present from both of the studies to iterate on new study sample. Although
Abafalvi is focused on relationship, this study are more keen to describe the vaping
phenomenon, and recording the characteristics of the sample, including the inhibit health
effects of the respondents.

2.5 Research Framework
Research framework that we use is a conceptual framework in which both independent and
dependent variables are determined and to study or explore these variables in depth. In addition,
to identify the context factors that influence these variables. As mentioned in section 2.3.1,
vaping as alternatives to combat cigarette smoking is one of the reasons people enjoy vaping
(Mcneill & Brose, 2021).

The motive of this study is to investigate the connection between cigarette smoking habit,
vaping habit, and types of vaping products with regards to health effects. Therefore, the goal
of the study is to discover the factors that give impact on types of health effects that are
experienced by each respondent.

Figure 2: Research Framework

The diagram above (Figure 2) represents variables used in descriptive study with the causes
proposed and their expansion as detailed information which is interpreted in percentage, means,
standard deviation and others. The points that influence cigarette smoking habits are how many
cigarettes they smoke and duration of years, exclusive or dual smoker, or whether they have
ever smoked or stopped smoking at all. Besides that, the factors that affect vaping habits are
behaviour patterns, the period since first picking up vaping and frequency of their vaping per
certain duration (Wan Puteh, Abdul Manap, & Hassan, 2018).

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction

This section is based on Chapter 3, which will describe in detail the research method and
method of doing the research. In addition, the research that was carried will provide any added
information gained about the study’s objective. Besides that, it will elucidate any research
barrier that was perceived while doing the research.

Next section will expound on information concerning the study setting, unit of analysis, time
horizon, population, sample size and sample technique that we have analysed and determined
in our study. Study strategy and research survey medium will then be explained extensively in
the following section below.

3.2 Purpose of the study

This study uses the descriptive study which focuses on describing independent and dependent
variables identified in this study. Therefore, this study’s desire is to produce a thorough
profiling of vaping among students in UITM Shah Alam in the aspects of cigarette smoking
habits, vaping habits, types of vaping products as well as the perceived health effects the
students have.

3.3 Types of Investigation

Descriptive study that is used in this research is to study variable particulars such as type of
smokers, frequency of smoking, duration of smoking, type of vaping product, and perceived
health effect currently experienced by the students. These variables show how one’s health is
affected by determining the symptoms experienced by them. A descriptive study is developed
to describe distribution of data based on one or more variables without any hypothesis
(National Library of Medicine, 2019).

The objective of using this descriptive method in this research is for the purpose of guiding our
study in exploring the variables and helps make some inferences of the factors that contributing
to the health effects.

3.4 Extent of Research Interference

The character of our procedure in carrying this research will only involve a slight amount of
interference as we will obtain data or information required through questionnaires. No
manipulation on the variables that are being studied. Respondents of this questionnaire will
only consume about 5 to 10 minutes to answer the questions. However, there will be an extent
of research interference to which the study is non causal or correlational between the variables
used in this research.

3.5 Study Setting

Study setting is defined as describing the environment in which the investigation or study is
conducted (B Clarsen, 2014). There is no deception of the variables as the data required from
questionnaires and this study’s purpose are based on the respondent’s first-hand experience.

3.6 Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis is the subject of a given investigation. Individuals, groups, artifacts (books,
photographs, and newspapers), geographical units (town, census tract, state), and social
interactions (dyadic relations, divorces, arrests) could all serve as units of analysis in a study
(Prof William M.K. Trochim, 2019). As a result, since the purpose of the study is to determine
the health risks connected with vaping for an individual. Consequently, statistics are collected
from students in UiTM Shah Alam for this purpose.

3.7 Time Horizon

There are two sorts of temporal frames, according to Saunders et al. (2007), longitudinal and
cross-sectional. Longitudinal studies are conducted repeatedly over a prolonged time frame.
Cross-sectional studies are restricted to a certain period. In addition to being limited to a certain
time, this study employs a cross-sectional time horizon.

3.8 Population

The population is defined as a collection of constituents (things or people) that meet the sample
criteria's requirements. The population sampling technique entails picking a sample of
individuals to represent the selected population. Consequently, statistics are collected from
students at Faculty of Business UiTM Shah Alam for this purpose.

