Application of Semiotic Analysis in The Study of Signs On "Anti-Corruption" - 20231113 - 142200 - 0000

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Application of Semiotic Analysis in The

Study of Signs on “Anti-Corruption” in

Various Literary Works
Group 5
Allisya Zahra A Adyra Kusuma
(1205030027) (1205030007)

Alifa Yusma A Shafia nurul imani

(1205030024) (1205030208)

Amien Imaduddin Ahmad Anas Saepudin

(1205030031) (1205030010)
Semiotics analysis in the study of signs
Semiotics analysis in the study of signs on “anti-
The rule of law on “anti-corruption”
“Anti-corruption” in public messages and public
“Anti-corruption” in poster and meme
“Anti-corruption” in news and magazine
Application of Semiotic
Analysis in The Study of Signs
Semiotic analysis is a method of studying signs and symbols to
understand how meaning is created and conveyed in various
forms of communication. It is a multidisciplinary approach that
can be applied to various fields, including linguistics, literature,
visual arts, marketing, cultural studies, and more.
Semiotic Analysis in The Study of
Signs on "Anti-Corruption"
Infographics as a means of communication that has a
recreational function are used as a tool for notification,
reporting, publication, reconstruction incidents or incidents even
to financial reports. This is related to the dominance of visual
language over verbal language.
Semiotic Analysis in The Study of
Signs on "Anti-Corruption"
Infographics were chosen to convey an anti-corruption message
because in this modern era, infographics are considered
effective in reaching and influencing audiences.
Rule of Law in context “anti-corruption”
The rule of law is a concept of a legal state in which the law holds
the highest position in the governance of a country. Indonesia, as
a legal state, also adopts the concept of the rule of law.

The function of the Rule of Law, in essence, serves as a formal

guarantee of 'a sense of justice' for the people of Indonesia and
also 'social justice,' as enshrined in the preamble of the 1945
Rule of Law in context “anti-corruption”
Illustration Rule of Law Application Rule of law in context “anti corruption”

1. Anti-Corruption Law
2. Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)
3. Anti-Corruption Courts
4. Transparency and accountability
5. Anti-Corruption Education
“Anti Coruption” in public massage and
public advertisiment
In analyzing Public massage and public advertisment
using Saussure theory, one can conduct an analysis by
means of signifier,signified and sign

In this context, Saussure's theory helps you to

understand how language and symbols are used to
convey the concept of "anti-corruption" in public
messages and advertisements, where the signifier (the
term and visuals) points to the signified (the underlying
idea and values).
“Anti Coruption” in public massage and
“Anti Coruption” in poster and memes

In analyzing posters and memes using Pierce's theory,

analysis can be carried out through signs, objects, and

By focusing on these three component elements, you can

identify how the signs in a poster or meme relate to the
object represented and how the interpretant (meaning)
is constructed by the audience.
“Anti Coruption” in poster and memes
Identify the signs or
symbols in the poster or
meme. These can be
images, text, symbols,
or colors used in the

Determine the object being represented by these signs. The
object could be a product, idea, figure, event, or other cultural
Analyze the interpretants, which are how these signs are interpreted by the viewers or readers.
“Anti Coruption” in News and Magazine
In analyzing news and magazines using Roland Barthes'
theory, sign analysis can be carried out using
denotation and connotation.

By using these two elements you can identify how the

denotation of the relationship between the signifier and
the signified relates to the reality of spontaneous or
explicit meaning and also has implicit meaning or the
meaning contained within it.
“Anti Coruption” in News and magazines
The meaning of denotation is direct,
and can be called an image of a

The meaning that can be given to
symbols is the interaction that occurs
when the sign meets the feelings or
emotions of the reader and the values ​
of their culture.
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