3.9 Sample Size

The size elements of a population are referred to as the sampling size. According to Saunders
et al. (2007), the larger the sample size, the less likely the inaccuracy in extrapolating to the

Table 2 – Determining Sample Krejcie & Morgan (1970)

In regards of our level, we are using Krejcie and Morgan's (1970) framework to establish our
sample size. According to our search for the number of students at Faculty of Business UiTM
Shah Alam, there are now 1000 enrolled in UiTM. According to Morgan and Krejcie (1970),
given the population size of 1000, the sample size should be 278.

3.10 Sampling Technique

Saunders et al. (2007) emphasize that sampling technique provides a variety of ways for
reducing the quantity of data required for evaluation. In addition, he categorises sampling
procedures as probability sampling and non-probability sampling. In probability sampling,
each case has the same probability of being selected from the population, whereas in non-
probability sampling, the likelihood of case selection is unknown. Due to the study's restricted
specific objective, this study has decided to utilize probability sampling technique to reach the
targeted respondents.

3.11 Survey Instrument

In this study, we have developed structured, self-administered, and closed-ended online

questionnaires in English as the main instrument of the research survey. During this
development, we have been referring to the well-known published sources and previous
research, by taking into account the cognitive model (Sudman, Bradburn, & Schwarz, 1996) to
help us in considering the survey response.

This questionnaire set consists of 48 related questions to determine the health effects associated
with vaping among the UiTM Shah Alam students and has been divided into three sections.
Firstly, the Section A is a demographic type of question included age, gender (sex) and marital
status and level of education. In Section B, the students were asked if they had ever smoked a
cigarette, vape or both, age at smoking/vaping initiation, frequency of vaping, the type of
vaping products used, among other questions. The questions in the last part, Section C were
mainly focused on the health effect including any symptoms or including adverse and
physiological effects experienced by the students who smoke and vape.

The participants will be questioned individually for approximately 10-15 minutes with
maintaining all the confidentiality of information. All the questions were adapted from different
sources and literature as mentioned in table below with slight modification to suit the study.

Description No. of Item Sources

Section A: (Wan Puteh, Abdul Manap, &

• Demographic Information 5 Hassan, 2018)

Section B:
• B1: Smoking Use Profile 4 (Wan Puteh, Abdul Manap, &
• B2: Vape Use Profile 7 Hassan, 2018),
• B3: Tendency of vaping
Habit 8

Section C: (Abafalvi et al., 2019)

• C1: Adverse Effect 15
• C2: Physiological Function 9

Total Question 48

Table 3 – Sources of Questionnaire

3.12 Plan for Data Analysis

Data for this study will be collected through participation of the students from UiTM Shah
Alam who are currently either a smoker, vaper or dual-user. A cross-sectional online survey
questionnaire will be conducted through Google Forms and circulated via social media
platforms e.g. Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Telegram for an effective engagement and reach

All the collected data will be analysed using SPSS software prior to thoroughly check to
determine the completeness and accuracy. The information was analysed using a wide range
of descriptive and inferential statistics, such as mean, standard deviation, frequency, percentage
correlation coefficient, and multiple regression as detailed in the table below.

Research Objectives Research Questions Scale Statistic

RO1 RQ1 Nominal Mean,

Standard Deviation
To describe the cigarette smoking habits What is cigarette smoking habits among students
among students who are vaping. who are vaping?

RO2 RQ2 Nominal Mean,

Standard Deviation
To describe the prevalence of vaping habits What is the frequency and most commonly used
among students, including the frequency vaping products and e-juice among university Interval
and types of vaping products used. students, and how do these preferences vary by (Likert Scale)
demographic factors such as age and gender?

RO3 RQ3 Interval Mean,

(Likert Scale) Standard Deviation

To describe the impact of vaping on What are perceived health effects commonly found
students' health, including any respiratory among students who are vaping?
symptoms or other health problems they
may have experienced.

Table 4 – Planned Data Analysis of the Study

Figure 3: Schematic Diagram of the Research Design


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